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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, January 3, 2025

πŸ”” Ring in the New Year πŸ”” with a New Movie, When Calls the Heart, Christmas Classics and More

Warmest wishes to you all... on this first weekend of the new year!

I pray it will be peaceful for all of you who visit here.

AccuWeather is reporting a "Colossal winter storm to unleash snow, ice, severe weather from the Plains to the mid-Atlantic"! Over a dozen states and millions of Americans may be impacted. Are you one of them? Over the weekend, we are potentially expecting 6 inches of snow here in the Midwest! So, we are preparing for this event with groceries, water, batteries, phones charged, blankets, generators ready, etc... I'm just hoping we will keep our electricity, especially since we are expecting severe cold temperatures, as well. Be safe, everyone, this weekend if you are also in this region in the U.S.

Since the weather outside is certainly going to be frightful for many, it will be a good time to stay indoors and, perhaps, enjoy a new movie, the first episode of When Calls the Heart Season 12, and Christmas movie classics all weekend long!

See all of the details below...


Saturday, January 4, 2025:

Storyline: Tired of her bad luck, Fiona takes her mom on a trip to Ireland to turn things around where she meets a charming single dad who helps her make her own luck.

Premieres Saturday, January 4, 2025
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel


Sunday, January 5, 2025:

Episode 1 - The Mountie Way

Storyline: Elizabeth receives a sentimental surprise in time for Little Jack’s first day of school. Nathan trains a new Mountie cadet. Rosemary and Lee make a landmark decision.

Season 12 begins
Sunday, January 5, 2025
at 9pm/8c. on the Hallmark Channel


Christmas movies:

It's the last major Christmas movie hurrah this weekend! Classic Christmas movies will air (nearly) all weekend long on Great American Family, the Hallmark Channel, and Hallmark Mystery!

Highlights from all three channels include...

Great American Family: My Christmas Hero, Joy for Christmas, Twas the Text Before Christmas, A Christmas Less Traveled, Jingle Bell Princess, A Christmas Blessing, Once Upon a Christmas Wish, Christmas Under the Northern Lights, and more!

Hallmark Channel: The Nine Lives of Christmas, The Christmas Charade, Everything Christmas, One Royal Holiday, Christmas at the Plaza, Christmas Under Wraps, Santa Tell Me, and more!

Hallmark Mystery: Miracle in Bethlehem, PA, A Veteran's Christmas, Time for You to Come Home for Christmas, Five Star Christmas, Long Lost Christmas, Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through the Snow, The Christmas Secret, Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas, A Reason for the Season, and more!

Don't fret, Christmas movie watchers! Christmas won't completely be over this weekend. The spirit of Christmas will live in our hearts, plus both Great American Family and the Hallmark Channel will bring the Christmas classics we love back on Friday nights!

Coming on Friday, January 10th:
(*please check back for any schedule changes)

Great American Family:
A Kindhearted Christmas - 6pm/5c.
Once Upon a Christmas Wish - 8pm/7c.

Hallmark Channel:
My Norwegian Holiday - 5pm/4c.
Holiday Crashers - 7pm/6c.


I hope you all have a cozy and warm first weekend of January! Maybe something here will catch your eye and you'll want to watch it this weekend!

If you're curious about the new movies premiering on the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Mystery in February, click here.

In addition to the new premieres and Christmas movies this weekend, Hallmark Family has a 4-movie-marathon on Sunday of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" classic movies from 1pm/12c. to 9pm/8c.

I'm going to try to squeeze in as many Christmas movies as I can over the weekend (if we have power, due to the winter storm) and record many, too! My Christmas tree is still up and shining bright; I like to absorb as much Christmas as I can before we reluctantly decide to take it down.

Blessings on your weekend, everyone!


Sharing His Love:

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may get a heart of wisdom."
~Psalm 90:12

images: Hallmark Media / Great American Media


  1. Love your scripture Net, I just love the book of Psalm, it’s one of my favorites, specifically Psalm 23. I will be tuning in this weekend to the new movie and finishing the newest Aurora Teagarden ones on the Hallmark + app before my 7 day trial ends. Praying you have a safe week with that snow heading your way! I always wished we had snow where we are (the closest is probably Yosemite mountains or Shaver Lake) but I have a friend who lives in Midland Texas and she says no I would be sick of the snow.
    Hoping you at least have electricity so you can stay warm and cozy watching Christmas movies.

