*UPDATE* Great American Family has officially released their Summer schedule with GAF originals, faith-filled movies from Pureflix, romantic comedies from Reel One Entertainment, and more!
A New Movie Premiere is still coming EVERY Saturday night. Furthermore, additional movies have been added to the schedule on Monday nights.
In case there are any changes, you'll want to be sure to stay tuned for any potential updates.
See all the details below...
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Tim Ross, Susie Abromeit and director Colin Budds on the set of Romance at the Vineyard. Photo by David Fell. |
Romance at the Vineyard
Starring: Susie Abromeit and Tim Ross
Premieres: Saturday, August 5, 2023
Storyline: When it looks as though Allee’s family vineyard, Merado, is at stake, she is forced to pair with a new friend in an effort to avoid selling the property. What she doesn’t know is that her newfound partner works for the corporate wine chain aiming to buy the property.
Movie Reviews:
☀️ Romance in the Vineyard is a very lovely movie. :) –Maria
☀️ Romance at the Vineyard was the best movie of the night. Great cast and the location/scenery was so great. ~Anonymous
☀️ Romance at the Vineyard is such a sweet movie; it’s the ideal blend of family-friendly entertainment with an enriching flavor of romance and refreshing comedy.
Susie Abromeit (Allee) and Tim Ross (Ethan) have wonderful chemistry together on screen; they seem like two magnets you can barely pull apart, since they are always drawn to each other. Ethan does deceive Allee and her family of his true identity, as an employee with Wine, Inc., who is visiting their vineyard with the intention of convincing them to sell. Gradually, however, as Ethan works with the family, he has a change of heart and feels guilty for deceiving them. Will it be too late, since he’s been dishonest? Can they somehow save the vineyard when a costly mistake is made with the wine?
The country setting of the movie is gorgeous and overall, it’s an intriguing, sweet, lighthearted love story. I thought Romance at the Vineyard was such a delightful watch; I look forward to catching encore airings on Great American Family. ~Net
☀️ I really enjoyed Romance in the Vineyard. It has it all...great scenery, script, and actors! Susie Abromeit and Tim Ross were wonderful together. I think the GAF viewers will love it! I would love to see Tim Ross in more movies on GAF! ~blessedgigi23
☀️ I love both stars in Romance In The Vineyard, but this movie was a disappointment for me. It started with a deception, which I do not like, and carried through the movie until the end. I kept turning the channel, hoping the lie would be revealed, but that did not happen. I finally gave up on the movie. Not a keeper for me. ~kitkat
Love on Repeat
Starring: Jen Lilley and Andrew Lawrence
Premieres: Monday, August 7, 2023
Storyline: In Love on Repeat, when architect Amber (Jen Lilley) finds herself in limbo, re-living the same day repeatedly, she attempts to make changes in her professional and personal life that will save her from the cycle.
Movie Reviews:
☀️ I love Jen Lilley as an actress and she was great in the movie, however I couldn’t really get into it. Its so hard for me to get into movies that are lower budget than what I’m used to watching on Hallmark because all of those things add so much to the film. So then I become distracted instead of appreciating what it can add to the overall film. The wardrobe, background decor, props, etc were just not good in my opinion and so I didn’t finish watching after about 30 min. —Paula
☀️ I actually ended up enjoying this movie way more than I thought I would. It isn't one that I kept on my DVR, but I would watch it again on GAF. I liked the twist at the end and it was a good reminder that we don't always know what someone else is going through. The downside for me was Jonathan Bennett. I am not a fan of his over the top acting style. Overall, it was a cute family-friendly movie and definitely good for at least a one-time watch. ....and of course Jen Lilley was great! ~blessedgigi23
☀️ Got around to watching Love on Repeat, and it was very enjoyable! -Maria
☀️ Love on Repeat – Jen Lilley was fun to watch in this, buuut… it just wasn’t for me. At times, it’s overly silly and ridiculous. I’m okay with the repeat-the-day scenario, but if I had to watch Amber (Jen Lilley) play Baby Olympics with her co-workers one more time, I was going to scream! Jonathan Bennett tries too hard to act quirky and outlandish as Amber’s ex-boyfriend, Kevin, and some of the co-workers are rather wacky, except Charlie (Andrew Lawrence). In fact, Charlie is the only character that seems down-to-earth and more level-headed. Overall, it’s a wholesome movie and there are funny moments, but this is a one-time watch only for me. ~Net
An Unlikely Angel
a Pure Flix Original
Starring: Jillian Murray, Robert Amaya, Aaron Mees, Sam J. Jones, Brittany Goodwin and Delyla de Castro
Premieres: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Storyline: The movie is about Janie, a workaholic who is falling apart at the thought of becoming a first-time mom. She whispers a small prayer for help and it’s answered in a very unlikely way when an angel intervenes and fast forwards her life. Janie is lucky enough to be given a second chance, but will she change before it’s too late?
Movie Review:
❤ I watched Unlikely Angel on pureflix a couple of months ago. It was okay and similar to all of the "what if" movies. However, the only thing I didn't like was the neighbor friend. Apparently since the main character has been in a coma for years (spoiler:she wasn't really but in her dream she was) the husband has been getting help raising his daughter from a woman who is their neighbor. She seems too chummy with the husband, and the main character feels uncomfortable about it, especially when she wants to bring him his favorite desserts. The lead and her husband feel uncomfortable around one another after being a part for so long. I recall there being one scene where the main character dresses up and puts candles all throughout her bedroom and is waiting there for her husband to come in. I think she's trying to spark something with him again (although nothing happens and i believe the husband leaves) , however it made me feel uneasy. I don't feel that the neighbor part or that scene in the bedroom were necessary. ~Anonymous
❤ An Unlikely Angel was exactly what I needed to watch this weekend. What a beautiful lesson in the love of our Father! Prayer changes everything. This movie gave me a spiritual boost. Thank you GAF! ~kitkat
❤ Absolutely loved An Unlikely Angel! And for those looking for quick advertisements, Jillian has a new Christmas movie coming for GAF this year! -Maria
❤ Review: An Unlikely Angel -
Family-friendly? Yes -
Keeper? Maybe a One-Timer.-
Well, this movie was...interesting. I will say, though, that unlike so many other movies, this was had me guessing all the way through. I had no idea where it was going.
