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~ James 1:17

Monday, January 5, 2015

Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott star in the Hallmark Channel Movie: ALL OF MY HEART


Movie: All Of My Heart

Previously Titled: My Better Half

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: February 14, 2015


Lacey Chabert ... Jenny
Brennan Elliott ... Brian
Greyston Holt ... Daryl
Daniel Cudmore ... Tommy
Ed Asner ... Vern
Heather Doerksen ... Casey


via Hallmark: When a young woman inherits half of a house, she picks up her life and moves to the country to start fresh. The man that owns the other half of the house wants to sell it, but over time, develops a friendship and possibly more with the woman. That's when her ex-boyfriend comes to win her back.

more: A young caterer's life suddenly changes course when she inherits a country home and learns she must share it with a career-obsessed Wall Street trader.

Movie Review:


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"on set" image
"on set" image



  1. I love Lacey, but I have to admit I'm not sure about the casting of Brennan Elliot. He so often plays a slimeball character that it may be hard to control my automatic aversion to such characters and see him as someone different. Hopefully his skills as a performer will make my concern moot.

    Truthfully, Brandon Routh usually causes the same reaction for me, but I was ok with The Nine Lives of Christmas, so I'm hoping the same holds true here.

  2. Instantly fell in love with All of My Heart. Lacey and Brennan had wonderful chemistry, and of course having Ed Anser in another hallmark movie was a plus. A very picturesque movie, love to know where they filmed the movie.

    1. Looks like the film was made in Vermont as they mentioned Jay Peak. I grew up near there.

    2. This was my favorite movie!! Brennan was so funny and they make a great couple. More movies with them would be great!

  3. This is the best of all the valentines movies. No wonder they saved the premiere for Valentine 's Day. The dance part was my favorite and that's all I'm going to say.

    1. I missed the dance? When was it?

  4. Awwww, Net, I really loved this movie more than I expected. The house, storyline and cast were great. Ed Asner was a plus; what a character he is and I fell in love with Brennan all over again. Wonderful job Lacey, Brennan and Hallmark!!!!

  5. I loved this movie! It has easily become my favorite Valentine's Day movie as well as my favorite Hallmark movie with Lacey Chabert. I agree with the above post...Lacey and Brannen had wonderful chemistry! The storyline, chemistry and beautiful setting made it an easy movie to enjoy. I can see why Lacey said in an interview that All of my heart was her favorite Hallmark movie to-date. I hope Brannen and Lacey work together again in the future...like maybe in a Hallmark Chridtmas movie? :)

  6. What was the goat's name?

    1. The goat's name is Gabby, she was a great asset to this film along the kids. What breed of goat is Gabby?

    2. I to would like to know what breed Gabby is. I also think she was a great asset.

  7. Loved it too but now I am going crazy trying to place one of the characters - Jenny's boss in the beginning of the movie???

    1. Me too! He was also at the end! Have google and googled, can't find his character!

    2. Thank you for your question, Anonymous and Deborah. I just wanted to be sure you knew Linda answers who the boss is in a comment below.

  8. When can I see "All of my Heart" on TV again?? Loved it

    1. It is being replayed today on Hallmark! I hope you can catch it!

  9. Jenny's boss was Paul McGillion. He played in Christmas Magic with Lindy Booth.

    1. Yes! That's him! Thank you for sharing this info and the actors name, Linda. It took me a little bit to figure him out, myself, while watching!

  10. I always like Lacey, but I have to admit I didn't expect to like the movie as much as I did. In part, it's because I didn't really get excited about the trailer, which usually gives me a good idea, and from it I also wasn't sure about Brennan Elliot together with Lacey, but having seen the movie I understand why it was impossible to really bring it across in a short trailer. The development of the character relationship is so gradual, you really do need the entire movie for it. It definitely is among my favorite Hallmark movies now.

    1. So true, Shae... The movie is terrific... Even better than the trailers! I love Lacey & Brennan in it... It's a new favorite for me, too!

  11. I am the very first anonymous poster, who was concerned about the casting of Brennan Elliot. Having now seen the movie, I have to give credit where it's due - Brennan did a great job, and I actually liked his character once he started living in the house. And of course, I loved Lacey as always. Oh, and gotta say I loved the giant Tommy (Daniel Cudmore), too!

    Anyway, just wanted to follow up my own post and admit I was wrong - Brennan did a fine job!

    1. What is the name of the song playing when Lacey and Brennan kiss upstairs during the rain storm

    2. The Song is : " Worlds Apart " by Josh Radin

    3. Thank you to the anonymous poster above who came back to say you loved Brennan in the movie! I thought he was great, too! I saw a bit of his Warren Saget Cedar Cove character, but then he warmed up to the farm and country life... And you couldn't help but like Brian and Jenny together! So sweet! Glad you liked it, too! I hope it's one they bring to DVD!

