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~ James 1:17

Friday, September 13, 2024

"Little House on the Prairie" Celebrates 50 Years - Share Your Favorite Episodes And Special Memories (Can You Guess Which Character I Portrayed In My School Play?)

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Little House on the Prairie, Hallmark Family is airing EVERY episode of the series in TEN days - beginning Friday, September 13th at 9pm EST. and ending on Sunday, September 22nd at 11:30pm EST.

The Little House on the Prairie series began on the NBC network on September 11, 1974, and ended on May 10, 1982.

See all of the episodes and characters you love, like Charles Ingalls, Laura, Mary, Caroline, Carrie, Grace, Albert, Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Beadle, Nels Olson, Willie, Dr. Baker, Reverend Alden, Almanzo Wilder, Adam Kendall, and more!

Plus, we'll also see some of the characters we didn't like so much (especially in the beginning), such as: Nellie, Harriett, and Nancy Olson! Ohhhh, that Nellie!

Every time I watch this series, it brings back wonderful memories of my childhood. Even though I grew up watching these shows in reruns, my family and I would still gather in our den to watch them together.

I wrote a play based on the Little House series when I was in school; I portrayed Laura (wearing my hair in braids, of course) and my sister portrayed Mary. And, yes, we had a Nellie, Willie, and lots of other characters, too! Those are such sweet memories.

So many favorite Little House on the Prairie episodes come to mind, it's difficult to name them all. I loved when Laura and Mary met Nellie, the horse race, the Christmas episodes (so touching!), the adorable raccoon, when Mary tries to win the award and nearly burns down the barn, the Ingalls family camping with the Olsons, Founder's Day, when Laura and Mary gamble Sunday school funds, Nellie's phonograph, the runaway caboose, and so many, many more... including the later years when Laura began teaching and fell in love with Almanzo.

Do you have any favorite episodes of Little House on the Prairie that you'd like to share? Does the series bring to mind wonderful memories for you, as well. Please share in comments below.

I hope you enjoy reminiscing down memory lane 
and watching this wonderful series again!


  1. Little House is one of my favorite shows to watch with my family. And your childhood play sounds so sweet Net! I love soooo many of them so here are some of my favorites spread out time wise.

    If I Should Wake Before I Die
    School Mom
    Family Quarrel
    The Campout
    Here Comes the Brides
    I’ll Be Waving as You Drive Away
    Harriet’s Happenings
    Sweet Sixteen

    I loved this show so much growing up since I was young. I would get a season for Christmas every year, and every year I looked very forward to it. It was hard for me to not over watch the day after Christmas. As a ten year old I was punished for watching it too much and I wasn’t allowed to watch The Little House for a month! I was in the middle of Laura’s baby being born too! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Abigail, You mentioned many of the "Little House" episodes that I love, too! It's almost hard to believe after watching those early episodes how Nellie went from being so horribly mean to actually being nice to Laura.

      And who would think it would work to recreate the Nellie character into Nancy, but I believe it worked so well because the actress who portrayed her was beyond fantastic, maybe even better (dare I say?) than Nellie.

      I bet that was really hard going without "Little House" for a whole month when you were 10 years old. Wow! That would've been difficult for me, too, at that age.

      Thank you for sharing how much you love "Little House," too!

      Since you're such a big fan, Abigail, I must ask... if you could be any character in Walnut Grove for a day, who would you choose?

    2. Definitely Mary, I am the oldest sibling, have blond hair, can be a “tad” bossy my siblings tell me(haha),but love to help out since I still live at home. My mom told me I was the second mom to my younger sibs when I was a young teen. I love serving my family and I see that in Mary, being her mother’s right hand in the kitchen and housework.

      And I wear glasses. ;)

    3. I forgot to mention the episode when Nellie meets her love!! A man that would be the head of the family not like her mother.

  2. I figured it was Laura, but I thought your sister would be Carrie, lol. I follow her also. I also realized, that I was correct that I am older. I watched the beloved series as new episodes, growing up right along with Laura. The character was just a year or so ahead of me. I had an older sister with long blonde hair and like Laura I was the brunette. I even, in the early years of the show, lived in a little house in the woods, in a rural area’s small town. Daddy was the Pastor. Cherished memories! Cherished show!

    1. Becky, I love that you follow me & my Sis!!! That is really sweet!

      Nea is truly THE BEST older (although, we're fairly close in age) Sister! She's always been protective and caring, a great teacher and my best friend! I think we have a lot of the same qualities and similar looks to Laura and Mary, as well, just like you and your sister, Becky.

