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~ James 1:17

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

❤️❤️ NEW POSTER Released for 'WHEN CALLS THE HEART' Season 11 (#Hearties) ❤️❤️ -->>

An all-new poster has been released for "When Calls the Heart" - Season 11 via Hallmark Media International!

I know this is a hot-button issue that charges many fans emotionally, and seeing Nathan and Elizabeth looking at each other so adoringly may be hard for some. And even though I've always liked Nathan, I'm not sure I'm even quite ready for this huge leap. How can Nathan trust Elizabeth again after having his dreams and heart trampled on so cruelly?

Unfortunately, the Team Nathan and Team Lucas fans will surely be divided once again, and I understand that feeling all too well. I've been there. I, too, have been crushed. But what I decided (long ago) going forth is... I'm not just a Team fan; I'm a fan of "When Calls the Heart," plain and simple. There's much more meaning to the show than whoever Elizabeth ultimately chooses.

Although, even when Elizabeth makes a choice, again, how are we to know this time if it is for real or for keeps? On no, there I go again!

So, I'm not watching "When Calls the Heart" entirely for Elizabeth or Nathan; I'm watching the show because I love the Hope Valley community collectively... Henry, Pastor Joseph, Minnie, Bill, Rosemary, Lee, Goldie, Faith, Lucas, Fiona, Hickam, Ned, Florence, Allie, Angela, Cooper, Opal, Little Jack, and more!

The love triangle is certainly a touchy subject among some WCTH fans, and I just hope those who are/were on either side can be civil to each other and simply enjoy this family drama series once again. We have so few shows on TV today that a family can sit down and watch together, so I'm hoping that part of it, too, will bring viewers back to the series.

Another interesting topic - is Elizabeth's short hair in the new poster. I wonder if this is her new look for the entire season? What do you all think of it?

"When Calls the Heart" Season 11 wrapped up filming in mid-November of 2023. Since that time, fans of the series have been awaiting premiere date news for Season 11. No date has been given, yet, however one might presume that Hallmark would follow the same pattern from last year and premiere the show sometime in late July, once again leading the series to run up until the holiday movies begin in late October.

Please share your thoughts on "When Calls the Heart" season 11 in the comments below. Are you planning to watch?

From my heart... 
Blessings to you all, 
 Net ❤️


  1. I'm only glad that I no longer take any interest in continuing Hallmark series.

    What has happened in WCTH in the last few Seasons is Hallmark at its worst - Florence


    1. I'll be watching it live when it comes on, and may even buy the 11th season DVDs. I've watched it from the beginning.
      My sister lost interest after Mountie Jack died.

  2. I’m with you, Net. There’s no family type shows anymore like WCTH. I just hope they take things slow with Elizabeth and Nathan. I’m not ready for Nathan to be all forgiving, like he’s just waiting on Elizabeth to give him a chance. She needs to earn his trust somehow.

    1. Absolutely Allie. - The Viewers didn’t like WCTH Seasons 8. They don’t watch WCTH: Season 8 & 9

      Since Allie invited Elizabeth for Dinner for 2 with Nathan but she mads at her schoolteacher; Elizabeth & then she ripped it off

      Elizabeth is better not hurt Nathan’s feelings

      Nathan & Elizabeth are value of friendship just like Gabriel & Lillian - they’re more than friends since Lillian kissed Gabriel in WHC Christmas

      Elizabeth could give Nathan 2 chance

      Ephesians 4:31-32: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, …

      Matthew 6:14. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

      Luke 6:37 - “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

  3. I’ll be watching. It looks like they are finally going to get things right in Season 11.

    1. If 'getting it right' means 'throwing away an amazing love story in the most non sensical way possible just to bring back something that already divided the fans for 2 years', then this show should've just ended with Season 9.


    2. Totally agree with you Maria!! The writers can't make this right....they have messed it up too much! It's should be renamed "As Elizbeth Turns"!!

    3. I agree with you! This was always the way the show was leaning and should have gone in the first place 🩷 very happy to see Elizabeth and Nathan finally together!

