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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cedar Cove Movie and TV Series - Hallmark Channel


Cedar Cove

*This is a Movie and Weekly Television Series.

Network: Hallmark Channel

Season 1 - Original Air Date: July 20, 2013

Season 2 - Original Air Date: July 19, 2014

*The Cedar Cove Pilot Movie premiered on July 20th, 2013. From there, Cedar Cove became the Hallmark Channel's first-ever primetime scripted series – also called “Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove”. The weekly one-hour drama series began on Saturday nights beginning July 27th, 2013 and continued until October.

*The Cedar Cove Movie and TV Series are based on the Cedar Cove Book Series by author, Debbie Macomber.


Andie MacDowell ... Judge Olivia Lockhart
Dylan Neal ... Jack Griffith
Katharine Isabelle ... Cecilia
Brennan Elliott ... Warren Saget
Garry Chalk ... Troy
Jesse Moss ... Ian
Andrew Airlie ... Stan
Greyston Holt ... Seth
Wanda Cannon ... Grace
Ian Tracey ... Bobby
Eric Keenleyside ... Dan
Barclay Hope ... Albertson
Sarah Smyth ... Justine
Paula Shaw ... Charlotte
Timothy Webber ... Moon
Kurt Evans ... Allen
Karen Brelsford ... Sherry
Dave Kmiecik ... Wally

Cast List with Pictures via Hallmark Channel:



from Hallmark Press Release:

Based on the popular series of books by best-selling author Debbie Macomber, "Cedar Cove" the movie serves as a back-door pilot to a potential primetime series in 2013. Family court judge Olivia Lockhart is a single mother and respected leader in Cedar Cove, Washington. She makes news when she denies the divorce petition of Cecilia and Ian Randall, deciding the young couple is still very much in love with one another and that they have not tried hard enough to make their relationship work. This gets the attention of local newspaper editor and newcomer to town Jack Griffin. As Jack and Olivia try to heal the Randall's broken relationship, it brings the two of them together in a way they never expected. Romance, mystery, and lessons of the heart are the threads that weave this tight-knit community together.

More, from Hallmark Press Release:

In "Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove," Golden Globe(R) winner Andie MacDowell plays Judge Olivia Lockhart whose Cedar Cove Municipal Court is the professional milieu and social microcosm of issues the judge will face in her own day-to-day life with family and friends. Veteran actor Dylan Neal plays Jack Griffith, the new editor of the Cedar Cove Chronicle and budding love interest for Judge Lockhart. The series is based on the bestselling book series Cedar Cove by #1 New York Times bestselling author, Debbie Macomber. In the two-hour pilot, Judge Lockhart is overjoyed to hear that her name is being put forth for appointment to a Federal judgeship in Seattle by her longtime friend, Senator Pete Raymond. Olivia asks that her family keep the news a secret. In the meantime, Jack Griffith, desperate for a meaningful news story, corners Olivia's mother who inadvertently tells the editor about everything in her daughter's life - including the possible appointment. Suddenly, Olivia (much to her chagrin) is front page news. In the courtroom, Olivia rejects Cecelia and Ian's petition for divorce, because she is convinced the young couple still loves each other. In the meantime, Olivia's feelings about daughter Justine's suitor couldn't be colder.


(descriptions via Hallmark)

Pilot Movie - 7/20/2013

Based on Debbie Macomber's bestselling series, Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove is the story of a respected small-town municipal court judge who considers leaving the beautiful lake town where she raised her family to take a federal judgeship. Before she goes, she discovers home really is where the heart is as she helps her daughter, her best friend and a young couple navigate tough relationships, and even starts a romance of her own with the town?s newest addition, a newspaper reporter with a mysterious past.

Episode 1 - A House Divided - 7/27/2013

The seaside town goes up in arms when an arrogant and wealthy developer threatens to tear down Cedar Cove’s historic lighthouse and local Thyme and Tide innkeepers Bob and Peggy Beldon lead the townspeople in protest, including Olivia’s mom Charlotte.

Episode 2 - Reunion - 8/3/2013

When Jack’s estranged son Eric (guest star Tom Stevens) shows up in Cedar Cove completely unannounced, their uncomfortable Reunion is long overdue. As Jack starts to get to know his son amid Eric’s constant hurtful reminders of Jack’s alcoholic past and poor parenting, Olivia (Andie MacDowell) and Grace learn a secret that makes them question Eric’s intentions.

Episode 3 - Suspicious Minds - 8/10/2013

A John Doe dies at the Thyme & Tide B&B owned by Bob & Peggy Beldon and suddenly all of Cedar Cove is buzzing about how the mysterious man met his fate.

Episode 4 - For the Sake of the Children - 8/17/2013

Olivia presides over a messy divorce while Jack has problems at home of his own - son Eric refuses to work, putting a strain on their burgeoning relationship. Grace is forced to raise funds for the library or see it close.

