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~ James 1:17

Saturday, September 14, 2024

πŸŽ„ Great American Family Announces TWO Premiere Dates For Their 2024 Christmas Movie Season πŸŽ„ SEE HERE:

During the premiere of "Love's Second Act" on Great American Family, the network aired two separate promos for their first two Christmas Movie Premieres for the 2024 Christmas movie season!

"CHRISTMAS IN SCOTLAND," starring Jill Winternitz and Dominic Watters, is set to premiere Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 8pm/7c. as the first of 17 original Christmas premieres for Great American Family.

Storyline: A New York installation designer helps a small Scottish community create a dazzling light display to win “Best Christmas Village” festival. The designer is forced to work with a wealthy heir who doesn’t like Christmas, though feelings may change if the pair succeeds in creating joy for the community.

"Christmas in Scotland" has previously aired on streaming sources. Jane, who is a great friend and terrific contributor to It's a Wonderful Movie shared this review:

πŸŽ„ Christmas in Scotland. Cute movie. (Watched on Xumo Play app, free on Roku but you just have to endure commercials.) I’ll give pretty much any movie based in Scotland a watch and I loved that this one was filmed locally and we could see authentic scenery and set locations instead of it being somewhere in Canada. The script and the premise are rather lacking and the movie had some typical “eye roll” moments but it also had its share of sweet and warm moments (the hot chocolate game was a cute and unique twist on a Christmas-movie staple) and I appreciated hearing some genuine UK accents instead of Americans faking it. The lead actor was kind of different than the usual leading man but I thought he felt pretty genuine in his role. The lead actress was okay but I didn’t really think she was a perfect fit for a warm fuzzy Christmas role (she has the look of Autumn Reeser but her mannerisms and tone of voice comes off as much less lighthearted than Autumn, in my opinion). I could better see her in a role that is more serious or serious with a side of quirky or light sarcasm; maybe in a mystery movie as the serious detective or the coroner along with a male lead who can provide the touch of lightness and humor and also just a hint of romance. And the two leads didn’t have the greatest of romantic chemistry, it was okay but could have been better with different casting. (Also, I was not crazy that she had a loser boyfriend throughout the movie so it felt weird for her to be falling for another guy, even though the boyfriend was an ocean away.) One cringeworthy element to the movie was the actor that played her father - he was way over-acting to the point of being ridiculous (I’ve seen him in other roles years ago and he wasn’t nearly as horrible as this one; I was actually wondering if he’s had a stroke or something that affected the way he acts?). I’m not a huge fan of Reel One movies, I feel they tend to be a bit low-budget and the sound is usually rather bad, but I’m happy to say this one was good and fun for a one-time watch, for me. Family friendly (except there is a weird, awkward scene at the beginning of the movie where the loser boyfriend briefly says he’s rented them a suite at The Plaza hotel so they could spend Christmas there, implying they’d be sharing the room???). ~~Jane

If you've seen "Christmas in Scotland" and would also like to share a review, please do so in comments below.

The second movie announced was "A CHRISTMAS CASTLE PROPOSAL," starring Rhiannon Fish and Mitchell Bourke.

This Christmas movie will premiere on Sunday, October 20, 2024, at 8 p.m./7c.

Storyline: Olivia, a commoner, travels with Prince Alexander to his family’s magical palace, Torovia so their families can spend a first Christmas together. The couple’s plans for a enchanted Christmas are threatened by comedic mishaps caused by cultural differences between the families.

For more details on Great American Christmas 2024 - visit here!

Be sure to stay tuned 
for more movie news!


  1. For more details on Great American Christmas 2024 - visit here!

    Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

    1. Thank you for letting me know. The broken link has been fixed above.

  2. Never saw Christmas in Scotland so I am looking forward to tha. I did hear the 17 movies so it has gone up by one. I think by the time they make the anoouncement of all the dates for the movies they will announce even more.

  3. Thanks so much! -Maria

  4. Probably there’s probably could be more than 17 episodes on Great American Family for Great American Christmas since last year had 21 Christmas movies

  5. I think it was said that there would be more than 16 movies this Christmas, wasn't it?

  6. Wow, I wasn’t expecting this news this early. I’m surprised GAF is starting with a movie that has already aired on streaming. The Rhiannon Fish movie would’ve been a better choice, in my opinion.

  7. I’m still putting out my fall decor, but I feel like it won’t be long now until I’m decorating for Christmas!

    These both look good. I really enjoyed reading Jane’s review.

  8. I watched the movie. It was pretty good. I think the lead actress wasn't the best fit. Still better than not Jodie Sweetin movies.



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