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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Mystery, Romance, Cats, Dogs, & Football... Catch All The Highlights of What's New This Weekend

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Happy weekend, friends!

I hope you all are planning a *super* weekend! I'm posting a little sooner this week since there's a new mystery movie on Thursday night. Get the scoop below, sleuthers!

Plus, the Hallmark Channel has a new Loveuary movie for all of us rom-com fans, a new time-slot (this weekend only) for "When Calls the Heart," and four notable football-themed Hallmark movies for Sunday!

Speaking of Sunday, which happens to be the day of the Super Bowl... Great American Family also gets in the spirit of the game with their adorable special that honors animals with "The Great American Rescue Bowl".

See details for all of this and more below...


Thursday, February 6, 2025:

Storyline: Hannah’s favorite reality show takes over The Cookie Jar. When the producer is found dead, Hannah and Norman team up to track down the killer. Chad invites Hannah to court.

Premieres Thursday, February 6, 2025
at 8pm/7c. on Hallmark Mystery


Friday, February 7, 2025:

Christmas Movies Friday

Christmas Schedule:

Friday, February 7, 2025:

The Finnish Line ... Hallmark Channel ... 3pm
Christmas on Call ... Hallmark Channel ... 5pm
Destined at Christmas ... Great American Family ... 6pm
A Christmas Miracle ... Hallmark Family ... 6pm
Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story ... Hallmark Channel ... 7pm
A Vintage Christmas ... Great American Family ... 8pm
Following Yonder Star ... Hallmark Family ... 8pm
Mystery on Mistletoe Lane ... Hallmark Mystery ... 8pm
A Paris Christmas Waltz ... Great American Family ... 10pm

Plus, a *SUPER* Christmas movie showing on Sunday! (See below)


Saturday, February 8, 2025:

Storyline: When CASEY and HENRY find themselves celebrating their birthdays at the same restaurant, they make birthday wishes at the same time which are granted. However they end up getting each other's wishes.

Premieres Saturday, February 8, 2025
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel


Saturday, February 8, 2025:

Special Day & Time

Season 12, Episode 6:

Allie and Oliver discover a threat. Rosemary invites the kids to debate Lucas on the radio. Bill interrogates a suspect with an old friend's help. Elizabeth fights a cold.

NOTE: Different DAY and TIME due to the Super Bowl Game on Sunday.

airs Saturday, February 8, 2025
at 10pm/9c. on the Hallmark Channel


Sunday, February 9, 2025:

TV Special

Details via Great American Media: America’s most beloved pet adoption special, features spectacular scrimmages between SU-PURR teams of shelter kittens matriculating the ball down the field. Once the kittens hit the showers, it’s time for puppy playoffs in a dogged game of punt, pass, and kick – no, really! All fun aside, “Great American Rescue Bowl” showcases the nation’s passion and commitment to animal rescues, features stories of saving pet lives through fostering, and honors Animal League America and their lifesaving work with their vast network of national and international shelter partners enabling potential adopters to find a best friend while saving more pets lives.

airs Sunday, February 9, 2025
at 12pm/11c. on Great American Family


Sunday, February 9, 2025:

Super Bowl Sunday
Football Movies
on the Hallmark Channel

Movie Schedule:


Snowcoming ... 8am
Love on the Sidelines ... 10am
Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story ... 12pm

Fourth Down and Love ... 10pm


We certainly have lots of excellent and unique viewing choices this weekend! Are any of you planning a Super Bowl Party Sunday night? I'm not big on football, but I might check out the score and commercials here and there. If you plan to watch, please share who your favorite team is or what your game pick is in the comments below.

Whatever you plan to do, I hope you all have a super weekend!

I am very excited to have Melissa Gilbert visit Hope Valley in the new episode of "When Calls the Heart" this Saturday night! The only thing that would have topped her appearance for me is if she could've actually portrayed Laura Ingalls Wilder. I've always loved "Little House on the Prairie"! (I looked it up, and the real-life Laura passed away in 1957, so it's possible she could've made a trip to Hope Valley in the 1920s era, perhaps to share her latest book. Anyway, that was my dream.) I'm still thrilled we will have her on the show, anyway.

