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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remembering September 11, 2001 - GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Today, on this Patriot Day, we reflect on the tragic events of September 11, 2001 - when most of us watched on TV, as terrorists struck planes into our World Trade Center in New York City, our Pentagon in Virginia, and when the heroes of Flight 93 crashed their hijacked plane into a field in Pennsylvania. Our world since that day has never been the same.

As time moves us further away, I hope and pray, as a nation, we will never forget what took place that day. We must continue to pray for the families and remember the victims of September 11th, who were ordinary Americans, like you and me, simply going about their daily routine.

As we remember this dark time, be a Light to someone Today! Let us love one another!

God Bless America!
With my enormous love for my country,
and blessings to all who visit here, Net

"In Him was Life, and that Life was the Light of all mankind.
The Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it."
~John 1:4&5


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Melissa! You are such a dear friend!

      Blessings to you, Net

  2. .....beautiful, Net!! God bless our United States of America, land of the free, and deliver us from the clutches of the evil one! May we never forget the sacrifices of so many lives that mortal day and bless the families of all we give tribute to this day....PS..please pray for all of us on the east coast regarding Florence.

    1. Oh yes... I am absolutely praying for all my dear friends and family who live in this area, where the hurricane is heading. If possible, please keep us updated on how you are doing, Linda.

      Be safe and take care!
      God bless you, Net

  3. Beautiful Net! We will never forget. We lived about an hour and a half SW of DC back then. I heard fighter jets overhead, echoing because of Mountains. My Husband calls on the land line, "Baby, are you watching you the News?"
    I proceeded to tell him we had already started Homeschool. "Hunny, turn it on now! We are under attack."
    He would call me later. I watched in horror. I would not let my children see it but my oldest understood as she heard the commentary from another room. As soon as possible we gathered up stuff and jumped in car to make the 30min drive to husband's work. The children and I just wanted to be with him. Their innocence lost.

    1. Thank you, Becky, for sharing your story with us. I remember wanting to stay close to family at that time, as well, as we watched the news together, trying our best to comprehend what our tear-filled eyes had just seen. Even 17 years later, such evil is incomprehensible and unimaginable, and yet it is still, sadly, very real. No matter our age, I think we all became a little older and wiser that day.

      Blessings to you and yours, Net

  4. πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™

  5. Amen Net, Amen. We must never forget those brave souls who lost their lives 17 years ago or the loved ones and friends that they left behind. I pray for all of them and the safety of our country and it's people. May God Bless Our Country, You and All who visit your wonderful blog! I'll also be praying for everyone in the path of Florence like Linda above. May God keep everyone safe! John

    1. Thank you, John, for sharing in praying for our country and those in the path of Hurricane Florence. It sounds like it will be quite bad; I'm hoping many people heed the warnings and leave before the storm hits.

      Praying for everyone's wisdom & safety!
      God bless, Net

  6. Well said Net!!! Absolutely Beautiful!! I too prayer that our country never forgets what happen that terrible day- all those precious people whose lives were taken and to their families that were left behind. My prayer is that all of us will take 2 Chronicle 7:14 to heart. “ If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” We need to be on our knees praying for our country and our leaders.... Chuck

    1. That was very well said, Chuck! 2 Chronicles 7:14 is also my heart's prayer. We must never forget, so we can do our best to prevent it from happening again.

      God's Blessings! I'm praying along with you!

  7. That was beautiful Net! God Bless America! And as Linda has already mentioned, please pray for those of us in the path of Florence. Blessings to you and all who visit here!

    1. Joyce, I'm from the DelMarVa area and thank God no longer in the direct path of the storm as of last night but both North and South Carolina and possibly Georgia are the main targets. I pray for you, your family and friends and hope you are settled in a safe place to ride this horrific storm out.

    2. Thank you Linda! We're in the northern part of NC and we're not in as much of a threat as of last night. Still expecting heavy rains and some wind damage though. Praying for all to be safe! Glad you're in a good place.

    3. Joyce, please take care in your area. I was so hoping the storm would pass, but it looks like it's coming on strong. I sure hope you are not near the place they predicting the impact. If at all possible, if you have electricity, please keep us posted on how you are doing.

      Be safe. You are in my prayers, Net

    4. Linda, it's so nice to hear your area will not be receiving the impact of the storm. I cannot imagine how difficult this time is for those leaving their homes, and praying it will still be there, in livable condition, when they return.

      I'll be thinking of you, and praying for all, as the storm passes through. Blessings, Net

    5. Thank you Net!

    6. You're welcome, Joyce. I've heard the storm has been downgraded, but the conditions they show on TV, of high wind and heavy rain... still look awful. I've heard many are without power now, so I don't know if you'll see this right away, but if you do, please know I continue to pray for all of you.

      Be safe! God bless you! Net

    7. We're safe..so is all of my family. We were very blessed in our area. Lots of folks not so fortunate.

      Thanks again for your prayers.

    8. I'm so happy to hear, Joyce, that you and your family are safe. That's wonderful news.

      I've heard some say the conditions have been different from day to day, so it's good to know your area is doing well, as each day passes, since the storm hit.

      I will most definitely continue to pray for those who were less fortunate, and I've seen so many poor abandoned animals. It's so sad.

      Thank you for letting me know. Take care.

  8. Thank you Net for this beautiful tribute to 9-11. I noticed some media outlets barely covered it. They tell us to never forget- then they don't show us the speeches and the families and friends reading the names in NY. Sad. They can't even honor these families. Then they wonder why the new generation has no idea what 9-11 even is.

    1. I agree. Thank you, Brooke, for sharing that. It is a shame that the September 11th events weren't covered as they should be. I'm sure there were political reasons behind that, but September 11th shouldn't be about politics whatsoever. All media outlets should be honoring our fellow innocent Americans who were killed on that day, and giving respect to their families.

      I appreciate you sharing that. Blessings, Net

  9. Lovely tribute Net. It is sad to see how after 17 years America doesn't seem to be as United as we were that day. So many are being praise in media and ads today for not standing up for our flag and the image that will always remain strongly in my mind is when those many raised our American flag up from the wreckage...then we all stood and now it is just ok to not. We as Americans should never forget, pray for our country each day and STAND for our American flag. It is sad to see the way of the world but as Christians we have to stand on God's word like 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. Thank you to all that served that day and continued to serve for our country. We should always stand for them and our freedom and to get on our knees and pray to God to protect our Country!

    1. Perfectly said, Beth!! Many share your sediments, I'm sure!! God Bless America!!

    2. Beautifully said, Beth! I love that image you referenced, of our firefighters raising the flag on the very day of the attacks on September 11th. Our flag symbolized something very important on that day... that no matter what had taken place, we were going to unify together, as proud, strong Americans and support our Flag, and our Country. I, too, wish we had that same unifying, patriotic spirit today. Thank you for sharing your heart on this meaningful day.

      Blessings, Net

  10. Amen! Well said Beth!


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