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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, December 30, 2016

CELEBRATE a HAPPY NEW YEAR with HALLMARK's Last CHRISTMAS MOVIE this Season... "A Rose for Christmas" starring Rachel Boston & Marc Bendavid!

"Countdown to Christmas" on Hallmark concludes this year on January 1st, 2017. It has been the longest "Countdown to Christmas" season ever (beginning on October 28th!), and yet... it seems to have flown by so quickly - faster than Santa's sleigh, I always say!

See all the behind the scenes making of the Rose Parade, with the premiere of...

Storyline via Hallmark: Andy (Rachel Boston) is a passionate and talented artist whose Pasadena family has been building Rose Parade floats for generations. But when her Dad gets sick and can’t lead this year’s efforts as usual, Andy has no choice but to... Click Here to Read More...

See the Premiere of A Rose for Christmas
Sunday January 1, 2017 - New Years Day!
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel

PLEASE NOTE: This Movie only has ONE SHOWING!
There are NO additional airings!
Don't miss it or forget to record it - on Sunday, the 1st!

As we say Goodbye to the Christmas Season and 2016 - let us Countdown to 2017 and Welcome in a Whole New Year, with Bright Possibilities!

Christmas Specials continue on TV throughout New Years Day - see them all in the Christmas TV Schedule! Plus, you can see New Years Celebrations on TV, where you can watch the Ball Drop in Times Square.

With My Prayers and Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Year Ahead for You and Your Families!

God Bless You All!!!

See You All Back Here in 2017 -
as Winterfest starts next week!

To All My "It's a Wonderful Movie" Friends
Far and Near -
To thee I wish a Happy, and Joyfully Blessed
New Year!!!


  1. I, for one, will not be missing 2016 but will be looking forward to what 2017 will bring like watching "A Rose For Christmas". Rachel is quickly becoming another of my favorites with her adorable personality. Happy New Year, Net, and everyone! May God bless us, all!!

    1. All the best to YOU in 2017, Linda! I know it hasn't been easy, but I hope you are feeling better.

      I'm looking forward to 2017, as well, and this NEW Christmas Movie - after Christmas! I certainly hope it gets good ratings, so Hallmark will do this again next year!

      I, too, adore Rachel Boston! She's always so peppy and positive - yes, one of my favorites, too! Her original Hallmark roles seemed more serious, and I like her best when she can be happy and spirited, as she always is in her interviews!

      God's Blessings to You & a Happy, Healthy New Year, my friend, Linda!!! I'm giving you a feel better hug!!! Net :)

  2. Loving that red dress on Rachel Boston and that wave goodbye as she walks down that gorgeous hallway. Anyone know this location?

    I'll be watching, Net. No worries here. Thank you for the warning that it will air only once. I'm grateful for this and all your premiere reminders throughout the Christmas season! Your blog continues to be my favorite year after year! I'm so grateful for you and everyone here. See you all in 2017!

    1. Oh, you're welcome, Lauren! Thank you for regularly adding your sweet comments to the site!

      I love that dress & hallway, too! It's a stunning shot. I would also love to know the location, too, if anyone recognizes it.

      Enjoy the movie and a very Happy New Year to YOU!!! Thank you, again and again, for your kind words!!! Net

    2. In Rachel's interview with Home and Family, it was stated that her movie was filmed in Vancouver and they also filmed at The Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC.

    3. Thank you for sharing that info, Jill. I just caught the end of that interview... it looked like a good one! Rachel is always a joy to watch! :)

  3. Joyce in CarolinaFriday, December 30, 2016

    Happy New Year to you Net and to all of the ones who visit this site! Like one big family! Love reading all the comments others leave here. God Bless you all!

    1. Oh, that is beautiful, Joyce! I love that - "one big happy family"!!! So sweet!

      Thank you for being a special part of this site... I always enjoy hearing from you!

      God Bless You & Happy New Year!!!

  4. "As we say Goodbye to the Christmas Season"...Every year, even though I try to prepare myself for it, when those last Hallmark Christmas movies stop playing and the holidays are all over and it is the first week of January, it devastates me. The Christmas season starting at the end of October on Hallmark has such a wonderful high to it so that when it is over, there is such a price to pay when every day life returns from the bells ringing and the Christmas lights flashing and the constant whiff of the Christmas season. I get such a terrible separation anxiety feeling. There is such a dark empty feeling.

    That's why I love to come here so much because you celebrate the Christmas spirit all year and it helps me so much to snap out of it even though it does take some time.

    As Net has told me before, Keeping the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Christmas which are one and the same alive throughout the whole year is so important but oh how empty and dark and anxious those first couple weeks in January feel.

    Happy New Year everyone!!

    1. Beautifully expressed, Jim! I know for many it can be a melancholy transition time if we allow it to be. Instead, I like to think of Christmas in this way... it's like the Sun, it is beautiful when it first peaks in the morning at dawn, all fresh and new, shining bright throughout the day, and that is only because of the dark night that proceeded it.

      There is a spark in the air that is gone when Christmas leaves, but thankfully, we have one another here and we are blessed to have so many Christmas movies we can watch whenever we like all throughout the year!

