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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, June 2, 2023

Leading the Way in June - a New Dancing MysteryπŸ”Ž and 2 Wedding Movies...πŸ’’ See Here:

Happy first weekend in June, everyone!

When I think of June, I think... school's out, summer's almost here, June Weddings, Flag Day, Father's Day, and vacation time!

With the new wedding movies and dancing mystery premiering Friday through Sunday... hopefully, you'll have a little downtime, and one of the new movies will sweep you off your feet!

See all of the movie details below...


Friday, June 2, 2023:

Watch Lacey Chabert in two Crossword Mysteries movies - leading up to the premiere of her new mystery...

Storyline: Sparks fly when a no-nonsense detective (Lacey Chabert) must reluctantly team up with a charismatic British dance star (Will Kemp) in order to solve a murder, literally one step at a time, at a stunning luxury resort in Malta!

Premieres Friday, June 2, 2023
at 9pm/8c. on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

*Encores Sunday, June 4th at 5pm/4c.


Saturday, June 3, 2023:

Enjoy a full day of classic wedding rom-coms on the Hallmark Channel leading up to the premiere of...

Storyline: Trish is a journalist who is on back-to-back bridesmaid duty for her three best friends. When her date is unable to join, she pairs up with photographer Ryan, the brother of her best friend.

Premieres Saturday, June 3, 2023
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel


Sunday, June 4, 2023:

Here comes the Bride(?) in UPtv's premiere of...

Storyline: A diehard romantic sets a date for her wedding despite still being single. As she goes on a quest to find a fiancΓ©, she’s unaware true love might be right under her nose.

Premieres Sunday, June 4, 2023
at 7pm/6c. on UPtv

*Read Florence's movie review of The Wedding Wish - here!


Sunday, June 4, 2023:

See a special encore presentation on the Hallmark Channel of the faith-based film...

Storyline: Dawn Spencer (Amanda Schull) approaches the Easter holiday trying to balance being a single parent while working to get out of the debt left behind by her ex-husband. Feeling overwhelmed, Dawn unearths a bracelet she made years earlier and stored away. She created it using four beads with the intention of using each one as a reminder to count the blessings in her life. As Dawn begins to focus on the good, her faith is renewed, and her life takes a positive turn. Thanks to the support of Dawn’s church community and the encouragement by Ben (Carlo Marks), who recently came into her life, the blessing bracelets help take her down a path she never could have imagined.

Encores Sunday, June 4, 2023
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel

*Read movie reviews of The Blessing Bracelet from Maria, Allie B, Joan, Joyce in Carolina, Donna, Namegirl, and myself - here!


I hope you all have a pleasant weekend ahead! If your temps are going to be really hot, like mine, be sure to keep cool (as much as possible!) and stay hydrated.

I'm looking forward to taking a break from the heat and watching Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp's new movie together! I adore their previous films - Love, Romance, and Chocolate and Christmas Waltz, so I'm hopeful this one will be just as good!

Please Note: I haven't screened the new movies. If you'd like to share a review, please do so in comments below...

For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to see The Blessing Bracelet yet, I highly recommend it! The movie is such a beautiful story of faith and redemption. I pray it also blesses and inspires you!

Have a wonderful, blessed weekend, everyone!


"The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you..."

~Numbers 6:24-25

Click on the Blessing Bracelets below for more details...


  1. I like Stephanie Bennett and Casey Deidrick so I'm hopeful for Wedding Season - just hope the content is okay.

    Maybe it's just the photo but I'm slightly perturbed Will Kemp is beginning to show his age a bit.

    Not too sure about the dancing theme for their new mystery, - Christmas Waltz was just so magical that it might be hard to relate to this one - Florence

    1. Florence, I know, it's harder to see two people we've seen as other characters become someone else. Can Lacey and Will effectively make us forget about Christmas Waltz in this new mystery movie - as they are dancing together again? That is TBD - to be determined.

      However, since I'm delighted to see them together again, I'm sure I'll forgive them both if it isn't quite as enchanting as Christmas Waltz or Love, Romance, and Chocolate, as both are very difficult to match, let alone top.

      Hope you enjoy the new premieres! :)
      Blessings, Net

  2. Thank you for the updates. Why ate they showing a mystery movie on a Friday though πŸ€”?

    1. Misty, I think they are trying to see if airing the mysteries on Friday nights might improve their ratings. But I've always heard Friday nights are usually the hardest night to get good ratings on, so I'm not sure if it makes sense strategically.

      Or, another theory I have is... maybe they are planning to air the new HMM Christmas movies on Friday nights and leave Saturday and Sunday for the Hallmark Channel - so they are seeing how this goes now. Just an idea! :)

    2. Joyce in CarolinaSunday, June 04, 2023

      Hey Net! I have wondered too why HMM changed to Friday nights to air new mysteries. Like you I have always heard Friday is harder to get the best ratings. Are the ratings on HMM down that much to make them try this?

