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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Saturday, March 15, 2025

The 3 Most Frequently Asked Questions About "When Hope Calls" Season 2, including Where to Watch Season 1 and More - SEE HERE:

Since we are just about THREE weeks away (as of THIS SUNDAY!) until the Season 2 premiere of "When Hope Calls" on Great American Family on Sunday, April 6th, I figured it would be the perfect moment to address the THREE most frequently asked questions about the show.

Before I share those questions, though, I couldn't resist sharing above the new "When Hope Calls" Season 2 poster Great American Family released yesterday, especially since I know many of you are just as excited as I am about the new season!

The actors and actresses featured in the poster are Cindy Busby, Christopher Russell, Wendy Crewson, Hannake Talbot, Sarah Fisher, Jon McClaren, and Nick Bateman.

(Reminder: For those of you who stream on Pure Flix, you'll be able to watch early on Thursday, April 3rd!)

Alright, let's take a closer look into the three most popular questions I've come across regarding "When Hope Calls." I'll do my best to provide answers for each one.

The first question is...

Where can I watch Season 1 of "When Hope Calls"?

* Season 1 of "When Hope Calls" can be streamed through Hallmark+ - *click here for details* (The service currently offers a 7-day free trial).

* Amazon Prime also offers a low price to Buy Season 1 to stream - *click here for details*.

* Or if you prefer, the first season of "When Hope Calls" is also available on DVD through Amazon - *click here for details*.

* The Christmas episodes of "When Hope Calls," which are considered to be the first two episodes of Season 2, can be streamed through Great American Pure Flix - *click here for details*. (The service currently offers a 7-day free trial for new members)

The 2nd most asked question...

Will Great American Family air Season 1 of "When Hope Calls" before airing Season 2?

* Unfortunately, Great American Family doesn't have the rights to the first season of "When Hope Calls" at this time. The show originally premiered on Hallmark's streaming platform before being broadcast on the Hallmark Channel. Currently, the only way to view the first season of "When Hope Calls" is through Hallmark+, unless, of course, an agreement is eventually reached between the networks.

* Great American Family does own the rights to their two Christmas episodes that start off season 2. This means there's a chance they might air those episodes before the April premiere, so let's be sure to keep an eye on the schedule!

The third most asked question...

Will any of the actors from the first season of "When Hope Calls" be making a return for season two?

The answer to that is... YES! Among the new characters seen in the poster above, you will also see several familiar faces in season two.

Actors returning include:

Morgan Kohan
Ryan-James Hatanaka

Kalinka Petrie
Wendy Crewson

Jefferson Brown
Hanneke Talbot

Neil Crone
Elizabeth Saunders

Note: Some of the actors from season 1 will be in limited episodes in season two, while others are returning for the entire season.

Jon McClaren is one of the new actors; however, he will be playing the role of Sam Tremblay, previously portrayed by Marshall Williams in season one and in the Christmas episodes.

Behind-the-scenes promo:


  1. thanks for the info. -Maria

  2. Yes, Jefferson Brown, who played Joe Moody in the first season of "When Hope Calls", is returning for Season 2, which premiered on Great American Family on December 18, 2021.

    Here's a more detailed breakdown:
    Character: Jefferson Brown played Joe Moody, the general store owner, in the first season of "When Hope Calls".
    Season 2: He is reprising his role for the second season, which premiered on Great American Family on December 18, 2021.

    Season 3: Season 3 will premiere on April 6, 2025
    Show Overview: "When Hope Calls" is a historical drama series set in 1916 Brookfield, a fictional small Western prairie town, inspired by Janette Oke's novels.

    Other Cast Members: The series stars Morgan Kohan, Jocelyn Hudon, Ryan-James Hatanaka, Greg Hovanessian, Wendy Crewson, Hanneke Talbot, and Jefferson Brown.

    Where to Watch: The show now airs on Great American Family.


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