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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Happy National Day of Prayer!

"Blessed is the Nation
whose God is the Lord;
and the people whom He hath chosen
for His own inheritance."
~Psalm 33:12

History of this day...

The National Day of Prayer is observed annually on the first Thursday in May. This observance, designated by the United States Congress, asks people “to turn to God in prayer and meditation.” Every President, since 1952, has recognized this day with a Presidential Proclamation.

The 2023 Theme for The National Day of Prayer...


JAMES 5:16B tells us:

My thoughts...

When we turn on the news these days, it's easy to see that this world is in a spiritual battle. Our youth are being indoctrinated more than ever before with immoral principles - right in their very classrooms. I believe when prayer was taken out of schools in 1962, that's when evil was welcomed in.

That's why we must, as Christians and Christ followers, join in prayer on this day... to praise God and pray for our families, our country, our world, our leaders today and in the future, our military, fellow citizens, neighbors, believers and non-believers, the church, schools, businesses, and so much more. Let's turn to God, seeking with all of our hearts His guidance and grace in our world today.

Even though we all go through different seasons in our lives, the Bible tells us to "pray without ceasing."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says:
"Rejoice at all times.
Pray without ceasing.
Give thanks in every circumstance,
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.…

You can also join the 2023 National Day of Prayer National Prayer Gathering Broadcast at 8pm EST this evening through various Christian Television sources (DayStar, GOD-TV, and NRB-TV) and radio stations, and you can live-stream it through the video below...

God's Blessings to You All
on this National Day of Prayer!

I'll be praying for each of you who visits here.

In His Amazing Love, 


  1. Hi Net,

    This is awesome. A National Day of Prayer is definitely something to celebrate. We all need God and blessings, in our daily lives, now more than ever. He protects us and keeps us safe and is there for us always. May God bless you each and every day! I am beyond grateful to have found this lovely site which brings me joy and friendship. :-)

    Take care, Joan

  2. Thank you Net for remembering this day. We need to pray more fervently than ever. We need God's divine intervention.

  3. YES! Thank you for post.
    -Gabe’s Mom

  4. Joyce in CarolinaThursday, May 04, 2023

    Well said Net! Loved your write up here and agree whole heartily with it! Thank you! Blessings to you and all that visit here!

  5. May the 4th Be With You

  6. Happy National Day of Prayer!

  7. Praying for our country(and our government leaders) to be a Christian nation again. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Net! The world we live in is so sadly lost, we could always use more prayer. And be comforted, because He always answers, just not always the kind we want, but what is for our good.

    Thank goodness the children in schools still pledge and say "Under God," I don't know how much longer we will have that, but pray that it continues and that it makes people think what it truly means. Thankfully it is still printed on the dollar bills as well(In God We Trust)

    God Bless!❤πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ(What a beautiful flag we have!)

  8. May you have a blessed and prayerful day.

  9. National Day of Prayer History

    On June 12, 1775, the Second Continental Congress recognized the importance of prayer across the colonies, saying, “We may, with united hearts and voices, unfeignedly confess and deplore our many sins, and offer up our Joint supplications to the all- wise, omnipotent, and merciful Disposer of all events.”

    One could argue that the National Day of Prayer is older than America itself!

    Twenty-two years later, President John Adams further built on the tradition of a single day focused on prayer (and fasting):

    “I have therefore thought fit to recommend, and I do hereby recommend, that Wednesday, the 9th day of May next, be observed throughout the United States as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer.”

    President Truman issued a proclamation in 1952 formally instituting National Day of Prayer, and it’s been an annual occurrence since. In 2022, President Biden encouraged Americans to find in our hearts and prayers the determination to put aside our differences, come together, and truly see one another as fellow Americans” in his proclamation

  10. National Day of Prayer in Different States

    Prayer coordinators in each state help facilitate National Day of Prayer activities in local communities nationwide.

    In addition to the national proclamations, each state recognizes the Day with its own proclamation.

    And sometimes, that takes place on a different day than the official National day.

    For example, New Jersey is recognizing the Day on Friday, May 5, 2023.

  11. Prayer for 2023 National Day of Prayer

    Here’s an excerpt from the lengthy official prayer published by the National Day of Prayer Task Force:

    With grateful hearts we thank You fervently for the blessings in our life and throughout America; they are more than we are able to count. We will remember Your grace and testify to Your goodness in all generations. Help us to refrain from complaining, but instead be prompted to pray faithfully in every circumstance. Teach us to have a content heart knowing You are always enough for our every need.

    As the Church we commit to pray and love our neighbor and nation as You loved us, that our reputation in this world would be rooted in Your love. Holy Spirit work and overflow through us in every prayer, thought, word, and deed. May our character, conversations, and conduct reflect the righteousness in which You clothed us and command us to live.

  12. Thank you for this, Net! I needed this more than you know. I watched the National Day of Prayer Gathering on TV last night. I’m so glad you mentioned it or I probably would have missed it. The stories and prayers were uplifting and powerful. Paula

  13. Net, the info you provided made it possible for me to participate in the National Day of Prayer on Daystar last night. What a blessing it was to pray with others for the nation for one and a half hours! I also said a prayer of thanks for you for passing on this info.

    1. Paula and kitkat, I apologize for being so late in responding. I was so touched when I read your comments, and I'm so happy you were both able to watch this wonderful National Day of Prayer special. It was such an inspiration to me, as well, in my prayer life, and I'm so glad it blessed you both, too!

      Thank you so much for sharing! :)


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