Another day is checked off the calendar. December 25th, has come and gone. But, December 25th isn't simply just another day. From the memories it holds, to the excitement it beholds each coming year, Christmas is sacred, a time that we rejoice in the birth of our Savior, a day we cherish with those we embrace and hold so dear!
I pray you all had a wondrous Christmas Day, and hopefully, you are able to have a relaxing day today and all this week!!! I was so blessed to be with my family for Christmas - what a gift!!! Plus, here in the Midwest, we had a lovely winter wonderland, snow globe White Christmas!!! It was such a busy, active day! My greatest joy is watching others unwrap! ("It is more blessed to give than to receive" -Acts 20:35) And now, like Santa, I'm certain we could all use a little vacation, or at least, a "long winter's nap"!
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Santa Christmas image - artist unknown |
I hope you enjoyed that little poem I wrote. May it uplift you today, as we continue to enjoy *Christmas* here at It's a Wonderful Movie, even after the 25th! There are still potential Christmas moments and memories to be made, and movies to be seen! If you're like me, your DVR is still full of Christmas movies to watch, that should last well into 2018!!!
Also, here's a video clip of singer Matthew West's song "Day After Christmas"! It is always a blessing and encouragement to me this time of year. I hope it also blesses you...
I think one of the things we forget is that Christmas begins on Christmas Day. It lasts until into the new year so remember it begins on Christmas Day.
ReplyDeleteExactly, Keith! To me it's a shame that so many think that the 12 days of Christmas are the days leading up to Christmas, not the 12 days following Christmas. I wish, for example, that the radio stations that play Christmas music would continue past December 25th, but alas, they don't!
DeleteYes, Keith & Mark! Interestingly enough, I was just talking about this with my family... how no one seems to recognize the 12 days of Christmas! Like a switch, so many TV networks and radio stations turn it off immediately after Christmas Day is over. In fact, I turned it to a local radio station, just yesterday, who had been playing Christmas music all throughout the season, and alas, there was some old pop music. I turned it off, disappointed. Don't they realize people are still looking for it, and many are still celebrating Christmas all this week. Unfortunately, not every family can be together on the 25th, and it works out nicely to plan different days.
DeleteAnyway, I'm still celebrating and enjoying all the Christmas decorations, lights, and movies on Hallmark! As I'm sure, many of you are, too!
Yep, I will be celebrating for a long time yet! So many Christmas cd's to still listen to, Christmas stories to read, classic Christmas movies to watch, and sooooo many new Hallmark movies to still see!! (Not sure when I will get caught up with these!)
DeleteI faced the same situation as you did, Net, with one of our radio stations. In fact, there were advertising how they were going to continue to play Christmas music through January 1st (which they did last year), but when I put the station on yesterday, they had switched back to their old format! So disappointing...
It seems like just a second ago that it was the end of summer and I was looking forward to Hallmark airing their first Christmas movie at the end of October. And now we've reached the end!
ReplyDeleteI do have to admit that this might be the first year that I've reached a saturation point with Christmas movies and I never thought I'd hear myself confessing to that! I've probably watched over 40 new movies this year and it's be a lot! I'm ready for a break. I tell myself that I can leave them on the DVR and simply watch them throughout the year but I end up never doing that. I guess I simply enjoy watching them at this time of year is all.
Hallmark had some good movies this year but I'd be hard pressed to find one that really stood out - one that I'd want to watch again and again in the coming years. I had high hopes for The Christmas Train but that really missed the mark for me. Hallmark also had some movies that were pretty bad but that's the law of averages when you're churning out so many new movies each season.
The offerings from ION were again unwatchable. I think they purchase the movies that absolutely no one else wants. Just awful. Lifetime surprised me with a couple of decent movies this year. They still seem to be one of the only places you can go to see characters of color in main roles. Hallmark is still lily-white all season long but I guess they know their audience and their demographic and are sticking to it.
So while I'm not ready for Christmas to be over, I am ready for a break from Christmas movies. But it won't be long before I return to this website to seek out nuggets of inside information for the Christmas movies of 2018! Thanks for all the hard you, Net, and Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Susan, for this Christmas movie review. I am still in the process of watching many of the movies, but I love hearing little snippets of what you all enjoyed best! Thus far, "A Joyous Christmas" has moved me the most, emotionally speaking, and "Miss Christmas" still remains my favorite lighthearted movie, but I still have many to see, so the list will surely get longer on the favorites side!
