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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

It's 2 Months 'til Christmas! 🌟 How Many Christmas Activities Can You Check Off Your List? 🌟 SEE HERE:

Hello friends! The Christmas Movie Season is here, and I just love this exciting time!

To share in the Christmas spirit today as we mark 2 months 'til Christmas on this 25th day of October, I thought I would share this festive and fun Christmas Checklist with 25 various Christmas activities.

Give yourself ONE POINT for EVERYTHING you’ve ever done on this list below (either this year, already, or in Christmases past)...

🌟 Written a letter to Santa

🌟 Attended a Christmas tree lighting ceremony

🌟 Bing-watched Christmas movies

🌟 Gone to a Christmas play/concert

🌟 Given an Angel Tree or Charitable Christmas gift

🌟 Attempted to wait up for Santa

🌟 Worn matching Christmas pajamas

🌟 Gone sledding / ice skating

🌟 Kissed someone under the Mistletoe

🌟 Sat on Santa’s lap

🌟 Gone a Sleigh Ride

🌟 Made a homemade Christmas gift for someone

🌟 Regifted one of your gifts (or given something you already own)

🌟 Shopped on Black Friday (in a busy store/mall)

🌟 Shopped on Cyber Monday (online)

🌟 Visited family/friends at Christmastime

🌟 Made a Gingerbread House

🌟 Gone Christmas Caroling

🌟 Wrapped gifts while watching Christmas movies

🌟 Shopped on Christmas Eve

🌟 Decorated the Christmas tree or hung lights outside

🌟 Read a Christmas-themed book

🌟 Sent Christmas cards

🌟 Worn an (ugly?) Christmas sweater

🌟 Left out cookies for Santa

Perhaps, you’ve done all 25 activities on this list or are only a few. Maybe you can even do one or more of these things this year and add it to your list!

Please share your score results in comments below, and I’ll also do the same.

Enjoy watching all of the wonderful Christmas movies on TV today!

Have a Merry Day!


  1. My score is… 21!

    Would you believe I never attempted to wait up for Santa? My Momma and Daddy told me Santa wouldn’t come until I fell asleep, and even though I was bursting with excitement, I was a good little girl and didn’t get out of bed and eventually, I fell asleep.

    Oh my goodness…as I went through the Christmas list above, lots of wonderful, warm memories flooded through my mind, some special moments from Christmases recently and scenes from childhood played in my mind like a familiar movie.

    I’m thinking back to sitting on Santa’s lap, sledding, and Christmas caroling with my family, lots of Christmas concerts, plays at church with a candlelight service, and large Christmas gatherings at my Grandparent’s home, when almost everyone (aunts, uncles, and cousins from near and far) came home again. Those were the best times ever!

    I can’t wait to see which activities on the list my family and I do or repeat this Christmas! I know we’ll be wearing matching jammies again and, of course, leaving cookies out for Santa, and so on…

    I hope the list above brings to mind lots of special memories for all of you, too!

    God bless, Net

  2. I've definitely done number 3! :) And speaking of that, my movie pick for today was Mingle all the Way. -Maria

    1. I just watched Mingle all the Way last night! Net, this is a wonderful list and does bring some sweet memories to mind. Thank you for posting this!

    2. So funny Maria, I think this is all of our top pick #3 ;)

  3. My score is 19. Some of these I do every year. One thing I never did was sit on Santa's lap. For some reason, he frightened me!

    One year, my sister and I stayed up. When Santa showed up, we hid under the bed. He tried to coax us out with promises of gifts but we would not budge. After Santa left, our parents made us go to bed and wait for Christmas morning.

    From that day forward, we went to bed as usual.That is one Christmas I will never forget!

    1. kitkat, Oh my, I love your Santa story! I think I would've stayed under the bed, too! Yikes!

      I know what you mean about Santa being scary... thankfully, when we did pay him a visit, I had older siblings, so I never had to go alone. It was always important to me that Santa knew just what I wanted. When I got face to face with Santa, though, it was harder to remember my list, but thankfully, my Sister and I usually wanted the same things… dolls, coloring books, and toys, so we asked together. Those were such special times, but Santa can be a little intimidating, so I’m really glad I never had to do it alone.

      Thank you for sharing your special Santa memory with us!

  4. My score was 17 as we didn't do much Santa related as we didn't believe in Santa. Oh we might visit Santa in the mall to get a candy cane but that was about it. And we opened all of our presents on Christmas Eve, so obviously Santa wouldn't visit our house. LOL But we certainly went to Christmas programs and shopped and watched Christmas movies. Now though our celebrations are a bit quieter.