Episode 5 - Free Spirits - 8/24/2013

Seth goes missing in Alaska causing Justine to travel through unknown circumstances to find him, and Jack and Olivia take their relationship to a new level with a romantic trip out of town.

Episode 6 - Help Wanted - 8/31/2013

Jack & Olivia have their long planned getaway, but things don't go as expected because Olivia is distracted by a former ex-con whom she fears is back in Cedar Cove to cause trouble. Across town, Zach and Rosie Westin's divorce is final, but their shared custody arrangement isn't working for their children who are feeling the pain of a family split apart.

Episode 7 - And The Winner Is - 9/7/2013

While Jack (Dylan Neal) is sure he can count on a winning bid from Olivia (Andie MacDowell), he is left to wonder where he stands when her ex-husband Stan (Andrew Airlie) returns asking Olivia to help him finally face the loss of their son by revisiting the lake where he died.

Episode 8 - Old Flames, New Sparks - 9/14/2013

The couples of Cedar Cove confront Old Flames, New Sparks as the town’s romances start to heat up. Threatened by Olivia’s (Andie MacDowell) renewed bond with her ex-husband Stan (Andrew Airlie), Jack (Dylan Neal) realizes his feelings for her are moving fast.

Episode 9 - Conflicts of Interest - 9/21/2013

"Conflicts of Interest" arise when several Cedar Cove relationships are seemingly all on the line. Grace starts feeling the repercussions of her surprising kiss with Will, who won’t stop calling to confess his feelings. She is a nervous wreck, worried Olivia will find out, but when Grace finally decides to spill her secret, she discovers Will has been hiding an even bigger one about his marriage.

Episode 10 - Stormfront - 9/28/2013

Confrontations in Cedar Cove explode when emotions rise into a "Stormfront."

Episode 11 - A New Life - 10/5/2013

As the Christmas season approaches in Cedar Cove, Olivia's spirits are down as she faces "A New Life."

Episode 12 - Homecoming - 10/12/2013

The Christmas Season has arrived in Cedar Cove and though Jack and Olivia are happy to be reunited, Jack is desperate to talk to his still-missing son Eric about Eric?s impending fatherhood. Meanwhile, Justine is asked to help the FBI make a case against Warren and Grace tries to heat up her relationship with Cliff. Elsewhere, Maryellen manages to track down John and tries to convince him to stop running from his past.



  1. I am so excited about this...I literally jumped for joy!

    I am a HUGE fan of Debbie Macomber and all her movies have come out great!!

    Right now I'm leading an online (unofficial) Debbie Macomber Book Club called "Read Along with Debbie and Me."

    We are currently reading through her series! We're in the middle of 6 Rainier Drive. If any of your readers are fans...feel free to join...it's open to everyone! Here's the link:

    I can't wait to see the movie. That's TWELVE books (plus her Christmas one) they are turning into ONE movie! Woohoo!

  2. TS---I am so excited at the prospect of the Cedar Cove books becoming a series. They are so wonderful.

  3. I am soooo excited for this series to come. I love all the other Debbie Macomber Movies so I'm expecting to enjoy this one, as well and for it to be a regular series is just well, WONDERFUL!

    Thank you for sharing this news. This is one of my favorite blogs.

  4. I'm interested in who will be casted for the movie! I hope it's a big sucess.

  5. So the Cedar cove movie has been moved from Jan 19th to June 1, have I got that right

  6. Yes, Anonymous... you have that right!

    The Premiere Date for Cedar Cove has been changed and moved to the Summmer. From various press information I have received, the date is said to be June 1st. I will be sure to post if this date changes in any way or if it is confirmed through Hallmark.

    Thank you for visiting and leaving a Comment!

  7. i have read all the cedar grove books and i really loved them i also like all of her books i have 3shelves of her books and i bought all of them

  8. I hope Cedar Cove will also air here in Canada, especially since the movie was filmed here.

    It will be strange for me to watch, since the house by the ocean used for filming belongs to relatives of mine. I have stayed there often, and it is even more beautiful than the pictures show.

    1. Do you know if the lighthouse shown in the advertisements is the same as the one you pass on your way to Duke Point Ferry Terminal? It sure looks the same!

    2. Is that on the island or the mainland? And do you know if the lighthouse shown in the advertisements is the same that you pass on the way to the Duke Point Ferry Terminal? Just passed by there twice and am almost sure they are the same. Thanks!!

    3. e thanksxactly where was it filmed? we visited 'deep cove' in that area once and wondered if it was there?

  9. Anonymous....I am hooked on Debbie McComber and her style of writing and her stories. I feel like I know all the people that live in Cedar Cove and now I can see the people (so to speak)when this series comes to TV....SO EXCITED...PLEASE ADVERTISE AIR TIME ALOT SO I don,t miss it.

  10. Love all Debbie's books and looking forward to the series .The movie I am so excited about and can't wait to July to see it.Hallmarks had so many good movies and it is 1 of my favorite channels. Thank you Debbie for all you give us God Bless

  11. I have read all the Cedar Cove books & I can't wait to see the movie. It says it has change to the 27th of July instead of the 20th. Please let me know Of any more changes because I don't want to miss anything. I'm excited to put faces with the people I've read about. Is there a movie & a series that would be great because I really hate when the book ends & I have to wait for the next one to come out.


