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~ James 1:17

Thursday, September 19, 2024

“When Hope Calls” Season 2 Coming To Great American Family In 2025 - SEE HERE:

It's official! Great American Family is bringing back the beloved "When Hope Calls" series for Season 2!

New actors have been brought in to star in the series, that is a spin-off from "When Calls the Heart," however, Morgan Kohan (“Sullivan’s Crossing”) reprises her role as Lillian Walsh, and Ryan-James (RJ) Hatanaka (“Criminal Minds”) will return as Mountie Gabriel.

See all of the details in Great American Media's press release below...


NEW YORK, NY – September 19, 2024 – Great American Media announced its sequel to a storied TV series, inspired by beloved author, Janette Oke, “When Hope Calls,” begins filming in late September for a World Premiere in January 2025 on Great American Family, then streaming on Pure Flix.

“When Hope Calls” season two stars Cindy Busby (Crown Prince of Christmas) as “Nora,” Christopher Russell (A Dash of Christmas) as “Constable, Mountie Michael,” Nick Bateman (A Christmas Miracle with Daisy) as “Wyatt,” Wendy Crewson (“Frankie Drake Mysteries”) as “Tess Stewart,” Hanneke Talbot (“Star Trek”) as “Maggie Parsons,” Morgan Kohan (“Sullivan’s Crossing”) as “Lillian Walsh,” and Ryan-James (RJ) Hatanaka (“Criminal Minds”) as “Mountie Gabriel.”

“When Hope Calls” is a spinoff of Oke’s legendary book series, When Calls the Heart and followed a pair of sisters, Lillian Walsh (Kohan) and Grace Bennett (Jocelyn Hudon) to the town of Brookfield, circa 1916. “When Hope Calls” is a family drama centered on the town’s orphanage and its residents who meet tremendous challenges while creating a hopeful, faith-filled community on the cusp of change in the frontier town while nurturing the children in their care.

“We were fortunate early on to understand that Janette Oke’s faith-filled characters had such rich origins that building entertainment universes from this world would present themselves over and over,” said Bill Abbott, President & CEO, Great American Media.

“When Hope Calls” had 10 episodes in season one, followed by two one-hour Christmas episodes in 2021 that saw Lori Loughlin reprise her role as Abigail Stanton. There are eight episodes in season two, and while the opening episodes pay homage to the romance of “Lillian” and “Mountie Gabriel,” new characters are introduced that are seminal to the orphanage and children, the sprawling farms and ranchlands, and to the town of Brookfield who welcome a new Constable from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, “Mountie Michael” (Russell).

“When Hope Calls” is executive produced by Brad Krevoy, Cara Russell, Lorenzo Nardini, and Amy Krell (full producer billing block released soon). Bradley Walsh directs from Original screenplay by showrunner and writer, Alfonso Moreno.


Great American Media is home to a family-friendly portfolio of brands including Great American Family, Great American Pure Flix and Great American Faith & Living. As the flagship linear TV network, Great American Family features original Christmas movies, rom-coms and classic series that celebrate faith, family and country. Great American Pure Flix is a leading faith and family streaming service that inspires, uplifts and entertains with content that you can confidently stream with the entire family. Other platforms include, Great American Faith & Living, the unscripted companion to Great American Family that celebrates faith, family, and country every day and every season; Great American Adventures and Pure Flix TV, FAST channels (free ad-supporting streaming TV). Great American Media was established in June 2021 by Bill Abbott and a group of US-based family offices.


My Quick Take:

I am ecstatic that Great American Family is bringing "When Hope Calls" back! It's going to be a little different to see new characters in Brookfield, but I am ready to embrace new beginnings. It's just wonderful to see this network continue this beloved series.

Cindy Busby previously starred in three episodes of "When Calls the Heart" as Marlise Bennett; however, she will play a new character in season 2 of "When Hope Calls."

I have a feeling that Morgan Kohan's role may be limited since she is also currently filming a new season of "Sullivan’s Crossing" until November. "When Hope Calls" filming schedule is September 30th through November 30th.

Please share your thoughts in comments below.

Blessings to you all,


  1. YES!!! So excited for this and to actually call myself a Heartie again!! -Maria

  2. I never watched that show, but I know there are fans who will be thrilled. Yes, Morgan is filming SC in Nova Scotia, so I agree that her role will likely be relegated to the premiere episode and maybe 1 or 2 others for shorter scenes. Jocelyn won't be able to appear due to filming Chicago Fire. I do wonder what the deal is with Lori. I thought she would be the central character if they moved forward.

