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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, October 17, 2024

πŸŽ„More Christmas Movies On The WayπŸŽ„ Hallmark Channel's Countdown To Christmas Begins In One More Day...

Can you feel the excitement? 
*Countdown to Christmas* 
is almost here!

Starting at 6am EST. TOMORROW, Friday, October 18, 2024, the Hallmark Channel kicks off its annual Christmas movie event with Christmas Waltz, starring Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp!

Other beloved Christmas classics air during the day on the Hallmark Channel, such as: The Christmas Cottage, Let it Snow, A Very Merry Mix Up, Christmas Next Door, Crown for Christmas, and more... all leading up to the first premiere, 'Twas the Date Before Christmas!

And if you enjoy the Christmas movies on Hallmark Mystery, too, I have even better news for you! Although the network says their launch into Miracles of Christmas is officially tomorrow, the schedule says otherwise. Two Christmas movies will air TONIGHT, leading into Christmas classics airing from then on throughout the holiday season 24/7 around-the-clock!

The first Christmas movie airing on Hallmark Mystery tonight, Thursday, October 17th, at 8pm EST., is Christmas at Grand Valley, starring Danica McKellar and Brennan Elliott.

Christmas movie classics that follow on Hallmark Mystery include: The Christmas Promise, A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas, A Joyous Christmas, To All a Good Night, A Homecoming for the Holidays, A Veteran's Christmas, and more!

Be sure to set your DVRs now for all of the Christmas movies you most want to see! I personally see so many favorites that I love... Christmas Waltz, Christmas Next Door, Crown for Christmas, A Joyous Christmas, A Veteran's Christmas, and so many more! Hallmark really is beginning this weekend with some of their best! Which ones do you most want to see or record?

Stay tuned for my weekend post tomorrow, which highlights all of the NEW Christmas movies airing this weekend!

Have a Blessed, Merry Day!


  1. It was fun going to the Hallmark bus tour in DC yesterday.

    1. Denise, How exciting you were able to attend Hallmark's Jingle Stop Tour! I was following along on Instagram and it looked like the Hallmark stars and crowd had so much fun. Were you able to meet anyone?

    2. Oooh! That sounds like a lot of fun Denise!

    3. I did! It was more of a pep rally event. Benjamin Ayres and Nikki DeLoach left the stage to do an interview with Fox DC, and I showed Nikki I was wearing the earrings she gave me and I had on a t-shirt from Ben's RU venture, so they both stepped over to give me a hug. Nikki insisted on a selfie with me. Ben grabbed my phone and took the photo of the three of us.

      There wasn't a true meet- n-greet for the stop, but I happened too be in the right place at the right time. Serendipity.

      I saw some of the other stars as they were leaving, but I wasn't going to force my way through the crowd.

    4. Denise, How fun! That is wonderful you had that special moment with Nikki and Ben, plus a picture, too!!!

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It’s great to know how nice they both are in person. ☺️

  2. Don't forget Hallmark Family actually plays some of the older movies over the weekends, all weekend. I cannot wait for them. I missed them last weekend with the power out. But I will be there for those movies this weekend. Also looking forward to the Twas the Date movie. It looks like my kind of movie, with families having fun together for Christmas.

    1. Sabrina, Glad to hear your power is back on and you'll be able to enjoy the Christmas movies, old and new, this weekend!

      You are so right, Hallmark Family is playing lots of excellent Christmas classics. I was in & out last weekend, but I caught bits and pieces of two or three, including one of my favorites, "Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade"!

      Happy watching this weekend!!! :)

    2. I was able to record some of the older ones from Hallmark Family this past weekend Sabrina & I found some good ones I never knew about. I recorded and watched “Cancel Christmas” and it was so heartwarming! I have “A Season for Miracles” recording this weekend and I also recorded “So You Said Yes” with Kellie Martin and I plan to watch as soon as I can.

  3. 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'. :) -Maria

  4. Netflix ~ November 13th πŸŽ„

    November 13, 2024

    "Hot Frosty" starring Lacey Chabert and Lauren Holly ⛄

    Two years after losing her husband, Cathy magically brings a handsome snowman to life! Through his naivete, the snowman helps Cathy to laugh, feel and love again, as the two fall for each other just in time for the holidays...and before he melts.

  5. So exciting, I cannot believe here we are at our favorite time of the year again! I have been frantically trying to watch a movie a night from my DVR to clear up space for all of the recordings I’ll have coming up. Every year this happens where we get so busy and I can’t keep up with watching the movies when they air and my DVR gets full 😡‍πŸ’« Trying hard to stay on top of watching this year, or just being selective with the ones I record and the ones I delete/don’t record. We are finally out of the triple digits here in CA, in the 80s and it’s feeling like fall 😊

    1. Paula, Same with me! I'm trying to play catch up, as well, with some of the Fall movies! I need two more weeks, at least! LOL! :)

      Glad your weather is improving. The 80's sound really nice; we had our first frost last night. So, it really feels like Fall here in the Mid West and the leaves are turning a vibrant rusty color of orange really fast! 'Tis the season!!!