Unfortunately, I didn't like where it ended up. MAJOR SPOILER ALERTS! I like the premise - God shows a new mother how her life will be in six years unless she changes to focus on her family. But the storyline??! Okay, so if I understand this correctly, what you think happened to her down the road never happened - it was all a dream (or rather, God's message to her in a dream) right after she gave birth. That I can live with. But in this dream: she gets in a car accident (on purpose in a car driven by an angel), goes into a 6-year coma, awakens to find among other things a neighbor hitting on her husband, realizes at the very end she needs to put her family first, gets in another car accident (again, on purpose and driven by that same angel), and then awakens from her dream. Umm, somehow I think God would get his message across in a much better way (or even in a much better dream)!
And this angel (who looks nothing like any angel I would picture) - if you think about it, there was really no need to have an angel involved in this dream/movie. Also, if it was all a dream, how does that angel show up the last scene?! And wouldn't you think that an angel who is in the movie's title would be a major character and have more than 10-15 minutes of screen time?
Okay, I know we need to stretch credibility a bit for these kind of movies. But this one stretches way too much for me. A one-timer at the most. ~Mark 25
❤ An Unlikely Angel – First of all, I like the lead actress in this, Jillian Murray, but I just didn’t find her character, Janie, very likeable in the beginning of this film. Janie is completely obsessed with her work-life, her husband and new baby are secondary. In fact, instead of taking her newborn home when she leaves the hospital, she leaves her husband with the baby, and takes off in a cab to go back to work. A car accident leaves Janie in a coma for six years, but of course, she wakes up looking exactly the same as before. The most troubling issue of all is the fact that Janie’s husband, David, has a woman friend, Kelly, who flirts with him ad nauseam, even in front of Janie. He says they are only friends, but it’s obvious there is a connection between the two and Kelly isn’t backwards at letting her feelings show and trying to take over with Samantha (Janie and David’s 6 year old daughter) or in the kitchen. I thought that portion of the story was completely unnecessary. David was still a married man, and he had no business spending so much time with Kelly. Also, like Mark 25 said in his review, the angel, Gabe, was not at all how I would picture an angel, especially Janie’s guardian angel. The only bright spot in the movie for me was Janie’s father, who often gave his daughter sound, spiritually based advice. There is a happy ending and I liked the message of putting family first, but’s it’s highly unlikely I will ever watch An Unlikely Angel again. ~Net
❤ I think the film “An Unlikely Angel”, which aired on GAF, is a wonderful story that kept me engaged from start to finish. Jillian Murray was amazing in portraying a woman who is confused, over-worked, and with upside-down priorities. Throughout the time she spends after waking up from a 6-year coma, the viewer senses something is awry regarding her relationships with her daughter and husband, but we’re left to imagine how it’s going to work out. I really liked the quirky nature of the angel, her coworkers, and neighbor; but the moral of the story really hit home for me. God gave her a glimpse of where her life was going, and her faith in Him allowed her to chose the better path. ~MPT

Wedding Cake Dreams
Starring: Donna Benedicto and Markian Tarasuik
Premieres: Monday, August 14, 2023
Storyline: As a young girl, Carrie Watson (Donna Benedicto) placed a piece of wedding cake under her pillow because her mother told her the tradition would make her love dream come true. Two decades later, Carrie is shocked to discover the man she dreamed about is at her younger sister’s wedding.
Movie Reviews:
💐 Wedding Cake Dreams– is a feel-good, family-friendly movie for all ages. At times, the lead girl, Carrie Watson (who is a professional chemist), acts somewhat silly around a guy she likes, and you want to tell her, “Hey girl, get it together,” but I suppose that’s part of the comedy charm of it. Plus, he is rather swoon-worthy.
I loved Carrie’s endearing relationship with her parents and her little sister, Lydia, who is the bride-to-be. Lydia lacks confidence, at times, and it’s nice to see her turn to her sister for advice. There’s one family scene in particular that especially warmed my heart. Carrie’s father walks over to her in the kitchen as she is baking wedding cakes; he proudly looks at his grown-up daughter, calls her by her nickname, ladybug, and says how having her home reminds him of when he had all of his birdies in the nest. I nearly burst out crying. It’s refreshing to see how much, as a family, they all deeply care for one another.
There are no fake relationships, and I don’t want to give too much away, but someone does pretend to be someone else at one point, which causes two characters to keep secrets.
This movie has three main actors you may recognize from previous TV movies, including: Donna Benedicto (Love in the Forecast, Farmer Seeking Love), Markian Tarasiuk (Welcome to Valentine, Christmas Jars), and Preston Vanderslice (Mystery 101, The Engagement Back-Up).
All in all, “Wedding Cake Dreams” is a delightful, wholesome, lighthearted rom-com. ~Net
💐 Wedding Cake Dream is family friendly about Carrie is convinced that she has met the man of her dreams at her Sister’s wedding, so she decides to contract an expert in romantic online ~Anonymous
💐 Wedding Cake Dreams - This was a fantastic movie!! -Maria
💐 I watched Wedding Cake Dreams and it was really cute! I feel like the storyline of him being behind the blog was good, not something that has been overdone. The supporting cast were also good, especially the dad he cracked me up how he was so into all the wedding stuff and always encouraging the daughter. —Paula
💐 Wedding Cake Dreams was a fun movie for me. It was a light, happy, and sweet two hour escape from the terrible events in this world. I laughed out loud a couple of times. Probably a re-watch for me. ~kitkat
💐 Wedding Cake Dreams is family friendly about Carrie is convinced that she has met the man named Jason of her dreams at her Sister; Lydia’s Wedding, so she decides to contact an expert in romantic relationships online. Jason & Carrie are both doing Wedding Scavenger Hunt ~Anonymous
Stepping into Love
from Reel One Entertainment
Previously titled: Summertime Soulmates
Starring: Jenna Michno and Christian Howard
Premieres: Saturday, August 19, 2023
Storyline: In Summertime Soulmates, a conventional curator facing financial crises (Jenna Michno) works with an avant-garde artist (Christian Howard) to develop an unconventional exhibit.
