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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Monday, January 20, 2020

Update on my Precious Aunt and a Thoughtful Message from Hallmark Actor, Paul Greene...

Thank you all for your continued prayers for my precious Aunt. I feel the love and support of this dear "It's a Wonderful Movie" family, which means the world to me.

Each day she is a miracle, defying the odds the doctors have set before us. She fell on Friday and hit her head causing a brain bleed.

My aunt lives alone, but she has children, grandchildren, and siblings who check in on her, from time to time. However, since this occurred early in the day and many of them were at work, it could have been many, many hours before she was discovered. But the Good Lord had another plan. On Fridays, my aunt drives a neighbor/church friend to get her hair done, go shopping, out to eat, and pick up groceries, etc. Well, when my aunt didn't show up at their scheduled time, her friend became worried. She thankfully called their pastor and they went to check.

From there, my aunt was taken to the hospital, where we learned there was bleeding in her brain. She had stopped breathing in the ambulance and was put on a ventilator. The doctors said the bleeding was in the middle of the brain and there was nothing they could do surgically. They didn't give us much hope, at that point, but we didn't give up, we were all still interceding for her healing. I'm so grateful for each and everyone who said a prayer, too.

On Saturday, the doctors advised my cousins to remove their Mother from the ventilator, informing them she would most likely only live 10 minutes after doing so. The family all gathered around her singing praise songs and hymns. 10 minutes passed... 20... 30... and so on... and now nearly 48 hours have passed, and she is still breathing on her own- Praise God!!!

She looks comfortable as she is resting and I know this time is healing. Each step, each day has been a miracle, thus far, and I know there are many steps to go...

My family and I keep repeating the same scripture- that has given us great peace throughout this difficult time... "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~Matthew 19:26 (NKJV)

When all of this first happened, I recalled right away that this similar event happened to Paul Greene's mother. (Paul Greene of "When Calls the Heart") I remembered praying for her and Paul when it occurred, and being so happy, rejoicing with their family when she recovered. Knowing Paul's mother was able to overcome this, gave me and my family such great hope. My Momma suggested reaching out to him and his Mother for prayer, so I sent a prayer request through my friend Ruth Hill, who I knew could get the message to Paul. Ruth responded right away and let me know she would be praying, along with Paul and his mother (a prayer warrior, as Ruth called her), with all of us. And Paul, so graciously and giving, sent the most beautiful, encouraging voice message to my Sister through Instagram, to play for my Aunt. Paul's reassuring, calming voice was telling my Aunt she could get through this, many people are praying for her; it is possible. It was such a precious moment when we played that message for her in the hospital; everyone became silent all at once and gathered around to listen. I just know if my Aunt could've responded at that moment, she would've been overwhelmed and elated by Paul's sweet message. She just loves "When Calls the Heart" and all the Hallmark movies. From now on, Paul will always have a special place in my families' heart. And as we all listened intently to Paul's message, who plays a physician on "When Calls the Heart," it was a comfort knowing our hope is in The Great Physician.

My aunt's condition is the same today, but we are beyond grateful she continues to breath on her own. Family stays by her side 24/7, and she is never alone. And we know The Lord has been by her side every moment along the way.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. If you would like to add her name to your prayer list, her first name is Margaret.

God Bless You All, Net


  1. Net, I've been praying for your Aunt and your family since I first read your original post earlier today. I will continue to pray for Margaret and ask that God brings her back to all of you soon. Be blessed in God's love today and every day.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers for my Aunt and all my family! Bless you for caring! :)

  2. I am praying Net! And I an so glad I was able to help! How wonderful you read of these miracles but I will continue to pray.

    1. Ruth, thank you for your sweet prayers and for making the connection to Paul Greene possible. You have no idea how special that was for our family and how it has greatly uplifted our spirits! God bless you, my friend! :)

  3. Oh, Net, I am so sorry and will continue to pray for your aunt and your family. I know the special bonds between Aunts and their nieces and nephews as I have a niece and a nephew and I know this must be a very hard time for you. We will all keep praying and thank you so much for sharing this with us. we love you :)

    1. Sabrina, Thank you, honey, for your continued prayers for my Aunt and all of my family. I have always had a very special bond with my Aunt Margaret. She lives closer than many of my other Aunts and Uncles, so she's always been there for everything... birthdays, holidays, shopping, etc... She's one of those people who just lights up the room with her laughter and I just love being with her. I feel like I've been on a roller coaster of emotions. Thank you so much for your love and friendship... I love you all, too! :)

  4. Thank you so much for sharing. I too am praying for your aunt!

    1. Amanda D, I so appreciate all of your prayers for my Aunt. Thank you!

  5. Praying for your Aunt and family during this difficult time.
    - Melissa

    1. Melissa, I am grateful for your prayers for my Aunt and all of my family. It is definitely hard, at times, but we are keeping the faith and remaining positive... Bless you for caring!

