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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, September 26, 2008


I was so blessed by the Behind the Scenes Making of Fiireproof, which aired late last week on TBN. What an amazing Christian atmosphere went into making this movie... why it is certainly more than just a movie - it's a ministry.

The movie stars Kirk Cameron... a favorite actor of mine going back to his days as Mike Seaver on Growing Pains. I have enjoyed following his career and life story. The Way of the Master Program that he and Ray Comfort have developed together is a powerful and amazing tool to lead non-believers to Christ.

It was so interesting to see all the details that went into making the movie... in the Behind the Scenes Making of Fireproof... and how all the people participating weren't paid a penny - they were all there to serve! I was especially taken and blessed by one scene where a car is stuck on the train tracks and a train is coming and they have to get the car out of the way fast ... well in order to make this scene happen they needed a backhoe to move the car around- and amazingly enough the man who lived next door to the train tracks where they were filming - not only had a backhoe, but was such a fan of their other movies - Flywheel and Facing the Giants (I like those movies, too!) ... that he offered his services and the backhoe for free.

Here's the Description of the Movie from the Official Web-site - http://www.fireproofthemovie.com/:

At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules.

Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband.

Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks.

As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's father challenges his son to commit to a 40-day experiment: "The Love Dare." Wondering if it's even worth the effort, Caleb agrees-for his father's sake more than for his marriage. When Caleb discovers the book's daily challenges are tied into his parents' newfound faith, his already limited interest is further dampened.

While trying to stay true to his promise, Caleb becomes frustrated time and again. He finally asks his father, "How am I supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?"

When his father explains that this is the love Christ shows to us, Caleb makes a life-changing commitment to love God. And with God's help he begins to understand what it means to truly love his wife.

But is it too late to fireproof his marriage? His job is to rescue others. Now Caleb Holt is ready to face his toughest job ever...rescuing his wife's heart.

I am so looking forward to seeing this movie. The Rating is PG-13, but I suspect that it is due to the violence of the firefighting scenes. I just thought I would pass along to you all how wonderful the Making of the Movie was and encourage you to see it, if you have the opportunity.
The Making of the Movie airs again tonight-

Making of 'Fireproof'
TBN -- 09/27/2008 2:00 AM
Hope you all can catch it!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Yay! I'm so excited!!!! I actually have my very own web domain now on the internet. It's http://www.itsawonderfulmovie.com/. Please feel free to pass it on...

I created the title: It's A Wonderful Movie based upon my ultimate favorite movie - "It's A Wonderful Life"! Since my web-site is about Family Films and Christmas Movies and a place where I review movies suitable for family viewing - I think the name fits it perfectly! So It's A Wonderful Movie was born out of that... my love for family and film!

You will also see a revised banner on my web-site with the new name and logo. You can check it out here: http://www.itsawonderfulmovie.com/ .

Thank you for reading my blog --- have a wonderful week-end! God Bless!