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~ James 1:17

Monday, April 22, 2019

Hallmark Announces Christmas Movie - "Five Cards for Christmas!"

Chad Michael Murray and Torrey DeVitto images: Hallmark Crown Media

With their latest announcement, Hallmark has revealed a "One Tree Hill" reunion - in a Christmas movie!

Last year, Lifetime had their own reunion special and movie, with several cast members from the show, including: Hilarie Burton, Robert Buckley, Danneel Ackles and Antwon Tanner - starring in "The Christmas Contract."

This year, according to Hallmark, this OTR reunion will include Chad Michael Murray (Road to Christmas), Torrey DeVitto (Best Christmas Party Ever), and Drew Seeley (A Christmas for the Books) starring in the movie, "Five Cards for Christmas!"

Also starring in the movie, are Grant Show and Lolita Davidovich (Once Upon a Christmas Miracle).

Storyline via Hallmark:
"The movie centers around a recently single Jessica (DeVitto) who sends Christmas cards to give people that have impacted her life -- the aunt (Lolita Davidovich) who raised her, her younger brother in the military, a popstar (Drew Seeley) that was part of the soundtrack of her life, the music teacher that inspired her, and the best friend who always tells the truth."

Sounds like this is definitely another Hallmark movie to look forward to - during this upcoming holiday season! With 40 NEW Hallmark Christmas films premiering this year during the 10th Anniversary of Countdown to Christmas - there is certain to be something for everybody to enjoy!


  1. This one’s plot seems pretty unique. Looking forward to it!

  2. Joyce in CarolinaMonday, April 22, 2019

    Love both of these actors! Looking forward to this one!!

  3. The Ring for Christmas (2019)

    Hallmark Channel movie to be filmed in Market Square

    NEWBURYPORT – The city’s Christmas tree in Market Square has been declared dead, so it will be coming down in the next few days — ending weeks of speculation by residents and workers alike.

    But another tree, either a real or artificial one, will be erected in the same spot soon after, according to the mayor’s office. 

    Weeks ago, Lois Honnegar, executive aide to Mayor Donna Holaday, said the city was approached by a movie production company considering Market Square as a shooting location.

    On Thursday, Honnegar confirmed the Hallmark Channel movie “A Ring For Christmas” will be at least partly filmed in Market Square. She said film crews will be there for a week or two starting in late February. 

    Honnegar said she hopes someone will want to donate a tree that will be featured in the movie. 

    In September 2016, scenes from the movie “Chappaquiddick” were filmed at the Clark Currier Inn on Green Street and a State Street address. Other scenes were filmed in Ipswich, Rockport and Rowley.
    A year earlier, Martin Landau and Paul Sorvino were among those filming “The Last Poker Game” at The Grog on Middle Street. 

    Hallmark Channel is known for producing dozens of family-themed movies, many of them set during Christmas.

    Among the movies recently released by the studio were “Valentine in the Vineyard” starring Rachael Leigh Cook and Brendan Penny, and “Magical Christmas Ornaments” with Jessica Lowndes and Penny.

  4. The movie plot sounds great! Thanks.


  5. Dude Ranch is a Hallmark Movie

    Ryan Paevey is currently in Canada filming a new Hallmark movie, tentatively called ‘Dude Ranch’. It co-stars another Hallmark regular, Erin Krakow. Not much is known about the movie yet, other than the obvious ranch theme. The movie is likely to air in May or June'.

    Dude Ranch is possibly will air on 5/27/2019

    The cast also includes; Erin Krakow, Ava Grace Cooper and Milo Shandel while David Banning is listed as the Director. There's an expected 2019 release date, please stay tuned for additional details.


  6. A Ring for Christmas (2019) - is a Hallmark movie

    A Christmas tree is lowered into Newburyport's Market Square on Friday morning. Parts of a Hallmark movie "A Ring For Christmas" will be filmed there.

    Newburyport Department of Public Services workers were busy hauling in and installing a new holiday tree in Market Square Friday morning, in order to accommodate the Hallmark Channel, which plans on filming at least part of its movie "A Ring For Christmas" in the coming weeks (already filmed in March 2019)

    Jamie Tuccolo, deputy director for DPS, said the production crew will be decorating the tree next week, and the filming should take "about a week" afterward. In total, Tuccolo said the new tree will be up for "a couple weeks" before it is taken down.

    Tuccolo also said that Hallmark hopes to have "A Ring for Christmas" air during the 2019 holiday season.

    In the meantime, he said he hopes residents will be able to temporarily rekindle their holiday spirit.

    "Having the tree up in February I think is going to be different, but I think it's pretty exciting that a movie production will be taking place," he said. 

    1. If you notice... Hallmark has been VERY good about announcing their Christmas movies in production, both last year and this year. Whether the movies are just about to film or they are almost done filming, Hallmark has been releasing the info on all of them via their usual official sources of news such as ET Online, Entertainment Weekly and a couple of others.

      So, to that end, whenever a movie is filming -- or about to film -- and Hallmark has not yet released the info via one of the trusted sources I mentioned above, you cannot be sure the movie is for Hallmark, even if a local paper or local online publication says or *thinks* it is. In other words, not everything that is said to be a Hallmark movie is actually a Hallmark movie, which Net knows all too well!

      If "A Ring for Christmas" were definitely for Hallmark, they would have released the info on it by now. They have not done that.

      At best, I think that the production company hoped to get Hallmark to take the movie as an acquisition. It IS possible that Hallmark could acquire the movie, but perhaps they didn't announce it yet because it's not a done deal. We might still see the movie on their channel later this year, but because they have not said anything about it via ET or EW, my guess is that it is either not for Hallmark at all, OR they will acquire it in the next few months.

      By the way -- there is also a Christmas movie that was just filmed in England, with NO ONE that we would recognize from the Hallmark family, either in front of or behind the camera. And yet, the production company is claiming that Hallmark picked it up. Now I have my doubts about this because there is nothing about it that screams "Hallmark" to me -- and Hallmark did not announce it -- but then I wondered if Hallmark might be acquiring it to add to their streaming service. Maybe it's something they will put on Hallmark Movies Now during the holiday season, and not on one of their linear channels.

  7. I noticed when watching the preview that this was filmed in the home used as the bed and breakfast for All of My Heart part two and three.


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