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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

When will "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Moon and Back" Premiere on Hallmark Mystery?

If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked this question lately, I'd be rich!

Sooo... When will "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Moon and Back" premiere on Hallmark Mystery?

As I write this post on Tuesday, March 11th, Hallmark hasn't shared any updates yet, except the initial promise was that we could look forward to the movie's premiere sometime in 2025. However, I have a theory on this, so you'll want to keep reading!

I've also included a longer storyline description of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Moon and Back" below.

My first hunch...

The previous film, Signed, Sealed, Delivered: A Tale of Three Letters, starring Eric Mabius, Kristin Booth, Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe, Geoff Gustafson, and Rhiannon Fish, premiered on July 12, 2024, so perhaps the network is trying to space the premieres out at the same timing... or somewhat closer.

In A Tale of Three Letters our POstables attempt to deliver three crucial letters all the while dealing with their own personal issues. Oliver and Shane are newly married, and Rita and Norman hope to adopt.

It has recently been announced that Good TV in Australia is premiering "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Moon and Back" on April 5th. Unfortunately, U.S. viewers are not able to watch this channel, but I believe it won't be long for us. Here's why...

Have you ever noticed that the Hallmark Channel often airs Christmas movies on Friday nights that include an actor/actress for whatever new movie is premiering next?

Well, on Friday, April 25th, the Hallmark Channel is airing not one, but TWO Christmas movies that star Eric Mabius - Signed, Sealed, Delivered: For Christmas and Welcome to Christmas. And just days before that, the Hallmark Channel is playing THREE Signed, Sealed, Delivered movies: To The Altar, The Vows We Have Made, and A Tale of Three Letters. It's a bit more unusual for the Hallmark CHANNEL to play so many Signed, Sealed, Delivered movies.

Based on those airings, my hunch is that the new premiere might air on May 1st or early May. And since Shane was expecting at the end of the last movie and Rita and Norman were adopting, Mother's Day would be a very special time for this premiere as both couples have become parents for the first time.

UPDATE - March 13, 2025: Unfortunately, the Hallmark Channel has now removed ALL April airings of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" from its schedule. Stay tuned for further developments.

The image above was shared by Good TV. I'm not sure if this will be the final poster or key art for Hallmark.


This is a fuller detailed storyline for "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Moon and Back" via Good TV:

'To The Moon and Back' follows the POstables - Oliver, Shane, Rita, and Norman - tasked with delivering a lost letter they find at a Denver Cafe, formerly a nightclub called Starmakers. The letter, filled with personal reflections and cryptic phrases like “Tell It to The Moon", leads them to Nate Holloway, a famous singer-songwriter. He reveals his big hit was written by his former partner, Tracy Reo, a talented but reclusive songwriter who disappeared years ago. The POstables track Tracy’s whereabouts, discovering she has been living under an assumed name to hide from a troubled past.

Meanwhile, Oliver grapples with revelations from old letters, as he discovers new information about his birthfather, stirring doubts about his own identity. Faced with a difficult decision, Oliver is forced to confront his beliefs about family, loyalty, and moral integrity.


Hopefully, we will hear official news for the "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Moon and Back" premiere soon! Stay tuned, POstables!

Blessings to you all,


  1. Good theory. hope you end up being right and Hallmark doesn't pull the movies at the last minute as they always seem to do with these movies. -Maria

    1. Maria, Thank you! I hope my hunch is right, too. We POstables have been waiting so patiently for so long and after all of our devotion to this series, we deserve to see the next new movie sooner than later.

      Another POstable recently reminded me to "trust the timing," and I'm trying to do just that! :)

  2. This might be delayed for a while with the arrest of Eric Mabius in February in Florida. He was arrested for battery and resisting an officer without violence . There is a video that TMZ has that shows everything. I included the ExtraTv article that includes the link to the video that TMZ has. https://extratv.com/2025/02/21/ugly-betty-star-eric-mabius-arrested-for-battery-in-florida/ via @extratv

    1. Bebe, We've all been speculating about this, as well. However, when the network pulled Lori Loughlin's new "Garage Sale Mystery" movie, they also immediately pulled all of her previous films, as well, and "When Calls the Heart." This hasn't been the case for Eric Mabius. For some reason, they are treating this differently, and His older movies are continuing to air on Hallmark.

      I have seen the video you mentioned is on TMZ before, and I’m still a bit unsure about how to feel about it. It’s definitely a complicated situation.

    2. To me the biggest different Lori Laughlin’s committed a Felony and basically defrauded a state run university plus use so call donations to get her daughter in a university they otherwise more than likely wouldn’t have been admitted to. Yes what Eric Mabius did was wrong but it wasn’t a felony and he didn’t go a the federal pen to serve time for it either. Hopefully he learned his lesson and Hallmark realized even good people can make mistakes.