      I love that you lived in a little house in the woods similar to the show. That is wonderful that you grew up in such a loving small community with your Daddy as the pastor. That is beautiful, and it explains why you are so kind and thoughtful! Thank you for sharing your cherished memories with us! :)

  3. I guessed you were probably Laura! You seem too nice to play Nellie, but I bet she would be fun to play, at least for a day.

    I grew up watching LHOTP, too. We would all watch every week, never fail. I love that picture of Charles Ingalls laughing, that’s how I always picture him in my mind. Christie

    1. Christie, You also guessed correctly! I think you're right that it would be fun to play Nellie, maybe once!!! Haha!

      That picture of Charles Ingalls (Michael Landon) also warmed my heart. What a beautiful smile he had and that laugh; it was obviously infectious to those around him. And for those of us watching him on TV, too!

      I was just thinking recently how fathers on TV today are portrayed versus Charles Ingalls, who was a strong, caring man and provider for his family, even leaving town, if needed, to find work. In most cases, fathers aren't portrayed in the same way on TV today. Men need strong father figures like this to emulate, especially if they don't have them in real life.

      I think "When Calls the Heart" may be one of few shows, currently airing on TV, that still highlights fatherhood as a positivity. And, of course, Michael Landon Jr. is one of the producers of WCTH. It all comes full circle.

      Thank you, Christie, for also sharing your love of "Little House"!

  4. WOF!s 50th Anniversary next year 2025

    1. Do you mean Wheel of Fortune? If so, that’s great. It’s not the same without Pat Sajak, but I guess the wheel keeps turning. However, in my heart it will always be Pat and Vanna!

    2. Premiering in 1975, the beloved game show has had a few different iconic hosts in its nearly 50 seasons.
      1975 - 1981 : Chuck Woolery was the original host of Wheel of Fortune until he departed in 1981. 1981 - June 2024: Pat Sajak took over and became a beloved Wheel of Fortune host for over 40 years. September 2024: Ryan Seacrest was declared the newest host as Sajak announced his retirement

    3. Pat Sajak agreed to continue as a show consultant for three years after hosting

      Pat Sajak will remain the host of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune

    4. Though Ryan Seacrest is now hosting Wheel of Fortune five days a week, we actually haven’t seen the last of Pat Sajak. New episodes of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, with Sajak as host, will begin airing Monday, Oct. 14, 2024 at 8/7c on ABC.

  5. I've always loved:

    The Lord is My Shepherd Part 2 with Ernest Borgnine as Jonathan the angel

    Little Girl Lost when Carrie falls down the well

    The Hunters with Burl Ives as the blind man who helps Laura find Mr. Edwards

    1. Those are all wonderful episodes of "Little House," too! So touching!

      I agree; both Ernest Borgnine and Burl Ives were incredible actors!

  6. Hi Net!

    I just knew you played Laura. :-) I bet you were cute as a button. :-) I absolutely loved 'Little House' so much. As a child, the book series was also one of my favorites as well as the Nancy Drew book series. Anyway, the 'Little House' TV series was very good. It was wholesome, lessons were taught and learned and family was front and center. I wanted to be Laura, attending a one-room school house. One of my ancestors, was the first female teacher in the state of KY.

    1. Joan, You guessed right! I was, indeed, Laura! It was my dream-come-true as a little girl. In addition to wearing my hair in braids, I also wore a pioneer dress and bonnet, so I had the whole look. I really felt like I was Laura Ingalls. Such sweet memories!

      The way you described "Little House" is perfect; it is still such a wholesome, well-loved series by families all over the world.

      That is remarkable that your ancestor was the first female teacher in Kentucky. What an incredible story; she must have been an exceptional, determined woman, much like the real Laura Ingalls.

      Thank you, Joan, for sharing with us! :)

    2. Hi Net,

      You are welcome. My ancestor's name was Frances Jane Greenleaf Coomes. Coomes was her married name. She is related to me on my maternal line. She really was a pioneer for her time. She was both a teacher and doctor. Very interesting woman who I would have enjoyed meeting. Thank you for your kind words. I truly feel she was exceptional. I am very proud to say she is one of my ancestors. :-)

    3. There’s a real life Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote books called; “Little House on the Prairie”.

      They made movies & TV Series

      There’s only 9 Seasons & 4 specials

    4. Very neat Joan!! I just love to look up family history.


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