Movie Reviews:
☀️ Summertime Soulmates -
I don't know why they should change the titles although I have my own thoughts but if you see the movie you would understand why Stepping Into Love fits the movie rather than Summertime Soulmates.
Review of Stepping Into Love (previously aired through Netflix).
Although I wouldn't swear under oath I'm almist 100% certain this is family-friendly.
It's actually typical of so many TV Rom.Coms - inital antagonism gradually fades as the characters learn more about each other and feelings grow but Devan (Christian Howard) has acqured a job on the far side of the country and prepares to leave.
The main body of the story revolves around an art gallery suffering financial difficulties and the theme of Modern Art may be a bit dry for some but I enjoyed Devan and Claire (Jenna Michno) as they worked together to try to boost funds for the Museum.
There were a couple of family sub-plots with Claire's sister and niece and a conflict between Devan and his father which added interest
I wouldn't say the chemistry between the leads (both of whom were previously unknown to me) was sizzling but they were really comfortable in each other's company.
Similar to Andrew Walker Christian had a face which made you want to smile and I really loved Devan and Claire together which for me is a large part of the battle in any movie.
Now it won't win any Oscars or prizes for originality (mostly) but if you just want to escape for an hour-and-a-half with a pleasant, uncomplicated, warm and entertaining Rom.Com then this imo is well worth a watch.
Although I was a bit iffy about the ending I would stretch to an 8 rating - it left me with a nice warm feeling and we've actually rewatched it couple of times. – Florence
☀️ Stepping into Love is family friendly when I notice Allen owns his dog named Rocky is Scottie & Schnauzer mix, it’s looks like Rocky from Paw Patrol. They’re both have same name Rocky ~Anonymous
☀️ Stepping into Love was great! -Maria
☀️ GAF’s “Stepping Into Love” is a family-friendly, lighthearted, and predictable rom-com. The chemistry between the conventional art museum curator (Jenna Michno) and the avant-garde artist (Christian Howard) is engaging, and the story unfolds in the beautiful Miami Beach area. It’s definitely worth watching. ~MPT
☀️ Stepping into Love – This movie is lighthearted and family friendly. Some of the acting is a little stiff, at times, but not bad.
(SPOILER ALERT) I thought the art exhibit idea with the concept of people wearing other people’s shoes while listening to their story in a headset was interesting, plus a little odd and frankly, not sanitary. Plus, if you donated a pair of shoes that were special to you, would you really want a bunch of strange people putting them on and walking in them? The shoes would surely be ruined by the end of the night. Am I right? Perhaps, I'm over-thinking it.
Overall, besides this unusual “art” concept, the characters were all rather likeable and endearing. The romance part is low-key, but sweet. Kick off your shoes and enjoy…it’s a cheerful, carefree movie that will leave you feeling good inside. ~Net
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
a Pure Flix Original
Starring: Robyn Lively, Bart Johnson, and Carrie Alexander
Premieres: Monday, August 21, 2023
Storyline: In Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, a wealthy businessman (Bart Johnson) learns of his daughter’s (Carrie Alexander) sudden engagement to a missionary and makes it his mission to make sure she is closer to home. When his efforts go awry, he is forced to reconsider what being a strong father really means.
Movie Reviews:
☀️ Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is family friendly about Steve Parston attempts to eat chocolate habanero cake. It’s so spicy. They may get him milk, water, not champagne but he’s licking chocolate fountain. It’s make me laugh. Chocolate habanero pepper is hotter than a regular habanero ~Anonymous
☀️ Absolutely loved Strong Fathers Strong Daughters! -Maria
☀️ Maria, I did too. At the end, the dad had tears in his eyes. He loved his daughter so much. Strong Fathers Strong Daughters is a keeper for me. ~kitkat
☀️ Finally sat down and watched Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters. Why is the father in this portrayed as a complete idiot? The daughters are strong-willed and always seem to get their way. I was floored by how badly the entire family treated him for being concerned about his eldest daughter, who was marrying a man he and his wife barely knew and going off to live in a foreign country that the U.S. State Department deemed to be dangerous. I could go on & on. Everything that went wrong seemed to be the dad’s fault for not spending more time with his daughters. The wife took no culpability for their behavior. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why it was bad for the dad to want to give his daughter her dream wedding. The groom got the wedding he wanted, but the bride had to give up her dreams to please him. I’m not saying it had to be a lavish wedding, but there could’ve been a better compromise. ~Anonymous
☀️ Exactly, I felt the same way. All this dad wanted was to give his daughter the world, instead he was the bad guy and I felt she settled. The mother acted more like a friend then a parent. The eldest daughter wanted the career and dream wedding and was torn between and caved to her fiancé. All in all, I was hoping the Bible would give the Father the direction he needed to take with his daughters, instead of that book. I wish I had not wasted my time with this movie and will not be watching again! Along with Dream Wedding on GAF. I hope they choose some better movies that are family friendly to compete with Hallmark. ~Anonymous
Dream Wedding
Starring: Rebecca Dalton and Jesse Hutch
Premieres: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Storyline: When sisters Kate and Megan attend a local wedding fair they jokingly enter a dream wedding package raffle even though they are not getting married. The sisters win and are surprised that they must put on a show for the magazine who sponsored the raffle.
