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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Monday, September 12, 2022

🎬 My Review of the Faith-Based Film "Lifemark" - from the Kendrick Brothers and Kirk Cameron πŸŽ₯ See Here:

Lifemark Movie Review:

Most of the movies I review here at It’s a Wonderful Movie are generally lighthearted made-for-TV movies, but after viewing the impactful, life-affirming faith-based film, “Lifemark,” which has a limited showing currently in theaters this week, I just had to share my thoughts on this new release with all of you.

First of all, this movie is based on a true story, which was featured in a short documentary titled: “I Lived On Parker Avenue.”

"Lifemark" is a beautiful story about adoption; it is a full-length feature film about the beauty, wonder, and blessing of every life. There are many profoundly deep, pivotal moments in this film that express how fragile and precious life is, especially from the very beginning, in the mother’s womb. One of my favorite lines was when a woman told an expecting mother that her baby had 10 fingers and 10 toes. It is such a powerful statement that I pray touches many hearts and saves countless lives.

18-year-old David Colton knows he was adopted; however, it’s a secret he's kept hidden from his friends all of his life, and yet, he’s genuinely grateful for the wonderful life he has been given with his adoptive parents and grandparents. When David is presented with the possibility of meeting his birth mother following his 18th birthday, he begins to wonder how all the puzzle pieces of his life fit together. Along with his adoptive parents, he sets on a new discovery to fill in all of those pieces of his past – and discovers a whole new future filled with bright possibilities.

"Lifemark" is such a deeply moving, heartwarming film, filled with drama, action, comedy, and faith. I don't want to give away the main storyline, but I believe you’ll instantly be drawn into David’s life story as I was.


Both Kirk Cameron (Fireproof, Growing Pains) and Alex Kendrick (Fireproof, Facing the Giants, Overcomer) executive produced and starred in Lifemark.

Kirk Cameron portrayed the role of David’s adoptive father, Jimmy Colton. The fact that Kirk is the father of four adopted children in real life made his role seem even more authentic, knowing he has felt and experienced many of the same roller coaster of emotions as the adoptive father in the story - of love, uncertainty, gratefulness, worry, and pure joy.

Alex Kendrick portrayed Shawn Cates, the husband of the birth mother. Alex’s brothers, Stephen and Shannon, are also executive producers on this film.

*Other main members of the Lifemark cast include:

Raphael Ruggero (Running the Bases, Camp Hideout), as the adopted son, David Colton,

Rebecca Rogers (Badge of Faith, Texas Rein), as the adopted mother, Susan Colton,

Dawn Long (Take Two, Cowboys), as the birth mother, Melissa Cates,

Justin Sterner (Running the Bases, Into the Spotlight), as David’s best friend, Nate,

and Marisa Lynae Hampton (The Reliant, Into the Spotlight), as the teenage version of the birth mother, Melissa.


While the movie deals with an important, serious message, there are also plenty of lighthearted moments of levity, mostly from David’s fun, quick-witted friend, Nate, played by Justin Sterner, who was often seen with a camera in hand, filming everyone and everything in sight. He was a definite scene-stealer.

*Raphael Ruggero as David Colton:

Raphael's portrayol of David Colton in Lifemark is truly captivating. His emotion and facial expressions throughout the movie are phenomenal. At one point in the film, his eyes got a little teared up as he thanked his adoptive parents for his incredible life, and I felt mine go misty, too. Raphael is an incredible newcomer and talent; I can't wait to see what projects he does next.

*The film’s message:

-Throughout the film, there is an uplifting, powerful message of life being a precious gift and trusting in God – through all circumstances. When something happens that we don’t quite understand, we must continue to trust that He has an even greater plan.

*Film Rating / Where you can see Lifemark:

Please note: Lifemark is rated PG-13 because it deals with the conversation of teen pregnancy and abortion. There is no language, sex, or violence in the movie. It is suitable for mature pre-teens and up.

If you have the opportunity to see this movie this week, I encourage you to do so. Lifemark is more than just a movie; it will surely have a deep, spiritual impact on your life.

Lifemark was released nationwide in movie theaters on September 9, 2022, for a seven-day run. Details and tickets are available through Fathom Events here:

*Lifemark trailer:

Lifemark is presented by: The Kendrick Brothers, Kirk Cameron Entertainment, and Fathom Events.

For even more information, visit http://lifemarkmovie.com and follow on social media at @lifemarkmovie.

If you are not able to view this movie in the theater, I completely understand. Please consider purchasing the DVD or streaming the film when it becomes available.

UPDATE: You can purchase the Lifemark DVD at Amazon and Walmart or stream through Amazon Prime.

Blessings to you all, Net


  1. My husband and I went to see Lifemark this weekend as well. We thought it was a fantastic movie and definitely a must see. I did get teary-eyed at times as well as laughed. It was refreshing to watch a movie that was so focused on life and living and the gift that every human being is in this world.

    1. Jennifer R, So good to hear you were able to see Lifemark, as well. Some friends of mine wanted to see it, too, but the theaters playing the movie in their state were too far away because of the high gas prices. We had two theaters about the same distance from us airing it.

      I'm so glad to know Lifemark touched your hearts, as well.

  2. Takeaways with Kirk Cameron

    Behind real life stories behind Kirk Cameron’s new movie; “Lifemark”


  3. I saw this movie today and it was wonderful. The real David and Susan have cameos in the film. Highly recommend for older teens.

  4. Looks like a great movie. :) Today is my birthday . -Maria

    1. Have a great day, Maria.

      Maybe you can celebrate by watching a nice Rom.Com tonight - Florence

    2. Maria,

      🎢 Happy Birthday to You! 🎢
      🎢 Happy Birthday to You! 🎢
      🎢 Happy Birthday dear Maria! 🎢
      🎢 Happy Birthday to You! 🎢

      I hope you have a beautiful day! God's blessings to you in the year ahead!

      Thank you for being such a great friend here! Hugs to you!!! Have a happy, joyful day!!! :)

    3. Happy Birthday Maria! May it be your best birthday ever!

    4. Aww, thanks everyone! :) -Maria

  5. When is Lifemark coming to DVD?

    Lifemark DVD release date is set for December 19, 2022, with Blu-ray available the same day as the DVD release. DVD releases are typically released around 12-16 weeks after the theatrical premiere on September 9, 2022 on nationwide

    1. Thanks for this info Anonymous! I will be waiting for this DVD.

  6. I've been wondering about this movie. What a great review. I'm going to check to see if there are any showings near me or I may have to wait to stream it.

  7. I'm very excited to see this one. I love all of the Kendrick brothers films. I might have to wait until it's on dvd though. It could be a good Christmas gift for my family.

  8. Saw it last night. Loved it!!! Highly recommend. We're thinking about going again just to support them, plus show local movie theatres that people want quality movies instead of all the trashy stuff.

    1. Jane, So glad you were able to see Lifemark at your local theater. It is such an incredible film. I know God will use it in a mighty way to save many lives.

      I agree, it is so nice to see a move like this at the theater, compared to what they usually play. That is such a great idea to go back to see it twice and be supportive

  9. I just saw Lifemark, I thought it was a good movie. I enjoyed it; it was heartfelt and certainly many give someone a better understanding of adoption and being a good option. Is there a significant reason why Susan, the adoptive mom wears yellow in every scene? Perhaps I pay too much attention to detail.

    1. I wondered the same. David and Jimmy wore blue. Melissa wore red. Bryan wore green. There is some significance with all the colors. Just not sure what.


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