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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, August 20, 2021

What's NEW this Weekend on Hallmark and UPtv - See Here:

Take a look at what's new this weekend...

Saturday, August 21, 2021:

Storyline: In order to save her daytime soap drama from cancellation, head writer Maggie must convince Darin, fan-favorite actor and her real-life ex-boyfriend, to return to the show. The show’s producer, Alice, who created the series, wants to retire and hopes to pass the baton to Maggie, if the soap can be salvaged.

Saturday, August 21, 2021
at 9pm/8c on the Hallmark Channel


Sunday, August 22, 2021:

Storyline via UPtv: Best selling author Charlotte Meyers, the epitome of a sophisticated Chicago city girl finds herself spending a month in the wilderness of Minnesota to research and write her new book “The City Girl’s Guide to Wilderness Survival.” Her personal wilderness guide is ROB – a handsome, down-to-earth, guy who doesn’t expect Charlotte to do very well in his neck of the woods. However, before long, they realize they have far more in common than not – and soon find themselves falling in love.

Love Upstream premieres
Sunday, August 22, 2021
at 7pm/8c on UPtv


Sunday, August 22, 2021:

SEASON 5: EPISODE 2 - Nice Work If You Can Get It:

Abby looks to the past and how it will drastically change her future, romantically and otherwise. Mick and Abby deal with the damage to the reputation of O’Brien Construction, Jess struggles with something David’s parents gave her, and Bree realizes two different men from her past may be returning to her life…and her heart.

Sunday nights
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel


Sunday, August 22, 2021:

Storyline: While on a “pre-honeymoon” getaway, Aurora (Bure) and Nick (Matter) discover a body, and as they get closer to finding out what really happened, danger knocks on their doorstep.

Sunday, August 22, 2021
at 9pm/8c on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries


I hope you all enjoy the new movies this weekend; I'm looking forward to seeing this new chapter in the Aurora Teagarden mystery series.

It's rather hard, though... I must admit, to get really excited over the new movies right now... as it seems so frivolous, considering everything going on in the world. My heart continues to be heavy for our American citizens who are right now living in fear and captivity in Afghanistan. My prayers are with them all - night and day.

May you all have a peaceful and pleasant weekend.

Please note: I have not pre-screened the new movies listed above. If you'd like to post a review on whether a film is family-friendly, please share in comments.

Blessings, Net


"Mercy onto you, and peace,
and love, be multiplied."
~Jude 1:2

*images: Hallmark Crown Media


  1. One of these days I would like to see Aurora Teegarden Mysteries: Christmas

    1. Me too, Chris! But I'd like the mystery to be something besides murder, maybe a theft at the library instead?

  2. I'm interested to see how the Jen Lilley/ Ryan Paevey match-up works out - the plot sounds good.

    Also any new Steve Lund movie is an event!

    But best of all Stephen Huszar in Chesapeake Shores! - the only question is - how permanent is this? - Florence

    1. It was so good to see Jen and Ryan together again. As veteran Soap Stars they made it more realistic. I enjoyed it. Btw, I haven't seen a soap since I was 16 years old - a long, long, time ago.

    2. I really enjoyed Love Upstream with Steve Lund. If it is released on DVD I'll probably buy it.

    3. Namegirl, thank you so much for sharing this review!

      I haven't had the chance to watch "A Little Daytime Drama," yet, but I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. The press photos looked so good - I'm excited to see Jen & Ryan paired up again! :)

      Btw - I posted your review here:

    4. Thank you, Namegirl, for also sharing a review for "Love Upstream!" I'm hoping as time goes by we'll see some DVD releases for these UP movies, I know there's a big demand for them.

      I posted your review here:

  3. Thank you, Net! Hugs to you.


    1. Thank you, Misty! I needed that... bless you! Hugs back to you, too!

  4. Net, thank you for keeping us informed. This has been a sad week with Afghanistan and Haiti. I listened to a missionary who had been in Afghanistan and is returning now. With all that is happening, he is full of hope for what God is doing there. He said Afghanistan will become a Christian nation. He was arrested in Jan. 2021 but was set free by a Muslim who knew him because his son had been healed by Jesus Christ. This is his 4th time going and knows his life is in danger. I am sharing this because his message was so uplifting to me. My heart has been so burdened for these people. He said to hold on because God is at work. Praying for them and him too.

    There are so many movies listed I want to watch. Don't know how but I will try to watch or record all of them. A little distraction is appreciated.

    1. kitkat, thank you for sharing your heart and that incredible story with us. It's nice to know there are some good things happening amongst all the bad. I pray there are many more powerful rescue stories like this. Bless you my friend for sharing this hope!

