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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Let's COUNTDOWN to CHRISTMAS and Mark the *25th* of MAY!!!

This Friday is May 25th! Let's share today which Christmas Movies we are watching! Details below!

Let's "MARK" THE 25th!

On May 25th... it's only 7 months until Christmas Day... 213 days and so many hours and minutes, according to my Countdown Clock!!!

To commemorate this special time here at It's a Wonderful Movie... I'll share which Christmas movie I have chosen to watch on the 25th, and for those of you who would like to participate, please share which Christmas movie/program you are watching on the 25th - in comments below!

On this May 25, 2018, I am watching-

The Christmas Card
starring John Newton, Alice Evans, and Edward Asner

- Hallmark Crown Media -

The Christmas Card is such an incredible story about military service, sacrifice, and discovering a place that feels like home again.

When Master Sergeant Cody Cullen receives a random Christmas card from Nevada City, from a complete stranger, Faith Spellman, he is instantly drawn to her and her picturesque town. Soon after his arrival there, Cody not only meets Faith (when she mistakenly eats some of his curly fries), but he is immediately welcomed by the folks at church, and discovers a connection with Faith's father, Luke, who also served his country years before.

Since The Christmas Card first premiered on the Hallmark Channel in 2006, I'm sure many, many people have seen it over the years, and yet, this movie is one viewers are often drawn back to. In fact, it was Hallmark's first "Merry (Meow) Madness" bracket winner in 2017.

Following Faith's letter to Nevada City restores Cody's faith in his fellow man and the hope of love one day!

image: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks

Why does this story still resonant so deeply? My conclusion is, we are touched by the heart of the story... the mysterious letter from a stranger, the new, exciting romance, the honorable way they give tribute to all of our military, and this beautiful family that accepts Cody so warmly into their hearts and home.

This movie is filled with so many meaningful moments and visually stunning wintery scenes... the snowfall sleigh ride, the sweet country church and it's members singing Christmas carols, the lumberyard filled with snow, the town's Christmas dance, the waterfall dedication to our Vietnam veterans, and the lovely, warm, and inviting Spellman log-cabin home decorated for Christmas!

There's also lots of wonderful and fun dialogue in The Christmas Card, too... such as, Cody says at the dance (regarding Faith's boyfriend, Paul), "He's just marking his territory."

And, mischievous Uncle Richard says... "The best things happen while your dancing."

The Christmas Card is a true Hallmark Holiday Classic! As the engraving says on the bench Cody gives Luke and Rosie (Faith's parents) for Christmas... it's "where the magic begins!"

This is an ideal movie to watch on Memorial Day weekend, due to the way this film honors our veterans from Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. In addition to it, there are other wonderful choices of Christmas movies that honor our military, including: "Operation Christmas," "Christmas Homecoming," and "The Christmas Note."

Operation Christmas - is available on DVD or Streaming
Christmas Homecoming - is not currently available
The Christmas Note - is available on DVD or Streaming

Now, it's your turn to share... which Christmas movie/program will you watch on the 25th? .... as we continue to Countdown to Christmas together!

Blessings, Net


  1. I hadn't picked one, yet, but I'm going to watch The Christmas Card now. You really put me in the spirit with your terrific description. I could see all the characters playing the scenes in my mind, I'm hooked in again.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you are also watching "The Christmas Card," CJ! Isn't it amazing how we can visualize a movie we love so much in our minds. Thank you so much for sharing... I hope you enjoy it as much as you did the first time!

  2. And the 26th marks 5 months til Christmas movies all day on Hallmark yay!!!!!!!!

    1. Time is absolutely flying by, Sabrina! This weekend is the unofficial start to summer, and yet, it's amazing how much Christmas movie info is already floating around!!!

      And, since you mentioned your excitement over the movies night & day during the holiday season... I'm so thrilled that it looks like the Christmas in July schedule will also be 24-7, night and day! That's what the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Gold Crown Christmas Week Schedule is still currently showing, and I sure hope the Hallmark Channel does the same!!!!! :)

  3. Joyce in CarolinaThursday, May 24, 2018

    Good choice Net! I watched The Christmas Card in April. I never get tired of that movie. I had chosen It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year for this month so I'm sticking with that but I might add Operation Christmas too. That's another good choice to honor our Military. (Not to mention I would get to see Marc Blucas)!!

    Happy watching everyone!! I just love this blog!

