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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hallmark's Christmas Keepsake & Gold Crown Christmas in July 2017 TV Schedule is Here!!!

Santa extends Vacay!
Hallmark’s *Christmas in July* Keepsake Week
& Gold Crown Christmas Dates!

You may recall, when “The Christmas Card” aired in April on the Hallmark Channel, as the “Meow Madness” bracket winner, launch dates for both Christmas Keepsake Week on the Hallmark Channel and Gold Crown Christmas Week on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries were announced in promo commercials. All devoted Hallmark Christmas movie fans, like myself and most of you here reading this now, were elated and took note!

Since then, however, we have all learned the start dates for Hallmark’s Christmas in July have been changed. (delayed, just a little!) So, in case you haven’t, yet… you will want to update your calendars! Santa gets an extra week on vacation!

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE “Gold Crown Christmas” and “Christmas Keepsake” Schedules on the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries!

The *Hallmark* Christmas in July dates are:

Hallmark Movies & Mysteries –

Gold Crown Christmas” July 7 – July 16

*With the premiere of “Home for Christmas Day” on Sunday July 16, 2017

Hallmark Channel –

Christmas Keepsake” July 14 – July 23

*With the premiere of “The Christmas Cure” on Saturday July 15, 2017

Hold on to your “Santa” hat…
Christmas in July is coming soon!!!

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE “Gold Crown Christmas” and “Christmas Keepsake” Schedules on the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries!



  1. Can't wait for the "Christmas in July" Hallmark movies, Net. I just watched Home Alone, and the first one is always my favorite. : )

    Enjoy the summer days.


    1. I still love to watch Home Alone, too, Sheri! There's just something about the soundtrack music when the movie credits roll at the beginning... it makes me feel all warm & fuzzy -inside!

      And, I do believe the Hallmark Christmas Movies give us that same warm feeling, too!!! So happy they are returning soon and I can share this special time with all of you!

      Blessings!!! Net :)

  2. Yippee!!!!! I've been waiting for this schedule Net!!!!!

    I only wish they had more on HMM Monday to Fridays. Why did they drop so many movies during the day? Ratings? Money? I'm sure that's the answer.

    Anyways, I'm still going to be watching every Christmas movie they give us in July, even if it's only two in one day.

    1. Yes, I'll join you... Yippee!!! I'm so happy, too, Abby! Christmas in July is a refreshing time to reflect on Christmas past, enjoy the present, and look forward to all the Christmas movies ahead for the upcoming Christmas Season!!! I love this time of year!

      As for the lack of Christmas movies during the day on HMM- you are not alone when it comes to wondering why they won't be filling that time with more Christmas movies. Ratings could definitely be a factor, as well as complaints from non-Christmas fans from previous years. I don't know who there are, but if they don't like Hallmark Holiday movies, please don't spoil it for the rest of us who do. There are plenty of other channels who won't have Christmas movies in July and you can definitely turn your station there, if that's what you like.

      Like you, Abby, I will be watching as much as possible - every Christmas movie! And, when the Hallmark Channel and HMM simultaneously play Christmas movies - I'm sure I'll be flipping back and forth to my favorites!!!

      Thank you for commenting and sharing in the joy!!! Blessings, Net :)

  3. Why do I get so excited for this "Christmas in July" every year? What is the matter with me?...haha. The IAWM Christmas sleigh will soon be arriving to pick us all up once again to whisk us away into Christmas Land. I already hear the faint sound of sleigh bells. 17 days in the land of Christmas magic.

    1. Jim~
      Since Santa's trip to our homes was delayed a week, he's still on vacation down south with Mrs. Claus, but I'm helping the elves pack up the sleigh and we've left a seat ready and waiting for you!!! Hope you enjoy your "17 days in the land of Christmas magic"!!! It's the 2nd Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!! :)

  4. 21 new Christmas Movies on Hallmark Channel

    12 new Christmas Movies on HMM

    But more than 33 Christmas Movies @ 5ET/8PT - Weekdays & 9ET/6PT - Weekends; all Christmas Movies until January 2018 on Hallmark Channel & HMM

    1. We are certainly blessed with an abundance of New Christmas Movies from Hallmark! I'm still trying to figure out how many new ones will air on each network. At this point, things can still easily change and any movie can be switched over from one network to another. So... we will have to wait to officially see!

