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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, March 28, 2019

It's CHRISTMAS on HALLMARK... Visit Honeysuckle Lane and Evergreen this Week!

πŸŽ„It's Christmas ThursdaysπŸŽ„
on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries...

Storyline via Hallmark: With her parents passed, Emma returns home for one last Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane before the family home is sold. While doing an appraisal, antiques dealer Morgan discovers love letters hidden in Emma’s mother’s desk, and they’re signed with initials that aren’t her father’s. In researching the mystery man, and while enjoying holiday festivities, Emma and Morgan fall in love. But when Emma’s ex arrives, Morgan backs off. Then when he shows up at a gala with another woman, Emma is heartbroken. Misunderstandings abound during Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane, and the mystery of the love letters still must be solved.

Re-watch "Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane" again
or See it for the very first time...
Thursday, March 28, 2019
at 9pm/8c. on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries


πŸŽ„It's Christmas FridaysπŸŽ„
on the Hallmark Channel...

Storyline via Hallmark: When Lisa takes a last-minute Christmas trip to her hometown of Evergreen, she finds that the historic general store has been closed. Using her skills as a professional retail designer, Lisa decides to keep local tradition alive and help the good people of Evergreen bring the store back to life. As Lisa charms a local contractor named Kevin into working with her, the pair find themselves facing one surprise after another as they restore the store to its former glory. When the staff at the Kringle Kitchen temporarily accept the store’s beloved ‘Mailbox to Santa’ for safekeeping, the townspeople find and rally around a mysterious 25-year-old letter that never made it to the North Pole. As old traditions are made new again, Lisa finds herself falling for Kevin, the traditions, and the town of Evergreen.

Re-watch "Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa" again
or See it for the very first time...
Friday, March 29, 2019
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel

Wishing you all the JOY of Christmas-
as we re-visit Honeysuckle Lane and Evergreen!

I can almost see that red truck coming down the road again!

As we watch these holiday movies once more... I hope they will brighten your best memories of Christmas!

Joyous Blessings to You All! Net


  1. Is Alicia Witt coming back to do another Hallmark movies

    1. Excellent question! Hallmark hasn't announced anything, yet; however, Alicia Witt was in attendance at the Winter TCA - so I'm sure she has something in the works! :)

    2. I really thought I saw a tweet from Alicia Witt back after Honeysuckle Lane premiered on HMM and she said she was filming something for Hallmark. I really thought maybe it was Ruby Herring cause Alicia being a red head would have been great (BTW I love Taylor Cole, but did not like her as Ruby and didn't like that movie at all) but anyway, I went back to look for the tweet when I never saw Alicia at all talking about a movie and I saw her promoting her music. I went back to find the tweet and it wasn't there. So then I wondered if I just imagined it. I know Alicia does mostly Hallmark Christmas, but I also thought last year they said she was doing a mystery series.

      I love the signature mystery stuff HMM is doing, I am so looking forward to more Chronicle Mysteries and hope we get more Mystery 101.

    3. Alicia confirmed on her website that she is definitely going to be in a Hallmark Christmas movie this year! Yay!

    4. Thank you for sharing that, Mark! I figured Alicia Witt would have another Hallmark Christmas movie coming up this year - especially with it being the 10th Anniversary of Countdown to Christmas, and of course, she has been a major part of it over the years! It's nice to know she has officially confirmed it! :)

    5. Sabrina! I remember that, too... now that you mention it! There was quite a bit of speculation at the time that she would portray Ruby Herring, but then (I think- if I'm remembering this right) she said - no, it wasn't her, and everyone was surprised.

      Hmmm??? How interesting! Another puzzling mystery! :)

    6. Let me clear up the confusion. First of all, yes, Mark is correct. Alicia said a while back -- even before the Winter TCAs -- that she was definitely doing a Hallmark Christmas movie this year. She specifically mentioned that it would be a Christmas movie. She said nothing about any other type of movie (as we know, she hasn't done a non-Christmas Hallmark movie since "Backyard Wedding" -- although I know she was championing for Hallmark to shoot a move in Bali and to send her there to do it!! lol).

      I consider those of us who are fans of Alicia's movies to be lucky that we will be seeing her in any Hallmark movie at all this year, as I know that her original plan/intention was to try to take some time away from acting to solely focus on her music (both recording and touring). She wasn't sure how much time she would be taking away from acting, but that was the plan. I'm not sure if she still plans to do that.

      What Alicia was filming -- when it was suspected that she might be the star of "Ruby Herring" -- was "Orange is the New Black" for Netflix. That's what she was hinting at, which got everyone wondering.

      If I recall correctly, Alicia filmed a segment for one of Hallmark's pet shows this year, in which she talked about her beloved rescue dog, Ernest.

      Now, as to the Christmas movie that Alicia will be doing... She is touring for the entire month of May, and I *think* she has some other obligations coming up sometime later this year. So I would imagine that her Christmas movie will film around the time she usually films her Hallmark movies, which could be anywhere from August to October, unless she shoots it right when she gets back from her May tour.

