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~ James 1:17

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hallmark Channel Leads Every Saturday Night with New Original Movie!!!

You don't have to leave the comfort of your home to enjoy a New Movie every Saturday night... the Hallmark Channel is your Ticket! From now (September 19th, 2015) until Valentine's Weekend, 2016 - they will be giving viewers an All New Movie Premiere... making the Hallmark Channel "Your Saturday Night Original Movie Destination"!

The lead-in to this incredible on-going release of Hallmark films, is "Lead With Your Heart" starring William Baldwin (of Hallmark's "Be My Valentine").

via Hallmark: With their youngest son leaving for college in the fall, happily married couple Ben (Baldwin) and Maura (Matchett) prepare for their upcoming chapter as empty nesters. The couple faces an even larger change when Maura takes a temporary position – and big promotion – in Minneapolis. Ben and Maura miss one another while living apart, but the distance also shines a light on their differences like never before. When Maura’s temporary position becomes a full time offer, the couple must decide... click here to read more!
Premieres Saturday September 19, 2015 at 9PM/8c.
on the Hallmark Channel, "The Heart of TV!"
immediately following...
the Part 1 Season Finale of Cedar Cove.
(*Please Note: Cedar Cove contains Adult Content and Situations. The show is rated TV-PG. The new movie "Lead with Your Heart" is rated TV-G.)
For encore airings of this movie and more, see the Family TV Schedule!
For the list of upcoming Saturday night movies, click here!


  1. And there's where I'll be each and every Saturday night!! Thanks, Net, and Hallmark, you just up'd your ante!!

  2. Sherry in CaliforniaFriday, September 18, 2015

    My hunch -- and I could be totally wrong! -- is that Hallmark will do what it usually does with the Countdown to Christmas, and premiere the new movies every weekend from 10/31-11/1 up until, perhaps, 12/12-12/13 or 12/19-12/20 at the very latest. Whichever weekend(s) is/are left in December -- whether it's 12/19-12/20 and 12/26-12/27 or just 12/26-12/27 -- that will be when the "When Calls the Heart" (supposed) Christmas installment/Season 3 premiere is shown. AND, that could also be when either "The Ultimate Legacy" premieres -- on one of those last 2 weekends in December -- or even "The Bridge" (before it movies over to HMM).

    1. Sherry, I doubt that the “When Calls the Heart” Christmas movie will premiere after Christmas. The purpose of the Christmas movie would be defeated if it premiered after Christmas. Having “The Ultimate Legacy” premiere after Christmas, on the other hand, would make sense because, as Net has told us, it is not a Christmas movie but probably a winter-themed movie. I also don’t think that the “When Calls the Heart” Christmas movie will premiere on the weekend of 12/19-12/20 on the main Hallmark Channel because, according to Net, Melody & Mistletoe (Mariah Carey’s movie) will premiere on December 19th at 8:00 p.m. Hallmark wouldn’t have two highly anticipated Christmas movies premiere on the same weekend.

    2. Sherry In CaliforniaSunday, September 20, 2015

      Thanks for your input on my hunch. We'll see what happens.

    3. I think Sherry was just trying to share some random thoughts of what could happen. I like reading them and trying to make a guess myself. What will really take place is still anyone's guess and I know I like hearing everyone's ideas.

      Could WHEN CALLS THE HEART air right after Christmas? I think it could work. Then repeat follow ups would air the end of December and early January with season 3 coming in February. No one knows, but I think it's fun for us all to take a stab at it.

    4. Sherry In CaliforniaTuesday, September 22, 2015

      Joyce --

      Exactly! I just like throwing out scenarios and seeing which ones make sense or make no sense! Lol.

      No one knows precisely why WCTH was not mentioned on "Home & Family" when the other Christmas movies were announced -- but, presumably, it is because that movie isn't technically a part of the Countdown to Christmas. Technically, it is supposed to count as the premiere of Season 3 of WCTH, so we don't really know how heavily the emphasis will be on Christmas in the story -- unless someone knows the plot. It could just be that the story starts with Christmas and then moves into a post-Christmas scenario... in which case, it won't matter much if it airs before or after Christmas. If the entire 2 hours are about Christmas-related events, then that's a different story -- it might air before 12/25.

      For example, Disney-Pixar made a supposed 'Toy Story Christmas Special' last year (called "Toy Story That Time Forgot"), and it aired during the general holiday season -- but the story actually takes place mostly after Christmas, so it really could air after 12/25. It's really not Christmasy at all.

      And, as for airing one anticipated movie in the same weekend as another anticipated movie -- why not? It may or may not happen. Hallmark is doing things differently this year in a couple of ways. First of all, they are debuting 5 new movies on 5 consecutive nights during Thanksgiving week -- something they have never done. Next, they are going to debut at least one (in many cases, two) brand new movie every weekend between now and Valentine's Day, which they've never done.

      I don't know if anyone realizes it, but Hallmark usually breaks from the premieres of new movies for at least the last couple of weekends in December. This year they are not doing that, and are soldiering on with new movies every single weekend. So, something is going to have to debut on every weekend in December, including those last 2 weekends. "The Ultimate Legacy" could be one of them, and then it will likely move over to Movies & Mysteries -- or, it could go straight to Movies & Mysteries and bypass the regular Hallmark Channel entirely.

      But something else will have to debut on one of those last 2 December weekends as well -- on a weekend when Hallmark would ordinarily NOT be premiering a new movie. They probably assume that many viewers are busy with holiday festivities and are too busy to watch. However... if they premiere something that they KNOW many people will tune in for, they have a slam dunk winner. I think it's a safe bet that many people will tune in for the WCTH movie/special.

      Joyce, I think your point about airing WCTH at the end of December and then the next season begging in February makes a lot of sense. Since that WCTH "Christmas movie" is really supposed to be the start of Season 3, essentially, then the less of a gap there is between when the movie airs and when the season begins, the more sense it makes.

      In any case, until someone knows what exactly is happening in the WCTH movie/special, and how much it has to do with Christmas, we can't really know that it will air before Christmas.

    5. YAY!!! Your hunch was right, Sherry! Hallmark has announced When Calls the Heart's sneak peak to Season 3 will air on the Hallmark Channel on December 26th! Filming has just begun! :)

    6. Sherry In CaliforniaTuesday, September 29, 2015

      :) Thank you for confirming it, Net! I just had a feeling it would air later in December because of this unusual situation in which Hallmark is airing new movies every weekend until Valentine's Day, which would mean they'd have to air something new on those last 2 weekends in December when they would ordinarily just air repeats.

      Hallmark knows that a lot of people will be busy on that Christmas weekend, but they also know that they will get a lot of viewers tuning in for WCTH!

  3. Wow! That's great to know!


  4. Hallmark keeps leading every other channel. Thanks to them I am always entertained with the best movies around. Going to the theater is not an option for me any more, but thanks to Hallmark I see a new movie now every weekend. Thank you for letting me know I have something to look forward to every Saturday!

  5. I agree Net - Hallmark is the best ticket around!


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