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~ James 1:17

Friday, January 19, 2018

Wedding March 3: Here Comes the Bride" πŸ’’ - a Hallmark Channel "June Wedding" movie starring Jack Wagner & Josie Bissett!


Movie: Wedding March 3: Here Comes the Bride

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: February 17, 2018


Jack Wagner ... Mick
Josie Bissett ... Olivia
Gabrielle Miller ... Bonnie
Peter Benson ... Sean
Sarah Grey ... Julie
Mitch Ainley ... Wyatt
Susan Hogan ... Nora
Serge Houde ... Johnny


Storyline via Hallmark: It’s a full Valentine’s Day weekend at the Inn when Olivia and Mick host Mick’s sister Bonnie and her finance Sean, Mick’s daughter Julie and her boyfriend Wyatt, and Olivia’s mother Nora and her boyfriend Johnny. Bonnie brings her new fiancΓ© Sean, and they plan to marry at the Inn that weekend, and Julie announces she plans to drop out of college to pursue her passion for cooking. While Olivia plans the wedding, Mick expresses his concerns to both Bonnie about the distant Sean, and to Julie about dropping out of college. Wyatt, too, is troubled by Julie’s decision to leave college, and the two have a fight that may end their relationship. As the wedding approaches, Sean reveals a secret that he has been keeping all weekend, and Johnny has a surprise of his own in store.

Movie Review:


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*images via: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks
Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen


  1. FINALLY! Been waiting for this to air......had always hoped it would be for Valentines Day! And I love Peter Benson, he is always great in everything. Cannot wait to see the gorgeous inn on screen again.......just a few more weeks to wait.


    1. Hope you loved it, Kerry! As always, Peter Benson was wonderful! (When he was missing just before the wedding, I told my family "Maybe he's getting dance lessons again." haha! Like he did in "My Favorite Wedding"! I figured it was going to be a fashion or wedding related "thing"... but I was so glad when they had their happy resolution! :)

      Thank you for sharing! Blessings, Net

  2. Kerry, I agree! I really love "Mick" and "Olivia," and am hoping that they will be taking a wedding march of their own, too.

    1. Yes, Amy G., I so agree... we definitely must see Mick and Olivia get married in "The Wedding March" movies! Hoping that happens in movie #4 this June!

      Blessings, Net

  3. Yay Peter Benson and love Gabrielle Miller. But I want Mick and Livy to get married. Maybe there will be a 4th movie? I have read recently the June weddings movies will be all sequels, I am happy to see more sequels. I want at least half of the Christmas movies this year to be sequels. Instead of having to have 21 new movies, I would be so happy to see continuation stories. Maybe hallmark is going to try this for June Weddings and see how it goes. Then maybe we get more, yay!!!!!!!!!! Some movies I never wanted to end, and I know they had too, but a sequel would be awesome.

    Oh and the Hallmark press release for this says Feb 10th, I was like wait, isn't that Very Very Valentine. They must have got the date wrong.

    1. It was announced during the commercial break that a fourth “Wedding March” movie was coming this June! I am definitely looking forward to the movie! “Wedding March 3: Here Comes the Bride” has gotten me excited for the next installment in the series.

    2. Hope you enjoyed this movie, Sabrina! I think they just keeping better and better each movie as we watch the characters grow. I'm so happy "Wedding March" is officially returning for movie #4 in June! It is quite interesting that all the June Wedding movies are sequels!

      Oh, and I just loved Peter Benson and Gabrielle Miller, too! I doubt their characters will be back for any future "Wedding March" movies, but they were such fun - I would absolutely love it if they could be! :)

      Blessings! Net

    3. Sally, So glad you enjoyed the movie! It is, I agree, absolutely wonderful that the fourth “Wedding March” movie is coming in June! I loved seeing the commercial, too! Hallmark first announced this 4th movie in the series at their Winter TCA event, but somehow seeing the commercial made it seem even more official! By the way, all the June Wedding movies are sequels!

      It's going to be so fun to see all of these stories continue! Blessings, Net

  4. No Emily Tennant in this one? That's too bad, but looking forward to the 3rd installment.

    1. I know... I missed Emily, too! Kept hoping they would at least mention her, call her, something. But nothing was said of her. Would love to see her return in the next sequel!