DeleteIt is interesting to see how different the movie offerings are across the networks. We are certainly blessed to have lots of options!
A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to You! Net
Thank you, Net! The spirit of Christmas lives on, even if the world shuts it off.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! Let's keep the Christmas Spirit alive in our hearts!!! Thank you!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! :)
DeleteHi, Net, I loved your endearing poem and perfectly penned post; my sediments exactly!! As long as we have your blog we have the anticipation of many more wonderful Christmases to come! Thanks for the tune...perfectly beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteAwe! Thank you, Linda, for your sweet comment! I'm so glad you enjoyed the song!
DeleteMany Blessings to You!!! Merry Christmas and a Joyous, Happy New Year!!!!! :)
Thank you Net! I was just raving to my husband about how amazing Matthew West's christmas album is! I agree.. may the spirit of Christmas lives on throughout the year! I'm thankful for this site Net!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you, CH Mom! I'm so glad you enjoy Matthew West's Christmas music, too! He has such an amazing voice, and I know he had a point in his life when he wasn't sure if he'd be able to sing again, but God delivered him. What a beautiful testimony!
DeleteAgain, I so appreciate, CH Mom, your thoughtful comment! I'm so grateful for your participation here! Thank you for adding to the joy and fun of Christmas!!!!!
God's Blessings!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :)
Now that I've seen *most* of the Christmas movies (I'm still missing 2 or 3), I can definitely say it's been such a treat this year! Here is my top favorite list:
ReplyDeleteSnowed Inn Christmas
Miss Christmas
Christmas in Mississippi
Bramble House Christmas
I can't decide whether Snowed Inn or Miss Christmas is my favorite this year. Andrew Walker and Bethany Joy were just perfect in Snowed Inn. So glad that Lifetime stepped up the to plate with Snowed Inn and Christmas in Mississippi! I also love the storyline in Miss Christmas which was quite unique compared to the regular Hallmark offering. Chemistry of the leads in both were off the charts! Let's just say I've watched those movies multiple times already this month ��
Thank you again Net for this site! It's such a wonderful outlet for all of us Hallmark movie lovers!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, CH Mom! I'm so blessed by your comments here! I'm so glad you always enjoy your visits here and sharing your enjoyment of Hallmark and TV movies. It has been quite a lot to take in all this year.
DeleteThat is so sweet of you to share your Christmas movie favorites! I, too, loved "Miss Christmas"! (I haven't seen Lifetime's movies, yet, but after hearing how much everyone here loved them, I can't wait!)
I can hardly believe how fast the Christmas season went by. It seemed so fast this year, faster than ever before.
Thank you, again, for your sweet comment! Blessings, Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year!!! Net :)
Even though I try to prepare myself for the post holiday blues and try to remember to keep the Christmas spirit in my heart all year long there is almost this unstable vulnerability that I feel when it's those days and even weeks right after the Christmas season is over.The void left behind from the wondrous magic of Christmas is devastating to me every year. I never know what is going to trigger my vulnerability but something always does. I almost want to hurry up and get to around the middle to end of January so I don't feel so vulnerable anymore. I wonder if any of you have this same issue every year after the Christmas season is over?
DeleteYou are so right Net. It seems this year went faster than ever. It seems it goes faster and faster every year. It's hard for me to grasp that it's over. It feels like a dream. Like it never happened because it went so fast. Kind of weird.
I have this theory that as we get older we get closer to eternity at the end of our lives where there isn't time any more and thus why time seems to go so much faster each year.
I felt the same as you Net. "A Joyous Christmas" really touched my emotions the most. I loved it.
I have watched every Hallmark Christmas Movie and Hallmark M&M Christmas movies this year. I have also watched most of the Lifetime ones. I just watched "Snowed Inn Christmas" on Lifetime and absolutely loved it. One of my favorite ones this year. I do agree with Susan though. There really wasn't one or two that really really stood out for me like most years. Ones that I would watch over and over again like I have had in the past. As she said, must just be there are so many now and so many over the years that we who watch them ALL just pretty much know all the story lines and what is going to happen very early in movie that we aren't hit with that "I didn't see that coming" moment that crushes the heart. "My Joyous Christmas" was the one where I didn't see it coming and why I was really moved emotionally.
