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~ James 1:17

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Hallmark Announces: "Chesapeake Shores" Season 6 - Final Season of Series!

"The news is finally here!" (Hallmark announced today via Instagram.) "#ChesapeakeShores is coming back for a sixth, albeit final, season. Stay tuned for all the laughter, love, and don’t miss one heartfelt O’Brien moment coming this summer. #Chessies"

"Chesapeake Shores" follows 4 generations in the O'Brien family, led by Nell O'Brien (Diane Ladd), Mick (Treat Williams), and Megan (Barbara Niven). Also, returning this season are: Meghan Ory, Emilie Ullerup, Brendan Penny, Andrew Francis, Laci J. Malley, and Robert Buckley.

I'm personally curious to see... the health condition of Connor (Andrew Francis) in the new season, along with future family plans for Kevin (Brendan Penny) and Sarah (Jessica Sipos). Not sure what other directions the series may go this season??? Will Megan and Mick split up for good or will they finally reunite after many years apart? So many questions will hopefully be answered in this final season. Is there any possibility that Trace (Jesse Metcalfe) will return? I'm not sure. Most likely no. But, I'm still hoping! Will "Chesapeake Shores" remain mostly family friendly- for all ages? I sure hope so! (Although, please note: there are some brief, adult situations and dialogue I would personally caution for young viewers in previous seasons.)

What do you think of this news? Will you be tuning into the Hallmark Channel for this all new, final season of "Chesapeake Shores?"

Blessings, Net


Previous seasons of Chesapeake Shores on DVD:

Chesapeake Shores: Season 1 - DVD
(click here for current price

Chesapeake Shores: Season 2 - DVD
(click here for current price

Chesapeake Shores: Season 3 - DVD
(click here for current price

Chesapeake Shores: Season 4 - DVD
(click here for current price

Chesapeake Shores: Season 5 - DVD
(click here for current price


  1. What did you think of Chesapeake Shores?

    1. Chris, I have mixed feelings on "Chesapeake Shores." I've enjoyed some of the series, but there have been some adult situations, as well. It has been very tame compared to much of the content on network/cable TV, but still, I would say there are some issues that would not be good for young viewers. If they do any storylines this season that go against my personal beliefs, then I won't be watching.

  2. Sorry to hear. I was hoping it would move to GAC so then I know that it wouldn't have a chance at going woke.

    I've heard a bit of BTS news, and it's a bit troubleseome:

    2 of the ladies recently had babies, so who knows if they'll be around. And Margaret has been recasted. Sounds like a big mess waiting to happen.

    I loved this show throughout it's run. And I hope it still remains clean -Maria

  3. I have not watched the show since Trace Jessie Metcalfe left. After having four years invested in the show I thought that was a major disappointment Abby and Trace going there separate ways. Abby Meghan Ory and Trace had great chemistry on screen and these other guy not so much. After that I was not interested in the series, I checked out> It would be great for them to reunite in the finally shows maybe even get married. "Your first love is your forever love" They both would be happy together. Plus a happy Hallmark ending. L

    1. winningedge24, I did watch last season, and while it was good, at times, it just wasn't the same without Jessie Metcalfe. It still saddens me where they took his character.

  4. I've never watched Chesapeake Shores so this doesn't affect me but I commiserate with fans of the shpw.

    Once Jesse Metcale decide to leave this was probably inevitable and it did well to run for 2 more Seasons.

    Credit where it is due and on this occasion I think Hallmark has acted honourably.

    They haven't just pulled the plug on the show as they did with Cedar Cove but announced the ending in advance and presumably will tie up loose ends which imo treats the fans with respect.

    Congratulatios Hallmark - you can still do the right thing sometimes! - Florence

    1. Florence, I honestly think Jesse Metcalfe would've stayed with the series if they hadn't written his character they way they did - having him always back and forth on the road with his band and indecisive with his relationship with Abby.

      Anyway, I agree with you... it is good they are at least finishing up the series, if hopefully, they keep it family friendly.

  5. I wish Hallmark would end WCTH.
    I did enjoy watching Chesapeake Shores, even with the loss of Jesse Metcalfe.

  6. Glad to see it's renewed, but sad it's for the final season, but not surprising. The series definitely took a nosedive once Jesse M left, and I don't think Abby and what's his name (I truly forget!!) would make a good couple. Trace had a wonderful relationship with Abby's daughters and things were improving with Mick as well. I have my own version on how things should be wrapped up, but I'm hoping that it doesn't go woke in this final season. That would be very sad. I think one of its downfalls was too many characters and just not enough time for Abby and Trace. The show got off focus with main storylines, especially for Jess and David, who are now more of the main characters. Sorry for the rambling, but just my humble opinion. Thank you Net! Happy Spring!

    1. Savvy Girl, I agree 100%!!! I, too, can't really see Abby and (had to look up his name!) Evan Kincaid together as a real couple for the long haul. At times, I feel sorry for the guy (it's obvious he has past issues with the loss of his parents) and other times, he's rather annoying waving his incredible wealth around. Even though he's been kind to Abby's daughters, it's hard to see him being a father-figure to them. I so enjoyed reading your thoughts, especially since we feel the same!!! :)

  7. I'll be watching the last season.


  8. With all the changes and cancellations at Hallmark, I really really hope that When Calls the Heart doesn’t get canceled. The potential is there for many more great stories and seasons but I thought that about Chesapeake Shores too at one time. It would be a shame to end another show prematurely. I don’t understand wishing a show would end. Just don’t watch it lol


  9. When I first read the synopsis for 'Unthinkably Good Things', it sounded very similar to the 'Chesapeake Shores' movie that was announced back in, I believe, 2019. While Hallmark is known for recycling plots and story ideas, it made me wonder if the network was going to cancel 'Chesapeake Shores'. Looks like my hunch was correct.