  4. Thanks for the reminder as to why I don't want to watch this show live anymore. Yeah, I'll no doubt be hearing spoilers, but actually watching just to see these 2 miserable clowns give endless puppy dog looks to each other? Not even the kind residents of Hope Valley can convince me to stick around for that circus! -Maria

    1. Same here. There’s literally no one interesting enough for me to watch for.


  5. Seeing this new poster makes me very-very sad. It just shows that they don't care about their fans' feelings. I'm not so sure in WCTH anymore. What will be their next big "change" in the story for the longevity of the show? How long will new Elizabeth's love story last? Never have I imagined that our beloved character can act like this. Very sad.

    1. I completely agree. They distorted Elizabeth’s character so much last season that she wasn’t even recognizable.


  6. The background of the poster is beautiful, but my first thought was if Erin Krakow is going with her natural hair length this season. Very interesting! Maybe she's becoming more progressive like Fiona. Her dress is a little shorter, too, like Fiona's. I'm just curious to see how the season plays out. I'm Team WCTH!

    1. I miss her hair...but am trying to be open about it. ;) Maybe there will be some sort of storyline to go with it.

      I'm Team WCTH/Hope Valley too! 😊

  7. I stopped watching WCTH some years ago. TOO much soap opera. I did not find most of the characters engaging to keep my attention.
    I will admit I did watch some of series last season. I did see the end and I was happy that it was no longer Lucus. He always came across as slimy. Just my opinion.
    As for the hair, everyone needs a change now and then.

  8. I enjoyed the first few seasons SO much! But it did get ridiculous last year. I guess we won't be too excited about the new shows.

  9. As a Janette Oke fan first and foremost, this looks like it could be a cover for one of her books. Personally, I'm excited for the first time since season 8. I never watched 9 and only a couple of episodes of season 10. The books are about a schoolteacher and a mountie.....glad to seeing them return to that...hopefully. Becky F.

  10. I won’t be watching even though I’m team Nathan. BB and the writers have jerked the fans around too much. Plus, with all the other series ending without resolution I need to see how it all ends before I become invested again.

  11. I never said it here before but I was on Team Lucas from the outset of the rivalry for Elizabeth's affections thinking that her selecting another Mountie would be a constant reminder of what she'd lost with Jack. After this long, however, perhaps her mourning may be sufficiently assuaged to be comfortable with a law-enforcing spouse despite the dangers of the profession. I nevertheless remain skeptical. Still, gaining a big sister for Little Jack would be a bonus. I'll just wait and see how it all turns out.

  12. Let me just say, I have sat here for a few minutes to compose my thoughts after reading all the comments thus far. Actually surprised at some of them. For me I came to WCTH later than most. I had to catch up on a few of the seasons at first...now I have all of the seasons on dvd. I am also somewhat a diehard of Hallmark Movies - mostly before they became so woke (have over 900 on dvd). I too record all the movies before I watch them as if they start to show too much wokeness I just cannot keep watching! I like the show and must admit I have always been an Elizabeth/Nathan fan and really was sad when they brought in Lucas. I personally didn't understand as I felt that there was a "forced" connection between them and Hallmark just wanted to stir up things. The chemistry between Elizabeth and Nathan and was always amazing even after Lucas arrived. But then again I am such a big fan of Erin Krakow and Kevin McGarry so I am usually not disappointed with anything the are in. I also agree Net, I don't just watch the show for Elizabeth and Nathan I watch to see all of the people of Hope Valley...it is a good mix.

    As for Elizabeth's new hair...think about it with all the films she does she doesn't have to sit to have the extensions put in....I am guessing once she went short she doesn't grow it for each season of WHTH.

    1. Hi Janet, 900 Hallmark dvd's??!! Wow! You could be a Hallmark library! :)

    2. Janet, Your Hallmark movie collection has to be the best out there! You must have incredible space to store them all. I bought a small cabinet a couple years ago for mine, and nearly have it full, but nowhere near your total.

      I believe you shared with me that you have some of the (few) Great American Family movies that have been released, too. I sure hope they eventually release more of them!