My cousin always asks me each year to give my 2 or 3 favorite ones which he will watch. I usually have the immediate response of, Oh, you HAVE to see this one or that one. I had to struggle with giving him those this year. It seemed like they mostly melted together. Although I suppose your average viewer doesn't watch all 33 movies plus others in a two month period...haha
With that said, I still absolutely love all the Hallmark movies and will watch every year. It's so wonderful.
I still can't believe I'm writing this 3 days after Christmas already!!
Jim, How wonderful to hear from you, at this time! You are most definitely not alone here in missing the Christmas feel and movies after they are gone, especially on Hallmark!
DeleteI personally decided... that just because the TV networks turn Christmas off - that certainly doesn't mean I have to! Many of us are blessed to be able to record and I'm so thankful I have the ability to do so... therefore, I just randomly choose to play them whenever I like throughout the year, especially on each 25th of the month, if possible!
It's so true, it is hard to believe another Christmas has passed. I've heard this sentiment from those older and younger than myself. Time, indeed, flies while we are having fun and Christmas is the most joyful time of year, or I hope it is, for most everyone.
That is amazing you have watched so many movies, Jim! I'm in the catching up phase, but I always love taking my time and enjoying each one! Thank you for sharing your take on them! I'm so glad you enjoyed "A Joyous Christmas," too! It certainly tugs at the heart strings, doesn't it?!?!
Always know, Jim, the Christmas Spirit is alive and well here at "It's a Wonderful Movie" and you are always welcome to share your Christmas movie thoughts and memories here with us!!!
God's Blessings!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Net
Sweet, Jim, you have such an endearing quality to your personality. Never regret it or apologize for it...'tis where the word "Gentleman" comes from. Many still feel the same way you do so love it, enjoy it and savor the gift God has given you....Peace...
DeleteAwww thanks so much Linda. You really made my day.
DeleteI just made the mistake of listening to this clip on the Hallmark Channel's website soon after the Christmas movies went dark on Hallmark today. Really broke my heart. Cried many tears. Good thing I live alone...haha.
WARNING: Don't watch this if you have a weak vulnerable heart when it comes to Christmas season being over.
I suppose I should go throw a football around now or something...haha
Oh, I love that song, Jim!!! It invokes many wonderful memories and the magic of Christmases to come! So touching! So beautiful! It tears me up, too! Oh, how I wish we could all go for a sleigh ride!!!!!
DeleteThank you so much, Jim, for sharing that!!! Watching them sing that sweet Christmas song again touched my heart deeply!!! :)
God's Blessings, Net
Oh, yes, yes, yes, Net, so beautifully said!!
DeleteThanks, Jim, for sharing your heart!!
Net, you, CH Mom and I are definitely on the same page with the movies this year. Can't wait for you to see Snowed Inn. My favorites are:
ReplyDeleteMiss Christmas
Joyus Christmas
Bramble House Christmas
Snowed Inn
Engaging Father Christmas
Some of the movies I have to say I couldn't watch. Just couldn't get into them. I read where someone made the comment that HM has gone for quantity not quality...I have to agree. Was not even thrilled with Christmas at Holly Lodge and I'm a huge Ali Sweeney fan. Not trying to be negative here just airing my opinion. I still love HM and am truly sad to see Count Down To Christmas end. Looking forward to next year already and all of the other "Seasons"!
And yes Net...the spirit of Christmas lives on in our hearts! And even more so if you have Jesus living in your heart. After all He is the reason for the season! Happy New Year Net and to all who visit here! Thank you Net!
Thank you, Joyce, for this lovely message... sharing the fun of Christmas movies and best of all, sharing the true meaning of Christmas... Christ's love that came so long ago in the gift of a newborn child!!!
DeleteYou are such a dear friend, and I agree, we both always seem to share a common interest in our favorite movie choices!!! How fun!!! :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Sweetie!!! Net