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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"FALL" in LOVE with Hallmark Channel's Fall Harvest!

Happy First Day of Autumn!

If you look forward to this special time of year... when family & friends gather to take a hay ride and step in the pumpkin patch... then be ready to "Fall" in Love with All the New Original TV Movie Premieres Coming this Autumn Season during "Hallmark Channel's Fall Harvest"!

Excerpt via Hallmark: "The season of Fall signals change, new beginnings, the coming holidays and family gatherings. With the magical season near, Hallmark Channel unveils its “Fall Harvest” with three new Hallmark Channel Original Movie Premieres"...

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Saturday, October 3 (9p.m. ET/PT, 8C)
Starring: Jill Wagner, Colin Egglesfield

Hallmark Channel Original Movie  - "Autumn Dreams"

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Saturday, October 10 (9p.m. ET/PT, 8C)
Starring: Jessy Schram, Jesse Hutch, Willie Aames

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Saturday, October 17 (9p.m. ET/PT, 8C)
Starring: Ashley Williams, Sam Jaeger

I hope you will enjoy the Hallmark Channel's
special new movie addition to the Harvest Season!

"To Everything there is a Season..."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
-Blessings, Net-


  1. This is great, Net, three move autumn themed movies and a perfect path to Christmas!! Jesse Hutch has been very active with Hallmark and Ashley Williams is a joy to watch with her beautiful personality. I just love when the leaves turn to the most glorious colors in the world!!

  2. Me! Me! Me! I'm one of those people who loves FALL! Every year I can't wait for our long hot summer to end. Hallmark is the best for celebrating this long-awaited season! Happy fall to all! Best, M.L.

  3. Really loving all these new movies every Saturday night on the Hallmark Channel! Thanks, Net, for the heads up on these. I can't choose an early favorite as they all look good to me.

  4. Thank you SO MUCH for keeping us up to date on what's coming on Hallmark Channel. Really appreciate your hard work!!!!!! Cami

  5. It is so wonderful that Hallmark has made movies that focus on the Fall/Autumn season. I hope it continues on for years and to also include movies about Thanksgiving (sometimes an over looked holiday with all the Christmas movies and seasonal stuff). I really feel like the holiday season begins as soon as October comes all the way through January. I enjoy this time of year so much! Happy First Day of Fall!!

  6. These all sound so sweet and look fun too. I'm anxious to see some of these as they inch closer to their premiere. :)

  7. Sherry In CaliforniaWednesday, September 23, 2015

    I am one of the ones who wants summer to end as soon as it has begun! Lol. It gets too hot where I live, and unless you live right next to the beach the weather is just uncomfortable.

    From this point forward, it's one long celebration -- on through the end of the year!

    I love fall and all that comes with it, and I love that it is the pathway leading to the holiday season, and I love Halloween. However, I find that I don't love the fall or Halloween-themed Hallmark movies as much as I do the Christmas movies. I did not love "Midnight Masquerade" last year, nor did I love "Growing the Big One" from years ago.

    The holiday season somehow provides a magical backdrop for the stories, and I love the faux winter settings. There is something about the enchanting Christmas lights, trees, music, ornaments, snowmen and jolly Santas that just lends itself perfectly to the tales that Hallmark tells. Throwing a bunch of fall decorations and pumpkins into the background is fun, but it can sometimes feel forced.

    That said, I will still watch all 3 of these movies! I liked Ashley Williams in her Lifetime Christmas movie a couple of years ago, and she is very charming.

  8. These look lovely. Can't wait! You have an amazing blog. Love it. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment. Glad to have found your blog!

  9. I still wish that Hallmark would do more Thanksgiving-themed films -- loved Family Thanksgiving a few years back! -- but glad they are doing some Halloween-centric movies before the Christmas movies kick in which, as much as I love, I wish would hold off until mid-November to give us some Turkey time.

    Is it weird that there isn't any Good Witch movie airings scheduled for this year?


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