  5. Let me start by saying, I know they can't play ALL the movies, but why is it they are really playing mostly the movies from last year? No Christmas Shepherd on HM&M, no Matchmaker Santa, One Starry Christmas, Snow Bride. I just wonder why they are only playing 2 movies a day on HM&M? I just hope this isn't what the future of Christmas will be on Hallmark? I really don't want to watch The Golden Girls during Christmas Keepsake Week. Or Last Man Standing. I wonder if they will at least play Christmas themed episodes. And there are so many good movies from 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 but they are only really playing the movies from 2016, some of them they are playing twice. Maybe Matchmaker Santa isn't very popular, but Lacey is. I was shocked to see no A Princess for Christmas. And I was really hoping to watch the Christmas shepherd, HM&M doesn't really have a ton of movies, so I was hoping I would see most of their movies. I see The 2nd Northpole movie moved to HM&M. They aren't even playing the 1st Northpole, and that is pretty popular. I just hope we really will be getting 24 hours a day in October when Countdown to Christmas starts. There must be some reason they are doing it this way this year, maybe they don't want to upset their viewers that don't like Christmas, or maybe it is costly to play movies and cheaper to play TV shows? Sorry to complain so much, I am just disappointed in the movies they chose and the amount of movies.

    1. Why there only 2 movies on Hallmark Channel & HM&M during Christmas Keepsake & Gold Crown Christmas Week but it's could be more Christmas movies but 1 movie in each channels?

      Christmas Cure on Hallmark Channel
      Home on Christmas Day on HM&M

      Pride, Prejudice, & Mistletoe was supposed to be start filming last April & but it's wasn't yet start filming but propose date. It's could be part of Christmas Keepsake Week, Gold Crown Christmas Week, or Countdown to Christmas. It's said 2017-04 but it's doesn't mention when start filming. It's a about gender swapped.

      Female Bennett to Male Bennett
      Elizabeth Bennett -> Elliott Bennett
      Jane Bennett -> Johnny Bennett
      Mary Bennett -> Michael Bennett
      Lydia Bennett -> Lyndon Bennett
      Kathy Bennett -> Kevin Bennett

      Male Darcy & Male Bingsley to Female Darcy & Female Bingsley
      William Darcy -> Wilma Darcy
      Charlie Bingsley -> Charlene Bingsley

    2. Sabrina, for sure there are so many good ones and so little time to play them all, and yet, there are plenty I'm surprised to see left off the schedule list, too, including "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: For Christmas," "Murder She Baked - A Plum Pudding Mystery", "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year," "Ice Sculpture Christmas," "One Christmas Eve," "Window Wonderland," "Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade," "Fir Crazy," "Naughty or Nice," and many others! Like you, I also love "Matchmaker Santa" and will miss it in July! Guess we will have many to look forward to seeing these at Christmastime! Hopefully... they will all play then!!!

      In spite of some of the missing movies, though, I know we all feel so blessed the Hallmark stations give us this little joy of Christmas in July!!! Although, I will also miss "A Princess for Christmas!!!"

      Thanks for sharing, Sabrina!!!

  6. Thanks so much, Net! I love how you combine both Hallmark Christmas movie schedules, so all I have to do is print your list! You're a 🎁!!!!
    xoxo, Em

  7. Printed the schedule! Thank you!πŸ–¨

  8. I was hoping for a July 1st start date with the Christmas movies on my Birthday Day. A little disappointed.

  9. Who sings the somewhat country-sounding version of Deck the Halls? Deck the Halls is one of of my favorite Christmas carols but I really do not like the version the female artist swings. It sounds very draggy and depressing instead of upbeat and lively as it was meant to be. I normally really like the music Hallmark chooses for their movies but they made a big mistake with that version! I am so tired of hearing it that I change the TV to watch another channel as soon as it comes on!


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