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~ James 1:17

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Books Turned into TV Series

As an avid reader, I have read some Debbie Macomber "Christmas Fiction" books, but none from the Cedar Cove Series. After reading many encouraging and positive reviews at Amazon, I'm thinking of checking them out. Have any of you, read them? I would love to hear (read) your thoughts! (please comment below!)

I thought I would list the books in order, with brief descriptions, by Debbie Macomber - for any you who might be interested in the series, as well.

Cedar Cove Book Series

Book #1
16 Lighthouse Road

Book Description:
Dear Listener, You don't know me, Olivia Lockhart, yet, but in a few hours that's going to change. You see, I'm inviting you to my home and my town of Cedar Cove, because I want you to meet my family, friends, and neighbors. Come and hear their stories - maybe even their secrets! I have to admit that my own secrets are pretty open. My marriage failed some years ago, and I have a rather...difficult relationship with my daughter, Justine. Then there's my mother, Charlotte, who has plenty of opinions and is always willing to share them.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #2
204 Rosewood Lane

Book Description:
Dear Listener, If you've been to Cedar Cove before, we've probably met. You can usually find me, Grace Sherman, either at home or at the public library, where I work. I've lived in this town all my life and raised two daughters here. But my husband and I - well, about six months ago, he disappeared. Just...disappeared. Where's Dan? Why did he go? Who's he with? Will I ever find out?

(Click here to read more...)

Book #3
311 Pelican Court

Book Description:
Dear Listener, One thing about Cedar Cove - people sure are interested in what other people are doing. Take me, Rosie Cox, for instance. Everybody in the town knows that my husband, Zach, and I recently got a divorce. Everybody also knows that Judge Olivia Lockhart decreed a pretty unusual custody arrangement. It won't be the kids moving between my place and Zach's. We're the ones who'll be going back and forth!

(Click here to read more...)

Book #4
44 Cranberry Point

Book Description:
Dear Listener,
I, Peggy Beldon, love living in Cedar Cove, but things haven't been the same since a man died in our B and B. Turns out his name was Max Russell, and Bob had known him briefly in Vietnam. We still don't have any idea why he came here and - most important of all - who killed him. Because it now appears that he was poisoned. I sure hope somebody figures it out soon!

(Click here to read more...)

Book #5
50 Harbor Street

Book Description:
Dear Listener,
Considering that I, Corrie McAfee, am married to Cedar Cove's private investigator, you might think I enjoy mysteries. But I don't - especially when they involve us! Roy and I have been receiving anonymous postcards and messages asking if we "regret the past". We don't know what they mean.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #6
6 Rainier Drive

Book Description:
Justine and Seth Gunderson are feeling the shock of the arson that destroyed their restaurant. They're eager to move on, but divided over which direction to take.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #7
74 Seaside Avenue

Book Description:
Meet blissfully happy newlyweds Bobby and Teri Polger. He's an international chess champion, she's a salon stylist, and both will soon be confronted by deadly threats from a vindictive Russian rival.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #8
8 Sandpiper Way

Book Description:
Dear Listener,
I, Emily Flemming, have something to confide in you. I think my husband, Dave, might be having an affair. I found an earring in his pocket, and it's not mine. I'm also worried because some jewelry was recently stolen from an old woman - and Dave used to visit her a lot. You see, he's a pastor. And a good man. I can't believe he's guilty of anything, but why won't he tell me where he's been when he comes home so late?

(Click here to read more...)

Book #9
92 Pacific Boulevard

Book Description:
Dear Listener:
I, Troy Davis, am not much of a letter-writer. As the sheriff here, I'm used to writing incident reports, not chatty letters. But my daughter, Megan -- who'll be making me a grandfather soon -- told me I had to do this. So here goes.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #10
1022 Evergreen Place

Book Description:
Dear Listener,
Guess what? I, Mary Jo Wyse, am falling in love! With Mack McAfee. My baby daughter, Noelle, and I have been living next door to Mack since the spring. I’m still a little wary about our relationship, because I haven’t always made good decisions when it comes to men.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #11
1105 Yakima Street

Book Description:
Dear Reader,
You’ve probably heard that my wife has left me. Rachel’s pregnant, and she says she can’t handle the stress in our household anymore. My 13-year-old daughter, Jolene, is jealous of her. Maybe it’s my fault. As a widower I, Bruce Peyton, spoiled her.

(Click here to read more...)

Book #12
1225 Christmas Tree Lane

Book Description:
The people of Cedar Cove know how to celebrate Christmas. Like Grace and Olivia and everyone else, Beth Morehouse expects this Christmas to be one of her best. Her small Christmas-tree farm is prospering, her daughters and her dogs are happy and well, and her new relationship with local vet Ted Reynolds is showing plenty of romantic promise. But...

(Click here to read more...)

More Cedar Cove Stories:
Christmas In Cedar Cove

Book Description:
First, drop in at 5-B Poppy Lane, where you’ll get a chance to visit with Helen Shelton; her granddaughter, Ruth; and Ruth’s husband, Paul. They’ll offer you a cup of mulled cider and the story of how they met – and they’ll share Helen’s breathtaking adventures during the Second World War.