Movie Review:
☀️ I've seen and enjoyed Rebacca Dalton in several movies but the one I remember most is A Honeymoon To Remember (aka Under A Lover's Moon) which was one of the worst I have ever seen - she was nothing short of a psychopath ( don't take my word for it, read the plethora of reviews on IMDb). Incidentally Spencer Lord played "the other guy" - I didn't really take much notice of him at the time but he resurfaced a short while ago in the magical Mixed Baggage.
Anyway as I also like Jesse Hutch I had looked forward to Dream Wedding.
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - I was nonplussed when it went straight to the Internet in April but having seen it last week I can understand why. The whole premise was off - claiming a $100,000 draw prize when you weren't entitled to be in the draw is just fraud and although the sister urged Kate on she should have stood up to her.
Surprisingly I felt little chemistry between Rebecca and Jesse, the guy chosen to be her fake fiance to continue the fraud was to say the least odd, the plot was slow moving and dull and then there was the lady who overheard Kate and her sister talking in the rest room and tried to bring the situation to the attention of the organisers of the ballot and to claim the prize herself. Her role was way OTT and frankly embarrassing.
The sister's boyfriend does use one swear word several times although I'm sure GAF will have this edited out. Not a movie I ever want to see again and I wouldn't recommend anyone to watch it - but then that's just my opinion and we all have personal tastes. ~Florence's rating - 4
☀️ Dream Wedding was So Hard to get through! The storyline wasn’t the issue, Iv seen a couple that were similar to this. For me, it was the production, it was just so bad….from the background/props to the acting from the extras. The quality looked like it was being recorded from a camcorder 😳 I was looking forward to this one since I love Jesse and Rebecca but this was a pass for me. —Paula
☀️ Dream Wedding is family friendly about when Sisters named Megan & Kate attending a local wedding fair, they jokingly enter for a dream wedding package, even though neither is getting married; the sisters win, and now must put on a show or be mortified by champagne decisions. Megan & Dave get married & later on, Alex & Kate get married ~Anonymous
☀️ I really enjoyed GAF’s “Dream Wedding”, which as rom-coms go, was a little light on romance, but heavy on farcical comedy. Jesse Hutch did his usual amazing job playing a shy photographer who is smitten with the winner of a $100,000 dream wedding, played by Rebecca Dalton. The problem is she does not even have a boyfriend, much less a fiancé when she won the contest. There is plenty of family-friendly humor and lots of hijinks, so long as you’re in the mood for lighthearted entertainment. And if you’re a fan of Rebecca Dalton, I thought she was absolutely stunning in every scene. ~MPT
☀️ Despite liking Rebecca Dalton and Jesse Hutch Dream Wedding was one of the worst movies I have ever seen – Florence
☀️ Dream Wedding: I tried, but I only lasted about, 12 to 15 minutes before I shut it off. Just couldn't take the annoying chirpiness and awkwardness. -Maria
☀️ Dream Wedding – Oh boy, what can I say? This movie was just plain awful. Due to pressure from her little sister, Rebecca Dalton’s character, Kate Wilde, claims a dream wedding prize, although she isn’t engaged and she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. Jesse Hutch portrays Andy Swenson, a photographer who sets Kate up with a fake fiancé, Paul Thompson, a bodybuilder and model, who is basically an airhead completely obsessed with his looks, muscles, and tattoos. For me, he wasn’t appealing, but Kate seemed to think he was drop-dead gorgeous. I usually try to find the silver lining in movies, but for me, this movie had none other than the fact that the leading stars, Rebecca Dalton and Jesse Hutch, are great actors who simply needed a much better script. ~Net
☀️ Dream Wedding is awfully movie & what’s up with camcorder? Kate & Megan are Sisters, they’re joking around to enter local wedding expo when one of them to win a wedding package. Joanna McKenzie is a sleazy lady who works for Bob Heins, snooping around Kate. Megan & Drew are getting married. Later on, Kate & Andy are getting married the next day after Megan & Drew’s Wedding Day. ~Anonymous
10 Steps to Love
Starring: Ella Cannon and Britton Webb
Premieres: Monday, August 28, 2023
Storyline: Sophie Michaels (Ella Cannon) has had great success by using her 10 step plans, but when she decides to use a 10 step approach to find love, she will discover that you can’t make a list when it comes to the heart.
Movie Review:
☀️ 10 Steps To Love - (May contain mild spoilers) A well-scripted and interesting movie, somewhat formulaic but with innovative touches which overall I found refreshing. I had seen neither Britton Webb nor Ella Cannon before. Mason (Britton) was what I would call ugly/good looking, very laid back with a good sense of humour including a scene where he played the guitar. However I was less impressed with Sophie (Ella) a marketing executive who was trying to help save Mason's family apple farm. I found her rather uptight and prim and proper.
There were two incidents which rubbed me the wrong way - one when she was snobbish about drinking instant rather than percolated coffee - had it been treated as a joke it would have been okay. Then when she was on her first date with Kyle, a lawyer who had just moved into her work building, she went to the bar while he was taking a phone call and ran into Mason - when Kyle joined them she just continued talking and made no effort to introduce the two men which I found ignorant and disrespectful.
Kyle was a decent enough guy but lacked charisma and the cast also included the ubiquitous Lexi Giovagnoli a regular B-list actress as Sophie's partner who gave her usual solid performance. Mason's grandmother was a lovely person. Normally if I'm not fully invested in one of the leads it dampens my enthusiasm but despite my reservations about Sophie I thought it quite sparkling and woud rate it a 7.