  5. After waiting what feels like forever, IT IS FINALLY HERE!!! Cant wait, its going to be another great weekend of Hallmark enjoyment. This movie has a really great cast too, which is always a bonus.


    1. Yes, it does seem like one we've waited awhile to see. Since they started filming it last year in May, we've known about it for some time. In the end, it was worth the wait... another good one! And, I agree, such wonderful casting!

      Blessings, Net

  6. Who knew Vermont was so green and warm in February,

    1. Excellent point, Randall. The timing was a little off weather-wise for the region, but it was certainly beautiful on screen. Someone should have least said it was unseasonably warm or something, that might've helped a little, right? :)

      Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings, Net

    2. I thought global warming was in full bloom in Vermont!
      Short sleeve shirts and dresses, roses blooming, crickets chirping on Valentine's Day in Vermont. Are there no continuity people with the production company or don't they care? Been noticing more and more sloppy production work from the Hallmark team - maybe too many irons in the fire?

  7. Good movie but I'm wondering how everything can be so green, all the flowers blooming, no winter coats... when it's February 14th in Upstate New York...

    1. Great question, Darlene... I suppose it's because they filmed this early summertime, last year, in Canada! Like they do for Christmas movies, they should have pretended it was cold or, at least, unseasonably warm. The setting was beautiful, but definitely not at all representative of February weather in that region.

      Glad you enjoyed the movie anyway! It was very sweet and entertaining... what a weekend!!!

      Blessings! Net

  8. Was wondering when this movie was filmed. It is supposed to be Valentine's Day in February but nothing appeared like it was February especially on the east coast. I wouldn't expect all those flowers to be blooming in February and no one was wearing winter clothes. I still enjoy the series. Mick and Olivia are so good together. But why don't they bring Olivia's daughter into the story instead of Mick's sister that no one knew about before.

    1. Estra, this movie, "Wedding March 3," was filmed last year - May 28, 2017 to June 16, 2017, thus the reason for the sunny warm weather and breathtaking green and flowering landscape.

      It wasn't, I agree, accurate for it to be so warm there, in a New England town, this time of year.

      I, too, would love to see Olivia's daughter return with her own unique story. Hopefully, she'll be back in movie #4 this summer....Or, at the very least, they could call her or mention her.

      Thank you for sharing! Blessings, Net

  9. What town in Vermont was this movie filmed?

  10. In what town in Vermont was this movie filmed?

    1. The setting of these "Wedding March" movies is a New England Town in Vermont, but the movies were actually filmed near Vancouver, Canada at Rowena's Inn on the River.

      Just like the inn featured in the movies, Rowena's Inn is an actual place you can visit and stay, or even plan a wedding!

      If you would like more information on the inn, be sure to check out my friend Kerry's web-site on the many wonderful details of the location and it's history, here: ivesceneitonhallmark.com.

      It is such a beautiful resort, a perfect setting for these Hallmark movies!

      Blessings, Net

    2. I always thought this Inn was where they filmed I do I do I do, they show the rooms from the outside above a lake and they show that same scene in both movies.

  11. I agree with the above commenters who mentioned the absolute fail regarding this supposed Valentine's Day weekend in New England actually showing midsummer weather. I don't understand why they would do this, and details like that really detract from my enjoyment of the movie. (Another minor issue is that whenever anyone in these movies is carrying a cup of supposed drink, it's painfully obvious the cup is empty. Couldn't they at least put water in them??). I really shouldn't complain though - they're clean, they're fun, and they're way better than most of the other stuff on TV!

    1. I agree, as well, Sharon. Since they knew the story was taking place around Valentine's Day in Vermont, they should've known the setting should be cold there this time of year, and most likely snow would be on the ground. I guess we just have to use our imaginations and pretend the Groundhog didn't see his shadow and Spring is instantly here! haha!

      In spite of that, like you, I am grateful for the wholesome movies Hallmark continues to produce for our enjoyment, week after week. I am always amazed at the high quality of their productions, interesting stories, beautiful locations, editing, soundtrack music in the background, and all the wonderful actors and actresses, of course, too! There's a lot that must go into each production, and like you, Sharon, I am grateful for all the fun family-friendly movies they continue to give us!

      Blessings, Net

    2. I always laugh about the "empty cups" as well and wonder why not put water in them. I was surprised on the Lacey movie My Secret Valentine, it looked like fall instead of winter. It was beautiful, but not valentines day unless you live in Australia.


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