      It was nice over the weekend to have some moments of levity as I watched a few favorite shows. As far as the new, I've only seen Aurora, so far, and I thought it was somewhat good. Sally and Arthur both weren't in it, so it wasn't quite the same. Roe and Nick were fairly cute on their pre-honeymoon. I thought it was kinda of annoying, though, that they kept saying it was their PRE-honeymoon. It was almost as if going to a beautiful cabin nearby on the lake wasn't good enough to be their actual honeymoon, which was to be Paris. Anyway, it was a family friendly sort of mystery (I would say 12 and up, as usual, due to some violence) and even though I guessed the person, it was still an intriguing who-dun-it!

    2. Net, I recorded all of these. Thank you for the review of Aurora. I am looking forward to watching. After the flood in TN, I decided to read instead. I hope millions saw the 90 year old man on the Weather Channel this morning. What a testimony! He survived and gave Jesus and God all the glory. He was alone with water almost up to his neck in his home. He said he talked to God and God talked to him. He said if you want to see a miracle, just look at him. His 3 dogs were safe as well. Tears flowed as I listened to this man praising God. He said he wanted others to know what Jesus can do.

    3. kitkat, Oh my goodness.. that is beautiful! I didn't see that, but I'll have to look it up now. I did see a woman giving glory to God and Jesus. The interview was live and I couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't, if they would have edited the faith parts out. She was precious. It was so sad to see the devastation in that area.

    4. Net, when the WC replayed this interview, they cut out a lot of his testimony. I was afraid of that. I do believe this man reached millions in his live interview. Saw more live interviews this morning praising God. Joy overflows when hearing the name of the Lord lifted up. To God be the glory!

    5. kitkat, Of course they did, I'm not surprised. I'm so glad the first interview was live!

      I tried to find a clip of it, but couldn't find it. I'm so glad you told us about it - it sounds so precious the way he hung on to his hope in Jesus.

  5. A Little Daytime Drama is like soap opera for Maggie & Darin

  6. really enjoyed A Little Daytime Drama.

  7. A Little Daytime Drama

    Hoping to save her daytime soap opera, a writer tries to convince a popular actress and her real-life boyfriend to return to the show

  8. I’m watching CS & Aurora back to back tonight. Thankfully they air at different times. Thanks for including Jesse Metcalfe and Stephen Huszar in your graphic, those guys are the only reason I’m still watching.

  9. I see Ryan Paevey is filming a movie with Janel Parrish called Coyote Creek Christmas.

    Could easily be for Hallmark - Florence

    1. That's right! I've been keeping my eye on this one, too. There are so many Christmas titles & names floating around right now... Wes Brown, Erin Cahill, Danica McKellar, Benjamin Ayres, Tamera Mowry-Housley, Devon Alexander, etc...

      Plus, there's another Mrs. Miracle is in-the-works (not sure how that will work exactly without the incredible Doris Roberts) and a possible sequel to Nine Lives!

      I'm hoping Hallmark will make an announcement soon and make it all official!

    2. Mrs. Miracle Christmas

      Doris Roberts’ character’s Sister portrayed by Betty White or Angela Lansbury

    3. I think Angela Lansbury would be great or someone like Judy Andrews.

      I heard that Betty White would not be doing the Lifetime Christmas movie she was previously scheduled to do before the corona virus hit, so I don't think she'll be available for this either.

    4. I’d like to see Julie Andrew in Hallmark movies as portrayed as Granny (Grandmother) or Nana (Great Grandma)

    5. I thought of her because of my love of the Eloise movies. She would make a wonderful Mrs. Miracle too!

  10. I agree with you My Friend, with so much going on in the world, it makes some things seem so small. Anyone thinking of the Carrie Underwood song So Small now?

    Anyway, I really got bombarded with sadness when the building in Miami crumbled, I used to watch a lot of news shows and the shows i watched didnt even mention that, they just kept up with the (what i feel is trying to divide us more) but they didnt even talk about the fact that people died and they died feeling safe going to bed. It just really upset me that i could barely find a channel on the tv to watch coverage of the condo collapse. There is so much sadness going on in the world and while we have our own problems here, i just hate that everything is done to divide us. we cant let them win :) We all have to love each other and help our friends.

    I decided not to watch CS cause I want to remember Trabby as 2 people who loved each other so much and not that Abby was never happy. I felt like they were trying to show the memories of Trabby when we already knew Trace was leaving. Slowly I have been moving away from a lot of Hallmark. I saw some of Aurora, it looked really good from what I saw and I was just hoping this wasnt the last one and I dont think it is, if it was they would have said final Aurora for the last 6 weeks of advertising. I was happy I saw Phillip, Lizzie, Lynn, most of the real murders club members, I was worried maybe there would be no Philip since it was the pre honeymoon.

    I recorded the daytime drama movie, but to be honest with the exception of 27 hour day and maybe a few others, i haven't watched a single Hallmark channel movie all year. So I might delete it. I am going to watch Wedding March, I just havent got to that yet. And I have so many Up movies to watch.


    1. Sabrina, I know just what you mean about the condo collapse, although for us it was hard to find coverage on it. I kept hoping after the first day there would be some measure of hope, but sadly there was not. I hope they figure out whoever was at fault for that horrible event that didn't have to happen and I hope they are looking closely at other buildings like that one. I can't begin to imagine those who lived right next to it and heard it that night.

