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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Countdown to Christmas... "Mark" April 25th!

"MARK"ing THE 25th!

On this 25th Day of the month... it's only 8 months until Christmas Day... 243 days and so many hours, according to my Countdown Clock which is currently ticking the seconds away!!!

To commemorate this special time here at It's a Wonderful Movie... I'll share which Christmas movie I have chosen to watch on the 25th in this post, and for those of you who would like to participate, please share which Christmas movie/program you are watching today on the 25th - in comments below!

On this April 25, 2018, I am watching-

starring Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, and Tom Drake

'Meet Me in St. Louis' is such a beautiful film about the early 1900's time period. The movie takes you through every season, including Springtime & Christmastime! If you like period films or musicals, I highly recommend it!

Now, it's your turn to share... which Christmas movie/program will you watch today, on the 25th?

Blessings, Net


  1. I still have Christmas Homecoming on my DVR and have never watched it. Maybe I’ll watch that.

    1. That's a great movie from the 2017 Christmas season... a very nice tribute to our military. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. I love this idea, Net! I think I will watch one of the movies I kept on my DVR from Christmas, not sure which one, maybe Christmas Next Door or Christmas Conmection.

    1. Either one will be fun, and both have a bit of mystery element which I loved! Enjoy one or both!!! :)

  3. Net, I think today I'd like to watch "The Christmas Child". It's a beautiful story of a man on a journey of many personal discoveries that saved his marriage and gave him a family and answers he so longed for. Love this movie!!

    1. I love this movie!! Just an FYI. It’s just “Christmas Child.” Megan Follows aka Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables. It is a great showing of following your own path, regardless of how other people see it! William R. Moses and Steven Curtis Chapman are also staring roles.

    2. I’m thinking I’m going to watch Blizzard today. It’s a wonderful story and is cute!

    3. "Christmas Child" is a wonderful choice, Linda. I just love Megan Follows in it, even if she has just a few scenes. I always close my eyes and think of Anne Shirley! It has a nice ensemble cast, as Catherine mentioned.

      I hope you enjoyed watching it again... I just love when Megan greets her husband at the end with special news! So sweet!

    4. I hope you enjoy watching Blizzard, Catherine. Sometimes it's fun to have some North Pole magic! :)

    5. Thanks, Catherine, I realized my mistake after I found my dvd. After all the hoopla over WCTH my mind zeroed right in on "Christmas Child" for celebrating "Mark the 25th". Net, glad you changed the banner; you're always one step ahead in sheltering our feelings!!

  4. I will be watching "It's a Wonderful Life," the colorized Anniversary Edition version. Merry Christmas Everybody!

    1. 'It's a Wonderful Life' is so different in color, almost like a whole new movie... but I absolutely love it... Wonderful choice!

    2. Net, I agree with you. It is beautiful both ways, but the color version shows Frank Capra's genius in setting the tone by what he shows and how. The scene with George running through the town giving thanks for what had just seemed like burdens gets me every time. It is beautifully staged and the color version just brings that out all the more. One of my all-time favorite films.

    3. That sounds beautiful, Mark, I love the way you described it and Bedford Falls! I've only seen various scenes in color, as I happened to catch it a few years back late one evening on the USA network - when they surprised viewers with the colorized version. It looked stunning, what I saw. I have it on DVD in a set that includes B&W or color, so I just need to put it in sometime and watch the whole thing in color... sounds amazing, just like the story!

      Obviously it's one of my all time favorites, too, hence the blog title... "It's a Wonderful Movie!"

  5. Me too! That is the movie my sister picked too! It has every season in it, so it feels like Christmas & Spring! I love that you do this every month. It is like having a little Christmas all year long with everyone! Have a Merry 25th Christmas in April!

    1. Yay! I hope you both enjoy it! I just adore the Smith family and the sisters in 'Meet Me in St. Louis.' It is a wonderful transition of seasons as they fall in love! "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas..." in April!

    2. Thank you, Net. I agree "Meet Me In st. Louis" is a great movie. Such a magical family drama that makes you laugh right after it makes you cry. The story and music just keep me coming back to it. Such a great movie.

    3. Oh, I'm glad you like this beloved classic, too! Judy Garland is such a grand entertainer; all the songs and dances were so fun to watch from beginning to end!

  6. I am actually going to watch (DVD) "A Christmas Carol" (1984) which is the version starring George C. Scott. My 4 year-old son also would like me to read, "The Night Before Christmas" at bedtime tonight. Love your site- have been following it for about three years now.

    1. Awe, I love it... I'm ecstatic that your son wanted to read 'The Night Before Christmas,' too! How fun! Why not? It's another perfect way to "Mark" the 25th!

      "A Christmas Carol" is a great classic movie choice! I always wish we could have more of the transformed Scrooge from the end of the story! I love when he ends up being so jovial and charitable!

      God bless us, Everyone!!!

  7. I am watching Signed Sealed Delivered: for Christmas, the entire family loves that and my girls love the little girl who plays the shepherd. Happy Merry April 25th... 8 months to Christmas!

    1. That is a wonderful choice, Anna! That's the very one I chose for the last 25th! SSD is always so enriching to my spirit year round! I'm glad your girls love it, too... Wonderful for the whole family!!!

      A Happy Merry 25th to you all!!! :)

  8. Great idea! If it's okay, I think I'll watch A Charlie Brown Christmas!

    1. Oh my goodness... of course! Charlie Brown would be thrilled you picked him! There's nothing sweeter than when Linus says, "Lights, please..." and tells Charlie Brown and all the Peanuts Gang what Christmas is all about!

  9. Joyce in CarolinaWednesday, April 25, 2018

    The Christmas Card! Still my favorite!

    1. All these years later, it is still one of my favorites, too, Joyce... and one of Hallmark's absolute finest! The dance scene is so good with Cody & Faith... "the best things happen while your dancing!"

  10. Thank you, Jim, for joining in on the Christmas fun! Recapping some past favorites is an excellent idea!

    Glad you enjoyed "The Spruces and The Pines" from ION. Sometimes it's fun to "branch" out to other networks to check out their Christmas movies!

    Hope you had a Happy 25th!!! :)

  11. I watched Snow Bride and also watch Snowed Inn Christmas again, it is currently my favorite move from last year. I am looking forward to May 25th when we can all share what lovely Christmas movie we watched.

    1. Love your "SNOW" movie theme choices, Sabrina! And both couples who are snowed in together fall in love... how sweet!!!

      Glad you enjoy this... We will definitely do it again on May 25th, as we continue to countdown to Christmas!!! :)

  12. Oh no, I missed this! Count me in next month!

    xoxo, Em

  13. Has anyone heard if there will be a Bramble house sequel? I loved that one!! Thanks...


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