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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

✍ Dear #POstables, How you can help deliver more "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" love & support! ✍

February 11th, 2018... as most #POstables (fans of the Hallmark series "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" ) know, is the next All New Premiere of the latest SSD production...
"Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Traveled!"

*image via: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks
Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Strongman

This all new "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" movie will be meeting some challenges when it premieres! Including...

*First, it's up against Olympic coverage.

*Second, it's premiering opposite of Hallmark Channel's Countdown to Valentine's Day movie marathon!

*Third, "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Traveled" is premiering at 7pm/6c.! (a very different, unique time, for any Hallmark movie premiere!)

*And, lastly... no one from the series is currently booked to be on Hallmark Channel's morning show "Home & Family" to promote "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Traveled"!

So...... What can we #POstables do?

image via: Instagram

I suggest we should all write
Hallmark Channel's
"Home & Family" a Letter!

It should be a short, positive message in a card, expressing our interest and support for "Signed, Sealed, Delivered"!

Also, be sure to include a DIY POstables related question, or perhaps, a question about letter writing!

For example, you could ask about a Kombucha recipe, something about owls, stamp collecting, their favorite letter or card they ever received in the mail, etc!!!!! (feel free to use one of these or be creative!)

Address your Letter/Card to:

"Home & Family" Mailbox Wall
P.O. BOX 349
North Hollywood, CA 91603

On the outside of the envelope, on the reverse side of the address, be sure to write:

In Support of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Traveled" - premiering February 11, on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries!

(You can also choose (optional) one of the Home & Family members to write your message specifically to - here!)

Thank you to all the POstables who participate in this support of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered"! Let's #Deliver2018!

Many Blessings to You All, Net


  1. I've shared many times on here before how much I love this series. SSD has lifted me up and touched my soul in ways no one on earth will ever know.

    This letter writing is a God-inspired idea, especially with all the obstacles in SSD's way this time around. Wasn't it up against WCTH's premiere last year, around this time? We never seem to get a break.

    Bless you, Net, for spearheading this!

    1. Oh, thank you, Anna! I'm honored to do so!

      "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Higher Ground" was, indeed, up against the premiere of "When Calls the Heart" last year on February 19th, and "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Home Again" was opposite one of the last episodes of "Chesapeake Shores"!

      In spite of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered's" premiere challenges, I just know it is still reaching so many people, with repeat showings and DVD releases! SSD certainly surpasses all other Hallmark Mysteries on DVD release availability - so there must be a strong demand for these movies!!!

      Thank you for your sweet message & sharing your continuing love for "Signed, Sealed, Delivered"!

      Blessings! Net

  2. This is so funny. I came here today to ask a question about SSD.

    We just got “Hallmark Movies Now” on Roku because we don’t have cable. Should I start with the SSD movie or with season 1 of the show? Thanks in advance!

    1. That is certainly divine intervention, Courtney! I love it!

      I'm so happy for you - that you will be able to watch "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" now, from the beginning! That is so wonderful!!!

      You should definitely start with the premiere movie! I have a list of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" in chronological order here: http://itsawonderfulmovie.blogspot.com/2015/09/chronological-order-hallmark-signed-sealed-delivered.html.

      Hope this list is helpful to you, and I truly hope you love it just as much as I do!!! :)

      Enjoy!!! Blessings, Net

  3. Such a shame. Seems like they're purposely burying this episode. I can understand counter-programming against the Olympics because not everyone watches the Olympics but putting it up against their own Valentine's Day marathon? AND putting it on at 7PM. This show deserves better. They should hold it for a week or two and air it simultaneously on all three of their Hallmark Channels. Just odd the decisions made with this episode. Maybe the ratings have gone down and they're getting ready to pull the plug.

    1. Susan, great ideas! They should totally give it more showings as well as play it on all 3 channels. I looove this show and don't have HMM.

  4. YES! YES! YES! You're such a genius. But let's take it one step further - let's send Valentines in bright red envelopes! Since so much of SSD is associated with St. Valentine's Day - let's use that to our cause! We'll get noticed better! #POstables unite! ❤️��������

  5. Nice post, Net! I hope everyone will show their support for this Fabulous show, one of my faves!!! And I cannot wait to watch the new movie, no matter what it is up against. #SSD #POstable


  6. This is my favorite Hallmark "series" ,if you can call them that! I will definitely be sending a card and getting my daughters to do so also! They too are big fans! Hope to see many more in the future!

  7. Why is SSD getting so little love from HM&M?

  8. My name is Christina from Florida I just wanted to tell you how much I really like this show
    its very heartwarming . In a time of other channels not having the quality shows you guys got this right.
    I see a big market in Positive TV . I have enjoyed all the Christmas Movies and the Winter Movies it means
    so much to me and my family, my parents who in their 80's love it and its the only channel thats stay on their TV .
    lets keep the good positive Movies and shows going like Signed Sealed and Deliver . I never seen so many people who just love Hallmark . thank you so much for your Time .

  9. I will message Hallmark on facebook,too~

  10. I just saw that the blogger for “Alameda & Downing” put a post in her Twitter Feed about your recommendation to help the Postables. Hopefully, that will help spread the word. Maybe the two of you should “get together” virtually and do some kind of special blogging event focused on the SSD movies, their characters, and places.


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