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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Details on new Hallmark movie in production "Love, Classified"

A press release was recently publicized for a new Hallmark movie titled "Love, Classified." If you read the plot synopsis given below, you will see that it appears to include a same sex relationship.

"Love, Classified" storyline via Hallmark press release:

Romance novelist Emilia (Melora Hardin) is a whirlwind who blows back into the lives of her adult children, Taylor (Katherine McNamara) and Zach (Max Lloyd-Jones), under the pretense of a book signing arranged by her hometown's local book shop. As Emilia tries to reconnect, Taylor and Zach explore new and past relationships through an app that boasts old-fashioned human connection by way of the classified ad. Zach is given a chance to heal old wounds while Taylor matches with a woman that changes the way she's always thought about love.

Based on this storyline, I will not be promoting this movie, but I wanted to let you all know.

Blessings, Net


  1. that's so disturbing. if only hallmark realized that it is not what people want to see! sadly, I think they do realize and just don't care. I miss the good old days with hallmark where every movie was a good one

    1. I agree, sad but I don't like the way Same sex relationships are shoved down our throats in everything....guess I'll have to only watch reruns of the old movies or quite Hallmark altogether!

    2. I also agree with the comments. We're sick of their crap! They were put on the top because of clean wholesome stories and character lines that many people enjoyed. It wasn't the LGBTQ who put them at the top. I believe their most popular top Christmas movies in 2021 were stories that had straight characters. Hallmark became "woke" the same as many other naive ignorant corporations. I seriously don't think people contacted Hallmark and said please show same sex movies. It all blew up when they had the commercial with a same-sex couple. They apologized and then unapologized and doubled down to make things more inclusive. Well, count me out. I don't need to be included in the Hallmark viewing audience. I've gone to a different source for wholesome family friendly movies Nobody has the courage to stand up for wholesomeness anymore.

    3. We will not be watching the hallmark channel any longer. It’s America so they should produce what they want. People have stop supporting they to show it is not what they prefer

    4. I say live and let live and people can do as they wish but i always counted on Hallmark to produce wholesome romantic love stories. I do not wish to see same sex couoles on Hallmark. Please. Put that on channels where people wamt to view such situation. I will not have it forced on.me.

  2. Sadly, Hallmark is getting beyond recognisable now.

    They seem to have forgotten how to make simple Rom-Coms which so many have enjoyed over the years - and still would - Florence

    1. Florence, I feel the same way. Just give us the simple rom-coms we've always enjoyed. That formula was working well.

      I checked ratings and they seem fair or good for most movies, but for years they've been getting around 2+ million viewers per movie. I would think that number would be even higher by now.

    2. I agree. Almost every movie has to have gay or transgender in it. Real tired of it

    3. 100% agree
      It is being shoved down our throat
      Hallmark has lost its appeal for our family

  3. 'shakes my head'. Stuff like this just makes me want to further and further distance myself from this network. Yeah, not every new movie is like this, but when movies like this keep popping up, it kind of makes the non woke movies look pointless.

    I've actually been building up my Hallmark DVD collection the past few months, collecting movies that I've loved over the years so when next Christmas comes, I don't have to back up my DVR with countless movies from both networks. (I never get around to all of them anyway)

    I'm enjoying movies on UP TV these past couple of months then I've ever have. Sure, I intend to watch most of them once, but at least I don't have to worry about them being inappropriate. (plus, they're good for writing fluffy fanfics)

    I hope this movie gets terrible reviews and ratings. I know, bad thing to say. But this network seriously needs to learn what happens when you decide to change everything that everyone loves about you just to impress a liberal audience that more then likely doesn't even care about the network at all! -Maria

    1. Maria, Amen!!! Well said! I wholeheartedly agree!

    2. I agree 100% with you!!! IM tired of it shoved at me...I always watched Hallmark because of how they stayed true to the audience that built them into what they are today...Looks like I'm going to UP channel too, more & more....eventually they will learn a TOUGH LESSON when it hits their POCKETS, BUT THATS ON THEM FOR SELLING OUT....

    3. I’m about to stop watching Hallmark channel. I will not watch this movie! I don’t want to see that crap nor do I want my children seeing that. What is wrong with the world today?!

    4. I agree. I am sooooo disappointed that Hallmark is doing this. No at all what I thought they stood for.. . Prayers their ratinag plummet

    5. I don't know how this movie is rated "TVG". Sure, no cursing, nudity, violence... but shouldn't there be some warning for people who don't want to see LGBTQ situations?

