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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What's Your Christmas Movie Pick as we *MARK the 25th* - of JULY?

Today is July 25th,
which falls near the end of Christmas Keepsake Week
on the Hallmark Channel!

Let's "MARK" THE 25th!

Today, July 25th... is only 5 months until December 25th, Christmas Day... 152 days and so many hours and minutes, according to my Countdown Clock!!!

To commemorate this special time here at It's a Wonderful Movie... let's all share which Christmas movies (or program, cartoon, etc...) we are watching on the 25th! For those of you who would like to participate, please share your Christmas pick - in comments below!

As the Hallmark Channel continues Christmas Movies Night & Day - today, is there one or more Christmas movies you plan to watch on their channel or will you be playing something else - to Mark the 25th?

Here's the Christmas Keepsake schedule for TODAY...

Wednesday July 25, 2018:

My Christmas Dream ... Hallmark Channel ... 12 AM
Let It Snow ... Hallmark Channel ... 2 AM
Sleigh Bells Ring ... Hallmark Channel ... 4 AM
Merry Matrimony ... Hallmark Channel ... 6 AM
Christmas Connection ... Hallmark Channel ... 8 AM
Christmas List ... Hallmark Channel ... 12 PM
The Mistletoe Promise ... Hallmark Channel ... 2 PM
The Mistletoe Inn ... Hallmark Channel ... 4 PM
Enchanted Christmas ... Hallmark Channel ... 6 PM
Marry Me at Christmas ... Hallmark Channel ... 8 PM
Finding Santa ... Hallmark Channel ... 10 PM

My Christmas Movie Picks for Mark the 25th!

I plan to watch as many Christmas movies as I possibly can, off and on, on the Hallmark Channel throughout the day! I love so many that are airing, including: My Christmas Dream, Let it Snow, The Christmas List, The Mistletoe Promise, The Mistletoe Inn, Enchanted Christmas, Marry Me at Christmas, etc... I'm trying to absorb as much as I can of Christmas Keepsake Week - before it comes to an end!

If I have to choose ONE...

My #1 Christmas Movie Pick of the day is- Marry Me at Christmas with Trevor Donovan and Rachel Skarsten. This movie has just the right amount of comedy and lighthearted romance! Definitely a feel good Christmas movie!

*image via: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks

Please share your picks for Mark the 25th in comments below!

See the Christmas TV Schedule
for more Christmas Movies airing in July!

Plus, Hallmark's TCA Summer Event is coming tomorrow... stay tuned!

Joyful Blessings! Net


  1. I will choose Let It Snow. Of the ones listed, this one holds a special place in my heart--Candace & Jesse are fabulous together. I so wish Hallmark would cast them again in a movie!

    1. I agree with you, I actually want to see a sequel to Let It Snow, where Stephanie is running the winter division and Brady is running the Snow Valley Lodge and very sad we know Alan Thicke is not with us anymore, so I think Stephanie should decide what is more important, running her dads company, or running Snow Valley with Brady. And they could have a guy that was her dads right hand man, who would really be perfect to take over the company, but Stephanie feels like she is letting her dad down, but in the end decides family is the most important and her and Brady get married and run the lodge forever. Oh, and Jack comes back too, and maybe Stephanie's friend from phoenix comes to visit and her and Jack fall in love.

    2. I completely agree Ruth!! Let It Snow is one of my Top 10 favorites!

    3. Joyce in CarolinaWednesday, July 25, 2018

      I agree with you all...Let It Snow is one of my favorites! Sequel sounds great Sabrina...you should send your idea to Hallmark! As far as for today's "Mark the 25th" I'm watching The Mistletoe Promise as I type! Happy watching to you all!

      As always Net..you rock!!

  2. I would have to pick 2...Christmas List & Mistletoe Promise. I really enjoy the Christmas List...it is quite funny & I like Mistletoe Promise for the lead actress, she seems like old Hollywood in her style. Thank you Net for keeping this Christmas tradition going on your site!

  3. I would also choose Let it Snow.

  4. I love Let It Snow but wish Hallmark would do a bigger variety of their movies. I'd love to see some of the older movies like Hats Off to Christmas and more from that time period. It seems like I keep seeing the same movies over and over. Maybe it is the times I am able to view but wish they would show some of the older movies too!

  5. I love Marry me at Christmas and that's not because Trevor Donovan is such a hottie! It's actually a really cute movie.

  6. I like Marry Me at Christmas. Can I pick that plus Enchanted Christmas? I watched Alexa and Carlos Penavega on Home and Family this morning- they are super fun together, what energy! I'm looking forward to their new cruise movie...I've always wanted to go on a cruise!

  7. I usually watch whatever's on when I get home from work. Looks like that is The Mistletoe Inn today, but I might watch some of the later ones too.

  8. I saved A Song for Christmas on my DVR just for today! Happy Mark the 25th day! Karen

  9. I will choose, Enchanted Christmas as My #1 favorite. I like Alexa and Carlos PenaVega in this movie.

  10. I'm going to watch A Dog Named Christmas. Especially since i received it in my mailbox today😊

  11. Re watching Marry me at Christmas right now!

  12. My girls wanted to watch the Frozen Christmas cartoon with Olaf. After that it's Hallmark the rest of the night!

  13. I'm watching as many Hallmark Christmas movies as I can today! I'm a sucker for them all, but it seems like I missed many favorites I'm just now noticing on the schedule😝! Going to try to be better about catching the ones I missed at Christmas time.

  14. It's Signed, Sealed, Delivered for Christmas for me! I'm hoping we get news on more SSD movies at the TCA party tomorrow!

  15. I am going to take a short Hallmark Christmas movie break tonight and watch the cartoon How the Grinch Stole Christmas. No special reason, I guess I am just in the mood to watch this classic!

  16. I have been using my DVR to the hilt, and watching one or two a day. Today I watched Christmas List. I had already seen 3 of my favorites: Mistletoe Inn, Mistletoe Promise, and Marry Me At Christmas. Counting the days down till Christmas Movies return!😁🌲

  17. I love "Let It Snow". All the Christmas traditions from all over the world. Such a fun movie. My all time favorite is "A Season for Miracles". It wasn't on at all last year and I missed seeing it. Bring it back Hallmark!

  18. Hi, Net, been busy indulging, lavishing and loving every minute of "Christmas in July"! I'm so happy the Hallmark channel gave us movies 24/7 like HMM did. For the 25th, my TV was on from 5:15am to 12mid., Wow! I got to see many of my favorites!!

  19. My favortie Christmas movie is The Christmas Card. Although HMM didn't show it once this July, I still watch it every 2 months on my DVR. Mistletoe Promise is the one I would pick from the list above. I am like most who have commented, I will take all the Christmas movies I can get. Let It Snow sequel would be great too!


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