      God's Blessings to you!!! Net

    3. 900?! You could be a Hallmark librarian with that many! -Maria

    4. Mark, our total library of movies that my husband and I have been collecting is over 3,000....in my "sewing room" we have two walls of 8 ft tall 10 ft wide shelving to host the "other" movies. I still have to add more to house more of my growing collection of Hallmark/Lifetime/UPtv (only a few)/Great American Family movies (most currently in my TV cabinet). One thing that saves space but takes a bit of time is that when Viavision started putting out 3-Film Collections I made my own template for DVD 3-film covers in Photoshop and I make my own collections. This means I have only about 300 cases to "store" so far. I love to be able to watch what I want when I want!

      Net, you are right I do have all of the Great American Family movies that have been released and don't understand why they haven't released more. That being said, I have a plan to contact the two main DVD companies and GAF to put more of their movies on DVD. I have a whole list. I had done this previously (to Viavision) and almost everything I asked to have published has or is scheduled for release! That will happen sooner than later just have to recoup from major cold!

    5. Janet, I hope you are feeling somewhat better from your cold. I know it simply takes time to get back to feeling like yourself again. Hopefully, you can relax and enjoy a movie a two. Take care, honey. :)

    6. I store all my dvds in a large cd case. I have about 5 of them. One for mysteries, regular Hallmark Romance, WCTH, TV Shows like Andy Griffith and regular family movies. It was a life saver for me and saves a lot on storage.

      I hope you feel better soon! This cold is just dragging on.... Praying for all of our families to stay healthy!

    7. Okay, Janet, I am definitely envious of you and your husband! 3000 movies! And I thought I had a lot!

      My collection is pretty much scattered throughout the house, wherever there is room. I have my "classic" (pre-'70's) films in one family room cabinet, and the '70's+ films in another cabinet. In an upstairs TV cabinet I have my concert and music video dvd's. And in the basement, I keep my TV boxed sets in a bookcase and the Christmas movies (Hallmark and others) in a cabinet. The "classics" I store by genre (silent, drama, comedy, horror, musical); the others I store alphabetically. I would be curious to hear how others store their dvd's.

      Janet and Abigail, I hope and pray you are both feeling much better soon!!

    8. Abigail, I'm sorry to hear your cold is dragging along. I hope you will feel better soon, honey. It takes a while, sometimes, to bounce back. Take care... God bless, Net

    9. Thank you all for your prayers, but I'm not sick. Some of my family members are. Thank you anyway!

      I do have a prayer request though.. A baby at our sister church had a heart transplant and the family desperately needs prayers. The new heart sadly isn't beating strong. Their post is below.


    10. Abigail, I"m so sorry to hear about this precious little baby, Gus, and his struggles to survive. I will certainly keep him and this family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing their story with us.

      Also, I hope all of your family (who are sick) are feeling better. I'm glad to hear you are well. I hope you can keep your immune system up. I know it's hard when you're surrounded. Be well... God bless you & yours, Net

    11. Abigail, prayers going out for the little one at your church!

    12. Thank you for your prayers, I know they would appreciate it! That baby is so precious, I don't know what I would do if my family was going through that. But, he is in the Lord's hands. That is a comfort. That site gives updates, and I'll share some from Facebook when I get some. God bless!❤

    13. Abigail, I was looking through X (Twitter) yesterday and going through various postings and happened to see a post asking for prayers for a little baby whose name is Gus. Wow, right? The post was, of course, the same baby Gus you are asking prayers for. In fact, the person posting it - is Gus' Daddy, Mark. Someone I follow must've reposted it.

      Mark has been giving great, detailed updates on Gus' condition, which has been quite a battle - day and night.

      If anyone wants to see them, you can follow here: https://twitter.com/mark_joubert

      Many prayers are going up for this sweet little baby! So glad you shared him with us, Abigail.

      God bless, Net

  13. BTW, I forgot to comment on your request to do so on our gal's short hair in the poster. In general, I much prefer long hair on women and insofar as the poster goes, I do so here, too. But it all depends on the shape of the face and the particular hairstyle that's designed for the person. I've seen some very attractive short hairstyles in my time. [Aside: I'm rarely enthralled by TV brides who have their beautiful flowing tresses done up in locks for their wedding.]