  5. Net, I got 23!

    This was fun and brought to mind loads of good memories for me. I tried once or twice to wait up for Santa, never could stay awake.

    The only two I missed were shopping on Christmas Eve and sending Christmas cards. I’m always too busy on Christmas Eve, but maybe I can send a few cards out this year and get to 24! 😊

  6. 19 for me. By the way, I just started a Christmas themed book, Joy to the World: A Regency Christmas Collection.

  7. Yes, this was fun! My count is also 23 like Allie! I have never gone caroling which is good because I can't sing! I have never ridden in a sleigh either. :-)

  8. My score is 24/25.....I have done everything but Kiss someone under mistletoe....:) Thanks Net, this was fun!

  9. My score was 19! I was terrified of Santa when I was little, so sitting on his lap was definitely out for me!!! My mom actually told me he wasn't real early on so I didn't have to worry about him coming to our house!! Lol!! This was fun Net!! You're always so creative and give us fun things to do!! Thank you my friend!!

  10. 20 for me. I have never...
    * Made a home-made Christmas gift, at least not that I can remember. "Craftsy" I am not!
    * Made a gingerbread house - Probably for the best!
    * Gone Christmas caroling - I was going to go with a group a couple of times, but it was too cold or too snowy so we passed.
    * Wrapped gifts while watching Christmas movies - I listen to Christmas music while wrapping gifts. Christmas movies get my undivided attention!
    * Shopping on Christmas Eve - Shopping is done long before then. And like Allie, too busy with festivities and such on Christmas Eve.
    Thanks for doing this, Net! It was a lot of fun!

  11. Variety talked with Bill Abbott today. And unfortunately, the inclusivity trolls are acting out again over it bringing up comments said last year by Candace in that WSJ interview. 'heavy sigh'. Can't they just leave that alone?! If not seeing THEIR awful agendas in a few Christmas movies is so steam piling awful, then why don't they just ignore the network completely instead of trying to paint it as some kind of monstrous network that wants to hurt the minorities?! -Maria

    1. They won’t leave it alone because the adversary is doing all he can through them to destroy families. That includes making a fuss when their agenda isn’t on every single channel.

  12. Net, one of my favorite Christmas memories, like yours, is having a gathering at my grandparents' house. Every Christmas Eve, my parents, brother and I would go to my father's parents' small house where we would join my 8 aunts and uncles and 24 cousins. At gift opening time, we would all be in this tiny living room - the 12 adults in chairs, the 26 kids on the floor, all of us packed in like sardines. To move you had to step over (or maybe even on) each other! It's a good thing we all got the same gifts, otherwise I don't know how anyone could keep track of where the gift ended up. The men got a bottle of bourbon, the ladies got a box of candy, and each kid got an envelope with a few dollars in it. What a wonderful and cherished memory!

  13. Net- What a fun game to set the tone for the upcoming Christmas season. The only thing I have not done is re-gift. Guilty of keeping extra goodie bags of candy or sticker books for kids. I feel all these Christmas traditions are a way to show our joy of the Season.

    You stir up some wonderful Christmas memories with the list. Years ago I volunteered (a word of caution when you make such a commitment) to make the children’s Nativity costumes for our church. A “choir of angels “ turned out for the presentation. Well 75 costumes later the Lord and a terrific family- the job was completed. Everyone pitched in making Angel wings, a stable and inn backdrop, along with cut outs for sheep and camels. The Nativity play was precious- missed cues and all. A play Baby Jesus would enjoy. I looked in the back of the church and my husband, exhausted from days of carpenter work sat in a pew with a sleeping toddler on his lap. Our youngest (age 7) was Angel #2 in the play. He said the little one crawled up on his lap and promptly laid her head on his chest and went to sleep. The mom was a row ahead and hubby told her to let the baby sleep.

    May we all celebrate this wonderful Christmas season with joy in our hearts.
    God Bless You.
    -Gabe’s Mom πŸͺ½

