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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, March 14, 2025

"Signed, Sealed, Delivered" Unfortunate Update... but also a Sliver of Hope!

Recently, I shared with you all my suspicion that the all-new "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" movie titled "To the Moon and Back" could possibly debut in early May. This guess was based on the idea that the new film might be shown after a few airings of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" on the Hallmark Channel towards the end of April. Additionally, Mother's Day felt like the perfect occasion to debut this film centered around new parents.

Well, yesterday I learned that the initial schedule the Hallmark Channel released for April has been revised and not only have the airings of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" been removed, but also the movie "Welcome to Christmas," starring Eric Mabius.

So... there goes my theory on the "SSD" premiere, along with the schedule.

What does this mean for us POstables in the U.S. who are eager to see this new movie that surely has both sets of our POstable couples embarking on parenthood while continuing to search for the recipients of lost letters?

Honestly, I don't know.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Good TV in Australia has announced that they will be airing "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Moon and Back" on their network on April 5th.

I also noticed that Good TV is currently airing the first episode of season 12 of When Calls the Heart, which of course began here in the U.S. in January. Based on that and other films the channel has premiered, it appears they usually air movies/shows on their channel in Australia AFTER they premiere here in America.

I'm thinking our delay here in the States must be linked to Eric Mabius' legal issues, and it may be some time before that is resolved, and we'll be able to see the new premiere.

However, I promised a sliver of hope... and on that I will deliver!

When the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries removed Lori Loughlin's films and her new "Garage Sale Mystery" movie in 2019 during the college admissions case, the network did not air her films on TV until her sentence was over. However, the last "Garage Sale Mystery" was released on DVD on Amazon's website through Via Vision Entertainment. The release date was July 31, 2020.

So... is it possible that "To the Moon and Back" could be released first on DVD, as well, before it airs on Hallmark? At this point, that is anyone's guess. In legal matters and court proceedings, some cases are resolved swiftly, while others can take a considerable amount of time to reach a conclusion.

"Signed, Sealed, Delivered: A Tale of Three Letters" premiered on Hallmark Mystery on July 12, 2024. The DVD is being released from Via Vision Entertainment (Australia) on March 26, 2025. Unfortunately, this DVD is currently sold out / unavailable from Amazon and Walmart. (*click here to check for availability*)

However, Amazon has another pre-order for "A Tale of Three Letters" with a bonus SSD movie, "From Paris With Love." The country of origin for this DVD release is the USA. And while the release date is June 24, 2025, the DVD can be pre-ordered now! (*click here for details*)

Let's keep hoping, POstables, that Hallmark will eventually air "To the Moon and Back" and let's all be sure to keep a look out for it on DVD, as well.

"Trust the timing!"

Blessings to you all,


  1. A network that is for women can’t do nothing about what he did. Yes we are all innocent until proven guilty. But the video was not a good look for him and also reflects on Hallmark . The fact that Lori Loughlin movies were all pulled soon after the announcement makes me wonder what took them so long. Either they were looking into it before they made a decision and they were not planning on doing nothing at all.

  2. 'sighs'. I hate that Hallmark is doing this, and to their only true faith based movie series! Are they really set on destroying every last single bit of this network that i used to know before 2020?! -Maria

    1. I do not know how anyone could with this decision. He threw a woman to the ground, ripped handfuls of her hair out and was extremely drunk and was arguing with fellow patrons on the bar.And was not following the police instructions. I want to know what took them so long to do something.


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