  3. Hallmark is also testing the waters for viewership by premiering Mystery Island (the new one-can't recall title) this Thurs. simultaneously on HC & H Mystery.

    1. Yes, I saw that! It's been a little while since Hallmark has done this.

      "Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Lesson in Murder" will also premiere (simulcast) next month on both Hallmark Mystery and the Hallmark Channel.

  4. I hope you’re right, Net. I’ve always loved this series and we’ve waited for so long already. Christie

  5. I hope this gets to come through. I hope Hallmark will show grace and continue to do more. He is a wonderful Oliver. I feel so bad for him. Praying for him.

  6. Okay Net, the Postables would be proud of your sleuthing skills! I like your theory and hoping for a May premiere. How sweet would that be to show Shay and Rita become mothers and premiere the movie around Mothers Day 😊

  7. Looking forward to the next SS&D story. I am withholding judgment of Eric Mabius.
    James 4:12 addresses God being the one true judge saying, “There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?”

  8. Net along with the Itsawonderfulmovie community may have solved the SSD dilemma. I look forward to the next installment to the series. I pray that Eric Mabius is able to resolve “all the issues” in this incident. Thanks for the update from everyone.
    -Gabe Mom

  9. This makes great sense, Net. I hope that is Hallmark’s plan. Melissa

  10. So much for your theory, Hallmark has removed the April airings as well. 😔

    1. Oh nooo.... This is not good news for us POstables. I'm wondering if that means the network will not be airing the new movie for some time now.

    2. Who knows. I wish they would say SOMETHING. Today they commented on a #POstables post and said “favorite fans.” If we’re their favorite why do we get thrown under the bus all the time?

  11. UPDATE - March 13, 2025: Unfortunately, the Hallmark Channel has now removed ALL April airings of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" from its schedule. Stay tuned for further developments.

    So sorry to get everyone's hopes up. I was simply sharing what was on Hallmark Channel's website at that time.

    1. Aww! No worries. Is it still the same for the Australia tv? And remember, when Lori Loughlin was going through her court trial, Hallmark did put her Garage Sale movie on dvd. Maybe they’ll do the same with this one.

    2. Abigail, Thank you for your sweet comment and for being so understanding.

      As for the DVD suggestion... great minds think alike! I literally just posted about that and shared the news again - in case not everyone saw my previous comment about the April schedule change.

      See here:

      Blessings to you, my friend!

      On a different note... are you in the storm area today or tomorrow? We are. I'm just praying everyone in the path will be safe. Take care!

    3. Yes, it will be showing in Australia on GOODTV on April 5th still. I’ve been told the preview is available on their app. Sadly, those of us in the states can’t access it because of licensing agreements. 😔

    4. Great timing on the new post then!! I was hoping and still am hoping for more of the adored POstables. I am thankful that they have made very many of them though. I will be searching for that DVD. Hopefully it’ll be an American Region disc.

      Yes, we are expecting a big storm tonight. Thunderstorms and tornadoes. It’s the wind we are most concerned about. Thank you for praying. I get fearful during these storms, but I remind myself that God is in control and that brings me comfort. I’ll be praying for you too Net! Stay safe! I love you my friend! God bless you for the wonderful service here. You are a blessing to all of us.

    5. Hey Net and Abigail, I just wanted to see how you survived the storms. Hope you and your families are safe and sound!

    6. Thank you Mark 25! Honestly, it was a scary night. I woke up to the loudest hail I’ve heard at 4 AM and ran to the basement. But the Lord was faithful and kept us safe. And we didn’t have that much damage. Praise be to God. Thank you again for asking.

      Joan, I know you are my closest It’s a Wonderful Movie neighbor…. How did you fair with the weather last weekend? Hope you are well too!

    7. Mark and Abigail,

      First, Thank you, Mark, for asking how we are doing. That is so thoughtful of you; I hope all is well in your area.

      Abigail, Sorry to hear you all had some damage from the storms that went through.

      We were a little scared with how the radar was looking, but thankfully it subsided a little before reaching us, although we also had heavy rain. No hail, though, thankfully.

      My heart is breaking to hear about the loss of life. I heard it was over 40 people this morning, including 2 young brothers, Josiah and Joshua, 13 and 11. A tree fell on their bedroom as they slept. I just keep thinking about that family and all the families who lost loved ones. My prayers keep going out to them all.

      I hope everyone here was safe. Spring is so beautiful, but I don’t like these storms at all. Take care everyone.

  12. Oh no! Praying for Eric & his family & all those involved!


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