    'Chesapeake Shores' is yet another program cancelled within Hallmark's current era. As I started speculating last year, I wonder if Hallmark's finances are worse than they're letting on? We commenters and visitors of 'It's a Wonderful Movie' know the network's viewership numbers are not doing Hallmark any favors. Plus, several programs have been cancelled within a year's time. Creating/maintaining a series, hiring talent with a bigger household name, or traveling to Italy for the umpteenth time costs money. Maybe these recent changes at Hallmark are the result of the company attempting to stretch a dollar?

    1. Sally, that's a really good point about HM's financial situation. The ratings are definitely down, and it seems like not too much is going on either at HMM. Was Martha Vineyard mysteries cancelled, too? Poor Jesse! I have not heard of Unthinkably Good Things--I'll check that out1

    2. Sally, I agree with Savvy Girl - your points are excellent! Although exclusive deals are going on with some actors publicly, it does make one wonder about finances, ratings, and the availability to work with many of the actors who used to be faithful only to Hallmark.

      I looked up the storyline you mentioned for that "Chesapeake Shores" movie that never happened - and it is quite similar. Great catch! Wonder if it was re-written for this project?

      Thank you for sharing with us, Sally!

      If anyone is interested, here are the two storylines to compare:

      "Chesapeake Shores" movie storyline (that never happened) from 2019:
      (press release)

      With the winter weather dreary in Chesapeake Shores and their own love lives in a complicated state, Abby (Ory), Bree (Ullerup) and Jess (Mailey), adventure to Rome for the wedding of a childhood friend. While in Rome, they discover the wedding plans are in complete chaos and the bride may have a case of pre-wedding jitters because she has gone missing. In an attempt to find the bride, the O’Brien sisters scour the sites of Rome and work to create a happily ever after, while ultimately realizing the romance they each deserve back home in Chesapeake Shores.

      "Unthinkably Good Things" storyline:
      (press release)

      At a crossroads in her career and love life, Allison (Pittman) is in need of the love and support of her two friends Melina (Drake) and Reesa (Ash). When they visit her in Tuscany, the reunion causes each woman to reexamine the state of her own life and relationships. While they have different personalities and perspectives, they know each other's truths and help to make life-changing decisions. Between the good wine, delicious food, a healthy serving of romance, set against the beautiful backdrop of Tuscany the three women relish in the importance of friendship and inspire each other to make this next season the best one yet and to take the leap to pursue the life and loves they have always wanted.

  10. Ok question for you, Net, and those who see this and have seen season 5 of Chesapeake…will I ever come around to liking Abby again? I just saw the first episode on HMN and it left a horrible taste in my mouth. Knowing that Jesse wanted Abby and Trace to be together and chose to leave because of the direction they were taking his character is perhaps coloring my view of the show but I honestly don’t know how I’m going to continue watching and be at all interested in her character. Instead of appearing to be a stable, grounded mother making a sound decision on behalf of her children, she came off as a harpy who, as of season 4, misled Trace into thinking that she still loved him. Even until the end, he was still trying to make her realize he was staying and she tells him to leave and “chase his dream and stop chasing her”. If she is supposed to be over him, just say that, instead of manipulating the situation to make him still look like a jerk. Ugh. Sorry mini rant. From what I understand there’s an upcoming love triangle with an immature (supposed to be spontaneous?) billionaire and the teacher who I personally still find to be as boring as I thought him before. I don’t know that I can stick around for that unless I actually start to re-appreciate Abby as a character.


    1. Rebecca, I will be glad to share my thoughts with you. For me, personally, Abby has never been one of my favorite characters on CS, and even less since Trace left. I can still see the two of them dancing in The Bridge (before construction began) surrounded by clear twinkling lights. What a beautiful scene! I don't think I'll ever get over the two of them separating in Season 5.

      The progression of Abby being with either guy is very slow throughout much of the season. I agree, Jay can be very boring and it's mostly a working relationship with Evan, but Abby (and her sisters) often suspect Evan wants to be more.

      So... will you appreciate Abby, as a character? Sometimes, probably, yes, as a mother, sister and daughter. I really appreciated her relationship with her father, Mick (at home and at work), and the Sister moments are always fun. However, with her potential relationships, it may be a bit harder. It was for me.

      Also, I picked up on one woke comment near the end of the season, just before Jess and David's wedding. Jess asks Bree to officiate her wedding since see married - and at this point she mentions the names of two men. Other than that comment, which I didn't like, and some casual drinking at The Bridge, the series was family friendly. However, there are some medical issues that might be hard for young viewers to understand.

      I hope this was helpful to you, Rebecca.

    2. Thank you, Net! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond with your thoughts. I too remember that scene with Abby and Trace and that’s how I wish they could have stayed.

      I will continue to watch because I do enjoy some of the other characters and I’m curious about how things will go with Bree, and David and Jess. But I do have a small hope that they will somehow let Trace and Abby reunite before the show ends next season. It’s not likely but I can hope.

      Thank you also for the heads up about the woke comment. I do so hope they don’t bring that into season 6 even more so.



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