  14. Sorry, Count me out. I did like the Christmas “When Hope Calls” on GAF. Would like to see that developed into a series for the fall and spring with Thanksgiving and Christmas storylines.The children in the story were adorable.
    -Gabe’s Mom

    1. Gabe's Mom, I also love “When Hope Calls”!!! Did you ever see it played this last Christmas on Great American Family or Great American Faith & Living?

      I kept hoping they would air it, because it is still one of my all-time favorites from the network. I don't care if they call it episodes or a movie; it doesn't matter to me; either way, I love it!!!

      I've heard Morgan Kohan (Lillian) discuss the possibility of more WHC in interviews for Sullivan's Crossing, and it seems, sadly, she is past that series now. It is truly unfortunate, as I think they could've told many wonderful, inspirational stories to come.

      Perhaps, they could still make another Prairie type series and use that beautiful set.

      Blessings, Net

  15. I first of all will get this out I am team Lucas, but after how Elizabeth treated him, I think he can do better and personally so too can Nathan.

    I always was secretly hoping Nathan and Fiona would get together, I just thought it would be nice to see a real couple being together in a show.

    Though if that was the case, I guess Elizabeth wouldn't end up with either of the guys too.

    1. Ashley, I had been hoping for Nathan and Fiona, too! Since it appeared that Elizabeth and Lucas were settled, I thought those two could be perfect together, especially since, like you said, they are already a real-life couple. I think a lot of fans/viewers would've been happy with that. Nathan and Fiona have also had a few scenes where they had obvious sparks, but no, they try matchmaking Nathan with Faith, who I like and all, but those two were obviously never right together.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It was nice to hear from you, Net

  16. The short hair would be period-appropriate.

    I love the show and will be watching.

  17. Well this is disappointing, although expected. I hate how hallmark has fictional characters just toss engagements out the window like it’s nothing. For this woman to be in love with Lucas, throwing herself into his arms, standing by him through his troubles in season 9, practically begging him to propose to her and now she’s looking cow-eyed at another man? 🙄 Even if I liked Nathan, I could not tune in for this travesty. I’m over Elizabeth’s blank stares and giggles. And honestly, very few characters fared well in season 10. The Canfields started off strong with the storyline about him being a full time pastor and then where did that go? They dropped that storyline in favor of a BBQ competition. The writing was eye-rolling this season and then the breakup of Elizabeth and Lucas was so badly done.

    And the hairstyle is weird looking. Whenever dramas approach or enter the 20s, they start to lose me.


  18. It would maybe be believable about Nathan and Elizabeth if they hadn't had such a love story between her and Lucas. It was very romantic and WCTH writers should be ashamed of themselves for playing with the fans emotions. I will not be watching.

  19. I'm hoping she does end up with Nathan. I can only imagine her fear after losing Jack. I never really liked Lucas and Elizabeth together. Somehow being the wife of a card-playing saloon owner never sat well with me. Especially as she was the school teacher. That said, he did bring the Library to Hope Valley. I enjoy the show so much though, and do look forward to watching this season.

  20. Well, I was team Nathan. It was disappointing when it went a different direction. That's when I decided to just enjoy the show and stop investing myself in a fictional story. I honestly think this new turn is odd. But, I will continue to watch and enjoy the show.

  21. Hallmark Channel’s official Twitter (now called X) account acknowledged the poster as real, commenting in a tweet: “A beautiful new era is on the way. 💕 #WhenCallsTheHeart.” It’s not clear if Hallmark will eventually take this tweet down now that the poster has been removed from the website.

    fans pointed out that Elizabeth’s hair was wrong in the poster. While Erin Krakow, who portrays Elizabeth, has shorter hair in real life, the character Elizabeth has always had long hair. So while the poster was indeed shared on one of Hallmark’s official websites, the picture itself may not be official unless Elizabeth got a haircut at some point on the show.

    However, another fan who is Team Nathan wrote, “Always wanted Nathan and Elizabeth together.”

    Another Team Nathan fan replied: “Now that looks more like the book, frontier man and woman…LOVE IT!!!”

    Another fan who wanted a different outcome but still enjoyed the season wrote: “I have enjoyed each season as presented. I may have wanted a different outcome at different times, but think the writing and producing was done well. It gave us more seasons of a great show to watch. It is a clean show that I am not afraid to let my daughter watch.”