    3. Joyce, From what I've seen, the ratings have been down for mysteries overall.

      This is the ratings for
      "The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango" ::

      Audience - 343,000
      Ratings - 0.11
      Change - +17%

      Not sure how this compares to the other mysteries, but I think it's an improvement.

    4. Are you sure about those figures, Net?

      The least watched HMM movie this year was The Blessing Bracelet with 660,000 (overnight).

      It might be a bad idea for HMM to air on a Friday but I would be very surprised if a movie with Chabert and Kemp only had half of their worst audience to date this year? - Florence

    5. The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango
      Ratings: 0.87

    6. Florence, The source I found this original ratings figure - initially gives the numbers (above) for HMM on June 2nd, but after I clicked on HMM, I just discovered it shows different, higher ratings numbers specifically for the original movie that aired that night, which, of course, was "The Dancing Detective."

      The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango:

      Rank / Program / Audience / Change
      1 / HMM Original Movie / 870,000 / +10%

      This is a much higher rating for an HMM mystery movie - than what they are typically used to. I'm sure it must have been the star power of Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp that brought in the viewers.

      According to the other ratings numbers I've seen, "The Jane Mysteries: Inheritance Lost" has the lowest ratings numbers of all the mystery premieres this year. Although, numbers for "A Nashville Legacy" and "Spring Breakthrough" are not available where I looked, so I'm not sure how they did without doing a further search.

    7. "The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango" ranks (so far) third in the ratings for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries this year.

      1. Curious Caterer: Grilling Season
      2. Family History Mysteries: Buried Past
      3. The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango

      Both "Curious Caterer" and "Family History Mysteries" had over 1 million viewers.

      "Family History Mysteries" was the first HMM premiere after Christmas and "Curious Caterer," of course, had great star power with Nikki DeLoach and Andrew Walker.

    8. I think that airing on a Friday night rather than the weekend would have an adverse effect on viewing figures to some extent - Florence

  3. I’m calling my friend who only has the Hallmark ch. and telling her to watch The Blessing Bracelet. I know she’ll love it. Wish they’d play more Hallmark Movies&Mysteries movies like this on the Hallmark ch.

    1. What a sweet friend you are! I'm sure they will love it as much as you do! :)

      Blessings, Net

  4. I will definitely try the mystery, and will try the Wedding Season too, but I have a feeling it'll make me hungry for Sam's Club chocolate and white buttercream cake! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Abigail, Oh my goodness! I hope you can have a yummy treat while you watch. Definitely need some ice cream with that cake to beat the heat. (haha!) Enjoy the movies! :)

    2. Mmmm,,,chocolate and white buttercream cake with ice cream! You really know how to make this sweets-loving-guy crave for dessert!

    3. Yeah, anything but whipped, right! And yes to ice cream!

  5. Only recording The Wedding Wish this weekend. -Maria

    1. Maria, Hope you like The Wedding Wish. Did you notice it has the same leading actor, Alex Trumble, from Lucky Hearts? I thought that was interesting.

      I mean, I know Reel One Entertainment often uses the same actors/actresses, but they don't usually play the same actors this close together on UP.

      Anyway, hope you enjoy it! :)
      Blessings on your weekend, Net

    2. I saw! Quite interesting. -Maria

  6. Hey Net, I see you have now surpassed 27 million clicks! Congratulations!! It just goes to show how many people appreciate this site and everything you do here!! (And how famous you are...can we get an autograph?!) :)

    1. Congrats Net! -Maria

    2. Mark 25 - Yay! Thank you for adding to the number with your clicks and for being such a valued member of this IAWM family!

      I'm so humbled and grateful for everyone who takes a minute or two out of their day to visit here. It really means so much to me. My heart is full!!!

      Bless you, my dear friend! Net

      By the way, I sent you an email recently... did you get it?

  7. Rewatched A Royal Seaside Romance today. :) -Maria

  8. Net, sorry, it had been a couple of days since I checked that email address. I probably just missed your posting. But I have responded to it. Thanks for making me aware!

  9. Hi Net!
    I will definitely be tuning into the new mystery movie, I love Lacey in pretty much everything she does & I will also be watching the Wedding Season movie, I really enjoyed the movies those two actors have been in that I have watched. Here in CA we will be at 95 tomorrow! So I’ll be recording these two movies and planning to watch the mystery one with my husband, we like to see who can crack the case first. Also, love the Numbers scripture you posted, we sing that song at church and I love when they make songs and quote scriptures, it helps you to remember the scriptures when you continue to hear them. Have a blessed weekend everyone! 😊

  10. —Last comment was posted by Paula

    1. Paula, Thank you for your sweet comment. Hope you were able to keep somewhat cool over the weekend, in spite of the oppressive heat. And I hope you enjoyed the new mystery! If so, who solved it first???