      At this point, it is unclear as to whether or not Alicia's Christmas movie is the one she has been developing for the last 2+ years -- based on her own idea and featuring some of her music. I asked her last year if that particular movie is still in the works, and she said it is! She said something about wanting to take time and work on the script to get it right (I am paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it). She thought it would go forward this year, in 2019, BUT, again, I don't know if that is the same one she will be doing this year, or if Hallmark will have her doing a different Christmas movie.

      Now as for a mystery movie/series for Alicia... she DID say on Facebook back in January 2017 that a mystery was in the works. This was in response to someone who said that she should do one. Alicia never specifically said it was a Hallmark mystery, but that seemed to be the idea.

      However, two years later, no word on a mystery for Alicia, on any network. So I wonder if it was put on hold or cancelled.

    7. Thank you for sharing this wonderful update on Alicia Witt! She has definitely become a staple during the holidays, as one of the actresses we expect to see, like Candace, Lacey, or Danica (who need no last names mentioned!) each Christmastime on Hallmark!

      I'm so glad Alicia is already planning to film a new Christmas movie this year for the grand Hallmark Channel Countdown to Christmas 10th Anniversary! I do hope this year - it will be the special movie she's been working on for quite some time now. I know many of us are eager to see it! :)

      Perhaps the mystery movie that was mentioned - will always be that - a mystery! Thanks so much for sharing your memory on all of this with us!

      By the way, I so enjoyed Alicia's character in "Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane," and to be honest, I wasn't certain I would like her as much in a drama type movie over the comedy style we usually see from her on the Hallmark Channel, but she was serious, intriguing, and wonderful to watch, and I can't wait to see what she does next!!!

    8. Net -- You're welcome! I wasn't sure if I would like her as much in a Hallmark drama either. I still prefer her in the lighter fare, where she can laugh, smile and be silly & goofy, but I did like "Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane" better than I expected to. The first time I saw it, it didn't really grab me at all. I wanted to give it another chance, and liked it much better when I watched it again, on another day.

      What's funny about Alicia's movies is that I always like her, no matter what, BUT when I hear about who her male co-stars are going to be, I am always skeptical about them being good matches for her -- until I see the movies! lol

      For example, when it was revealed that she was doing her second Christmas movie with Gabriel Hogan a few years ago, at first I was thinking, "Eh... I already saw them together in Christmas at Cartwright's. I don't know if I need to see them together again." And then I watched "Christmas List" and LOVED them together! Now I am even hoping that they can do a 3rd Hallmark movie together at some point!!

      Same thing with David Alpay and Colin Ferguson. When I first heard of them being her co-stars in the last 2 movies she did, I was really uncertain of how those pairings would turn out. When I watched "The Mistletoe Inn" and enjoyed the fun back-and-forth banter between Alicia and David, I realized that he was a very smart choice to play the writer who was able to handle that kind of dialogue and snappy repartee (and make whale noises too! lol)!!

      I also liked her much better with Colin than I expected to. Colin said that he wasn't supposed to do that movie at first. He was supposed to do a different Hallmark movie in Canada, but it fell through or got delayed. So they asked hm if he wanted to do Alicia's movie instead, and he was happy to work in a different location for a change, so he said yes. If Colin had turned down or been unable to do Alicia's movie, I wonder who might have been cast as her love interest! I wonder who else was asked? We'll never know!

      Last year, if I recall correctly, I think that some fans on Twitter were rallying for Hallmark to cast David Haydn-Jones as a love interest for Alicia. David was all for the idea. Alicia had never met him and had never considered the idea. I have NO clue how or why people suddenly jumped on the Alicia Witt--David Haydn-Jones train other than the fact that they are both musicians as well as being actors, but I wonder if it will ever happen now that it has been put out there in cyberspace.

      I always kind of thought that Brennan Elliott might be a good match for Alicia, as he is another one who is very good with comedic timing and banter. I think that with the right script, he and Alicia could be a strong comedic duo.

    9. Net, I loved this movie the first time I saw it and was so happy to see it again Thursday night. Alicia and Colin were adorable together and perfect in that little mystery plot her Mom cleverly hid and left behind for her to solve. I sure hope to see them again...soon!!

  2. Love this pair and hope they make a part II for this movie.I really love the house they used also.

    1. I agree... it would be wonderful to see more movies with Alicia Witt and Colin Ferguson on Honeysuckle Lane!!! :)

    2. I want more Colin Ferguson & Alicia Witt for Hallmark movies

      I wanna see them doing mystery movies: Nancy Drew & The Hardy Brothers Mysteries (Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys Mysteries)

      Alicia Witt as Nancy Drew
      Colin Ferguson as Joe Hardy
      ? as Frank Hardy

  3. Haven't seen 'Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane' yet, but I love that character, and she's been in other Christmas shows that I've enjoyed. I'll keep my eye out for the other show as well. Yaaaay, I just love these Hallmark Christmas shows, Net!



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