Then drive out to Grace and Cliff Harding’s place. They have a small horse ranch not far from Cedar Cove. Mary Jo Wyse and her little girl, Noelle, will be there, too. Join them in reliving their memories of the Christmas Mary Jo came to Cedar Cove, pregnant and alone, and had her baby in the Hardings’ stable (well, actually the apartment above it). That’s the night firefighter Mack McAfee began to fall for Mary Jo and the idea of a family – with her.

Find out why every Christmas in Cedar Cove is special!

(Click here to read more...)

A little Extra:
Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Cookbook

Book Description:
Now, from Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Cookbook, you can relish in your own home the same superb meals found in Cedar Cove's households. Charlotte Rhodes, one of the series' most beloved characters, invites all fans of Cedar Cove, as well as anyone who enjoys classic home cooking, to join her in touring the town's kitchens as she shares more than 130 of her treasured family recipes. (And she's got plenty to tell you about the people of Cedar Cove, too!

(Click here to read more... )

Please let me know what you think of the Cedar Cove Book Series. Have you read some, all, or none? Are you interested or not interested? Also, for those who have read it - if you could rate a book, like a movie, would you say it was "G", "PG", or "PG-13"? Would you compare it to any other books or authors? Did you enjoy the series? Please share your thoughts by clicking on "Comments" or "Post a Comment" below.

Also, the Cedar Cove Book Series will be coming to the Hallmark Channel as a Weekly TV Drama Series. Are you excited to see these books come to TV?



  1. Oh, I have the first 5 or 6 in the series, but haven't read any of them, yet. I have waaaay too mant in my TBR stack(s)!! LOL
    When does the TV series start? I want to make sure I've read ahead before the series starts.

  2. I have read all of this series.... Has been very enjoyable - real people with real issues - it was just so hard to wait an entire year for the next book to come out. Was disappointed when the series ended.

  3. I am loving reading this series. Each book builds on the last one and keeps it all interesting. I think it would make a good series, if they will stay true to the books!

  4. I run an (unofficial) online Debbie Macomber book club called "Read along with Debbie and Me." We are reading through her Cedar Cove Series and next month we start in the 8th book. (We also will be reading "A Cedar Cove Christmas" in July for the whole "Christmas in July" thing...that's the order of the way the series goes...I asked...lol...I also will be hosting the July book on my blog as well).

    Anyways...I said all that to say, YES I have read the series up until the 7th book. I absolutely love it! I, personally, would give it a PG-13 rating simply because of the "sex scenes." Although they aren't graphic, or really often...it is in there. Also, some of the situations are more for an adult (not in a sexual sense...more for the seriousness of the matter).

    I really think you'll enjoy them. I was disappointed at first when I learned her 1225 Christmas Lane was the last book in the series. I mean...REALLY disappointed. I enjoyed this series so much I feel like I got to know the characters and it would be sad to not read about them anymore. Needless to say, I was THRILLED to hear that they are doing a series.

    here's the link to my eGroup if anyone wants to participate (after the Cedar Cove Series, we will be doing the Blossom Street series I believe): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/readalongwithdebbieandme/

  5. Susan, Angell, and Anonymous Posters...

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reviews. I'm glad you have enjoyed the series, or in Susan's case, look forward to reading them.

    I mostly read Christian Fiction, myself, but I have read many books before they were turned into movies. Such as: All of the Love Comes Softly Books, Emma, Pride and Prejudice, other Jane Austen and Charles Dickens books, etc... It's fun and interesting to see a story come to life!

    Hopefully, this will be a nice family series on the Hallmark Channel- much like the Heartland series on GMC.

  6. I LOVE the Cedar Cove Books. I have read all of them and the few supplemental shorter books that go long with them. I am beyond thrilled that this series will be on TV. I hope it is well cast and lasts a long time! I already read the first book in her new series (not released yet) and am in love with it. O LOVE DEBBIE!

  7. I love Debbie Macomber and have read many of her books - the most enjoyable being the Cedar Cove series. I will definitely watch the movie even though it will be hard seeing actors play the parts of the characters. After reading the entire series, I already have an idea of what each person would look like and it may not be what I see on screen.

  8. I have read almost all of her Cedar Cove Seris they are very very good!

  9. Cannot praise these books[and Debbie] enough. You can identify the characters and it's amazing how she keeps her facts straight from book to book. You can take a person or situation from any book and it will fit in another book equally in fact. She does a miraculous job

  10. I have read all of these books, enjoyed them all, so sorry when they ended.

  11. I so appreciate all the wonderful comments above. So far the Cedar Cove series has been "G" rated and I know many viewers are loving that.

    As for those of you who have read the book - I am glad to know many of you are enjoying the series, as well. I was wondering, does the show follow the books and the characters, closely? Just curious?

    Have a wonderful weekend, Everyone and I hope you enjoy a new Episode of Cedar Cove tonight!

  12. Can someone tell me who the actor is that is playing the role of private investigator Roy McAfee on the Cedar Cove TV series?

  13. Hey, HTH...his name is Mike Dopud....


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