      Enjoy your pleasant weather this weekend!!!

    2. Sassy Starbucks Girl (aka Paula) & Net, Same here! I wonder if we're all watching the same movies each night as we frantically try to make space on our dvr's? 🀣 I've decided I think I'm just gonna hit delete on some of these Spring, Summer, Fall and mystery movies and move on to the good stuff -- cozy Christmas movies!! ~~Jane

  6. Net, thanks for all this movie news! I am actually going to watch an old classic that I have downloaded, White Christmas, with Bing Crosby! To kick off my Christmas movie viewing. Bless you for this website and keeping us informed.

    1. Hi Barbara...I thought you might be interested in this. "White Christmas will be shown at AMC Theatres on December 15, 2024 as part of a 70th anniversary celebration", of the movie.

    2. That FEELING is really in the air now. I feel extra emotional this year.

    3. Barbara, I adore "White Christmas"! What a wonderful choice! There's nothing quite like it, with all of the dancing and singing! That's one of the classics I never let Christmas pass by without watching it 2 or 3 times.

      Thank you for your sweet comment. It's my joy to share here with such kind people like you!

      God bless you, as well! :)

    4. Jim, That is so wonderful that they are showing "White Christmas" in the theater. Thank you for sharing this news. I'll have to see if they are airing it near me at that time. It would be incredible to see this colorful, magical film on the big screen! :)

    5. Barbara, I love the old classics, too; what a perfect movie to start the season!! Jim, leave it to you, "Mr. Christmas", to know about this special AMC showing! I had no idea. How fun that will be to watch it on the big screen! Can't wait to go! ~~Jane

    6. Thanks Jim for letting me know about White Christmas in AMC theaters! I will check out my local listings.
      Merry Christmas! Barbara

    7. Jane, I think some of my family members may call me, "Mr. Fanatical Christmas"...lol. I resemble that.

  7. Streaming Friday

    November 1, 2024
    God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust

    Experience the next installment

    Great American PureFlix

  8. Does Miracles of Christmas start on Thursday night October 17

  9. Ok…. I have a confession!! I’ve been listening to Christmas music since Oct. 1st. It’s all so cheerful, it makes me happy. I especially love that Frank Sinatra J.I.N.G.L.E. Bells!! I’m a card maker, been making Christmas ones, so I have to listen to the music right!?

    1. Abigail, I try to sneak in in all during the year. I try not to push it on others, but if I’m working alone, I try to switch it up some. I pay for the no commercials on Pandora so I can listen on my phone to different stations. Works great if I can connect to WiFi. Hope you can enjoy your listening.

    2. Abigail & Joco, I also listen to Christmas music all year long. I usually do it when I'm working out and have my headphones on. I don't want TOO many people to think I am crazy ha-ha. Like you said though, it just makes me feel happy inside. I get that throwback nostalgic feeling inside from it that allows me to escape reality at times to a mystical place.

    3. Isn’t it the best!! It’s definitely a feel good music. I listen to it privately as well, in my room on iheart radio or Apple Music. The secret’s out though, my fam knows I’m crazy for Christmas music. But when November hits, my mom normally turns on the Christmas music for the main part of the house! Time to pull out those holiday puzzles and enjoy hot chocolate as a family in your comfy clothes!🧦☕️πŸŽ„

  10. Net, remember when it was announced that Jessica Lowndes & Daniel Lissing and Jen Lilley were working on their own Christmas movies respectively. We haven't heard of any of them yet. Could they be for a special Christmas in July next year?

    1. Be sure to see Florence's comment below. Both she and Maria shared this news just recently.

      Anybody here have Hulu???

  11. Already posted they are both streaming on Hulu from 01 Nov - Florence

    1. Florence, I'm wondering if it's possible GAF could still air these in December or maybe next year. It's just a guess, though; I know nothing official on this. They've obviously picked up other movies that have gone to streaming first, so it's a possibility.

      Unfortunately, I won't be able to see these in November because I don't have Hulu. Do you?

  12. Where is this posted? Elizbeth

  13. I never even considered GAF might add these in December but if you think it's a possibility then they might.

    I sorta wondered about Christmas in July 2025.

    We don't have Hulu.

    I much prefer watching on TV as opposed to Streaming but it's difficult as the trend from TV to Streaming accelerates.

    The big problem is that there are so may Streaming Providers and you just couldn't afford to subscribe to them all.

    My sister-in-law is very good at getting me copies of movies so I might or might not get to see them.

    I don't think Amazon has a very good cooection of Rom.Coms - we only have it as it is included in Prime which we use for getting goods - Florence

  14. Florence, honey, i would refraze that. It gives a wrong impression that you watch an illegal copies.


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