  3. I a, so excited about this. The cast is great.

  4. That is awesome news! I bet it will be part if there's service though. I am glad it is coming back .

    I just wish they would do at least 12 episodes.

  5. I wonder if Jeffrey Brown return When Hope Calls: Season 2 when The Way Home: Season start filming - it’s only 10 episodes

  6. Morgan Kohan has go back & forth for Sullivan’s Crossing & When Hope Calls just like Kevin McGarry did with Heartland & When Calls the Heart but he sticks with WCTH

    I don’t get it Chris Potter had to go back & forth - Heartland & Good Witch (TV Series) but he didn’t

    They’ve only 10 episodes

    1. It was probably too hard for Chris Potter. They filmed good witch in Toronto and Heartland all the way out in Calgary. Back then, Heartland was like 18 episodes or so. Hour long shows too. I think it was not hard for him to film the Good Witch movies cause it was just a 2 to 3 week thing and then he could go do Heartland or leave and film GW movies for a couple weeks. But the GW shows started in 2015 and they were 10 Hour episodes too. And pretty far away. Thats why I guessed that they had Sam come on. I was sad to see Jake go though.

    2. And when KM was on Heartland towards the end, he was not on regularly. I suspect it took lots more time doing WCTH and he didnt have as much time to do Heartland.

      I always hated that about Heartland, when the actor playing Ty or Lou had other projects, they were just off. Amy and Grandpa Jack were the only ones on all the time. Some seasons Ty was hardly on. But at least he was still on.

  7. I never watched WCtheH because I just didn’t want to start another series. I only watched the Christmas episodes and they were wonderful. Since When Hope Calls is being developed by GAF I will become a viewer. Like WCH I watched the Christmas episode and was delighted by the children and the visit from St. Nick element. It brought a smile with a Christmas dash of peace and joy.
    I wonder which day of the week the episodes will be shown?
    -Gabe’s Mom

    1. Hey Gabe’s mom, if you have a chance you should go back and watch the first season. IMO it’s better than When Calls the Heart.

    2. You really should watch When Hope Calls! I was also hesitant at first. I thought it might just be a cheesy knock off, but instead I found it to be a lovely, light, joyful show! It's one of my absolute favorites 🩷

  8. What? No Lori Loughlin? Otherwise, I’m thrilled to bits. This is a good move for GAF.

    1. This surprised me, too. I really thought Lori would be a part of this. Christie

  9. This is such a wonderful surprise! Since GAF doesn't even play the WHC Christmas movie in their line-up, I just assumed they would never continue the series. I have attached a request for the series to continue and for the Christmas movie to be shown on numerous movie reviews. I am still hoping that Lori Loughlin will be included and they are holding back for a surprise announcement. This news makes me extra happy because I was so disappointed yesterday after reading the article regarding Jen Lilley. I hope she is still making movies for GAF but is just no longer exclusive to the network. Many actors work for multiple networks. Also, I think it is interesting that Jen's Christmas movie with Nick Bateman & Daniel Lissing's Christmas movie with Jessica Lowndes are NOT on the Hallmark line-up. I am still hoping GAF will surprise us and air them on GAF or Pure Flix. ...especially since Nick is going to be in When Hope Calls. 29 days to go until the Most Wonderful Time of Year on Great American Christmas!

    1. This is great news! I can’t wait to see it. I wasn’t sure if it was canceled or not since nothing was announced after the Christmas WHC movie with Lori was filmed. So I guess Cindy Busby and Christopher Russel will be taking over as main characters, wonder how that will play out. Can’t wait to see Christopher in a red serge!

  10. This news just made my day! First, County Rescue and now When Hope Calls! Great American Family just keeps getting better and better. I hope this means we’ll see more new movies and series on Great American Family next year instead of the continuous reruns. Christie

  11. The Christmas episodes of When Hope Calls explained the absence of Grace (Hudon) or Chuck (Greg Hovanessian) (#Chace). Viewers learned that Chuck followed Grace to England where they married and decided to open an orphanage in London. Hudon was currently upped to series regular on Chicago Fire & Hovanessian has since appeared in Walker Independence and FBI: International.

