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~ James 1:17

Saturday, June 16, 2018


The Nine Lives of Christmas - Hallmark Crown Media

They're Multiplying!!!

MORE Updates made to the
June/July Christmas Movie Schedule!

What's New?

On Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Christmas movies have been added back to the Gold Crown Christmas schedule NIGHT and DAY! YAY!!!! I was so excited to see them return once again and share this news with all of you!
(Let's hope they stay this time!)

And, there's great news from the Hallmark Channel, too! It looks like they've extended their Christmas movies for Christmas Keepsake Week beyond July 22nd! So far, they extend all the way to July 26th! Stay tuned, though, for any further updates or additions... you never know!!!

Also, the cute cat movie "The Nine Lives of Christmas" (pictured above!) has been added to the July schedule, as well as, "Christmas Cookies" and "My Christmas Love!"

Look for these and more in the newly updated schedule - *here*!

enJOY!!! Net


  1. Joyce in CarolinaSaturday, June 16, 2018

    This is great news!!!

  2. I am so happy they added christmas cookies, I was sad not to see that, and with hallmark and pet initiative, I was suprised not to see Nine Lives, happy news yay.

    1. Excellent point, Sabrina! That is so true! Plus, I'm so happy to see this particular movie!!! :)

  3. I am super excited they added A Bride For Christmas, A Very Merry Mix Up, 12 Gifts for Christmas, and HMM added The Christmas Shepherd. But sad to not see Matchmaker Santa. And also the Once and Twice Upon a Christmas. Those are so cute.

    Oh, and A Perfect Christmas and A Family for Christmas, those were both the 2016 and 2015 new movies in July. I have both on my DVR and I watch A Perfect Christmas on a regular basis, really love Cynthia's Dad how he loves Joe the Poet and when he is standing over Stephen when he wakes up and then he tells Cynthia she scared him, I laugh every time I see that part. Such a great movie of all family staying together cause of many mishaps.

    1. Yes, it's so good to see new ones added in, Sabrina, and also surprising, to not see others, as well.

      I also mentioned the lack of "Matchmaker Santa." All these years later, it's still a top pick among viewers, of Lacey's Hallmark Christmas movies!

      And, many have mentioned to me - "The Christmas Card" being left off the list was surprising. I so agree!

      Also, I just noticed only 2 NEW Christmas movies from last year are not playing in July. One is expected, "When Calls the Heart: The Christmas Wishing Tree," and the other one is "Christmas Festival of Ice." Again, I'm surprised to see that one with Taylor Cole is the only one really left off the list. WCTH, in my opinion, doesn't really count, since they hardly ever repeat those.

      By the way, I love "A Perfect Christmas" and "A Family for Christmas," too, Sabrina! They are both such great movies, and since they both premiered originally in July, they should always repeat then, but I guess not this year. That also includes "The Christmas Cure," which is also not being played this Summer, along with lots of other favorites, including "Window Wonderland!"

      In spite of that; however, I am so Happy to see such a great month ahead of Christmas movies!!! It's going to be so good! :)

      Blessings!!! Net

    2. Joyce in CarolinaMonday, June 18, 2018

      I too am surprised they are not showing the Christmas Card or Matchmaker Santa, especially The Christmas Card. It's been voted the fan favorite so many times, but the powers that be have other ideas I suppose. I'm grateful for what we do get in July though!

    3. One of the best, most touching, sweetest romance movies Hallmark has ever done is On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, and it is being left off of the July schedule.

      Why not include Once Upon a Holiday with Paul Campbell, since Hallmark has been on a royal movie kick this year? That was left out.

      Also. no A Christmas Detour. featuring two of their most popular leads together and also Sarah Strange from one of their most popular mystery series.

      They always leave lots of things out of July, sadly. That's nothing new.

      As for The Christmas Card, Hallmark knows it is extremely popular, and my feeling is that they are either planning to transition it over to the Hallmark Drama channel, or show it exclusively on Hallmark Movies Now. I think it is no accident that it is missing from July, even though it is arguably their most requested/popular Christmas movie. I think that if it does not appear on the July schedule, they are planning to use it to lure people to Hallmark Movies Now, or to Hallmark Drama. If they don't do it in July, then possibly by the end of the year.

    4. I know that Hallmark can't play all the movies and something will always be left out, but what bothers me is some movies are played 3 and 4 times, maybe only play them twice and then you can add some of the fan favorites that are missing.

      I am surprised on the Once Upon a Holiday with the royal theme.

      The Christmas Festival of Ice I think it didn't get the greatest ratings, I wonder if the lower ratings movies they skip. The Christmas Cure was also not the greatest ratings, but that could just be that some people don't watch Christmas until Christmas. Not every day like me and some of the others here. I didn't really like the Christmas Cure, I don't know it just wasn't that good to me, and I tried so hard to like it cause I like the actors. But the Twelth Day of Christmas that is a good one.

      And who can forget Turdunkin :)

  4. Oh, I feel your excitement, too, Jim!!! It's like taking a sneak peek at the presents under the Christmas tree, or maybe just giving them a little shake!!! ;)

  5. So excited they added "Nine Lives". I've been hoping for a sequel for years now!


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