      By the way, I also love scriptures that are turned into worship songs! :)

      God bless, Net

  11. The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango Review...

    I thought this film was so cute and charming. It wasn't your average mystery series movie, definitely a rom com. Lacey and Will are perfect together! Their chemistry was spot on! I loved the dancing in water scene and hope to see more! Family-friendly as well.

    It would have been nice if they didn't show them in the bed together, I know he was sleeping on the sofa, but still.
    And I loved the blue/navy dress with orange and yellow fruit she was wearing while dancing in the water.

    1. Abigail, Thank you so much for this wonderful, detailed review for "The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango." I appreciate how you shared what you liked and didn't like, without revealing too much. You're always so good at that!

      I'll have to look for that dress you mentioned. Maybe we can track it down! :)

      I shared your review here:

      Blessings, Net

  12. I enjoyed tonight's movie. Slow burn romance. Based on Samantha Chase's book. She had another book-to-film: The Christmas Cottage.

    1. dstoutholcomb, The Christmas Cottage was already filmed for Hallmark Christmas Channel for Countdown to Christmas in 2017

      It’s based on the book by Samantha Chase

      Merritt Patterson as Lacey Quinn
      Steve Lund as Ean Callaghan
      Brittany Wilson as Ava Callaghan

      There’s a legend about the Christmas cottage: any couple who spends the night will find their happily ever after. But Lacey Quinn doesn’t believe in things like happily ever afters, much less the legend of the Christmas cottage. ...

    2. dstoutholcomb, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on "Wedding Season." I've always enjoyed "The Christmas Cottage."

      I shared your review here:

    3. Anonymous, dstoutholcomb is aware "The Christmas Cottage" has already aired on the Hallmark Channel. She simply wanted to share both films, "The Christmas Cottage" and "Wedding Season," are based on books written by the same author, Samantha Chase.

    4. Net, I thought when she mentioned another book to film The Christmas Cottage but it’s already filmed The Christmas Cottage so, although by thinking it’s a sequel to Christmas Cottage: Ever After.

      The Christmas Cottage & Ever After are based on the books by Samantha Chase

      There’s a legend about the Christmas cottage: any couple who spends the night will find their happily ever after.

      But Lacey Quinn doesn’t believe in things like happily ever afters, much less the legend of the Christmas cottage. The only reason she’s even in the cottage in the first place is to fulfill her maid of honor duties and make sure it’s fully decorated for the newlyweds.

      It was supposed to be a simple task.
      Then sexy Ean Callahan, the bride-to-be’s brother, walked in.

      With Ean’s help, decorating should have been a breeze. But Mother Nature decided she had other plans and they soon find themselves trapped in the cottage by a blizzard.

      She might tell herself she doesn’t believe in legends, but a snowy night in a romantic cottage is the perfect setting for Lacey to start wondering if there is something to be said about fairy tales and true love

      She could have had the fairy tale wedding of her dreams. Instead, she walked away to find her true happily ever after.

      But it found her before she could even start her search.

      It took her eight months, but Ava Callahan finally has her life just how she wants it after walking out on her own wedding. But it doesn’t take long for chaos to reign once again thanks to a chance encounter with the man who threw her world into complete disarray in the first place.

      Brian McCabe has spent eight months seeking the women he loves but he’s about to run out of patience. There’s no time left for subtlety and he’ll do what it takes to get Ava’s attention, including purposefully putting himself in her path even when it doesn’t always work out the way he wanted. Now he just needs to hope that she’ll finally see him for who he is.

      Her happily ever after.

      If The Christmas Cottage & Ever After are both books into 1 movie: Christmas Cottage for the wedding of Ava Callaghan & Brian McCabe

  13. The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango. Totally agree with Abigail, this was a really cute movie and had me laughing at times. And the dancing in the water scene was unique; it could've gone way too sensual but they kept it light and fun. Looking forward to more movies with Will and Lacey. Family friendly, except there was one teeny tiny blip of an objectionable comment where someone implied that the dead guy (who was married) might like/appreciate handsome young males - it was vague and just a quick blip, easily missed.

    1. Jane, It's so nice to hear from you and get your take on "The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango"! So good to hear how much you enjoyed Will and Lacey together again in this new mystery! I'm extra glad to hear they kept the dancing scenes decent and family-friendly, as well.

      Thank you for the caution on the brief comment. I always appreciate how thorough you are with details.

      I shared your review here:

      Blessings to you! Net

  14. The Wedding Wish was a bit wacky, but good enough for a 1 time watch. -Maria

    1. Maria, Thank you for this review! Based on the promos I've seen, I have a feeling I'll feel much the same when I watch it.