  14. This was so fun Net! I got 23/25. I have never been sledding or caroling. Funny thing is our 5 year old has been asking to go caroling, she saw it on tv and I’m trying to find a way to get out of it Lol
    For one, literally no one answers their door anymore. We are guilty of this, since we have the ring doorbell….I don’t know when caroling was popular or safe to do? Sounds very fun and festive though!
    In regards to the Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve or Black Friday (anytime during the holidays really), we used to do that when we were younger and then as we got older and married had children my siblings and I became better prepared and finished our shopping online and well in advance like Mark mentioned. But every year I go into the crowds at least 1-2 times because there is just something so nostalgic about going into a big store like Macys and hearing all the Christmas music, the decorations, all the pretty holiday gifts displays etc. We have an outdoor mall area that we frequent too and they have warm cinnamon almonds and pecans they sell and hot cocoa so we have to go there once too, even if it’s just to buy something small (almost every year we are involved in some those of White Elephant gift exchange for church/in laws/friends). I will definitely be braving the crowds this year with my hand sanitizer in tow. And the regift one made me laugh because I am notorious for this every single year πŸ˜‚ But in my defense they are always really nice gifts I get that I truly won’t use like candles or body lotions (always have too many) so I regift them for white elephant gifts, not a main gift for a family member. Sorry that was so long, just had so many memories going through this list.


  15. Forgot to add my movie for 25th. I’ll be watching “Christmas at Cartwrights”

  16. 23, but would love to go on a sleigh ride someday! ~Susan Ann

  17. I have a general question I would like to throw out. Does it seem lately in a lot of Christmas movies that after a couple has been spending some time together, like doing a task with each other, that the goodbyes are rather awkward? I mean, a lot of times I would think that couple could give each other a hug when they say goodbye, but instead they seem to stumble over their words or actions. I don't know, maybe the movies are being more careful about these things now, or maybe it's just the hugger in me. But I would like to know if anyone else has noticed this as well. Thanks!

    1. Mark 25 - Yes, I've noticed that bit of awkwardness too! Do you suppose it's just because some of the actors don't have good chemistry with their opposite? Or, do you think it's written in the script? People seem more afraid to hug others these days; I think the effect of the virus still lingers in people's minds.

  18. Thank you Net! That was fun! I got a 19 score. Never been kissed. ;)

    The other ones I didn't do involved Santa. My family doesn't do Santa. My parents never told us he was real. Of course we watch movies and sing the songs, but we were/ are more focused on Jesus Christ who gave us the most wonderful gift.

    Hey, yesterday I found out the gender of my new brother's 2nd baby...a boy. πŸ’™πŸΌThat's two nephews I'll have!! The first they did the middle name after Charles Spurgeon. I can see them naming this one after John Calvin.πŸ˜€πŸ€—

    1. Abigail, Congrats, Auntie, on another nephew on the way!!! How exciting! I'm so happy for your growing family, these are such special times!

      Thank you for also participating in the game. You are so right - Jesus is the best gift ever!!! :)

      Blessings to you!!! Net

  19. 17 for me. Reading the list put a smile on my face as I remembered the one time I went out to Walmart on Christmas Eve as a child with my mom to get some last minute ingredients. The whole store was full of men doing last minute shopping with stressed expressions! We got a good chuckle out of that.


    1. Alicia, that is so funny, and it reminds me of something a friend told me. He used to work at Walgreens on Christmas Eve, and he said that all these guys would be there buying the Vego-O-Matic or whatever gizmo was being heavily advertised on TV then for their wives!

    2. We went to Wal-Mart too! Only it was Christmas morning. Three years ago it snowed a lot and we lost power and had no running water. Had to get some supplies. Thankfully it came back on mid day. Now it's a memory. ;)

      Hey, has anyone started listening to Christmas music yet besides me??? My family likes to tease me but I love it!! I love that J. I. N. G. L. E. Bells!!🎢

    3. Abigail, I haven’t started yet but I’m about to! K-LOVE Christmas will be on 24/7 along with the classic ones that Iv been listening to growing up. I’ll probably start Nov 1st as well as watching some of my fave Christmas movies (non hallmark) I don’t know how much I can squeeze in between all these new Hallmark and GAF movies but I’ll find a way.

    4. Abigail, I listen to a little bit of Christmas music year round whenever I need a cozy mood lift. I have the free CBN app on Roku and my ipad and they have several music stations (like Praise, Country, etc.); my favorites are the Selah station (relaxing) and the Christmas station (with fireplace animation!!). Also, Hallmark has started up it's two Yule log channels again. I guess it's kind of like "on demand" but it's free and they run for 3 hours and then you can start over. On my Verizon cable I did a search for "Happy and Friends Yule Log" and also "A Very Happy and Friends Yule Log" - they're similar but one is decorated slightly more for Thanksgiving than Christmas. Nice to have on in background while working on computer or something. ~~Jane

    5. Hey Abigail, count me in as far as listening to Christmas music already. In fact, I listen to it throughout the year. It's the best music there is, in my opinion. And now, thanks to you, I have Frank Sinatra Christmas songs going through my head! ;)

    6. Jane, I was just listening to the "Happy and Friends Yule Log" on Frndly this weekend! You've probably seen it there, too.