    1. Me too, Joyce! I feel like we are all one big happy Christmas-loving family!

    2. After we talked about "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" last month, I just couldn't wait... so I went ahead and watched! It's a forever top ten favorite! Every detail is perfect, never a dull moment!

      Happy watching, Joyce and Jim! It's the most wonderful movie - for any day of the Year!!!!!! :)

    3. Joyce in CarolinaFriday, May 25, 2018

      Now that we're talking about it so much I might have to watch The Christmas Card again along with The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!! Just can't go wrong with either of those!

    4. Since we talked about The Most Wonderful Time of the Year I have watched it like 4 times. Its so good.

      I think I will watch Christmas at Cartwrights, cause I said I was going to watch something different. I keep seeing the commercials for it when I watch my DVR copy of Christmas Under Wraps, so it has been on my mind.

    5. Oh my goodness, "Christmas at Cartwrights" is such a fun movie choice, Sabrina. I always laugh when Alicia Witt ends up playing Santa! Alicia is so fun to watch... and she and Gabriel Hogan are such a good match up! I absolutely love them together, too, in "The Christmas List!"

      Hope you enjoyed watching it, again! :)

  4. Good pick! I'm going to watch The Christmas Card, too. I love it when Rosie says she's going to spank his bottom and Luke says something like, now don't get me excited, Rosie!

    1. Oh, that's such a funny part... I just love the chemistry between Luke and Rosie! Their love and devotion to one another really adds something special to the movie!

  5. A true classic, Net! Hard to believe that movie is 12 years old! I don't remember the year I first watched it, but it was some time ago! (Good thing none of us age, only the movies!) :)

    I'm going to go with an older Christmas classic that honors our military...Christmas in Connecticut, a very sweet yet very funny movie!

    Some of you may notice, with last month's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year and this month's Christmas in Connecticut, that I love Christmas movies with a lot of good clean laugh-out-loud humor. Can anyone suggest some others? I'm hoping to come across some I haven't seen yet. Thanks much!

    1. Yes, it is hard to believe "The Christmas Card" is 12 years old! The Hallmark Channel has producing movies for quite some time now, and "The Christmas Card" has certainly stood the test of time!

      I love your pick for this month, "Christmas in Connecticut." It is one I always love to watch... I love all the confusion and running around - attempting to hide their secret... plus the cow, the pancakes, sleigh ride, and the baby!!!!! Oh, what a Christmas!!!!

      As for any other suggestions of good-clean humorous Christmas movies, Mark... I would suggest some more Christmas classics like "Love finds Andy Hardy." It has all the same hilarity as "Christmas in Connecticut," and yet, there's some beautiful poignant moments, as well. I also love "It Happened on 5th Avenue" and "A Christmas Wish" with Jimmy Durante is pretty funny, as well.

  6. Christmas Detour with Paul Greene and Candace Cameron Bure.

    1. I have really enjoyed Paul Greene in a few of the movies. I think he's done a nice job.

    2. A road trip movie is the perfect choice for Memorial Day Weekend, Debbie! I love it! Plus, you can never go wrong with Paul Greene and Candace Cameron Bure!!! Enjoy!!! :)

  7. Hello again. Net. Thank you for the reminder. The 25th nearly got past me. Great movie choice. Really nice film with a great twist ending. I am watching A Hobo's Christmas with Barnard Hughes and Gerald McRaney. I am an old softie who had an absent father in my youth, so this movie makes me cry every time I watch it. But it is a sweet and happy cry. It makes me smile through my tears. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a sweet and tender family friendly movie to enjoy while wrecking a box of tissues. Merry 25th everybody!

    1. Oh, that is a heartwarming Christmas movie choice, Mark. It's been a while since I've seen that one. I have it recorded off TV, from many years ago. As I recall, it's definitely one that pulls at the heartstrings. Thank you for this movie reminder. Merry 25th to You!!! :)

  8. I hope to watch Christmas Homecoming and The Christmas Card with my visiting 82yr old Mother. ❤ I have had her watch a Hallmark Movie each afternoon, she has fallen in love.

    1. That is so sweet, Becky! I love that these Hallmark movies are so good and entertaining for every generation to enjoy together!

      The other night I turned on a Hallmark movie and the "G" rating popped up in the corner, and I thought to myself, that is so nice. We are truly so blessed to still have a place where we can come to - to watch these special movies with our families, of all ages.

      I'm so glad to hear how much you enjoy watching these daily afternoon movies with your Mother. I love being able to watch them with my family, as well, when possible. Hallmark's movies do make us feel so good inside, it's a happy, safe place to visit for an afternoon!