Apparently the film was filmed at a family apple farm in Virginia and the scenery was really lovely. - Florence
☀️ I liked this movie. Sorry to hear they are discontinuing their Monday Night Movies. Been enjoying them. ~Clara
☀️ 10 Steps to Love: Aww, this was such a nice one! I'm glad GAF did the Monday nights movies thing this month. -Maria
☀️ 10 Steps to Love - That was a sweet movie! I commented yesterday that hoped it would be good and it was. :-) The leads had nice chemistry and the scenery was lovely as expected. I love western North Carolina so much. It is my home away from home. Watching the movie made me miss it. ~Joan
☀️ GAF’s “10 Steps to Love” is a lighthearted rom-com with a predictable yet interesting story. Ella Cannon plays an organized and driven business owner, who enjoys success in every aspect of her life, except finding love. After making a list, she sets out to find her perfect man. She interacts beautifully with both her “ideal” suitor (Joseph Gray) as well as the soft-spoken and annoying owner of an apple orchard (Britton Webb). Add lots of gorgeous fall foliage and the Charlotte, NC skyline, and you’ve got a fun movie the entire family can enjoy. ~MPT
☀️ 10 Steps to Love – I truly enjoyed this delightful rom-com. Mind you, some of the acting isn’t top-notch, and it took me a few minutes to get into the story, but as soon as Sophie visited the apple orchard and met Mason and his family, I was hooked! Sophie and Mason had wonderful chemistry together, and you could feel their sincere desire to come up with a business plan to save the orchard. Everything about this movie is sweet, including Mason’s mother’s special apple bacon nutmeg ice cream recipe! This movie is sure to leave you feeling good inside and give you the desire to take a trip to your local apple orchard. 10 Steps to Love is sweet as pie, apple pie, of course! ~Net

Learning to Love
Premieres: Saturday, September 2, 2023
Starring: Ina Barrón and Philip Boyd
Storyline: Harry (Philip Boyd) and his two daughters lose faith after his wife and daughters’ mom passes. The family hires a nanny and are pleasantly surprised by Steph (Ina Barrón) who brings never-ending warmth, positivity, and faith into the home.
Movie Reviews:
☀️ Learning to Love is family friendly about Harry struggles to connect with his 2 Daughters named Bella & Rosa when lose their faith after losing their Mom. When they are faced with prospect of a new nanny, they are pleasantly surprised by Steph, who floods their hearts with warmth & positivity. Bella & Rosa are homeschooled by Steph. Alice is a housekeeper. ~Anonymous
☀️ Learning to Love was so delightful! –Maria
☀️ Learning to Love – This sweet, lighthearted movie is an ideal romantic comedy for all ages. Children will enjoy that there are two young girls in the story. However, I do want to caution that at two different times in the movie, the sisters are disrespectful and disobedient to two different nannies. They are, eventually, reprimanded for their bad behavior. Overall, the chemistry between the leads is a bit lackluster, but it’s still an enjoyable, heartwarming story. All of the faith elements truly touched my heart, and I was happy to watch the nanny, Steph, gradually bring faith back to Harry and his daughters. ~Net
☀️ GAF’s “Learning to Love” is an inspirational story about a woman who’s new to the Miami area and who takes a job as a tutor for a wealthy architect’s two daughters. The chemistry between Stephanie (Ina Barrón) and Harry (Philip Boyd) went beyond their blossoming romantic relationship and demonstrated their mutual love for the two girls (who, by the way, were terrific in their roles). Stephanie’s outward love of God helps Harry finally overcome the loss of his wife and open his heart to romance again. And Stephanie’s optimism, bubbly personality, and strong Christian faith brings Harry and the girls back in the fold, where they can flourish as a family. ~MPT
I am delighted to see all these movies coming to GAF this Summer!
Please stay tuned to *It's a Wonderful Movie* for more details as they are released.
For details on the NEW Mystery Movie, newly titled The Abigail Mysteries, coming to Great American Family, see the Great American Family - July Movie Schedule - here.
Images/Movie Details via: Great American Family, Pureflix, Reel One Entertainment, IMDB, etc...
These all look amazing! -Maria
ReplyDeleteThis makes me so excited! These movies look like they are going to be so good :) So happy that GAF is delivering on some seasonal movies.
ReplyDeleteLooks like some great summer movies.
I read that “The Chosen” will be filming during writers/actors strike. The article stated that some independent productions will continue filming. Do you think this may include GAF?
Gabe’s Mom
Gabe's Mom, Apparently, The Chosen series was granted a waiver from SAG to continue filming.
DeleteI'm not sure GAF would be granted this, as well.
When Calls the Heart is filming in Canada starting today with only the Canadian actors working, but I'm hearing they will, with the magic of editing, add in the U.S. actors later on, when the strike is over.
Hopefully, the strike will be resolved soon. I don't blame the actors at all - for standing their ground against this new AI technology. It's truly frightening what they can create these days.
Side note: Since you mentioned The Chosen, it was disappointing to learn earlier this Summer that someone from The Chosen crew had a pride flag on set and many of the actors who portray the disciples, even Judas (ironically), were supportive of this. I know other actors in rom-coms also support this agenda, but when we watch an actual Christian production, one would like to believe those actors involved would support true Biblical values. Unfortunately, they do not.
Blessings to you, Net
Net, that is why I quit watching The Chosen. That is why I have quit watching so many actors like Andrew Walker, Nikki Deloach, Paul Campbell, and so many others. I don't want to support those who support LGBTQ. That includes Hallmark.
DeleteStopped watching the Chosen after the Christmas edition with Joseph’s character representation. Didn’t think it was an accurate Biblical representation. I know they adapt things some, but didn’t think that fit. Just my opinion.
DeleteAll of these movies look great! Seeing fall movies for GAF and Hallmark is getting me so excited for fall 😊
These are summer movies, not Fall
DeleteI hope if there’s extra movies for Summer until Autumn Harvest Movies
ReplyDeleteWhich of these movies are you looking forward seeing?
