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~ James 1:17

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Love on Ice - a Hallmark Channel Original Movie starring Andrew W. Walker, Julie Berman & Gail O'Grady!


Movie: Love on Ice

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: January 7, 2017


Julie Berman ... Emily James
Andrew W. Walker ... Spencer Patterson
Linda Kash ... Hildy Perdy
Anna Golja ... Nikki Lee
Gail O’Grady ... Mia Lee
Kate Drummond ... Leslie Adams
Neil Crone ... Dave
Ipsita Paul ... Lindsay Tuttle
Laura Miyata ... Cate Hughes
Jim Watson ... Mark Flynn
Sarah Murphy-Dyson ... Sasha


Storyline via Hallmark: Emily James (Julie Berman), a former Olympic figure skating hopeful who walked away from it all, now waits tables and teaches young kids to skate at the local rink. When former student Nikki (Anna Golja) begins training for Midwest Regionals with energetic (and handsome) coach Spencer Patterson (Andrew W. Walker), Emily begins to wonder 'What if...?' when Spencer suggests Emily still has what it takes. Once Nikki's domineering mom Mia (Gail O'Grady) gets wind of Emily's intention to also compete at Regionals, Emily must prove to herself that life is about taking a chance: at the comeback of a lifetime, and at love.

Movie Review:


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Photo Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood


  1. love Julie Berrman will always miss her on General Hospital Lulu has and will never be the same

  2. love Julie Berman general hospital really lost a lot without Julie Lulu is not the same

    1. Awwwwe, that is very sweet. I'm sure many other G.H. fans agree.

    2. Who skated for the ladies?

  3. Andrew Walker makes any movie better. I am glad to see he is listed. Hallmark tends to give the female actors more credit than the male actors. Andrew definitely shines in each of his movies.

    1. Yes, Andrew W. Walker (he recently added in the W. in his acting credit) is such a great actor! I agree, it's nice to see Hallmark mention the male actors, too, especially in their promos!

      Andrew was great recently in one of the new Countdown to Christmas movies, "A Dream of Christmas," but I really thought he was at his absolute best in "Wedding Planner Mystery" and "Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through The Snow!"

      Thank you for commenting, cindy8w! Hope you also like Andrew in "Love on Ice." :)

  4. Is this a copy of Yuri on Ice or is this a copy of Yuri on Ice? :)))

  5. No person or company owns an idea, but that doesn't mean someone should try and make a shameless ripoff like this. Yuri!!! on ICE was a fantastic anime that took years of research to complete. It also went through a lot of obstacles to get aired in the first place due to its subject matter.

    The fact that Love on Ice shares the same premise, the same character ages, all while being produced right after YOI got its hype is certainly suspicious. This is no better than those cheap Disney knockoffs that you can buy to disappoint your child.

    Having Love on Ice try to ride on the success of a Japanese animated show that blew up despite its initial tribulations is an insult.

  6. This movie was in preproduction before the first episode of yuri on ice aired. It takes so long to make a movie that I'm fairly certain it isn't a ripoff and just a rehashing of a generic ice skating movie trope. Neither is revolutionary at all.
    And on top of that I highly doubt that hallmark is trying to get in the yoi fandom market. This is a channel mostly watched by middle aged women. Not everything is a controversy.

  7. Who sings the song in the commercial for this movie? I never catch the names.

    1. That is Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood singing Baby, It's Cold Outside in the commercial for Love On Ice. The song is from their latest new album Christmas Together. You can listen to the song at Amazon. It's available to stream, MP3, or you can get it on CD, with 10 other Christmas songs. Hope that helps! I wonder if it's in the movie, too... we'll have to listen for it!

  8. Please explain to me why these movies are scheduled so close together. 7-9pm or 8-10pm? Some would love to see both of them in the same evening and this makes it impossible. I am sure there is a reason for this but I cannot figure out why. Thanks--Love all the great movies. Lis

    1. Thank you for your comment, Lis. I know, it is hard to catch everything, especially if you don't have a device that records more than one program at a time. Thankfully, most networks provide repeat airings.

      But, to answer your question 'Why do they air at the same time?' Well, I honestly don't think they are considering other networks when they schedule their own premieres. They are simply trying to draw viewers into their own channel on Saturday or Sunday night.

