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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

🎄Great American Family's 2023 Christmas Movie Promos🎄 with Jen Lilley, Candace Cameron Bure, Danica McKellar, Trevor Donovan, Chad Michael Murray, Jill Wagner, Paul Greene, Lori Loughlin and More - SEE HERE:

Since Great American Family has already unwrapped their 2023 lineup of Christmas movies (*see full list here*), I decided this would be a fun time to post many of the Christmas promo videos Great American Family has shared with us viewers, thus far!

Enjoy promos for Christmas movies with Jen Lilley, Danica McKellar, Trevor Donovan, Chad Michael Murray, Jill Wagner, Paul Greene, Lori Loughlin, and many more below!

Great American Christmas 2023:

"When the leaves begin to fall... it means Great American Christmas is almost here!"

Enjoy all of your favorite stars on Great American Family this Christmas...


A Paris Christmas Waltz
(Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison)


A Royal Christmas Romance
(Danica McKellar & Damon Runyon)


'Twas the Text Before Christmas
(Merritt Patterson and Trevor Donovan)


A Christmas Blessing
(Lori Loughlin, James Tupper, and Jesse Hutch)


Destined 2: Christmas Once More
(Shae Robins and Casey Elliott)


Bringing Christmas Home
(Jill Wagner and Paul Greene)


I know many of you who visit here are looking forward to Great American Family's Christmas movies as much as I am!

All of these promos above look amazing, and I can't wait to see more. I have a feeling Great American Christmas 2023 is going to be The Best Year yet!

Be sure to visit the Christmas Schedule as I'll be updating premiere dates there as they are released.

Have a Merry Day, Everyone!
Blessings, Net

*All images/videos via Great American Media.


  1. Destined 2: Christmas Christmas More
    October 21, 2023
    8pm ET/7pm CT/5pm PT

    1. I mean Destined 2: Christmas Once More
      October 21, 2023

    2. Yes! It was great fun to see in the promo above that "Destined 2: Christmas Once More" will be Great American Family's first Christmas movie premiere for 2023 - on Saturday October 21st!

      I find it to be especially interesting since "Destined at Christmas," the original film, was the first Christmas movie premiere last year.

      Looking forward to seeing this sequel - in less than a month now! :)

    3. Update: "Destined 2: Christmas Once More" will not be airing on October 21st after all.

      I reached out to Great American Family after noticing the new promo says Coming Soon, and I was told the premiere date for "Destined 2: Christmas Once More" has changed.

      All of the premiere dates will be announced sometime soon. That's all I can share for now. Stay tuned! :)

      Blessings, Net

  2. Thanks for sharing these! :) -Maria

    1. Maria, I was happy to share! Some people have mentioned to me that they hadn't seen all of these - so I thought I would upload some of the promo videos that weren't available online, yet, and share them all in one place.

      Looking forward to seeing which Christmas movie they promote next. Surely something new will be released during "A Harvest Homecoming," or more details, at least, for "'Twas the Text Before Christmas."

      Happy watching! :)
      Have a Blessed day! Net

    2. Net, thanks so much for the previews. The Countdown is Coming! 🎄🎅🏼
      Best to all.
      Gabe’s Mom

  3. I echo what you said Net, this is “going to be The Best Year yet!” Nearly every new GAF Christmas movie looks good to me.

  4. Thanks, Net, for putting these all here together. I hadn’t seen 3 of these. Lori’s and Jill’s are my favorite so far.

  5. Thank you Net! I will definitely be watching all of these promos tonight as I haven’t seen any of them. So looking forward to GAF Christmas season to start! Also, maybe I missed it, but have you listed the Lifetime Christmas lineup yet? I have not watched Lifetime in like a decade since I was in my 20s because their storylines turned so bizarre and over sexualized, reminded me of like Jerry Springer stories. But I did catch a few Christmas ones that I loved On Demand and was shocked to find out they were from lifetime, plus you also recommended some other good Christmas ones to me which I really enjoyed. So I am looking forward to what they put out this year.


    1. Paula, No word on Lifetime's 2023 Christmas movie premieres, yet. They can be a bit of a wild card when it comes to Christmas. I remember back in 2016 - they only had one acquired Christmas movie premiere. Every year after that, it's hard to know what to expect.

      Glad you enjoyed the Lifetime Christmas movies I recommended. They do have some good ones! :)

      Blessings, Net

  6. I can't wait to see these!!!

  7. Jim, That is so true! The Christmas movie avalanche is coming - get out your snow shovel now!!! :)

    Love hearing your enthusiasm, my friend!
    Blessings, Net

  8. The only thing sad is no Marc Blucas. 😢 I want a Fall movie with him in it too. He's one of my favorites.

  9. If you've been watching Great American Family closely yesterday or this morning... you might've caught at the bottom of the screen 3 separate announcements that Candace Cameron Bure, Jen Lilley, and Danica McKellar are starring in an all new Christmas Movie coming this Great American Thanksgiving!!!

    So... now we know officially those three Christmas movies: My Christmas Hero, Paris Christmas Waltz, and A Royal Christmas Romance will premiere then, although I think some of us already guessed this would be the case.

    That will be a fantastic Thanksgiving treat to have all three of these lovely ladies Christmas movies over that special Holiday Weekend!

    Now I'm trying to guess when Trevor Donovan & Merritt Patterson's movie, 'Twas the Text Before Christmas, will premiere and others. My guess is... Trevor's will premiere either the week before or the week after Thanksgiving.

    I'm hoping Jill Wagner's movie, Bringing Christmas Home, will premiere over Veteran's Day weekend since her Christmas movie is military themed.

    As for the others... it's wait and see! :)

    Blessings, Net

    1. Yup, I definitely predicted those 3 movies would be airing during Thanksgiving! :) -Maria

    2. Finally, Bringing Christmas Home gonna air on Veteran’s Day Movies instead Saturday

      I wonder about Veterans Day movies marathon

  10. The four I am most looking forward to are:

    A Model Christmas
    Santa Maybe
    (both trailers are great)
    A Royal Christmas Holiday
    The Christmas Regift

    The pairings which on paper excite me are Laura Osnes/ Christopher Russell, Jill Wagner/ Paul Greene and way the best Merritt Patterson/ Trevor Donovan.

    But having been burnt last year by movies which didn't live up to the talents of the actors I'm just keeping my fingers crossed it's different this year - Florence


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