ReplyDeleteAll of them! -Maria
DeleteChris, They all look great to me, but my top two picks are "Romance at the Vineyard" and "Key to Love."
DeleteDo you have a favorite movie choice?
All of them
DeleteThe Chosen is reportedly still shooting during the SAG strike because it’s a ‘truly independent’ production / The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins’ historical drama series about the life of Jesus Christ, has been granted an exemption to continue shooting its fourth season during SAG-AFTRA’s strike.
ReplyDeleteWhile the Screen Actors Guild and Writers Guild of America’s ongoing labor strikes have brought production on most of Hollywood’s movies and shows to an indefinite stop, filming on the fourth season of The Chosen — Dallas Jenkins’ historical drama series about Jesus Christ — is reportedly continuing because it is not associated with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers
I hope GAFAM media picks the movies up
ReplyDeleteFour Corners
Nicole, a successful travel blogger, meets Kade, a marketing rep for a travel publishing company, and they form the beginnings of a relationship while exploring an island destination. They juggle their work traveling around the world while seeing each other again. Both know there’s something special between them, but it will be put to the test when Kade’s competitive boss challenges Kade to thwart Nicole’s business.
Shae Robins & Mason D. Davis
They work together in the movie called; “Identical Love”
Four Corners
ReplyDeleteNicole, a successful travel blogger, meets Kade, a marketing rep for a travel publishing company, and they form the beginnings of a relationship while exploring an island destination. They juggle their work traveling around the world while seeing each other again. Both know there’s something special between them, but it will be put to the test when Kade’s competitive boss challenges Kade to thwart Nicole’s business.
Shae Robins & Mason D. Davis
The Royal Bake Off
Allie and Marily are rivals in the small town of Meadow Ridge, their bakeries across the street from each other. Their rivalry intensifies when the Royal Prince of Samavia rolls into town looking for a royal baker for his brother’s coronation. When Allie and the Royal Prince hit it off, it seems he might be in the market for more than just a terrific cake. But will the sneaky Marilyn let Allie get it all: the gig and the prince? Of course not
Starring Ansley Gordon & Christian Howard
Signs of Your Heart
Allie is a doting single mother to her fun-loving deaf son Finn – but between a busy work schedule and taking care of her child, love is low on her list of priorities. But when her life gets turned upside-down when her tenant has to move out. Allie finds an unlikely new tenant in handsome, free-spirited Ronan, who Finn adores. Between her new dating adventures and a surprising connection with Ronan who might just be the perfect fit, can Allie find her happily ever after?
Sophie Bastelke Allie & Kyle Leatherberry
Sister Dating Swap
When sisters Helena and Rachel are fed up with their love and work life, they agree to swap homes for 2 weeks to take a break. Yet what starts out as a relaxing holiday grows into a whole new perspective on their careers, life and most importantly, romance
Megan Hutchings Lauren Collins Steve Belford Romaine Waite
Four Corners is a Candlelight movie.
DeleteOddly there's no trailer on their site but I found one elsewhere and it looks pretty good.
There's a good chance GAF will air this.
The other three are Reel One productions and the way things stand at the minute the chances of them being shown on TV are slim - Florence
I am also thrilled with all the exciting new movie updates we are receiving from GAF! Just curious….does anyone know why GAF does not include When Hope Calls Christmas in their movie rotation? It didn’t play at all during Christmas in July. It only aired one time last year and it was in the middle of the night. I think it is one of their best movies! I have asked about it several times on the Great American Media “share with us” form but haven’t gotten a response. Any thoughts??
blessedgigi23, That is such an excellent question! I wondered the same thing last year when I saw "When Hope Calls Christmas" pop up in the schedule late one night. I believe I also caught it once or twice on Great American Living, as well. However, I agree, it is such a beautiful, meaningful movie; it belongs in their primetime lineup, and in my opinion, it should receive many encore airings throughout the Christmas season!!!
DeletePerhaps, if more of us asked them through social media and email to play "When Hope Calls Christmas," they would give us more showings this Christmas! It's definitely worth a try! :)
Blessings, Net
When Hope Calls Christmas is available on Prime if you're interested.
DeleteI hope GAFAM picks the movies up to add on their Channel
ReplyDeleteA Town Called Love
Marshall Williams
Romance in Hawaii
Kelley Jakle & Cedric Jonathan
I hope GAFAM will gonna acquire to add new movies
ReplyDeleteHangtag Proposal
A fake marriage proposal between two strangers . When all attention starts to help them with their struggling lives and businesses, Millie & Leo play pretend, while trying to ignore.
Scout Taylor-Compton & Mark Famiglietti
Here's something good: GAF signed a multi year deal to air the New Year's Day Tournament of the Roses Parade! -Maria
ReplyDeleteThank you....I actually bought the DVD so I have the movie. I just think it is a great Christmas movie and one of GAF's best. I don't understand why they don't air it when it is so much better than many of their acquired movies (in my opinion). It is a movie that their viewers would love and many new viewers probably haven't seen it. Maybe it is because so many would like to see the series continue and they don't want to give false hope??? I think we have all come to realize that a series is probably too expensive for the network to continue. ??? Just a thought!
ReplyDeleteI found out that Sister Dating Swap that have Fall Theme as such as potato sack race, Fall colored tree, apples, etc…
ReplyDeleteSister Dating Swap
When sisters Helena and Rachel are fed up with their love and work life, they agree to swap homes for 2 weeks to take a break. Yet what starts out as a relaxing holiday grows into a whole new perspective on their careers, life and most importantly, romance
Megan Hutchings Lauren Collins Steve Belford Romaine Waite
I hope GAFAM Media will gonna pick this movie “Sister Dating Swap”, up on their channel so, the viewers can watch this movie
Great American Family Schedule Update!