  13. where in Canada is Cedar Cove fllmed?

    1. I just read that it was filmed in Maple Bay, near Duncan on Vancouver Island

  14. I appreciate everyone's comments regarding Cedar Cove. Hopefully, you all enjoyed the premiere last week, as I did, and will continue to enjoy the series which begins tonight! I am personally looking forward to seeing additional characters added to the Cedar Cove series.

    Filming Locations via imdb:
    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
    Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
    Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada
    Genoa Bay, British Columbia, Canada
    Fort Langley, British Columbia, Canada

    For Canadian Viewers, you can watch Cedar Cove on:
    Corus Entertainment’s W Network

    Hope these Cedar Cove details help! Enjoy!

  15. It's about time there is a clean family show on TV and not a reality show. I will be looking forward to seeing it every week. The locations for filming are beautiful and really make me want to visit them. What good is an HD TV if there isn't something beautiful to see on it. Thanks for listing the filming locations.

    1. Yes, the film locations are stunning - amazing views and landscapes. Cedar Cove has probably inspired many to visit the seashore and for those who cannot go- the series is the next best thing! Hope many of you are able to visit them.

  16. A huge 'THANKS' to the Hallmark channel for this show. I love it. My family watched it. It's such a relief to see a clean family show. I'm so tired of all the reality shows. I never watch them or let my family watch that crap.

    1. Yes, it has been refreshing to see such a family-friendly show that is also adult and mature, yet classy. I hope it remains this way. T.V. is desperate for it.

      I agree and will join you in saying: Thank You Hallmark!

  17. Read the books and seen the 2 shows.... am sad there is so much difference in the the show adaptation

    Andie MacDowell seems to be just going through the motions in the pilot and the 1st follow-up installment - seems stiff and so very much out of it as she is supposed to be courting the new guy in town, not sure if this is because she has not dated since her divorce in 2004, she has certainly aged the past 20+ years she has been the face of Loreal Paris,

    Fom the pilot to the 1st installment there have been so many different changes, and no continuity most obvious the character change of Seth... along with the courthouse, judges chambers ... the kiss which already happened in the pilot and many other town changes pretty sad really that this is turning out to be a low budget soap opera

    To ignore Port Orchard Washington as a filming site for Duncan and Victoria BC Canada, and then say it as would cost more $$$ in the states is pretty bogus EVERYTHING in Canada is 2X to 3X more expensive.

    Hallmark is counting on a viewing demographic of 90+% female and will ignore the male viewing audience is really a shes they are just counting on all the female viewers to swoon over the male characters

    1. I am sorry to hear the series has not been all that you imagined after reading the books. It is sometimes hard to imagine how you think a character should be when you first read a book and then an actor portrays them differently then what you expected.

      I, personally, have been enjoying the Cedar Cove series, thus far. Andie MacDowell, in my opinion, has been a wonderful lead for the series. I imagine a good Judge character would be rather dignified and I think she fits that mold. Upstanding, hard-working, principled... all characteristics, which perhaps make her to appear to be a little stiff, at times, however I do feel her good friend Grace is easing her a little out of this and as the series goes it may change to some degree.

      As for filming in Canada. I have heard it is a great place because of less financial burden. I do wish they could film it somewhere in America.

      As for demographics, I think there will be a lot of couples, old and young alike, who enjoy a series like this... and watching it together on a quiet Saturday or Sunday night.

  18. So fun to watch....what a beautiful, peaceful,
    place filled with lovely people in a time wharp
    but I sure would love to visit Cedar cove...where do they film it?????Is it Monterey,Ca?????

  19. I enjoy Dylan Neal's work. He does a phenomenal job, his talent allows you to either love or hate his character whatever role he does; but I don't see the connection being paired up with Andie M. I don't see the on screen chemistry between them. I am assuming he is going to stay where he is, and if that is the case I would do some serious hyping up of his character and why she would be attracted to him. Intellectually, etc etc. What happen to the couple that lost the baby and than renewed their vows? If you want to feed temporary characters into the story, I would suggest, Andie get back with her husband and their money rebuild the town into a tourist trap. Then you could have the main characters with their drama drama, and the sub stories of the tourists.

  20. this is the best show ever i cannot wait till saturday to each show, its funny i now hog the tv hahaha i love love love this show and hope it never ends its like a magnet you are attached to it i commend the whole cast they are the best, i want to ove here it so surene

  21. Thanks to a dvr problem missed the pilot (movie). Got to see the rest of the series and enjoyed it. Can't wait for season 2. Is the movie and season 1 going to be available on dvd?

  22. please put this series on dvd or blu ray

  23. Season 2 premieres Sunday, July 20 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)

  24. Season 3 starts around July, around the same time that Season 2 comes out on dvd, cant wait :)


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