      I love how the channel plays them over and over in a loop so you can watch/listen any time. It's so great to hear all sorts of beloved Christmas classics! :)

    7. Mark, l love listening to Frank Sinatra!!! I've been listening to iHeart Radio Christmas Classics. No commercials!! It's all the mosltly the good Crooners with out the pop singers. I get kinda giddy when Karen Carpenter, Johny Mathis, Bing, and Nat King Cole(I love his O Holy Night) comes on. Haha ;) It makes me happy!!

      Jim, have fun lifting those weights!

    8. Abigail, oh yes, I love the singers that you mention! So much better than the current crop of popular singers! I would also add Andy Williams to your list of Christmas crooners - I have always felt he was underrated. And, although this may be cheesy, I also love listening to the Ray Conniff Singers Christmas music. And I am sure there are others that I am forgetting!

  20. I always watching Christmas movies

  21. Jim, As I write my reply to your comment right now, I am sitting by the glow of our Christmas tree! And yes, it has colored lights!!! :)

    My family and I tend to decorate each year in October. I love watching and decorating as the Christmas movies air on TV.

    Thank you for also sharing your sweet Christmas memories.

    By the way, is your Christmas tree up, too???

  22. Net, I live with my Mom now and she is not wanting to put up the Christmas tree until closer to Thanksgiving. Believe me, I've tried to make it happen in October. When I lived alone, I usually had my tree and decorations up by the first week of October. That's if I took it down at all the previous year...haha. I don't think I have a chance to get it up before Halloween is over but come Nov. 1st I will be applying serious pressure lol. One month of the Christmas tree is just not enough like it used to be. Hallmark changed that with 24/7 Christmas movies in October years ago now. We both watch the Christmas movies all the time now so I'm trying to break her haha. Last year we had everything done (outside and inside) by November 10th. This year she's giving me more push back. She loves Christmas also but still prefers the close to Thanksgiving for decorating for Christmas. No worries though. I had this in mind, so I put up a colored lighted garland around my bedroom closet and a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree on my dresser with other Christmas stuff that hasn't come down since last year. I NEED there to be a taste of Christmas ALL yearlong in some fashion. Enjoy your glowing COLORED Christmas Tree. I'm soooo jealous.

  23. Hi Jim, your comment about the Santa workshop in your local plaza is the same setup we have here in our outdoor plaza area. It’s a trailer they park in the middle of the plaza and it’s by appointment only, which is Amazing with little ones. It’s more expensive than if you wait in line at the ones at the mall but the charge is worth it. You walk in and it’s like a winter wonderland with elves and the whole shebang & they text you the pictures right after your session. I normally book ours in November so I can mail out my Christmas cards in December ;)

  24. I've never been on a sleigh ride, but I have been on a carriage ride. I've dressed my kids in matching pjs. And I offer items I don't want to others rather than an actual regift. Other than that, I've done it all.

  25. What a great list! So for me I know I have done 24 of the 25 things, although I think I also might have gone on a sleigh ride when I was younger but I cannot be sure. I do have one other thing the I have done on Christmas that is pretty special (and not everyone gets the opportunity) - I celebrate my birthday on Christmas Day! Further, I have always loved my Christmas birthday...I always tell people that it was the best Christmas present my parents ever got! We caroled when we were kids but just a couple years ago my grand nieces and nephews wanted to go caroling! It didn't last long as it was pretty cold but we did enjoy serenading some of the neighbors. As we never had children (by choice), we have always spent Christmas with my sister and her family (5 hours away). It gives us some time to be together and celebrate the most special time of the year...my favorite part is going to Christmas Eve service!

    As for watching Christmas movies I have been watching all year long...I have almost all of the Christmas movies that are on DVDs and I watch them all year long.

  26. I haven't had time to truly go through the list and tally up my experiences, but I wanted to say that this was a really good conversation starter, Net!! Lots of sweet memories being shared on this thread. πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ„ ~~Jane

  27. Jim, There's just something about a Charlie Brown tree that always softens my heart to putty. I'm sure it's very sweet and filled with as much love as the one Charlie Brown picked. :)

  28. Jim and Net, I have a Charlie Brown tree too. I purchased the tree and miniature figurines of the cast of Charlie Brown when Net had these on her site. Very cute!

  29. Jim, Oh, what a beautiful gift from the heart! Your nephew and his wife must be such thoughtful people, and they know you, oh so well! What a sweet memory! Your Charlie Brown tree is truly a gift of love!!! :)


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