      I shared you review here:

  15. Hi!

    Sorry for the delay in posting. I was away enjoying a much needed vacation! :-) It looks like I am in the minority, but I honestly did not enjoy the new mystery with Lacey and Will. It bored me to tears throughout most of the movie. I figured out, who did it, rather quickly. The scenery was lovely and Lacey and Will had decent chemistry but I felt like Lacey was miscast. She did not seem to enjoy her role. I can't quite put my finger on it. Anyway, I thought Lacey and Will were MUCH better in 'The Christmas Waltz' which is one of my all time favorite holiday movies.

  16. Dancing Detective: The Deadly Tango is family friendly about Constance Bailey who goes undercover as a contestant in a ballroom dance competition to investigate the murder of a high-profile CEO. She enlists the help of Sebastian Moore to help her pass herself off as a real contestant. Moore is described as a “charismatic and free-spirited performer.” The descriptions are reminiscent of the characters the two played in “Christmas Waltz,” except without the murder mystery twist.

  17. Random Reviews...

    Dancing Detective: The Deadly Tango –

    I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful dancing mystery. Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp charmed me once again – as they tangoed their way through untangling the murder-mystery of who killed Mark Aston, a high-profiled CEO in Malta.

    I must admit, “Christmas Waltz” will always be first place in my heart, but I loved this movie, too. Lacey and Will, once again, have wonderful chemistry together on screen; it was easy to see an attraction build between their characters. I loved how they teased and called each other various famous detective names throughout the movie, including Columbo, Jessica Fletcher, Rockford, Inspector Morse, Poirot, Sherlock Holmes, etc… That was such a fun, lighthearted touch to the film. I kept waiting for someone to say Adrian Monk or Remington Steele, but unless I missed it, neither was mentioned.

    Be sure to read Jane’s review for a brief caution regarding the victim in the story. I, too, was also glad all of the dancing was family-friendly and enjoyable to watch - nothing sultry.

    My favorite scene is when Lacey’s character, Constance Bailey, dreams she and Sebastian Moore are dancing in an old movie. The scene fades to black and white and literally feels like you are watching a film on Turner Classic Movies, with all the glitz and glamour of old Hollywood.

    The upbeat background music throughout the movie also brought a lively, mysterious feel to the film. “Dancing Detective” is a delightful mystery that will keep you on your toes, and I hope they make more of these movies with the same feel as this original. ~Net

    The Wedding Wish –

    I made it through around 20+ minutes of this movie and decided that was enough for me. The lead girl, Jenny, is attempting to find a groom to get married before her 35th birthday as a psychic had predicted she would do. This is not only mentioned once, but numerous times with her guy friend, Aidan, who is gay. In the first few minutes Aidan is sitting with Jenny at a restaurant and he suddenly glances away and says he is going to make this man’s day and ask him out, and he walks over to the restaurant counter and gets the man’s number. At first, I wasn’t sure if this was a date or a meeting; that’s why I kept watching. But after rewinding and replaying the scene again, I could clearly see it was a date. After that and the mention of tarot cards, I was personally done with this one. The story was rather cheesy, anyway. ~Net

  18. On a Wing and a Prayer –

    I decided to try this movie, which is marketed as a faith-based film, since it was still available to watch free with my Amazon Prime.

    There are some intense scenes, some brief language, and casual drinking, which I feel is better suited for a mature audience. The one quick scene I must strongly caution is when Dan, a supporting cast member, drinks too much and meets a woman at a bar. They are very flirtatious with one another, and we are made aware that they leave together, but that’s it. The point of showing this is because this character is acting irresponsible that night, and the next day, he has one of the biggest missions of his life.

    I thought Dennis Quaid’s performance as the loving husband and father Doug White was excellent, especially when he had to take over flying the plane with his wife and two daughters on board when the pilot perished mid-flight. Due to other circumstances in his life, Doug was seriously questioning his faith in God.

    Jesse Metcalfe’s character, Kari Sorenson, is a real-life pilot and flight instructor who is coping with the grief of losing his family previously in a plane crash. Kari is suddenly tasked with trying to help Doug land the plane through a storm and what seems like insurmountable odds.

    This film has a powerful message about trusting and leaning on God through all situations in our lives and allowing God to use our weaknesses for His Glory.

    Overall, the meaning behind this film was uplifting and inspirational. I also thoroughly enjoyed the music that was chosen near the end of the movie, including the “Hallelujah” song and the beautiful old hymn “I’ll Fly Away,” which was sung by Dennis Quaid.

    I would recommend this film only for a mature audience who enjoys action-adventure. ~Net

    *If you have Amazon Prime, you can stream "On a Wing and a Prayer" free on Amazon - *here*.


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Whatever you choose, I enjoy hearing from you! Blessings, Net