ReplyDeletePureflix movie, An Unlikely Angel, starring Jillian Murray (A Brush with Christmas), has been added to the August schedule on Great American Family on Saturday, August 12th. (I have more details in the post above.)
Also, a premiere date has been given for Dream Wedding, starring Rebecca Dalton and Jesse Hutch - Saturday, August 26th.
Blessings, Net
Thanks! -Maria
DeleteThe guy in the movie poster is an Guardian Angel in “An Unlikely Angel”
ReplyDeleteIf GAFAM Media has plan to air Veteran Day movies on their channel
ReplyDeleteHope Ranch
After the death of her military father, a young girl and her mother hatch a plan to save the family ranch with the help of their majestic horse.
The Healing Garden
The Healing Garden Memorial Day Movies Pure Flix
A former military chaplain and a girl from a broken homework together to plant a garden that's been touched by God.
If there’s any veteran movies on GAFAM expect for Country Crush for all day & night
An Unlikely Angel is on streaming service
ReplyDeleteGod tells an Angel about Janie Caswell
Ansley Gordon’s movies
ReplyDeleteThe Abby Brooks Mysteries
The Royal Bake Off
Baked With a Kiss
A Perfect Christmas Pairing
A Christmas Frequency
I was watching Columbo
ReplyDeleteI notice new 2nd promo trailer of The Abby Brooks Mysteries will gonna air next Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 9pm/6pm on GAFAM
Has anybody seen An Unlikely Angel?
ReplyDeleteAccording to a review on IMDb the husband is having a relationship with another woman while his wife is in a coma.
If this is true then I wouldn't say it was family-friendly - Florence
SO looking forward to seeing these amazing movies!! -Maria
ReplyDeleteAny idea when key to love will air?
ReplyDeleteJennifer - Good news! A follower here, blessedgigi23, shared that someone asked about this movie on Facebook, and Key to Love is coming this Autumn!!!
DeleteI looked up the comment, and this is the exchange...
Karen R. said -
I guess they're not showing Key to Love. That's okay. I liked Corey Sevier in Little Men anyway.
Great American Family responded-
The movie will air as part of our #GreatAmericanAutumn celebration.
Isn't that great news? I'm so happy we will eventually see this movie; the promo GAF showed for it had me very intrigued. :)
Blessings to you, Net
Great news. I did notice that some dates didn't have a movie listed and was hoping it would be on around autumn. Corey is one of my favorites so will definitely tune in
DeleteLove On Repeat is rated 4.7 on IMDb so make of that which you will.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about Learning To Love as I won't watch it but the other two Reel One Entertainment movies have been aired elsewhere under different titles.
I don't know why they should change the titles although I have my own thoughts but if you see the movie you would understand why Stepping Into Love fits the movie rather than Summertime Soulmates.
Review of Stepping Into Love (previously aired through Netflix).
Although I wouldn't swear under oath I'm almist 100% certain this is family-friendly.
It's actually typical of so many TV Rom.Coms - inital antagonism gradually fades as the characters learn more about each other and feelings grow but Devan (Christian Howard) has acqured a job on the far side of the country and prepares to leave.
The main body of the story revolves around an art gallery suffering financial difficulties and the theme of Modern Art may be a bit dry for some but I enjoyed Devan and Claire (Jenna Michno) as they worked together to try to boost funds for the Museum.
There were a couple of family sub-plots with Claire's sister and niece
and a conflict between Devan and his father which added interest.
I wouldn't say the chemistry between the leads (both of whom were previously unknown to me) was sizzling but they were really comfortable in each other's company.
Similar to Andrew Walker Christian had a face which made you want to smile and I really loved Devan and Claire together which for me is a large part of the battle in any movie.
Now it won't win any Oscars or prizes for originality (mostly) but if you just want to escape for an hour-and-a-half with a pleasant, uncomplicated, warm and entertaining Rom.Com then this imo is well worth a watch.
Although I was a bit iffy about the ending I would stretch to an 8 rating - it left me with a nice warm feeling and we've actually rewatched it couple of times. - Florence
Florence, Thank you for sharing this review with us! I'm really intrigued by this story even more after reading your take. You always bring the characters to life - in the way you describe them.
DeleteI'm glad to hear it's a lighthearted rom-com; I really enjoy those best! :)
I added your review above. Thanks so much!
Blessings, Net
Movie Review -
ReplyDeleteRomance at the Vineyard is such a sweet movie; it’s the ideal blend of family-friendly entertainment with an enriching flavor of romance and refreshing comedy.
Susie Abromeit (Allee) and Tim Ross (Ethan) have wonderful chemistry together on screen; they seem like two magnets you can barely pull apart, since they are always drawn to each other. Ethan does deceive Allee and her family of his true identity, as an employee with Wine, Inc., who is visiting their vineyard with the intention of convincing them to sell. Gradually, however, as Ethan works with the family, he has a change of heart and feels guilty for deceiving them. Will it be too late, since he’s been dishonest? Can they somehow save the vineyard when a costly mistake is made with the wine?
The country setting of the movie is gorgeous and overall, it’s an intriguing, sweet, lighthearted love story. I thought Romance at the Vineyard was such a delightful watch; I look forward to catching encore airings on Great American Family. ~Net
Net, 10 Steps to Love
ReplyDeleteStarring: Ella Cannon & Britton Webb
Premieres: Saturday, August 28, 2023 <——
You labelled it wrong Saturday but it September 2, 2023 is actually Learning to Love
10 Steps to Love will gonna air on Monday, August 28, 2023, not Saturday because it’s weeknight movies
Thank you for catching that. I fixed it above and changed it from Saturday to Monday.