    I think… for season 10 there was no love triangle… We were not returning to a love triangle,” Bird clarified. “Now whether there’s a future for Elizabeth and Nathan that’s to come, potentially. But the way I read Nathan and Elizabeth in season 10, just as a viewer, is Nathan and Elizabeth had gotten past the awkwardness between them and were becoming friends, right? And Nathan having these hard chats with Elizabeth and speaking into her. I believed he had earned the right to as her friend to ask her those questions. Because he cares about her.”

    “Now, whether ultimately that turns into love … we’ll have to see,” Bird added.

    As for Krakow, she’s excited about the change.

    Krakow spoke with ET Online and was asked if fans should hold out hope that Nathan and Elizabeth will have a romance.

    “Yes,” Krakow said, smiling. “I guess I’ll just say yes. I mean it never hurts to have hope. Though I’m sensitive for any of our viewers who may have just watched all of this go down. I know it’s very fresh for them. And for that reason, I’d just like to say that we take our time with any of this… We are intentionally being as respectful as we can. But it’s really important that Elizabeth have love in her life and we’re on that journey.”

  22. Are we sure that this is a legit poster? Her dress doesn't seem like her normal style and her hair always seems to be long in her behind the scenes footage on instagram. It seems like she always gets extensions for the show, even if her hair is short in real life. Not that I'm unhappy about this pairing--I'm thrilled!! But does anyone have a link from Hallmark sharing this photo? I was trying to look around on hallmark international's social media but couldn't find it.

    1. I had those same thoughts... You're right, it isn't her style. Even when a lot of women started to wear the shorter skirts and the pants, she kept to the classic long length dress.

      And the hair is not her, and now that you mention it, I do remember seeing some pics of her long hair in the behind the scenes shots. Or maybe she has it cut later on in the season. But even the style doesn't seem to match the 1920's. Looks like today, modern. Like Erin's regular at home look. That tells me it might not be so.

  23. Nevermind to my previous comment a moment ago! It looks like it had been on their website, then was taken down. However, a fan page on Twitter (or x) posted it, and here's hallmark's reply: https://twitter.com/hallmarkchannel/status/1747739925100019989
    How exciting!!!🥰🩷

    1. I completely understand your hesitation since the Hallmark Channel was not the initial releaser of this "When Calls the Heart" image on social media.

      However, the Hallmark Media International website has been known to share posters/key art early before, and I obtained my image directly from them. I can assure you it is not fan art, etc...

      As for the image disappearing from their website, the same thing happened with some of the Christmas movie posters, as well. As soon as they saw them floating around social media early, they were removed from the Hallmark Media International website. It used to be a great resource to see things early before Hallmark posted them, but since others have caught on, the images get shared before Hallmark is officially ready, and probably after this early release, there will be even fewer sneak peeks there.

      It was exciting for me, too, to see this image and share with you all. In my heart, I always thought it should be Elizabeth and the Mountie. Janette Oke's books were centered on that, and the fact that Lucas is a saloon owner, in my mind, did not reflect the values of that time period and what would be acceptable for the local schoolteacher.

      To be fair to the Lucas fans, though, I also think it wasn't appropriate to give them this false hope for 2 seasons. I'm sorry they won't get the happily-ever-after they dreamed about.

      And to Allie B's point above, I, too, hope they take things slow with Elizabeth and Nathan. Very slow. Elizabeth must earn Nathan's trust, and everyone else's (viewers) trust, again.

      Thank you for commenting.
      God bless, Net

  24. I think all this is just stupid and annoying. How can you all still watch the show after this soap opera saga? I stopped watching it years and years ago. It’s unnecessary and a waste of frustration. To each their own, I guess.

  25. I agree with Net! I was never in the Teams category. It's the town I love SO MUCH!! I was leading towards Nathan, but when she chose Lucas I was open towards it and found myself enjoying them. But, after watching all the heartie interviews I can see even more how being with Nathan will be for the better run. I can not wait for Season 11, hoping it will last to Season 20!

    I am not a fan of the short hair... I know it's the time, but I loved how Elizabeth's long hair. But her dress in interesting too! Definitely a 1920's look.


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