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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


image: Hallmark Crown Media

Let's journey back in time again this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to Christmas on Hallmark!

Here are the CHRISTMAS MOVIES you can look forward to seeing this week on ALL THREE HALLMARK NETWORKS...

Hallmark Drama's
classic Christmas movie presentation is...
the Hallmark Hall of Fame film
"November Christmas"
on Wednesday, January 22nd at 9pm/8c..

image: Hallmark Crown Media


Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
classic Christmas movie presentation is
"Journey Back to Christmas"
on Thursday, January 23rd at 9pm/8c.

image: Hallmark Crown Media


Hallmark Channel's
classic Christmas movie presentation is
"Write Before Christmas"
on Friday, January 24th at 10pm/9c.

image: Hallmark Crown Media

Once again, I hope you all enjoy watching Christmas this week! I'm looking forward to watching "Journey Back to Christmas" again and if I get a chance, "Write Before Christmas" - for the first time! It's actually one of those movies from Christmas still on my must-see list. I've heard many say they enjoyed it, so I'm sure I will too!

What is your Christmas movie pick of the week?

Joyous Blessings to You All! Net


  1. I am a little sad that they advertised a dayspring Just the Way you Are to be played at 7 pm on Thursday ahead of Journey back to Christmas, I even set my DVR to record, but of course, Hallmark went and changed that, not sure why I should be surprised or upset cause really we don't know anything will air on any HM channel until it is actually on. But still wish that would have been on as I haven't watched that in a while cause they moved it to the streaming service.

    1. Yes, Sabrina! I'm very sad about them scrapping the DaySpring special presentations every Thursday. The two they showed were so enjoyable, and it was going to be so nice to see Just the Way You Are today, and Loving Leah in Feb. Now they're all gone. *sigh*


    2. Yes, I was wondering this very same thing about the missing DaySpring Movie Presentation as I shared these Christmas movies. I recall seeing "Just the Way You Are" advertised last weekend at the bottom of the screen, but now it is gone off the schedule, replaced with an "Aurora Teagarden" movie. With the announcement yesterday of CEO Bill Abbott's departure, one can't help but wonder if there was a connection there.

      If Hallmark is going in a different direction this year that conflicts with Christian values, then DaySpring may no longer want to be affiliated with the network.

  2. Is Journey Back To Christmas a new one, Net? I'd love to see that! Candace Cameron Bure is one of my favorite Hallmark actresses. : )

    I hope the new year is being good to you so far.


    1. Hello Sheri! I love Candace in Christmas movies too! This movie is from the 2016 Christmas season. (see more details and pics - here) It's a sweet little film.

      Thank you for asking about how I'm doing. I am fine, but this new year has been a difficult one for my family. My Aunt had an accident and is still in the hospital. She is unconscious, but breathing on her own. I shared more about this *here*, if you'd like to read it. I would so appreciate your prayers.

      Blessings to you and your family, Net

  3. I usually like the movies with Candace Cameron Bure but the Journey back to Christmas is just one of those movies. Will not be watching that one.

    1. I understand what you mean. I personally like the retro aspect of the film and Candace is delightful, as always; however, the comet portion of the story and when they put her in the shed at the end of the movie and don't check on her again until morning... well, that part is always very silly to me. I mean, really, if the comet didn't take her back to the past, then she would've been awfully cold in that shed all night long. Why in the world don't they check the night before - right after the comet passes? I never understand that. Anyway, that part of the story is definitely a little out there. But for those who like a little sci-fi or fantasy, then I guess they'll love that storyline.

  4. I was wondering when Hallmark's TCA event was going to be, and I was reading today Hallmark cancelled it for this winter? What is happening at Hallmark? The ratings have continued on a downward spiral with Winterfest movies, and now this? See Hallmark things start happening when you cater to a fan base, or do things cause one group wants and or another doesn't. You should have just stuck with what you do, hold to your beliefs, not cater to certain groups and you would probably be fine. I know I definitely am not the same after last year, haven't even watched a single winterfest movie yet. I used to be so excited for Saturday night on Hallmark, but not so much anymore.

    1. Yeah, they unfortunately canceled this years Winter TCA. I think with everything going on behind the scenes this was the best decision for everyone involved. Not sure what this all means for the future of Hallmark. Like you, Sabrina, some of the joy in watching is gone for me, as well. Sadly, I don't think the future of Hallmark movies is going to be the same ever again.

    2. Sabrina -- Hallmark's TCA party was apparently cancelled in early January, if not prior. Since Bill Abbott gives a presentation at every TCA event that Hallmark has (along with Michelle Vicary), they couldn't go forward with it when he -- the CEO of the company -- was leaving, and no replacement had been named. They had to cancel.

      Ratings fluctuate on all networks at some point -- even for critically acclaimed series and viewer favorites. The more important thing is whether or not they steadily decline over time with no signs of improvement after changes are made to formats, casts, showtimes, etc. There are changes yet to be made.

      Hallmark had no control over what Lifetime did last year. Lifetime increased their number of Christmas movies and their promotion of those movies; they started their movies earlier than ever before, and let them run for a longer period of time than ever before. It doesn't matter if Lifetime's 30 movies were good or bad. Their event was obviously going to take attention and viewers away from Hallmark, because the Christmas movie audience on Lifetime is not totally separate from the Christmas movie audience on Hallmark's channels. There are many people who jump between Lifetime and Hallmark during the holiday season. Hallmark had no way of preventing some viewers from going over to Lifetime. Lifetime's event was bound to put a dent in Hallmark's ratings because people would tune in just out of curiosity, if nothing else.

      One mistake Hallmark made in 2019 (and again this year) was showing Christmas movies all year long. If you make Christmas movies available on the channels all year long (even just once per week), people will have less of a reason to be interested in tuning in to see them during the holiday season. The novelty will wear off. Why would anyone need to make time to see certain Hallmark movies (new or otherwise) during the Countdown to Christmas/Miracles of Christmas when they know that Hallmark will show those movies throughout the year on their channels? People can just head over to Lifetime, who does not show Christmas movies all year long, and see what they are premiering during the holidays, knowing they can catch Hallmark's Christmas movies in any month of the year. They should just go back to 10 days in July per channel, as it used to be) and stick to the last 2 months of the year, and let people get excited to see certain things that they can only see during those very specific times.

      Another problem is that Hallmark has movies scattered about in several places -- different Christmas movies on each of their 3 linear channels, and on the streaming app, -- whereas Lifetime was only showing Christmas movies for 2 months straight on ONE of their channels. ONE channel is easier to keep up with than 3 or 4 channels. By spreading the movies around to the different channels, it not only confuses people but it is counterintuitive in terms of building UP the ratings PER channel because each Hallmark channel is essentially cannibalizing the other 2 Hallmark channels.

      I know that people always say that the quality of Hallmark's movies has diminished -- but as I always say, perceived quality is largely subjective. We all have different preferences. I know that people think that if they, personally, did not like a movie, then no one else liked it either and therefore the ratings suffered. But who knows which movies will connect with which viewers? We don't all like/dislike the same things.

      Pulling that one ad from the network in December set off a chain of events that led us to where we are now -- waiting to find out who is going to step in and take over Crown Media, and to find out how the programming on the Hallmark channels is going to be impacted. Now that there is a huge personnel shake-up going on at Crown Media, we have no idea what is going to happen with the programming, but, inevitably, some segment of viewers will be unhappy with the coming changes, as always.


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