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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, August 16, 2018


On the morning program, Today with Kathie Lee & Hoda, Kathie Lee Gifford announced, while celebrating her 65th Birthday, that she will be leaving for two weeks to film a Christmas movie for Hallmark, "A Godwink Christmas".

UPDATE: SQuire Rushnell (Writer of When God Winks) confirms the official title for this movie is "A Godwink Christmas." See his wonderful, thoughtful response in comments below!

This film will be based on the When God Winks book series written by New York Times bestselling author SQuire Rushnell and his wife Louise DuArt. These When God Winks stories have been prominently shown during segments of Kathie Lee's talk show hour for several years now. Kathie Lee shared that she will be portraying the Aunt in the story.


Kathie Lee Gifford - Hallmark Summer 2018 TCA / image:celebzz

This is how Kathie Lee first described the concept of the "When God Winks" movie to mediavillage.com in January, 2017, “I'm producing movies with a gentleman by the name of SQuire Rushnell, who has written nine best-selling books called God Winks,” Gifford explained. “They are about those unbelievable things that happen in life; the most unbelievable coincidences, like what are the odds? We don’t believe they are random or coincidences, we believe they are ‘God winks.’ It’s God divinely aligning with human beings for amazing things to happen.”

And, it's most definitely not coincidence that the
When God Winks book series is newly releasing a new book titled:

Godwink Christmas Stories:
Discover the Most Wondrous Gifts of the Season


Also starring in "A Godwink Christmas" are Paul Cambell (Window Wonderland, Surprised by Love) and Kimberley Sustad (The Nine Lives of Christmas, Hearts of Christmas)! Paul shared this fun picture of the two - the first day on set with this caption...

paulcampbellofficial: First day on set with @kimberleysustad filming Hallmark’s “A Godwink Christmas.” Also starring the legendary @kathielgifford Christmas is comin’ early this year! @hallmarkmovie @hallmarkchannel @squirerushnell

image via: Paul Campbell IG

This sounds like such an amazing, inspirational film that will uplift one's spirits during the Holiday season! I pray this book and Hallmark movie will touch many hearts this Christmas!

Joyous Blessings to You All, Net


  1. I know it will be good! And how incredible she looks!

    1. Yes, Kathie Lee looks absolutely fabulous. I loved this picture of her from Hallmark's TCA event this summer. These When God Winks stories are ideal for her - I'm so glad she has brought them to Hallmark! I'm hoping this will be the first of many more! :)

      Blessings, Net

  2. Of all the Christmas movies announced, this has to be the one I most want to see.

    1. Oh, me too... I love reading the When God Winks stories, they touch our hearts and our souls, and I'm sure this movie will do the very same!

      The stories are a joy to read and give encouragement and reassurance, which we all need, from time to time.

      If anyone's interested... you can read some of these wonderful "Godwinks" short stories in SQuire's WINKletter (newsletter!) - *here*!

      If you do, please let me know you think.

      Blessings, Net

    2. Thanks for sharing that link, I've read a few of these type of books in the past and found them to be inspiring.

  3. Joyce in CarolinaFriday, August 17, 2018

    So happy to see Kimberley Sustad in what I assume will be a lead role. That hasn't happened since Nine Lives Of Christmas I believe. Love Paul too and I really think this will be a great movie! Kathie looks great!

    1. Yes, it's about time Kimberley played the lead again! I thought it was rather odd how she went from
      "The Nine Lives of Christmas"
      , in which she is so great as the lead, to then playing side characters, sisters, best friends, etc...! She definitely deserves the lead role, because she is truly wonderful to watch, even in all the smaller roles, too, like "Walking the Dog" with Peter Benson, who is so fun! In fact, I kinda expect Paul Campbell to be a lot like Peter Benson, and those two were my favorite part of that movie! :)

      Thank you for sharing... Blessings to you! Net

  4. So, these God winks movie are getting made, after all. I've been quite a fan of these stories for so long now, it's about time one of them became a movie. Wonder if this movie is one of the short stories from the new Christmas book.

    1. I'm so glad to hear you are looking forward to this movie, Anna. An alternate title for this movie is "A Carousel Christmas," so it's possible one of the short stories in the new book is the one they chose to develop for this film.

      Blessings! Net


  5. After I read these books I usually look back on my own life and I clearly see the areas where God intervened.

    1. How beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing that. I know many say their lives are forever changed, for the better, after they read these inspirational true stories. They leave a great, rewarding impact.

      Again, thank you! Blessings, Net

  6. If you had told me first that Paul Campbell and Kimberley Sustad were teaming up I would've thought a comedy Hallmark Channel Christmas movie for sure and not this. I like this, don't get me wrong and I like Paul and Kimberley, I just wouldn't have expected to see them in a serious type movie like this.