    1. Thank you, i just wanted to ask this

  12. I've actually suggested to the network in the past that they consider bringing this show back. This is now 2 requests I've made that have been fulfilled!

    I have 1 last big request, something that I've been asking for since January of last year. It's a huge one, and it's something that I know is a long shot to happen, but if this network can somehow pull it off, then that would be like fulfilling an impossible dream!

    (if or whenever it happens, I'll let you know what it is.) (sooo much hope right now!) -Maria

    1. Maria, where do you send the requests? I've been wanting to do the same but didn’t know where to post.

    2. Here's the link: (I also sometimes just tag the network on Twitter and use #GreatAmericanFamily , and sometimes they hit the Like button)



  13. Net, Could you create a post for shows we wish GAF would create? One I have is them creating a show like BYU's Relative Race.

  14. Since Constable Gabriel Kinslow told Abigail about he served under Constable Jack Thornton at Northern Territories in When Hope Calls: Season 2 - Christmas movie

    I wonder what’s happened to Constable Jack Thornton in When Hope Calls: Season 2

  15. According to GAF, while the opening episodes of Season 2 will “pay homage to the romance” between Lillian & Gabriel, “new characters are introduced that are seminal to the orphanage and children, the sprawling farms and ranch lands, and to the town of Brookfield.” Those include Cindy Busby (Cedar Cove), who has been cast as Nora; Christopher Russell (UnREAL), who will play a new mountie, Michael; and Nick Bateman (A Christmas Miracle With Daisy), who will inhabit the role of Wyatt. They’ll be joined by Kohan (Lillian), Hatanaka (Gabriel), Wendy Crewson (Tess) and Hanneke Talbot (Maggie).
    Marshall Williams and Neil Crone — who recurred in Season 1 as handyman Sam and hotel manager Ronnie, respectively — are not mentioned in Season 2’s cast list. Neither is Lori Loughlin, who reprised her WCTH role as Abigail Stanton in 2021’s Christmas episodes

  16. I was watching Retreat in Paradise

    I saw 16 Christmas movies

  17. I was watching Love on the Ranch

    I saw there’s only 17 Christmas movies

  18. When Hope Calls’ Season 2 Cast Revealed – 5 Stars Confirmed to Return, 1 Star Not Returning & 3 Actors Join the Cast

    Morgan Kohan - RETURNING
    Morgan Kohan will be reprising her role as Lillian Walsh.

    Wendy Clewson - RETURNING
    Wendy Clewson is set to reprise her role as Tess Stewart.

    Hanneke Talbot - RETURNING
    Hanneke Talbot will reprise her role as Maggie Parsons.

    Ryan-James (RJ) Hatanaka - RETURNING
    Ryan-James (RJ) Hatanaka is coming back as Mountie Gabriel.

    Jocelyn Hudon - NOT RETURNING
    Jocelyn Hudon does not seem to be returning as Grace Bennett, as she was left off of the list of cast members reprising their roles in the press release.
    The reason? Earlier this summer it was announced that Jocelyn was upped to series regular on Chicago Fire!

    Cindy Busby - JOINING
    Cindy Busby as joined the season two cast as a character named Nora.

    Nick Bateman - JOINING
    Nick Bateman has joined the season two cast as Wyatt.

    Christopher Russell - JOINING
    Christopher Russell is joining the cast as Constable, Mountie Michael

  19. I stumbled upon this dress site on accident today, but they were so cute. I had to share it. They made me think of the Hope Valley ladies. I thought some of the prices were pretty good too!


    1. Abigail, Thank you sharing this link! Those are such pretty dresses. I love how the models are wearing hats with them. That's one of the things I really miss on WCTH. In the beginning, Elizabeth would wear them a lot, but now she never does.

      I noticed when Anna returned this last season from teaching school, she was wearing lovely hats. I wondered if that was to make her appear more grown up and polished and perhaps, from a higher society. Although, in that era, men and women from upper and lower class wore hats. It was a staple fashion piece in that time.

      I just looked over some press pics from last season, and a number of men did wear hats... so hopefully, it will spill over to the women in this next season.

      Also, I hope "When Hope Calls" will have fashion like this!

  20. Really sweet People interview with Cindy and Christopher:



  21. TV Line says that Season 2 will premiere sometime between April and June. -Maria


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