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~ James 1:17

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Changes made to Hallmark Channel's “Christmas Keepsake” Week T.V. Schedule!

Itโ€™s a Wonderful Movie... your Guide to Family Movies

First of all, the movie “Catch a Christmas Star” has been removed completely from the schedule and replaced with either sitcoms or another Christmas Movie, depending on the day and time.

Also, the Hallmark Channel has removed the late night airings of Christmas Movies through the weekday nights beginning July 7th and instead will be airing the usual sitcoms: The Middle, Golden Girls, Frasier, Cheers, and I Love Lucy through the night. This information is rather disappointing to me… as I was so looking forward to falling asleep to Christmas Movies and waking up to them, too! Plus, I know how much people love and enjoy this when they have different work schedules and they are awake during these night hours.

Please note: A few other movies were changed around in the Hallmark Channel schedule... however, no changes were made to the Hallmark MOVIE Channel, so they will continue to air Christmas Movies through the night.

Click Here to see the Updated “Christmas in July” Schedule!


  1. It's to bad about the week nights but the removal of "Catch a Christmas Star" is no loss.

  2. I'm sorry you don't have Hallmark Movie channel, Net. They've picked up where Hallmark channel shows their sitcoms so between both channels Christmas movies will air 24/7. The movie channel is showing the older movies so I'm switching back and forth. I was a little surprised their format changed this year; wonder why??

    1. Yes, I wish I had HMC, too! DirecTV really needs to add it for all their viewers.

      I'm glad many others, like you, can switch to HMC when Hallmark goes to sitcoms, etc....

      I think Hallmark switched around their schedule to try and please the late night viewers who like their late night comedies.

  3. This is the great web site ever!! THANK YOU! I too am disappointed Hallmark is not going 24/7 Chrostmas, although I think their Movie Channel is 24/7!

    1. Oh my! Thank You! I'm so delighted you think my web-site is great. Thank YOU so much!

      I hope you can enjoy Christmas Movies on both stations! Enjoy!

  4. Love the Christmas in July-should be a couple of weeks. Hallmark makes the very best movies , the only PROBLEM is the fact that they don't show them that often, aside from the Christmas season all we get are THE OLD sitcom RERUNS of which you can watch on easily on six or seven other channels and the marathon viewings are just awful and that includes BOTH the Hallmark AND Hallmark Movie Channels. The sad fact is that lately you DON"T even put your movies on DVD for sale and there are BOOTLEGGERS out there that have your movies out there for sale and they are making the BIG BUCKS that you could be making---Just don't understand HALLMARKS thinking....

    1. I wish it could be a couple weeks, too, Ed. Or, for goodness sakes, why not the whole month of July!?!? Sounds good to me!

      I Love the Hallmark Channel regardless, and I am so grateful for the family films and series they bring us throughout the year!

      You are right... they should release more, if not all, of their movies on DVD. They are wonderful family films!

      I have noticed, however, that most of their movies are fairly inexpensive at Amazon. I'm wondering if they are getting the revenue they need from them... to continue to release even more.

  5. Thanks so much for the updates! I'm disappointed about the changes as I am at work during the day. I guess they got a lot of complaints? Good think this year I bought the movies I liked the best. Although, they don't have Let It Snow out yet. I'm so glad I have the Hallmark Channel Movie channel as I have Comcast (one of the only reasons I keep it). I'm at work when the Home & Family show is on.

    Thanks again for the updates,


    PS I am glad they totally took out Christmas Star. It was a horrible movie.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you have the Hallmark Movie Channel, too, Misty... so you can get more evening and early morning Christmas Movies, too!

      Haven't heard any news, yet, about Let it Snow, but I would be so surprised if they didn't release that one on DVD. Hope we'll hear soon!

      I must admit, I agree with you on "Christmas Star". Some may like it... but, it just wasn't my kind of movie, either.

  6. I am enjoying both Hallmark channels and taping each movie. I am so excited that Christmas movies will begin Oct 31st also......nothing better than a good Christmas movie to get in the spirit of the holidays...Thank you

    1. Yes, I thought it would be November 1st... but they have decided to do it one day sooner! I love it! I would take it everyday, if possible!

  7. What a HUGE disappointment - the Hallmark exec that changed this has made a HUGE mistake - this is the week when all the Ornament
    excitement is gaining steam for the 7/12 - 7/13 weekend. The Movies just made it all that more exciting. The normal sitcom/comedies are of no value in the Christmas in July Schedule. I just turned off my Hallmark Channel when I saw they were showing that awful "The Middle" that series needs to be removed daily as well. Just plain downright "not funny" Did the same exec make this decision????

    1. I understand your disappointment. For everyone who has Hallmark Movie Channel, they will still get movies at night. So... for those of us who only have the Hallmark Channel, we need to keep requesting the Hallmark Movie Channel from our cable providers.

  8. What is Hallmark thinking ??? Promising to show our favorite movies during the night, when we can relax and enjoy movies without interruptions. I'M THINKING ABOUT NOT GOING TO THE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT WEEKEND IN JULY. Hallmark needs to put all their movies on DVD - pay the bucks and have them made with
    the producers that own them. Both will benefit.

    1. Oh, please don't give up hope on Hallmark. I just think the Hallmark Channel is trying to please all it's viewers. And, they are still playing Christmas Movies at night on their Movie Channel.

      I am still very grateful to Hallmark for their Christmas Keepsake Movie event. When you flip the stations, absolutely no one compares to the wonderful Movies of Hallmark... all year long and especially at Christmas!

  9. They pulled Christmas Parent too. I liked that movie.

    1. I'm not sure I know the movie you are referring to...?

  10. I don't like Hallmark's sitcoms at night. They are NOT for the family, which I don't get cause their movies usually are.

    1. Except for I Love Lucy, I don't watch the sitcoms they show, either. I know they are trying to please other viewers, too. Maybe someday, they will get rid of those non-family-friendly sitcoms in exchange for ones that are. Let's hope!

      How about Full House, Growing Pains, The Torkelsons, Home Improvement... Any other suggestions?

    2. Full House would make sense. Especially since it has two regular Hallmark actresses Candace Cameron Bure and Lori Loughlin.

  11. I like the sitcoms they show at night. What do you mean they aren't family friendly? Family doesnt only mean the kiddies. Golden Girls and Fraiser are good for the adults. The kids are asleep during that time anyway. Full House reruns enough on other channels. I wish Hallmark didn't replay the same Christmas movies all the time. I'm starting to prefer UP TV Movies to Hallmark because UP TV has a more diverse selection


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