      Plus, as you mentioned Jim, for those of us who are Believers, the Joy of the Lord remains in our Hearts... and we must be that Light to this dark world! Each day is a gift, a new expectation of what the Lord has for us!

      God's Blessings to You & Happy New Year, too!!! Net :)

      Psalms 5:3 ~
      "In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly."

    2. Such a wonderful and inspirational reply Net and something I really needed to hear at this time.

      Your reply has led me to this scripture below. In it lies the answer to my dark empty feelings whether on January 2nd or any day of the year. Thanks so much.

      John 1:5 ~
      "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

    3. Net, Jim, both of you have probably voiced the sediments of millions of believers and lovers of Christmas all around the world. So beautifully expressed and scripture was such a much needed bonus!! Thank you, both!!

    4. Oh, I so appreciate you sharing that scripture, Jim. That is a wonderful one, especially, for this time of year. Thank you for sharing His Light with all of us! I feel your heart.

      Thank you, also, Linda... you have such a giving, sharing heart, too!

      God's Blessings to you both!!!

  5. A New Year begins. Oh how I miss the Christmas movies. A great job by you Net keeping us updated on all of the Christmas movies. So looking forward to a new year and finding what great family programing will bring to us in the new year.

    1. Oh, thank you! I know just how you feel about the Christmas movies, but I'm also looking forward to sharing all the new movies ahead with all of you! Happy 2017!!! :)

  6. Susan - Des MoineMonday, January 02, 2017

    It goes by fast doesn't it? I start looking forward to the end of October around August and it seems to take forever to get here. You think with two straight months of Christmas movies that you wouldn't miss it when it's over but I still do. Luckily I still have 8 Christmas movies on the DVR to watch in the upcoming months but it just doesn't feel the same to watch them when it's not the Christmas season.

    I think it's because the build-up to Christmas is a nice enjoyable slow trip while the end comes so quickly. Once Christmas Day is over it seems like everyone just flips the switch and it's done. I'm glad that Hallmark runs movies for another week to ease into the off-season!

    It was a wonderful two months of Christmas celebration by the Hallmark Channel. Thanks!

    1. Yes, it does, Susan! How is it possible that 2 months go by so quickly? I'll never know. I also am fortunate enough to have some movies saved on my recorder, so I'm holding on to Christmas as long as possible, too! Love it!

      Your words truly jumped out at me in your comment because we always say the EXACT the same thing at our house... "Once Christmas Day is over it seems like everyone just flips the switch and it's done", except Hallmark! I never understand why other networks can't see how people are drawn to the Hallmark network and try to copy them.

      You are so right, Susan, it was a wonderful two months, and we will certainly look forward to it again this year!!!

      Blessings & Happy New Year to You!!! Net

  7. Loved A Rose for Christmas and another winner for Rachel Boston. I just love her Hallmark movies. I loved seeing the "behind the scenes" of making a rose parade float. I also loved seeing other actors, who have been in other Hallmark movies.

    1. Glad you enjoyed "A Rose for Christmas," Jill! Wasn't it wonderful to have a Christmas movie after Christmas! Hallmark certainly knows the heart of their viewers!!!

  8. Happy 2017 to you, Net, and all who visit here! I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and New Year. I had a wonderful restful time celebrating with my family. Though I can't help but feel a little saddened that the new Christmas movies are over for now, I'm looking forward to what else Hallmark has in store for us throughout the year. I love that we already have news of possible movies for next Christmas! Thank you, Net, for always keeping us informed!

    Now that Countdown to Christmas has ended, being the serial lister that I am, I have finalized my list of top favorite 2016 Christmas movies. I watched all the movies on both Hallmark channels except for A Heavenly Christmas and watched a few from UP and ION, plus Heaven Sent on Lifetime. I enjoyed them all to some degree, but here are my top 15.

    1. My Christmas Love
    2. Looks Like Christmas
    3. Love Always, Santa
    4. Operation Christmas
    5. The Sound of Christmas
    6. Sleigh Bells Ring
    7. Finding Father Christmas
    8. Love You Like Christmas
    9. A Christmas to Remember
    10. Journey Back to Christmas
    11. Christmas in Homestead
    12. A Nutcracker Christmas
    13. Christmas Cookies
    14. Falling for Christmas (UP)
    15. The Rooftop Christmas Tree (UP)

    1. I'd be surprised if "My Christmas Love" didn't easily win the best movie of the season on Net's annual Christmas Poll...

    2. That is a great list of Christmas movies, Amy! I loved a lot of the movies you mentioned, too, but I haven't watched them all, quite yet.

      I'm sure many of these will also be nominees for the "It's a Wonderful Movie" Favorite Christmas movie for 2016!!!

      Glad to hear you enjoyed so many wonderful new movies during the Christmas Season!!!

      Thank you so much, Amy, for sharing your favorites!!! :)

  9. Favorite scene with Andy (Rachel Boston) - Coming to the restaurant to learn that Cliff is going with her to the Gala, and denying that it's a date.

    Favorite scene with Cliff (Marc Bendavid) - Christmas with Andy and her Family.

    Favorite scene with Andy and Cliff together - Christmas Night on the front porch.


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