      Hope you both enjoy "Christmas Homecoming" and "The Christmas Card!"

  9. I love them all. Christmas Card is my favorite as well.

    1. Oh, it definitely is one that is well-loved by many! Glad to hear you enjoy it, too, Klf63! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

    2. Christmas Card is based inspired true story

  10. A few of you have posted two of my favorites: The Christmas Card and Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Both of these are in my top five favorite Hallmark movies, and if you'll humor me, I'd like to explain.

    1. The Christmas Card will always be nostalgic to me as this was the first movie I watched with my grandmother (who I've shared about on here before). She was so excited to show this movie to me that we the next time I visited her, we watched it together with some popcorn and drinks. But the Christmas Card shows you the power of family and faith. Mixing that in with the small town feel of Nevada City, and it makes for a wonderful movie. You could sense Cody's honesty and affection for Faith, and the way that her family welcomes him is something that resonates with me. I really like Uncle Richard's character as he adds a little bit extra flavor to this movie.

    2. I've always enjoyed Most Wonderful Time of the Year because of the rapport between Henry Winkler's character and Warren Christie's character (Ralph and Morgan). I think it plays on a them that isn't used very much in the current set of Hallmark movies. Currently, the plots in recent movies have gotten so similar, you know what will probably happen a few minutes in to the movie. Of course all Hallmark movies end the same way, and this was no exception, but it took a few different turns throughout the story, and I like that. This is one of the first movies I pick each year when I go for Christmas movies.

    It's hard to believe that we're only five months away from Countdown to Christmas, and I cannot wait. I'm looking forward to the mini-preview in the summer, plus buying some of the movies from last year.

    All the best to each of you on here.

    1. Brent, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and heart on these two very special Christmas movies! "The Christmas Card" and "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" will always be on my favorite list, as well! That's truly the key to our love of these films- how much through the years they continue to touch our hearts and our family. We remember, not only our enjoyment of the movie, but who we watched them with, and which moments made us laugh and other meaningful moments, where we maybe shed a tear.

      I love your memory of watching with your Grandmother. That is so precious! As I watch these movies now, I think of my own cherished, family memories and those shared by all of you here.

      Thank you, again, Brent!
      Blessings, Net

  11. Good choice, Net, I love "The Christmas Card" also! Tonight, I'd like to watch "Fallen Angel" with Gary Sinise and Joely Richardson about bringing life back to a family who had been robbed of so many years together because of a fatal accident that brought shame to a man of notoriety in the town of his summer estate. The story between Terry and Catherine is heartwarming and the music throughout is beautiful. Happy viewing, everyone!! Hat's off to Gary for all his "good works" towards Veteran's everywhere!!

    1. "Fallen Angel" was such a beautiful, creative choice for Memorial Day Weekend, Linda! That is so true... Gary Sinise is such a wonderful advocate and supporter of our military! Plus, "Fallen Angel" is a terrific Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, and a fascinating mystery involving Catherine's father. I love it! Hope you enjoyed watching it again... it's so wonderful when everyone returns to the cottage! I feel all warm and happy inside just thinking about it! :)

  12. That is my pick too! Our family always watches "The Christmas Card" every Memorial Day Weekend...it reminds us to honor our troops and vets for the sacrifices they made and that we are so thankful for. God Bless our Country and our Soldiers who are fighting today and have fought to protect America! They gave it all!

    1. Beautifully said, NK. We owe an enormous amount of gratitude to those who paid for our freedom, and we mustn't forget their sacrifice and those who serve our great country today.

      I hope you enjoyed watching "The Christmas Card" once again with your family. It is a wonderful reminder of all the servicemen and women who have served this country through the years, and the family they leave behind on the home front, praying for their safe return. Thank you for sharing.

      God Bless America!

  13. I love "The Christmas Card," Net. I think I've seen it a dozen times. : ) I like all the actors in the movie. I didn't know it played Memorial Day weekend as well.

    Happy Summer days to you, Net.


    1. Thank you, Sheri! Happy Summer also to you!

      I'm so glad to hear you love "The Christmas Card" movie, too! It continues to be a beloved favorite movie for many. Unfortunately, it did not air on TV over the Memorial Day weekend, but I have it on DVD, so I played my own personal copy. It is always a wonderful reminder of how much we owe our military for our freedom today.

      Thank you for sharing your enjoyment.
      Blessings to you, Net


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