    4. Anonymous, thank you for sharing the song title above. I'm not familiar with it, myself, but I will definitely listen for it, next time, in the movie!

  12. Loved the movie "All of my Heart". Question, was that the same house used in "Growing the big one"? My wife and I compared the two houses going from one movie to the next and back and they sure look the same inside and out.

    1. I love that you love it, too!!! All of my Heart has certainly received a great response from many viewers who truly enjoyed seeing it on Valentine's weekend, and repeat showings, too.

      As for the house, I will have to check that out... Great catch!!!

    2. My sister and I also had the same thoughts about the house. So, yes it probably is the same house.

  13. Awwww, Net, I really loved this movie more than I expected. The house, storyline and cast were great. Ed Asner was a plus; what a character he is and I fell in love with Brennan all over again.Watch Free Online Movie Wonderful job Lacey, Brennan and Hallmark!!!!

  14. I watched both airings, and look forward to watching many future re-runs.
    I too think there is good chemistry between Brennan and Lacey, it seems
    natural and honest! Such a refreshing romantic-comedy, which is lacking
    in TODAY'S TV repetoire. I think Brennan is "ADORABLE'' ... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him.

  15. do anyone know if this movie soon to be released on dvd ?

  16. I was watching "Growing The Big One", starring Shannen Doherty, uses the same house that's featured in "All of my Heart". It looks like they filmed both movies in Canada.

    1. Just watched this show again. Same house used in Julius House with Candace C. Bure.

  17. Hallmark films many of their films in Vancouver area. As far as Brennan, he plays a good guy in Nanny Express.

    1. Also in movies with Brooke Shields where she owns flower shop and he owns a bar.

  18. greatest movie I have seen in a long time.no murders no naked people no foul language wow really great just two people falling in love day by day

  19. I'm glad hey got married. After all they already had 2 kids. Haha, lollol

  20. Ha-hahahahahahahahahaha,,,,,,now you really got me laughing!! Great little "pun", Anonymous, You're quick!!

  21. Can someone tell me the name of the song playing when they first kiss?

  22. What is the name of the song playing when they kissed?

  23. I just loved this movie and hope that it comes out on DVD soon!!!!

    A person above mentioned them dancing but I do not recall any dance in this movie. Did I happen to blink at the wrong moment. Can any body tell me roughly where it took place in the movie. Or was the person mistaking this for another movie.

  24. What was the song playing when they first kissed?

  25. See above post by Anonymous; the song was "World's Apart" by Josh Radin.

  26. Hey, Anonymous, the name of Josh's CD highlighting "World's Apart" is entitled "Onward and Sideways". I bought that and three others on Amazon.com. Another absolutely beautiful CD of his is "We Were Here". This boy's the bomb!!!

  27. AMAZING movie. My favorite Hallmark of all time. I've watched it on my DVR at least 10 times. I really hope Hallmark makes a follow up. I didn't love the ending and felt they could've done more. Let's see the wedding next! Brennan is one of my favs and Lacey was great with him! Mainly critique is I did t like Lacey's response to the proposal - corny, and she had some moments that weren't great acting. The editing was weak in several spots too but I LOVE the plot overall.

  28. Where can I buy all 9f my heart?

  29. What's with Lacey's makeup? Regardless of the Hallmark movie, she always looks like the makeup people used all the eye makeup they could find from the dollar store.

  30. I was not expecting this movie to be so good! The thing I loved most was not only the chemistry between Lacey and Brennan, but the character development! Most Hallmark love stories they just fall in love, the characters don't really change as a whole. Brian's character did, which is what I loved! Jenny slowly broke down his walls and turned him into hubby material! Wonderful movie, and I've seen a lot of Hallmark films. 10/10!

  31. This gem of a movie won my heart instantly! The chemistry between Brennan and Lacey was inescapable! Brennan's comedic timing was pure delight that left me wanting more! The characters develope so smoothly that it left you believing in the more to come. I love these two together! Need to see more of this! A pure delight from start to finish.

  32. i love this movie.....its like real....i mean the situation sometimes happen in real life....there is respect in each other....lacey and brennan did it well...hopn\ing to have another episode on their wedding...im soo excited if it will have sequel...same couple will be starred....by the way....ive got crush on brennan since ive seen this movie......too bad i live in the philippines and ist impossible to see him in person.....

  33. I have this movie at: www.TheHallmarkChannel.blogspot.com

  34. Today - Lacey Chabert & Brennan Elliott both announced "All of My Heart 2!"

    This is Great News for all of us who have been wanting more of this movie! See details HERE!!!


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