And I'll be recording the Great American Rescue Bowl on Sunday afternoon! I must, must see those adorable puppies and kittens! I sure hope many find their furr-ever homes!

Please Note: I have not pre-screened the new films premiering this weekend. If you wish to provide a review, kindly share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you in advance to everyone who shares with us.

Blessings to you all!



"Let us run with perseverance 
the race marked out for us."
Hebrews 12:1


  1. Have Melissa Gilbert as Inspector Georgina “Georgie” McGill on recurring role on WCTH?

  2. I saw the promo sneak peak of this episode of Nathan taking care of a miserable cold. So sweet! I’ll be watching that for sure.

    But sorry, not a sports fan. I like to watch my brother play on his team and watch the Olympics. But I’m afraid that’s it. I don’t even know what teams are competing. Hahaha, have fun though!

  3. Great post today, Net! This “Little House” fan feels the same way! I’m giddy with excitement!! The more I watch this season, the more I want to see!!

  4. My team’s not playing, but I’ll watch anyway. No party for me, have to work early on Monday. Robert

  5. Football Games — Hallmark Movies

    Fourth Down and Love (Hallmark Channel – 2023)
    Starring: Pascale Hutton & Ryan Paevey

    Love on the Sidelines (Hallmark Channel – 2016)
    Starring: Emily Kinney & John Reardon

    Relative Stranger (Hallmark Mystery – 2009)
    Starring: Eriq La Salle, Cicely Tyson & Michael Michele

    Chasing a Dream (Hallmark Channel – 2009)
    Starring: Andrew Lawrence & Treat Williams

    Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story (2024)
    Starring Tyler Hynes & newcomer Hunter King

    Snowcoming (2019)
    Starring Trevor Donovan & Lindy Booth

  6. Just watching The Wish Swap tomorrow, and looking at the red carpet photos of tonight's Movieguide Awards! :) Good luck to all Great American family films and to NCIS! -Maria

  7. Hi.

    I honestly do not like posting negative reviews but my husband and I were really disappointed with the latest Hannah Swensen Mystery. But, in all honesty, we haven't liked any of the recent Hannah Swensen Mystery movies. We enjoy Victor and Alison as actors but not together. There is no spark. It pains me to see Alison reduced to a whiny and unsure woman instead of the strong woman she used to be. Plus, Barbara overplays Delores now. I mean seriously overplays her to the point that it is distracting. I so miss Lisa and Cameron! We are huge fans of the Murder She Baked Mystery series and we even own the DVD set. But, I don't think we are going to invest any more time in the Hannah Swensen series. These movies just leave me cold and disappointed.

    1. This sounds very eerily familiar to what happened to WCTH. 'sighs'. -Maria

  8. The Wish Swap is definitely the best movie of this month's lineup by far, it's THAT good!! -Maria

    1. Hi Maria! Oh my yes "The Wish Swap" was so great! I just posted my review. My husband and I absolutely LOVED it! Such a cute movie. Glad to hear you also really enjoyed it.

    2. Maria & Joan, Wow, another family-friendly film! That's such great news! :)

  9. “The Wish Swap” was quite enjoyable. We did not know what to expect and even if we would like it. However, it turned out to be a cute movie. Emily and Jake had great chemistry. I also liked Emily and Crystal’s friendship. It was lovely and believable. It was nice seeing so many actors/actresses we have grown to really like over the years. Glad to see a storyline that was unique.

    This week's special episode of “When Calls the Heart” overall was a good episode. Melissa and Jack were sublime together. I wish she had signed on for more episodes. Their backstory could turn into a goldmine. Viv and Natasha’ story continues to tug at the heartstrings. As a parent, I know how difficult it is to let go of your children. But, if you have done your job right, which we all know they have, Vienna’s character will be just fine, and she will flourish. Oh, my Jaeda has grown into a really good actress. She is magic. And I just love her and Jacob’s sweet and innocent budding teenage romance. We now know, for sure, Tiera’s character is phony and up-to-no good. Finally, as much as I enjoy Erin and Kevin’s relationship some of the dream sequences made me a bit uncomfortable.