    1. Paula, Thank you so much for your prayers! They worked! We kept our power and the brunt of the snowstorm went around us. Praise God!

      My heart is now with California and the awful fires there. I hope and pray you and your family are safe. I hear there are more fires spreading with the dangerous high winds. Praying for everyone affected. Please let us know how you are doing when you can. I pray you are not affected by the fires or smoke. Take care, sweetie... God bless!

  2. What movies are you looking forward seeing this weekend

  3. I'm sure that in heaven, the spirit and warmth and coziness and wonder and feeling of Christmas NEVER ends! On earth we just get a temporary taste that teaches us to keep Christ in our hearts always even when we don't feel it. Here we live by faith, hope, and love; there we only need love. There is no January 6th in heaven. The wonder and beauty and love goes on forever and ever.

    1. Jim, Your words here are so beautiful and true! Let the spirit of Christmas live on through all of us in our hearts every day... on earth... as it is heaven! Thank you for sharing this wonderful glimpse of Glory with us!!!

  4. When Calls the Heart: Season 1
    Season 1 E1-4
    January 4, 2025
    Hallmark Family
    7pm- ET/4pm - 7pm PT

    When Calls the Heart: Season 1
    Season 1 E5-E8
    January 11, 2025
    Hallmark Family
    7pm- ET/4pm - 7pm PT

  5. Yup, it's a total snow fort outside right now!

    Only watching that new movie this weekend. -Maria

  6. My area is going to be hit with a major winter storm. Abigail, I am sending prayers your way because your lovely town is going to be hit even harder. :-( Please stay safe!

    1. Ohh! Thank you Joan. To be honest, I have some fears about tomorrow morning. We don’t have a working fireplace or a generator if the power goes out. I keep telling myself it’s all in the Lord’s hands, but I can’t help but have some worries. Thank you for thinking of me. You are a sweet friend Joan! You made me feel better. I’ll be praying for you too!

    2. Abigail,

      You are welcome! Thank you for the kind words. Your comment made me smile! I appreciate your prayers as well. We don't have a working fireplace either but luckily our power never went out. I pray you had the same experience. I don't do well in situations like these. We ended up with 9 inches of snow but I am not how much ice we received. Not sure when we will be able to dig out. It is going to be brutally cold here until the weekend. Stay safe my friend!

    3. The Lord has been gracious to us. We had 2 days of a lot of snow. And our roads are all very iced. Coming from Maryland, my family has been so EXCITED! They’ve been out all day playing in it. Me no, I’m on day 2 of a cold. Perfect time to catch up on movies and I caught the WCTH. We did not loose power thankfully, with the temp so low, I wasn’t sure how that would turn out indoors. I’m glad to hear that you too did well my friend. We have more snow coming on Friday, probably more ice too! Can you believe the city of Owensboro only has 2 salt trucks?! 🀣🀣

    4. Joan and Abigail, I'm so glad to hear you are both doing well, in spite of the harsh weather conditions there. When I saw the map initially I thought of you both and family I have that lives near there. Ice is the absolute worst. I'd rather have 10 feet of snow, than an inch of ice.

      In fact, I know how terrible ice is because we endured an ice storm before that left us without power for an entire week.!!!! It was really hard, especially when the temps outside were so low. But on the other hand, the low temps were helpful, so we could keep our food securely outside - since we didn't have power for the refrigerator. It was challenging, but I remember those days fondly now, how we all banded together. The tree limbs would break from the heaviness of the ice. It was creepy to hear the cracking noises. I remember it well. Everyone slept in the den in front of the fireplace every night. Such special memories!

      As for this go-around... we didn't get as much snow as was predicted for us, which was good. And even though they had predicted 50+ winds, we only had wind speeds in the teens. Praise God for that!

      I sure hope conditions for you both improve in coming days. I'm so grateful you have your power and heat. Take care!!!