DeleteLove on Repeat – Jen Lilley was fun to watch in this, buuut… it just wasn’t for me. At times, it’s overly silly and ridiculous. I’m okay with the repeat-the-day scenario, but if I had to watch Amber (Jen Lilley) play Baby Olympics with her co-workers one more time, I was going to scream! Jonathan Bennett tries too hard to act quirky and outlandish as Amber’s ex-boyfriend, Kevin, and some of the co-workers are rather wacky, except Charlie (Andrew Lawrence). In fact, Charlie is the only character that seems down-to-earth and more level-headed. Overall, it’s a wholesome movie and there are funny moments, but this is a one-time watch only for me. ~Net
ReplyDeleteMovie Review:
ReplyDeleteAn Unlikely Angel – First of all, I like the lead actress in this, Jillian Murray, but I just didn’t find her character, Janie, very likeable in the beginning of this film.
Janie is completely obsessed with her work-life, her husband and new baby are secondary. In fact, instead of taking her newborn home when she leaves the hospital, she leaves her husband with the baby, and takes off in a cab to go back to work. A car accident leaves Janie in a coma for six years, but of course, she wakes up looking exactly the same as before.
The most troubling issue of all is the fact that Janie’s husband, David, has a woman friend, Kelly, who flirts with him ad nauseam, even in front of Janie. He says they are only friends, but it’s obvious there is a connection between the two and Kelly isn’t backwards at letting her feelings show and trying to take over with Samantha (Janie and David’s 6 year old daughter) or in the kitchen. I thought that portion of the story was completely unnecessary. David was still a married man, and he had no business spending so much time with Kelly.
Also, like Mark 25 said in his review, the angel, Gabe, was not at all how I would picture an angel, especially Janie’s guardian angel.
The only bright spot in the movie for me was Janie’s father, who often gave his daughter sound, spiritually based advice.
There is a happy ending and I liked the message of putting family first, but’s it’s highly unlikely I will ever watch An Unlikely Angel again. ~Net
Yeah, what was up with that Kelly girl? That totally confused me. I couldn’t figure out what message they were sending with her.
DeleteMovie Review -
ReplyDeleteStepping into Love – This movie is lighthearted and family friendly. Some of the acting is a little stiff, at times, but not bad.
(SPOILER ALERT) I thought the art exhibit idea with the concept of people wearing other people’s shoes while listening to their story in a headset was interesting, plus a little odd and frankly, not sanitary. Plus, if you donated a pair of shoes that were special to you, would you really want a bunch of strangers putting them on and walking in them? The shoes would surely be ruined by the end of the night. Am I right? Perhaps, I'm over-thinking it.
Overall, besides this unusual “art” concept, the characters were all rather likeable and endearing. The romance part is low-key, but sweet. Kick off your shoes and enjoy…it’s a cheerful, carefree movie that will leave you feeling good inside. ~Net
Dream Wedding: I tried, but I only lasted about, 12 to 15 minutes before I shut it off. Just couldn't take the annoying chirpiness and awkwardness.
ReplyDelete10 Steps to Love: Aww, this was such a nice one! I'm glad GAF did the Monday nights movies thing this month.
And special bonus: There's a new teaser out for A Christmas Blessing! -Maria
Maria, Yes, It was such a delight to see the commercial for Lori Loughlin's new Christmas movie!
DeleteThere's also a new Great American Family Christmas movie promo that features Candace Cameron Bure, Chad Michael Murray, Merritt Patterson, Danica McKellar, Jillian Murray, Daniel Lissing, etc!!! It is so cute! I love how they talk about Christmas coming and Chad says in his strong voice, "Finally"! Just seeing it gets me extra excited for the Christmas season to come! :)
Blessings! Net
Finally sat down and watched Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters. Why is the father in this portrayed as a complete idiot? The daughters are strong-willed and always seem to get their way. I was floored by how badly the entire family treated him for being concerned about his eldest daughter, who was marrying a man he and his wife barely knew and going off to live in a foreign country that the U.S. State Department deemed to be dangerous. I could go on & on. Everything that went wrong seemed to be the dad’s fault for not spending more time with his daughters. The wife took no culpability for their behavior. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why it was bad for the dad to want to give his daughter her dream wedding. The groom got the wedding he wanted, but the bride had to give up her dreams to please him. I’m not saying it had to be a lavish wedding, but there could’ve been a better compromise.
ReplyDeleteExactly, I felt the same way. All this dad wanted was to give his daughter the world, instead he was the bad guy and I felt she settled. The mother acted more like a friend then a parent. The eldest daughter wanted the career and dream wedding and was torn between and caved to her fiancé. All in all, I was hoping the Bible would give the Father the direction he needed to take with his daughters, instead of that book. I wish I had not wasted my time with this movie and will not be watching again! Along with Dream Wedding on GAF. I hope they choose some better movies that are family friendly to compete with Hallmark.
DeleteRomance at the Vineyard. Sweet movie. Loved the scenery. The actors were all good and somewhat realistic (except for the evil female boss who was way too over-the-top); and I could feel definite chemistry between the leads. I was not a fan of the deceit that both the leads were perpetrating through the whole movie. And not a fan of movies where directors have zero regard for actual timeframes being somewhat realistic. Otherwise, it was a really cute movie. Family friendly. Not a keeper, but I would watch it again sometime in the future. ~~Jane
ReplyDeleteWedding Cake Dreams. Cute, lightweight, fluff of a movie. Not a keeper, but okay for a one-time watch. Family friendly. ~~Jane
10 Steps to Love. Not a keeper, but a cute movie for a one-time watch. The lead actress was beautiful but I didn’t love the character she played, although I suppose I warmed up to her by the end. The lead actor was different, but kind of refreshing in a world of cookie-cutter actors. I loved the fact that it was filmed at a real farm in North Carolina instead of a fake orchard in Canada! Family friendly. ~~Jane
Learning to Love. This movie was a bit clumsy, and the chemistry between the leads wasn’t all that great. And, yet, it was a sweet movie good for a one-time watch. Enjoyed the faith elements (even though awkward at some points). Cute kids. Family friendly. ~~Jane