    1. Joan, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the latest WCTH episode. I, too, wish Melissa Gilbert was going to be in more episodes this season. I feel one more episode is just not enough.

      From what Melissa has shared on social media, it was such a delightful experience for her filming on this set, since it brought back to mind so many memories from her "Little House" years. And the WCTH cast was very welcoming, along with the fans. I wouldn't be surprised, if there is another season, that she'll return.

      I also love the story with Pastor Joseph, Minnie, and Angela. It is beautiful and bittersweet. If Angela leaves, I think we will all be in tears.

      The storyline with Allie and Oliver was also very sweet. I like how they are building their friendship and possibly more! The fact that they are sharing their innermost secrets with one another is beautiful to see. (And cupcakes, too!)

      As for Elizabeth & Nathan... I had the same somewhat uneasy feeling as I watched with my family - during those dream sequences. It just felt a little awkward, especially the wood-chopping scene. When Nathan awoke to the dog licking his face, I was relieved. That was a cute way to end it! :)

    2. Hi Net,

      So happy to hear you enjoyed reading my thoughts on WCTH! And, I am also happy to hear you enjoyed reading Abigail's thoughts as well! I did forget to mention I was also relieved to see Nathan's dog when he woke up. That was funny and a good way to end the scene. Because, like I said, some of the dream sequences made me uncomfortable. Agree with Abigail about Nathan and Elizabeth getting married. I am going to start using the character's names instead of the actor's names going forward including this comment. Makes it easier to keep track of! :-)

  10. This episode could have been called “In Sickness and Health.” I enjoyed seeing Nathan take care of Elizabeth who was really miserable with that feverish cold. About her dreams… I’m never one who likes or exited to see men in that way. The Bible warns us about lust and if Elizabeth is thinking that way of Nathan it’s time they got married. I would have liked it if they left those out, but I did like Nathan’s dream. I thought it was very sweet and so funny when he thought he was kissing Elizabeth, but nope it was Scout his dog. And then that sneeze. Boy, did I laugh!!πŸ˜‚

    I loved that trip scene with Allie and Oliver!! Poor Oliver for wanting to obey the rules, but couldn’t leave her alone so he went. I thought it was sweet them sharing what they now have in common their parents in prison and supporting each other. Now we have to see Oliver have a birthday party!

    Fiona looked happier this episode, maybe working with Rosemary on the radio will make her feel like she’s making a difference and a way to stay in Hope Valley.

    Melissa Gilbert was so great! I loved her bluffing with that coin. I can’t wait to see more of her with Bill.

    1. Abigail, I enjoyed reading your recap of WCTH. I also had the same feelings on the dream sequences. And yes, that ending was perfect! A little yucky with the dog licking his face, but very funny, too. I wonder what they put on Kevin's face to make the dog do that and how many times they had to do that scene. I bet the behind-the-scenes on that moment were hilarious!

      Also, I love Allie & Oliver! When she gave him another cupcake the next day and said think of it as a birthday cupcake, my heart melted into a puddle for him. So sweet!

      You are so right... Fiona does seem quite happy now. Seeing her work on the radio - almost feels like her old days with working on the telephone.

      And you're so right, Melissa was great! Can't wait to to see where that story goes!

      I love talking WCTH with you and Joan! Thank you for the time you took sharing this! :)

  11. The Hannah Swenson Mystery Reality Bites was not worth it. I miss the old Murder She Baked. This new series has been going downhill since the first HSM and getting worse and worse. I agree with Joan. There is no chemistry between Hannah and Chad, he’s so boring and Hannah seems desperate. Not her usual self. Her mother is the worst part though. Way to overkill, with her shallowness and stupidity. And the setup with the director/sound was off balance. Been that way since they restarted the series. The only good things were family friendly and Norman had a lot of scenes. There is a fantastic guy for Hannah.

    Next time I see a person here leave a review not to watch, I won’t. The mystery person in me just couldn’t resist. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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