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~ James 1:17

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

⛵ FOX Nation to Produce Original Feature Film “The Shell Collector” from author Nancy Naigle, starring Caitlin Clark and Christopher Russell ⚓ πŸ“– @nancynaigle 🌟 See Here:

Fox Nation recently put out a press release announcing they, too, would be making original movies, including one based on a book by author, Nancy Naigle, well-known for her Hallmark movies: Christmas in Evergreen, Christmas Joy, Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa, The Secret Ingredient, Sand Dollar Cove, etc...

I don't always share movies that are available via streaming because the volume of them is enormous, but since this new movie had a Hallmark connection and Nancy's novel debuted on the Evangelical Christians Publishers Association bestseller list, I thought many of you would be interested.

Fox Nation is planning even more movies, with one, at least, being a Christmas movie!


Press Release via Fox Nation:

FOX Nation to Produce Original Feature Films
“The Shell Collector” Nancy Naigle Adaption
to be Released on September 1st
as First of Four Original FOX Nation Films

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--FOX Nation, FOX News Media’s direct to consumer streaming service, is set to release its first original film, marking the platform’s entry into in-house movie production, announced John Finley, Executive Vice President of Development. On Thursday, September 1st, FOX Nation will premiere “The Shell Collector,” a feature film based on a bestselling title by author Nancy Naigle. Over the course of the next year, the streaming service will roll out three additional original films with the next release tied to the holiday season.

In making the announcement, Finley said, “Since launching less than four years ago, FOX Nation has established itself as a go-to destination for lifestyle and entertainment programming. I’m thrilled to share our expansion into film production and Nancy Naigle’s The Shell Collector is the perfect fit for our first title.”

Produced in association with Cartel Pictures, FOX Nation’s “The Shell Collector” will star Caitlin Clark, Christopher Russell, and Jennifer Higgin in a heartwarming story about a widow, Amanda Whittier, with two children who befriends some interesting characters in her small seaside town as she looks to forge ahead with her new life following the death of her husband. Throughout the journey, three friends find encouragement in the most mysterious places, discovering a love that’s bigger than their pain, healing their wounded hearts in ways none of them could have hoped for or expected.

“The Shell Collector” is adapted from bestselling author Nancy Naigle, who has developed a dedicated following over the years for her deeply moving small-town love stories mixed with suspense. With over 30 titles in print, including “What Remains True,” “Recipe for Romance,” and “The Christmas Shop,” Naigle is a USA Today bestselling author who began her debut contemporary romance series, “Adams Grove,” while juggling a career in finance and life on 76-acre goat farm. Several of her holiday titles have been developed into movies for The Hallmark Channel, including “The Secret Ingredient” and “Christmas Joy”. “The Shell Collector” debuted on the Evangelical Christians Publishers Association (ECPA) Bestseller list at number 20.

FOX Nation is a direct-to-consumer on-demand streaming service designed to complement the FOX News Channel experience with a members-only destination for its most passionate and loyal super fans. Featuring more than 5,000 hours of content, the subscription service includes conservative opinion programming, lifestyle, and entertainment content, as well as historical documentaries and investigative series from a multitude of FOX News personalities at a cost of $5.99 a month/$64.99 a year. Launched in 2018, FOX Nation is available at foxnation.com and via app for iOS devices, Android devices, Fire TV, Apple TV, Google TV, Android TV, Roku, Xbox One, FuboTV, Vizio TVs, and Samsung TVs as well as DIRECTV, YouTube TV, Comcast Xfinity, Cox Contour and The Roku Channel.

*********** End of Press Release ************

Hope you enjoyed this movie news! It's also nice to see Christopher Russell (who we also know from his TV movies: A Lot Like Christmas, Warming Up to You, Love in the Forecast, Chasing Waterfalls, etc...) will be starring in this new movie.

I haven't had the opportunity to read The Shell Collector, myself, but if you'd like to check it out, you can see details and reviews at Amazon - click here!

Blessings, Net


  1. The Shell Collector is one of Angela Lansbury‘s movie was on Hallmark Hall of Fame since it’s a long time ago

    1. I remember that one! The film you are referring to starring Angela Lansbury has a very similar title: The Shell Seekers. It was a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie back in 1989.

      If you're curious, Amazon has it available on DVD.
      See here:

  2. Wow! This looks good. I may have to do a Fox Nation trial on Sept 1st!

  3. I’ve read the book. It is a sweet story of second chances. Christopher Russell will be perfect in his role, assuming he is playing Paul Grant.

    1. Jennifer R, Thank you for sharing that! I was hoping someone who read the book would give us some insight into the story. Hope you are able to see the movie sometime.

    2. Yes, Jennifer! Christopher Russell is playing Paul Grant and he absolutely rocks the role. I think you're going to love him in this one. Hope to virtually watch together! Big hugs.

    3. Nancy, That's great to know. Thank you for giving us this scoop on your new movie! Christopher Russell is such a great leading man; I'm sure he will be wonderful in this.

      So looking forward to watching "The Shell Collector," along with you, next month! :)

  4. I'm a member of several retiree email groups with former colleagues, one of which is TV-Movie Talk, where we exchange wide-ranging news articles and opinions on the subject, one of which is streaming. TV Guide and other sources are reporting on streaming services, new and old, all the time. For some reason, this is one I hadn't heard of.

    Ah, got it. Fox Nation is a streaming service of Fox News (as opposed to Fox Entertainment), i.e., the service is permeated with news programming, with this movie at this point apparently being a one-off.

    Hallmarkie as I am, I'm not a news junkie, so until they get a lot more movies like this, it's not worth it for me to subscribe. Besides, it won't be long before Hallmark, HMM, Lifetime, et al will be inundating us with an onslaught of new Christmas movies, so as wonderful as this one looks, I'll be content with the new fall movies from Hallmark for now and with Christmas movies from them and the others for the rest of the year.

    1. TVsenior, Yeah, there are many streaming sources out there. It's easy to get tied up in subscriptions. I'm already a subscriber of Fox Nation; I signed up recently to watch Duck Family Treasure, which is the family from Duck Dynasty doing searches with metal detectors. It is a lot of fun, plus inspirational, and everybody in my family enjoys it.

      They also offer other content besides news, like Paula Deen cooking segments.

      Not sure if I'll keep the service in November or December, though, since, like you said, we'll be swamped with all the new Christmas movies.


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