      I agree... we have to show love and kindness even more so in this world today.

      I decided to record CS - wasn't sure if I was ready for the big break up, yet. Plus, this way I can fast forward through some of the sad moments.

      I did watch Aurora, and I just posted my review - here - if you want to read it.

      I'm midway through Wedding March 6 and it's okay, so far. I like the parts with Mick and Olivia, but the other story isn't grabbing me much. Neither of their daughters are there or Mick's friend, Duke, so that kind of ruins the sequel feel to it. I am curious, though, to see how Mick and Olivia's wedding is finally going to come together.

      I've really enjoyed a lot of the UP movies lately. There's just a lighthearted feel to them - that makes them extra enjoyable to watch. Hope you like them too! :)

      Thank you my friend for sharing with us. Hugs to you!

  11. I am glad you have this blog, because I got rid of my Twitter last year. Twitter must be doing really bad, because now you can't really see tweets or replies without logging on and I refuse to do that after reading they are now encouraging people to report on each other.


    1. Misty, thank you! I'm so glad you are here, too! Bless you!

      Btw, I'm not happy with Twitter either. Do you use another SM platform???

  12. Anyone watch or like Chesapeake Shores any more?

    1. I wish I loved CS like I used to. Only a few characters really stand out and interest me. Maybe it's just me, but I think its mostly boring.

    2. Allie, I have my moments with some of the characters - so I understand.

    3. I decided not to watch this past week, i didnt need to have Trabby memories thrown at me when they never intended to make them a long term couple. Not interest in the rich new guy and the teacher competing for Abby, shes not worth it. Its not worth watching without Trace singing and being on the show.


  13. I have watched the first two episodes, and they were good. I'm not sure how it will play out now that Trace has left. I feel there's just too many storylines going on at once and it gets dizzying LOL. I'll have a better idea after this Sunday's episode.

    1. Savvy Girl, Totally agree. I feel the same way. Not sure I'm going to watch all 10 eps, but I noticed the new promo says there are 3 eps until Jess & David's wedding. I feel like they are begging us to stay for these 3 episodes since they know fans aren't too happy about Jesse Metcalfe leaving. All the previous seasons and special moments between Abby & Trace seem pointless now.

  14. I have watched CS so far, but don't know if I will continue to watch. I had become frustrated with CS the last season in 2019. I can fully understand why Jesse left. There's too much gong on that never seems to go anywhere.

    I watched Aurora. Like you Net, I found them referring to "Pre-honeymoon" annoying. We get it. It did seem that Aurora and Lynn have made some connections for friends. I personally have found that to be very distracting and unbelievable. You have a person that is so good at solving crimes and you still do not bring her on as a consultant?? That alone has almost made me stop watching Aurora.

    I can't seem to get into the Hallmark movies that they have now. I watch more HMM. I was upset with story line for Wedding March 6. Not what I expected!

    Thank you net for keeping us informed and letting us vent! Lol!!
    Blessings to you my friend!

    1. Joyce, Ditto on CS, it just doesn't have the same feel.

      Also, so glad you felt the same way about Aurora. I love Candace and all, but the pre-honeymoon statement was truly irritating. And yes... they should consult with her - she's always one step ahead of them anyway.

      You are always welcome to vent and share here with us, my friend!

      Blessings to you too!!! :)

    2. Joyce, I feel you, i really only watch HMM now. And the ratings reflect this, it seems more are watching HMM movies than HM, the ratings even for daytime drama were 1.6. The HMM movies are getting more than that, or very close. I wonder if others are watching HMM cause they play the Postables, Flower Shop, Murder she baked, some older movies and that channel is by far less woke, they havent found a way to sneak that into the mysteries yet.

      Hallmark is now boasting that this Aurora was top watched of the day, I think they need to ask themselves why the HM channel movies are doing very bad, and ask themselves honestly. I dont want to hear people are streaming crap, you made your channel cave to the new woke culture and it is showing. The people that were so happy Joy was gay on GW arent staying to watch your other movies.


  15. We'll probably watch Return to Christmas Creek(really love that movie). Anyway, I went to the amazon site you had mentioned for new movies coming out from amazon and walmart, and noticed a 3 dvd set coming with no release date yet. It has Deliver by Christmas, A Christmas Ring and A Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado. Could you post that amazon site again. I can't find it. Thanks. Still hoping for Return to Christmas Creek to come out on dvd. Also, A Christmas Bow, A Christmas Doctor and On the Twelfth Day of Christmas.

    1. Return to Christmas Creek is a great choice!

      As for the link, here you go...

      The image on the disc is a little different now. It still says all the movies you mentioned, but they only picture "Deliver by Christmas" on the front.

      Hope this helps! :)

  16. Amazon now has October 15 for the release date on Deliver by Christmas, Christmas Ring and A Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado. God Bless and have a great day. RG


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