      Glad you love the movies, too!!! :)

    2. Lis, I too have wondered that same thing. I understand separate networks premiering at the same time (they want the high volume time slot and are competing with against all the other networks) but I can't understand Hallmark. They have two channels but they are both part of Hallmark. Thankfully their premiers are on separate days (Hallmark Channel on Saturday and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries on Sunday) but during Christmas they premiered only an hour apart from each other on the same night. That was very confusing and frustrating to me.
      I hear ya Lis, it's hard to get all the new ones in. Too many movies and not enough time. :( But, like Net said, luckily there are repeat airings. :)

  9. Did Julie Berman actually do the skating?

    1. I believe Julie said during her "Home & Family" interview that a stunt double performed all the ice skating rountines.

    2. who were the actual "stunt doubles"; they are far from just stunt doubles and actually very accomplished skaters based on what I saw in the film during the "Regionals".

  10. Where can I buy a scarf like one Emily is wearing with a purple cap ( it has teal, purple, & blue in it) when she is walking down the street with her friend . It is so pretty! Please tell me where to get the scarf & cap!

    1. i love that scarf tooooo....did anyone know where we can find it.... please email me
      i would really appreciate it...

  11. Loved this movie. Gail O'Grady and Andrew W. Walker are always great actors and love watching them. The others in this movie were great too. A question I have were in regards to a couple really good songs in the moving that were played when the women were skating. I believe there were two songs and they were very positive in the lyrics. Can anyone name those songs and the artists? I would love to track those down.

  12. I love this pairing of Andrew Walker and Julie Bergman! Their chemistry totally made the movie and I'm sure if it weren't for them the movie will fall flat. Andrew was amazing as always and Julie was fantastic!!! When their eyes met it was just sizzling! Julie has such charm in her acting and I think she needs to act in more Hallmark movies. She truly made the character believable and natural.

    One thing though.. I think the scene right before the competition when Emily told Nikki that she wasn't dressed because she was quitting (again) is totally unnecessary. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me that she could change her mind and flip flop so quickly. It would probably be better to show her and Nikki being nervous and supporting each other.

    All in all, whether it was a copy of an anime or not, It was a great solid movie overall and I was thoroughly engaged and enjoyed it! I've watched a lot of Hallmark movies that I get picky about the type of movies I like and this one definitely makes the cut. Loved the dialogue and and the characters. Great start for the new year!

  13. It is about a girl named Hannah Avery, that loves to ice skate. She has done figure skating for 5 years, every since she was just 6. She would not do anything but skate, but then she met a boy named Andrew in the coffee shop, He also enjoyed ice skating. Avery ends up braking her leg and instead of sitting around becomes a temp at a accounting firm. Avery and Andrew end up falling in love. I really enjoyed this book.

  14. Looking for the scarf pattern or scarf Julie Berman wore with the purple hat

  15. Woule love to know the pattern of the scarf Julie Berman wore with the purple hat

  16. Favorite scene with Emily - Nikki and her mom telling her that she has to compete.

    Favorite scene with Spencer - Cooking dinner.

    Favorite scene with Emily and Spencer together - Being surprised at the interview, and Emily telling Spencer that she's quitting.

  17. This is based from a book right? Who's the author? I cant find a book with the same plot. I saw a name which is "kate" and "hannah avery" it's way too different from emily. I cant find the book where the mc's name is "emily"

  18. Replies
    1. Taylor Hunsley who starred in Ice Girls was the skating double for Julie

  19. If you don't like Ice Skating then you probably wouldn't want to watch this as it mainly concentrates on this theme with the love interest not to the fore.

    Andrew Walker has come a long way since he first appeared in A Bride For Christmas and he gives another good performance but although this was pleasant to watch it doesn't leave any lasting impressions.

    1. My favorite movie with Andrew Walker is A Bride for Christmas. He is such a "boy next door". I'll watch anything that he's in!

  20. Just rewatched this, 1 of my absolute favorites! Wish it was on DVD. -Maria

  21. I wish they would put Love on Ice and Ice Dreams both on dvd. I love them both, but especially Ice Dreams.


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