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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Saturday, April 9, 2016

HALLMARK truly is... "The *HEART* of TV" with "When Calls the Heart" Season 3 Finale & "Hearts of Spring"!

on Saturday April 9, 2016:

The Hallmark Channel welcomes the Second "Spring Fling" movie, with Mother Daughter duo Lisa Whelchel and Clancy Cauble in...

Storyline via Hallmark: Single mom CARLY ASHBY raises her daughter SADIE, runs her flower shop and blogs about parenting, her real passion. Off the dating scene for years, Carly finally finds an attractive marital prospect in DR. ANDY SOMMERS, a pediatrician who just may be Mr. Right. But when she discovers... click here to read more...

See the new original movie "Hearts of Spring"
Saturday April 9, 2016
on the Hallmark Channel at 9pm/8c.

on Sunday April 10, 2016:

Through tragedy and triumph, see the climatic Season 3 Finale of...

via Hallmark: Episode 9 - The Season 3 Finale "Prayers From the Heart" - After a landslide puts one of Hope Valley's own in grave danger, the strength of a town is tested. When tragedy strikes, Jack, Elizabeth, Abigail and the rest of Hope Valley spring into action to aid the miners from the settlement who are trapped after... click here to read more... 

See the "When Calls the Heart" Season 3 Finale
Sunday April 10, 2016
on the Hallmark Channel at 9pm/8c.

May your Hearts be full this weekend...
With all the joy and beauty of Spring!

Hope you all enjoy this new original movie
"Hearts of Spring" and
The end of Season 3 on
"When Calls the Heart"!

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

~Matthew 6:21 (NIV)


  1. Hello from Spain: I really like this movie. Keep in touch

  2. I can't believe Season 3 finale of WCTH is already here!! Now comes the dreaded "wait" to see if there will be a "4". Tomorrow looks jam packed with adventure and I'm so looking forward to it!!

  3. Love WCTH! Hope it continues for many more seasons!

  4. Oh, and I was such a Facts of Life fan in the 80s! Can't wait to see Lisa and her daughter act together! Awesome weekend Hallmark!

  5. Hallmark has continued to win my heart over week after week with When Calls the Heart. We are itching to hear any news of another season. I just wondered since you often get news first, have you heard anything, yet?

  6. I sure hope Rosemary and Lee say I do! They are the cutest couple ever! If When Calls the Heart continues I hope they stay in Hope Valley, too!

  7. I can't believe it's already time for the finale. I'm so sad. I'm going to miss When Calls the Heart like crazy on Sunday nights!

    Hope Hallmark knows how much we all love the show and they bring it back for season 4!

  8. I'll be watching And tweeting Hallmark all weekend as we countdown to the finale. Family programming is mostly gone, so we have to keep When Calls the
    Heart on TV and let Hallmark and it's sponsors know how much we support and watch the show. If you are a fan of the show be sure to tweet with other fans during the show and use the hashtag #Hearties!

  9. If this season of When Calls the Heart was all about Hope Valley, then what happened to Elizabeth's family, her sisters, and Jack's brother Tom?

    1. During this third season, I kept thinking the same thing as you. It’s weird because it almost seems as if the show is acting like the events that took place in Hamilton last season never happened. Julie Thatcher running away from home was one of the biggest events to happen toward the end of last season. In season three, no one (not even Elizabeth) seems to be that concerned about where Julie could be. Jack mentioned his brother, Tom, on two separate occasions this season. But, Jack was reflecting on his childhood, not on the events that happened in the second season. When Faith Carter (the nurse from season two) came to Hope Valley and introduced herself to Gowen, she told him that she took care of Jack’s brother in the hospital, but didn’t even say Tom’s name. Even when Charlotte Thornton (mother of both Jack and Tom) showed up, she didn’t talk about Tom at all. From a fan’s perspective, my guess as to why Hamilton and the characters who live there were excluded this season was because A) The actors from the Hamilton storylines had other projects outside of the Hallmark community and couldn’t come back to the show or B) The creators of “When Calls the Heart” didn’t want to make the same mistake as “Cedar Cove” by introducing too many characters and maintaining too many storylines at once.

  10. If you were watching Hearts of Spring Saturday night, you would have seen a Hallmark Home & Family promo with Erin Krakow and Daniel Lissing from WCTH. They said to watch on Monday for a big announcement from them, and I am guessing that's probably an announcement of a season 4. Anyone else catch this?

    1. Yes, I did! I first saw it on Friday during Home & Family, and took to Twitter to see if any of the Hearties were talking about it. No one was. So, I rewound the commercial and watched again. Yes, I heard it right! Big announcement on Monday! I went to Twitter to share the info right away and then, I looked for a video clip of it on Hallmark's site and didn't see one or any mention there, at the time. I finally found the clip on YouTube and now I have it on my website, here: http://itsawonderfulmovie.blogspot.com/2016/04/when-calls-the-heart-hallmark-channel-big-announcement.html! Can't wait to here what it is! Sounds hopefully very promising!!! :)


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