  6. Oh, Net! I am SO sorry to hear about your dear aunt! I will be praying for her and am so thankful for all God has already done for her. He is SO faithful, and His ears are always open to our prayers! May He heal her speedily, in Jesus' name! That was so sweet of Paul to do that - I know it meant so much to all of you.

    1. Cheryl, Thank you for praying for my Aunt! What a blessing to know so many believers are lifting her up. My family and I have definitely felt everyone's prayers. Each day is a gift, each breath a miracle from God!

      Thank you so much for your message of prayer and encouragement! God bless you!!!

  7. That is so heartwarming, Net; we wish you and the family prayers, God's blessing and strength through this process. Paul Greene and his mother deserve a special place in your heart. God Bless, Ken

    1. Ken, thank you for your prayers and best wishes. You are so right... Paul Greene will forever have a special place in the hearts of all of my family!

      God bless you and thank you for caring! :)

  8. Oh my goodness. Sending positive and healing thoughts to your Aunt and your family. Not that you need to know this, and 'NOT' saying this in a braggadocios way, but I am a 'Health/Forensic Psychologist.' I can tell you in 'my' years of experience, a strong and loving support system, a 'full life' (which it sounds like she has), and strong persona will (which it sounds like she possesses as well), do more for healing the body and soul than any medicine or medical treatment ever can, or anyone ever believe possible. Please take care of her, AND each other.
    - Nikki Martinez

    1. Nikki, Thank you for your message of encouragement! You are so right... our family has definitely given my Aunt a very loving support system, which goes a long way in the healing process. I believe that fully. There are some things that even doctors can't explain. I so appreciate your uplifting message!

  9. Prayers for your dear Aunt, Net. May the good Lord wrap her in his healing arms.

    1. Lisa S., Thank you so much for your prayers. Your comment touched my heart deeply... I can just imagine the Lord holding her now.

      Thank you for your encouraging words... God bless you! :)

  10. What a blessing from Paul.

    I hope she continues to heal. A similar thing happened to my husband's grandmother, and she woke up--not immediately--after being pulled off life support.

    Sending more prayers for healing mercies.


    1. Denise, Oh my goodness... I am encouraged to hear the story of your husband's grandmother. Wow! The Lord certainly works in amazing ways!

      Thank you for your continued prayers. We don't know what lies ahead, but we know Who holds tomorrow!

      God's blessings to you and your family!

  11. Joyce in CarolinaTuesday, January 21, 2020

    Net, still praying for, as Jim put it, "our Aunt Margaret". This goes to show that doctors are not the "Great Physician"! The great " I am" is still in control! Love and prayers to you and your family!

    1. Joyce, That is so beautifully said... we certainly are putting our faith in Him to see us through every day. Thank you so much for sending your love... I'm so grateful for your support and continued prayers. God bless you, my dear friend!

  12. Jim, you have me in tears, too! I feel like all of my IAWM family is wrapping me up in their prayers -like a great big hug! Bless you, my friend, for sharing my joy and the tough times, too, during all of this. My Aunt Margaret would love you right back! :)

  13. Jesus really is the Great Physician! He promises healing and He always keeps His promises. :)
    And how sweet of him to do that... that is so thoughtful!

    1. Amen! HE certainly is! I'm doing my best to remain strong and hopeful, but some days and moments are easier than others. Her condition hasn't changed, but I know she is healing.

      Thank you for your prayers and sweet, encouraging comment.

  14. Dear Net,
    When my son was 15 years old, he was hit by a construction truck. He had a severe head injury. The doctor told me he wished he had a magic pill to give my son. My answer was for him not to worry that I had a magic pill in Jesus. I went to a corner and imagining the eyes of God and fixing my eyes on him I Prayed, God whatever your will, I will accept, but I know you are a God of miracles and from this moment on, I will only believe in a miracle. It was a long road, but this Saturday the 25th, my son will turn 43. God's miracle. Will continue praying for your aunt. God bless you all.

    1. Oh my! Your son's story is incredible. Bless your heart. You sound just like us!

      And just like the scripture I shared above... "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~Matthew 19:26

      Thank you for sharing your precious story with us. Our hope is most definitely in Jesus, as well, as we're praying for our miracle.

      I so appreciate your prayers, honey. Tell your son Happy Birthday and give him an extra big hug from my family!


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