  4. thank you so much for giving us a heads up...so disappointing that Hallmark continues to slip in these type storylines...sad to say it has greatly affected my tuning in to Hallmark these days but can't support these storylines

    1. I understand completely, as I feel disappointed, as well. We must let like-minded family and friends know so they, too, will not watch and give this movie ratings.

  5. I too will not be watching. It is sad because, now we are never completely sure if a movie from Hallmark is really family friendly. I can't just sit down and really enjoy a movie, you keep being fearful it will contain same sex content.

    1. Clara, That's exactly how I feel, too. Whenever I watch something new, my guard is always up. At some point, we may not be able to turn our TVs on at all. I agree, it is very sad.

  6. Not only the majority of Hallmark viewers, but the majority of American's are not on board with this force feeding agenda of those who have decided to make people accept what they are selling even if it means "go woke go broke."

    1. Lisa, I believe that is true, as well. It's very sad to see the moral decline in our world today. If we don't speak up now, we will loose our voice altogether. We must keep on praying!!!

  7. I am truly disappointed in Halmark to choose to show a same sex relationship or marriage.

    God said this is a sin. Shame on them!!!!!

  8. Thank you Net for the heads up. You are always so helpful. It's sad though, with all the sexuality these days. My dad is a public music band teacher and he can't even call the children boys or girls anymore. So frustrating, but that's to be expected in a fallen world. Our country and government really needs Christ.

  9. I have stopped watching Hallmark Channel. I have been watching UPtv and GAC. I really don't miss it.


    1. Misty, I understand how you feel. I'm always guarded when I watch anything new on Hallmark these days.

  10. Hallmark is becoming a distant memory to me. My soul is too precious to take a chance on Hallmark's agenda. The pain of seeing their push for evil is too much. Sad to say, many Christians will watch these movies anyway, then use any excuse for why they watched the entire movie. I believe we will see a different world very soon. God is at work! Prayers are never wasted when you believe.

    1. Hallmark can still get it right such as with the wonderful Raise A Glass To Love last year but never did I think the day would come when I actually look forward to seing what new movies UPtv are showing rather than what the next Hallmaek will be - Florence

    2. Florence, I didn't think I would either. -Maria

    3. kitkat, Florence, and Maria, I think a lot of people are starting to feel the same way. Many of us with core religious values built this channel with our faithful viewership and now, sadly, I feel they've turned their back on us. I'm happy we've seen many family friendly movies this year, but upcoming movies are always, of course, uncertain.

  11. So disappointed with Hallmark! I was really surprised that the Wedding Veil Trilogy didn't have some "woke" story in them, but happy they didn't. Every time I watch a new movie on HM I'm on high alert! Shouldn't have to be this way. Plus, I don't think the movies as a whole are as good as they once were anyway! So glad you put up this warning for this movie Net. Now we know to just skip this one!!

    1. Joyce, I hear ya, my friend! I'm grateful, too, that we know ahead of time on this one. It's sad to see these woke storylines, again and again. I know exactly what you mean about being on high alert, as I always feel the same way. I'm so grateful so many people come here to share reviews immediately after they air, including you! You have contributed many MANY wonderful reviews here!

      Bless you for doing so and taking the time to share with us!

    2. Joyce in CarolinaFriday, February 25, 2022

      Thank you Net!! Happy to do so as many others do as well! This is such an awesome group of people. We have you to thank for this "wonderful" blog(pun indented)! Blessings to you my friend!

  12. Another Hallmark movie I won’t be watching. Hallmark has always been family friendly movies but not now. It seems like more and more they are putting a gay couple in most movies. Thanks for letting everyone know.

    1. I know just how you feel. It's very disappointing. Hallmark used to be the place for family viewing, and now we see Disney pushing their own woke agendas, as well. Very sad. I only wish I could always know ahead of time - to inform everyone.

    2. Good point on Hallmark and Disney, Net. Neither brand are trusted any longer in our home. My children have lots of Disney DVDS, stuffed animals, t-shirts, and toys, but sadly no more.

  13. Watching less new Hallmark movies. Thanks for the heads up on the gay couple.

  14. Contact Hallmark at viewers@crownmedia.com and tell them We dont want this crap and that we will be contacting sponors!

    1. Pro tip: their sponsors know their programming and place their dollars because of it, Karen.

  15. It is a shame that Hallmark is bending to minority pressure

  16. I don’t think we can stop the tide but I wish they would not promote it as family friendly because it isn’t.

    1. Macmarie, it would be helpful if Hallmark would rate these movies with warnings of not for general audiences. That would cause less anxiety for us.