    5. Thank you so much Net! You are so sweet! But, I am sorry to hear you have been thorough a terrible ice storm. My guess it was the same one KY endured in 2009. We also lost power for a week which was brutal because of the extreme cold that followed the storm in 2009. Yes, I have been stuck at home, since Sunday, but I have power and food and supplies.

      And Abigail, I am so happy to hear the Lord answered your prayers! But, that is so surprising to hear about Owensboro only having two salt trucks. Your city is not small.

  7. I so want to watch the WCTH, but we are expecting a winter (ice) storm here too Sunday morning. So we'll be having church at home. They say to expect power to go out to maybe 2 weeks. I'm praying that doesn't happen. We hare prepared food wise and charging phones, but our house fireplace isn't safe to use so I am concerned how cold our house will get without heat in the night. I'll be praying for all going through the winter storms this weekend. Stay safe my friends!

  8. What movies are you looking forward seeing this weekend

    1. I missed the two (2) GAF movies Net listed. Based on Itsawonderfulmovie community comments and storyline I will watch them.

      Please stay safe and warm.
      Best in 2025!
      Gabe’s Mom

  9. I guess I will go back to NOT watching Hallmark. I am so sick of the Golden Girls and Frasier and then to have Heartland join the channel is a bit much. It is on other channels.
    I am sorry to see the Christmas/ Holiday movies not being on.

    1. You surprise me. Early on in December, I couldn't wait to stop watching any new Christmas movie and go right back to my regular programs, and right now, I feel like screaming into a pillow at the thought of watching another movie for a long while!

      Christmas DOES come to an end eventually! There's many other yearly things to watch. -Maria

  10. Looking forward to the last hurrah! and new movies, too.

  11. Love of the Irish is decent enough for a 1 time watch. (Ali Liebert cameos as well). -Maria

  12. My tree is still up, too. I’m just not ready, yet. We’re going to watch Christmas today while waiting for the snow and When Calls the Heart tonight. Christie

  13. Hi All,

    I agree with Maria. "Love of the Irish" was a decent movie. Good enough for a one time watch. It had some bittersweet parts and some cute parts. Overall the quality of the acting was good. But, I didn't love it enough to watch it again.

  14. Net, Joan, Abigail and others - The snowstorm just missed us (in a Chicago suburb) by a few miles! I am praying that all of you with your families are safe and warm in your house!

    1. Hi Mark 25,

      Thank you so much! Glad to hear your area was not impacted. :-) We are doing okay but getting stir crazy. Luckily, I can work from home. I don't want to venture out on the roads.

      Hi Net,

      I hope your area was not impacted too much. I see you all were expecting 6 inches of snow. Hope you are staying safe and warm!

      Hi Maria,

      I hope you are doing okay too! I just read your comment about 'the snow fort'.

      I am already wishing it was spring!

    2. Mark 25, Hard to believe Chicago missed out on this one. It seems that area always gets hit by these major snowstorms. But winter is not over, yet. The ice storm I mentioned in my previous comment above happened for us in mid-March during Spring Break, so we never know, do we???

      Keep warm there, my friend, and take care! :)

  15. Lisa Hamilton Daly and her position as EVP Programming at Hallmark have been eliminated. Not sure what this means for the future or if Hallmark will return to non-woke programming, but it is interesting: https://deadline.com/2025/01/lisa-hamilton-daly-leaving-hallmark-media-head-programming-1236249179/

  16. You all may like hearing this ( I know I am, given how much of an impact she's had on the network over the last 5 years):

    Lisa Hamilton Daly has been sacked at Hallmark: https://deadline.com/2025/01/lisa-hamilton-daly-leaving-hallmark-media-head-programming-1236249179/


    1. I’m not surprised to see this. I thought it was rude the way she commented on the actors age. Hopefully Hallmark will hire someone much better to be like they used to be. The movies used to be soooo greater then!

  17. Has a date been decided yet concerning the premiere of Season 2 of When Hope Calls? –Steve

    I don’t have an exact premiere date, but I am told the Great American Family series will launch its sophomore run during Q2 (that means “April-June”) of this year.


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