    1. Same here, CJ! I guess that's because we know how great these two are with humorous, fun roles... a drama style doesn't seem as much like them. And possibly... this is a more lighthearted story with a inspirational twist! Either way, I'm sure with these two + Kathie Lee... it will be good! :)

      Thanks so much for sharing!
      Blessings, Net

  7. According to What’s Filming

    Hallmark changed from A God Winks Christmas to A Carousel for Christmas

    Starring Paul Campbell, Kimberly Sustad, & Kathie Lee Grifford

    I thought Hallmark makes 2 movies: “A Carousel Christmas” & A God Winks Christmas”, instead just one movie: “A Carousel Christmas”

    There’s books called: “A God Winks on Love”, for Valentine movie & “A God Winks on New Beginning”. I wonder Hallmark will make movies are based on the books

    1. Yes, there are two titles being used for this movie, which I admit, does make it a bit more confusing. I'm hoping they will somehow combine the two... perhaps something like, "A Carousel Christmas: A Godwinks Story."

      Like you, I would absolutely love to see more in this series, and we haven't even seen one, yet!!!

      Blessings, Net

  8. A Christmas Carousel & A Godwink Christmas are both short stories by Francesca Crespi & Squire Rushwell and Louise Duart are both books in 1 movie

    The movie called; “A Carousel Christmas”
    Starring Paul Campbell, Kimberly Sustad, & Kathie Lee Grifford

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that book information; I so appreciate your input!

      Blessings, Net

  9. I love the phrase "God Winks"! Sometimes some of the smallest ones impact us so like when the winter days are gray and cold God sends me a beautiful red cardinal (my favorite bird) to lift my spirits and bring me joy; now, that's a "God Wink" to me. This movie looks wonderful and I'm loving the cast!!

    1. I love that phrase, too, Linda! It's just beautiful! I also think God "winks" or shines his love upon us with every day messages of His presence! (By the way, I love to see red cardinals in the winter, too, especially when we have snow!)

      Blessings to you! Net

  10. It’s actually A Carousel Christmas

    1. Yes, thank you... I have added that alternate working title, "A Carousel Christmas" to my post above. Funny thing is, the cast & crew, while working on the movie, keep referring to it as "A Godwink Christmas"! Wonder which one they will end up using?

      I personally think it would be good to keep "Godwink" in the title somehow to go along with the theme and the books the movie is based upon. Perhaps something like, "A Carousel Christmas: A Godwinks Story."

      Anyway, we shall see! :)

  11. Hi Net ... I'm the "Godwink Guy" and my wonderful wife Louise discovered your delightful blog that is so supportive of uplifting movies.

    We are on location right now as "A Godwink Christmas" is half-way through production. And, yes, that's the proper title. Hallmark approved the title just a few days before we commenced shooting.

    Louise and I are thrilled with the professionalism, on all levels, which is bringing this true-life story into existence. Hallmark executives, at every step, have provided highly skilled notes on the script and production. The actors, Kimberley Sustad and Paul Campbell who play the real people, Paula and Gery (pronounced Gary) have delivered extraordinary performances day after day.

    This week our dear friend of several decades, Kathie Lee Gifford, lit up the locations by commencing her scenes with performances that will impress all of your readers.

    Louise and I are walking on air, knowing that when "A Godwink Christmas" comes into millions of Hallmark homes a few days before Christmas that millions of people will discover that Godwinks are gifts left on everyone's doorstep ... signs of hope for a nation hungry for encouragement.

    Please keep up the good work. Wishes for Godwinks.

    SQuire Rushnell

    1. Hello SQuire – the Godwink guy!!! I am thrilled to have you visit my site and share your filming experience here with all of us!

      Welcome to “It’s a Wonderful Movie!” I’m so delighted that your wife discovered my blog and shared it with you! I think Louise is so wonderful… such a breath of fresh air, a woman of faith, and I love her comedic voices… she’s amazing! And, the Lord has blessed you with such a gift for writing. A whole new set of audience will be introduced to your phenomenal work when “A Godwink Christmas” premieres on Hallmark! I’m so excited that you are working with the incredible Kathie Lee Gifford to create these films. Speaking of the movie, I am so glad to hear that “A Godwink Christmas” is the official title! It’s perfect, as it ties in with your inspirational books, as well!

      I must tell you – in the Hallmark world of movies you hit casting gold with Kimberley Sustad and Paul Campbell, as both are so well loved by Hallmark movie viewers! God is always in the details, so we know he orchestrated that, as well!

      Through “A Godwink Christmas” I know you will be illuminating the true meaning of Christmas… as you are shining His Light!

      God’s Blessings to you all as continue to film “A Godwink Christmas!” Net


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