  17. I feel the same way. They are trying to push the LGBT down our throats. Definitely will not be watching it

  18. I can't agree more with these comments. I am very tired of being told to accept the LGBTQ lifestyle. It totally goes against what God wants for us. I have loved watching Hallmark for years and watching movies over and over again because they seemed to have wholesome morals. Not only will I not watch this movie, but I TOTALLY find it a completely inappropriate weekend to air it. Why would they air a movie that completely goes against God over Easter weekend? Whoever runs Hallmark now, seriously needs to take a step back and see what the audience really wants or they won't have a network to run.

    1. I agree!! Glad to see there are people out there that feel this is NOT right too!! And especially Easter weekend! What is wrong with those people?! I don’t want to see that and I definitely don’t want my grandkids thinking that is normal! Because it is NOT!!

  19. Family friendly I do not think so. I and others will not be watching this movie.

  20. Hallmark has steered from core family values. When asked in the past from surveys I received from them on why I love Hallmark so much, my answer was the clean and wholesome values. I can watch any of their movies and not worry about what my children will see if they walk into the room. Not so much anymore. I’m all about freedom of choice. I’m not all about having it shoved down my throat. I’m so glad for other networks that are choosing to keep to traditional family values.

  21. I never watch the first airing of any Hallmark movie any more; I always wait until I can read the reviews here first, because I do not want to support Hallmark's surrender to Big Sodomy™, or to any other concessions to anti-family behavior.

  22. I have watched Hallmark change over these last few years and be more “accepting” and conform to society. Gods word never conforms and it’s black and white. Reference sodom and gomorrah in the Bible and it was Adam and Eve created, not Adam and Steve. We are to love others yes, we all sin and fall short. But love enough to say when things are wrong and repent and turn away from it. Not accept and love and move on. So If hallmark wants to promote it, they at the very least need to put LGBTQ just like r rated for sex, nudity, language. It’s not a “standard” and should have a rating so that we know. I’m tired of the agendas. I am floored and sickened that they would air this on Good Friday. Shameful but I’m not surprised. Will not be watching this movie as middle schoolers are struggling with identity issues enough and this “family friendly” is not helping but hurting. Praying for Hallmark.

  23. Not sure why they are ruining a good network!!! I hope the gay movies all get horrible reviews! Maybe then they will have only family friendly movies again, when their ratings go down.

  24. I am terribly disturbed about this and other movies that feature the gay lifestyle. WHY should the majority of Hallmark viewers be subjected to this lifestyle...and furthermore, if they feel they must bow to pressure, PLEASE, PLEASE put some type of rating and DON'T go showing the previews constantly!!!! Hallmark has been a "hallmark" for clean viewing. Now, because of their decision, our young kids are subjected to this lifestyle. I do NOT agree with this agenda at all. Truth be known, it is causing ALOT of trauma to young children who don't even understand the long-term implications! I have been faithful viewer for many years, but honestly, I'm fed up with the blatant misuse of FRNDLY!!! What in the world??????

  25. I will be watching GAC, not Hallmark tonight. The constant barrage of LBGTQ+ has gone too far for me.

  26. I whole-heartely agree with the comments. I too don't watch their new movies. The old movies are what put Hallmark at the top, not becoming "woke." If we all went to other sources, perhaps it would make an impact on their ratings and we could "wake" them up! :)

  27. I agree with much of what is said here. I have always felt comfortable and safe with hallmark for the most part until just the last 6 months where same gender relationships or preference is being protrayed in their movies.
    Why, Why, Why? We need somewhere we can go for traditional values and morals that we support and want our children to support. I feel Betrayed honestly. SO DISAPPOINTING!!! I will not watch this stuff.

  28. Net had commented earlier that the day might come when we would not be able to turn on our tvs at all. That day is almost here for me. The commercials are now filled with the same trash Hallmark keeps dishing out. The majority are so offensive! If it isn't clearly stated, it is implied. This has brought a new appreciation for my dvds.

  29. I agree with Kitkat. There is almost nothing on tv any more that doesn't push the woke or gay lifestyle. They are all in for a rude awakening one day soon. We too have moved more to watching older dvds for entertainment. I try to get the reviews on movies here before watching them. That's sad that you can't trust Hallmark or Uptv anymore.

  30. I have always loved Hallmark movies. I am just asking that the movies be marked if they include LGBTQ relationships. I believe that everyone should have a choice on what they watch. Its disheartening to start a movie for several minutes and then realize it contains situations you dont care to view.


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