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Friday, June 11, 2010

A Walton Wedding - John Boy of The Waltons gets Married !

The Waltons Movie Collection (A Wedding on Walton's Mountain / Mother's Day / A Day for Thanks / A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion / Wedding / Easter)MOVIE REVIEW

A Walton Wedding

Network: CBS

Original Air Date: February 12, 1995

Writing credits:
Earl Hamner Jr.
Claire Whitaker
Rod Peterson


Richard Thomas ... John-Boy
Ralph Waite ... John Walton
Michael Learned ... Olivia Walton
Jon Walmsley ... Jason Walton
Judy Norton-Taylor ... Mary Ellen Walton
Mary Beth McDonough ... Erin Walton Northridge
Eric Scott ... Ben Walton
David W. Harper ... Jim-Bob Walton
Kami Cotler ... Elizabeth Walton
Kate McNeil ... Janet Gilchrist
Joe Conley ... Ike
Ronnie Claire Edwards ... Corabeth Walton
Holland Taylor ... Aunt Flo
Ellen Corby ... Grandma Walton
Diane Baker ... Charlotte Gilchrist
Tony Becker ... Drew
Roy Brocksmith ... Professor Trumbell
Lisa Harrison ... Toni Walton
Nicholas Pryor ... Ralph Gilchrist
Mary Jackson ... Emily Baldwin
Helen Kleeb ... Miss Mamie Baldwin

PLOT: (from The Waltons Web-site)

In this made for TV movie, made in 1995, Richard Thomas once again appears as John Boy Walton. The year is 1964 and in New York he has met the woman he wants to marry. Her name is Janet Gilchrist and she is an editor of a fashion magazine, and the daughter of a diplomat. The two of them have planned a small wedding in New York and their family and friends from Waltons Mountain will come to New York for the celebration. Janet's Aunt Flo however, has far grander ideas and John Boy nearly reaches the end of his tether when she begins to take over their wedding preparations. Added to the wedding plan stress John Boy is also trying to write an article about his Grandma, but the story is seeming to be superficial. He decides that he needs to go home to escape the wedding preparations, as well as to reunite with his Grandmother and fill in some gaps which he feels his story has.

While he is on Waltons Mountain trying to put his article together, Janet is left in New York trying to prevent her wedding from getting out of hand. She too leaves the city and heads for Waltons Mountain, and the two plan for a wedding there.

Meantime John Boy is trying to research into Grandma's ancestry and finds no mention of her father in any of the family papers or bible. When he asks her about him she becomes very agitated. Further research into letters held by the Baldwin sisters, reveal that, although he lived in the south, he sympathized with the plight of the slaves and joined the Union to fight against slavery. His neighbors called him a traitor and his family was shamed.

Olivia has decided that the time is right for her to return to study and she enrolls in a class at Boatwright University. Being a married woman, with a family, returning to study, makes her lecturer wonder why she is there and he makes her time in his class very difficult. John also has his problems. He has recently been elected as a County Supervisor and the lumber company which he and Ben run stands to profit if he votes for a proposed subdivision to go ahead. By this time Elizabeth's boyfriend Drew is also working at the mill.

We finally get to the wedding and right in the middle of a wedding song, Jason's wife Toni goes into labor. Fortunately there is a Doctor on hand, and Mary Ellen leaves her bridesmaid duties to go and deliver the new little Walton, Patsy Kline Walton.

The Wedding Nuptials go on... and the baby is heard crying as they say their "I Do's". Afterwards, family and friends gather for an outdoor reception, all beautifully decorated by the directing of Janet's Aunt Flo. It's a beautiful scene of dancing and celebrating in front of the beloved Walton House!

Movie Review:

This is another beautiful Walton Reunion Movie. I just love each and every one! A Walton Easter, I usually say, is my favorite, but I Love this one, too!

A Walton Wedding is so sweetly made and entertaining - something your entire family can enjoy watching together!

It's so fun to watch the family life of The Waltons... all the ups & down the aisle, too!

There are so mnany obstacles that seem to get in the way of John Boy and Janet getting married - work, location, and Janet's Aunt Flo has taken the event over making it bigger than either John Boy or Janet ever wanted or dreamed.

They eventually decide to have something smaller right there on Walton's Mountain. When Janet's family comes to town, there is a mix-up and they end up in Jail, and John has to go and bail them up. This is an embarrassing introduction of the family, but soon enough Janet's family realizes how wonderful the Walton family is.

It's a nice trip back to Walton's Mountain that the whole family can enjoy together!

See or Skip:

The Waltons Movie Collection (A Wedding on Walton's Mountain / Mother's Day / A Day for Thanks / A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion / Wedding / Easter)See, with your Family!!!

Available on DVD -
in The Waltons Movie Collection



  1. This one wasn't my favorite but I liked it :)

  2. Trying to figure out how old John Boy is supposed to be in this film. Considering the early series were set in 1933/1934 and John Boy was around 15, then he should be aged 45 in the Wedding film as that is set in 1964!

    1. John Boy was born in 1917 which would make him 47 years old when he married in '64. The time sequences, ages of children and grandchildren is all off. Elizabeth is still in her '20s or early '30s when she really should be nearing 40. Kids appear and disappear and Erin is a school principal and Olivia is a teacher. Hmmmm...

  3. agree - time lines don't match up with ages of children and of their children. What happened to Mary Ellen's Curtis?

  4. Why is Jim Bob hardly shown and has no speaking parts?

  5. John Boy was supposed to have been 17 in 1933, so he would have been 48 in 1964. The Walton time line jumped to WWII in the mid seventies.

  6. Where are Mary Ellen's, and Erin's husbands?

    1. Erin divorced, mary ellens husband in the service

    2. Mary Ellen's 2nd husband is off in the jungle helping less fortunate people. Dr. Curtis Willard never came back as he was injured at Pearl Harbor and could no longer be a real husband.

  7. What are the names of John Boy's twins? One of the fan clubs named the children John Zebulon and Esther Olivia. (1) these are not the official names (2) I think it would create confusion in the family. To solve the original confusion, they named John Walton Jr, John Boy, unless they want to call the baby boy John Walton III, Johnny. For the girl, she would need a nickname or they could call her Olive

  8. what happen to cindy,ben's wife?

  9. what happen to cindy ben's wife?

  10. did john boy have any kids?

  11. Twins on the Easter Movie.


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