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~ James 1:17

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Broadcasting Christmas - Dean Cain reveals New Hallmark Christmas Movie!!!

Actor Dean Cain ('God's Not Dead', 'The Case for Christmas') revealed during in an interview on Fox News, October 6th, 2016 the name and air date to his upcoming Hallmark movie. The movie is titled: 'Broadcasting Christmas' and it will air on the Hallmark Channel Thanksgiving week - Sunday night, November 27th, 2016! Dean's co-star in the movie is actress Melissa Joan Hart ('Santa Con', 'God's Not Dead 2').

I was able to locate a video clip of Dean's interview on-line, after Sherry gave me a tip on it yesterday. If you would like to watch the entire video - click here! Dean gives a fun insight into making the film and shares a little about his character Charlie Fisher, and the plot of this all new Christmas movie! Plus, he shares how much he loves making Hallmark Christmas Movies - because they have that "Good Wholesome Feeling"! (We love watching them, Dean, so thank you!!!)

Hallmark previously released this storyline: "Two rival reporters get caught up in a competition to see who can report the most newsworthy holiday story. The real breaking news they discover is the truth about the meaning of Christmas - it really is better to give than to receive. But unfolding before their very eyes may be the best holiday story of all..."

For more details on Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas Movies - Click HERE!


  1. Great match up, Hallmark - I still love Superman and Sabrina!!!!!!

    1. I was always a huge fan of Superman, too, Lauren! Never missed it! I guess I'll always see Dean Cain as Superman/Clark Kent. He fits the image well!

  2. How many Christmas movies has Dean Cain done for Hallmark? CJ

    1. This will actually be his third Christmas movie for Hallmark. Dean Cain previously starred in 'The Three Gifts' and 'The Case for Christmas.' But overall, he has starred in over 10 Christmas movies for various networks... including: Small Town Santa, A Nanny for Christmas, The Dog Who Saved Christmas, The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Wedding, Defending Santa, etc...

  3. I'm a fan of all Dean Cain's movies. I will definitely watch this new one with Melissa. Good to see a great guy like Dean on the Hallmark Channel again. The interview on Fox was super, but I'm biased because I agree with everything Dean said, movie and non-movie related.

  4. Dean Cain is the coolest! I'll be there Thanksgiving weekend!

    1. Yeah, he's pretty cool! I think Christmas Movies are his kryptonite! :)

  5. Sherry In CaliforniaTuesday, October 11, 2016

    I remember that one time I was trying to see who had made more Christmas movies -- Dean Cain or Patrick Muldoon.

    As I combed through assorted IMDB and Wikipedia listings, I was amazed by how many holiday movies in general Dean has done. He has certainly made more Christmas movies than anyone else -- perhaps a couple went right to DVD, and one may have been voice work only, but they still count -- and I think he had an Easter movie as well as a Halloween movie or two!

    I don't think I saw a Thanksgiving movie in his list of credits, but I could have easily overlooked something.

    Dean Cain is the undisputed King of Holiday Movies!!

    1. I was also just recently looking over Dean Cain's IMDB list of movies... and marveling not only on the number of films he has done, but also on the number of networks he has been on with his Christmas movies, including...

      and ABC Family!

      That is amazing!!! But, then again, he is Superman, after all!!!

      Although, now that I think on it... Patrick Muldoon has also done Christmas Movies for several networks, including Hallmark, UP, ION, and Lifetime!

      Alicia Witt has done Hallmark and UP - as several actresses, have floated back & forth from these two networks, including Rachel Boston!

      Every year, I guess there are certain people we will always expect to see at Christmas, like Jimmy Stewart, Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, Natalie Wood, Macaulay Culkin, Tim Allen, etc...

      As for this era, Dean Cain is certainly someone we will always expect & enjoy seeing at Christmastime!!!

    2. Sherry In CaliforniaWednesday, October 12, 2016

      Dean and Patrick have most definitely jumped around between Networks! Patrick did one Hallmark movie years ago and never returned to the channel! Seeing how often Hallmark likes to use their actors, it is curious that Patrick is still very present in made-for-TV movies but has not done anything for Hallmark since "A Boyfriend for Christmas"!

      Alicia Witt hasn't done anything for UP. She did "A Snow Globe Christmas" in 2013, and that was a Lifetime movie. Otherwise, she has stuck to Hallmark ever since then. Even her older non-Christmas movie, "Backyard Wedding," airs on Hallmark (and is available on PixL's YouTube Channel).

      Rachael Boston did at least one non-Hallmark TV movie quite a while back, and it, too, airs on Lifetime ("Holiday High School Reunion"), but I am not familiar with Rachel's other non-Hallmark TV movies (without going to IMDB to check.

      Lacey Chabert has done movies for both Hallmark and UP.

      Candace Cameron Bure is mostly Hallmark, but there is at least one Candace Christmas movie that is not a Hallmark production (is it called "The Heart of Christmas" or something similar?).

  6. As movies go, Dean Cain has been in just about every movie genre there is. He's done comedies, dramas, romances, sitcoms, TV movies, Theater movies, and so on... Dean Cain is a rarity, the kind of actor who is versatile and well liked, accepted in any role. I look forward to seeing this new Christmas movie, the finale to the highly promoted 5 night Thanksgiving weekend on Hallmark.

    1. You are so right, Dean Cain certainly does portray versatile characters. I think many of us are looking forward to this new one!

      Thank you for commenting!!!

  7. I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing of this. I'm another big fan of Dean and all the causes he supports, for our troops, etc...

    This is truly the best place on the net for movie news. Thank you Net for giving us a place where we can all come together and share movie news.


    1. It's my joy Anna - and we are glad to have you here looking forward to the Christmas season with all of us!!!

      Thank YOU!!!! Blessings!!! Net

  8. I think I agree with everyone on this page, I love Dean cain, last time I saw him he was playing the role of the father of Kara Danvers (Supergirl) and when she told her that she had to wait til she was old enought to fight crime and that the world already had a Superman, none of us could stop laughing, I think he will always be Superman to me. I am glad to read that this movie is about searching the true of meaning of Christmas, is hard to find movies with that plot; last but not least, this movie reminds me a lot to "His and Her Christmas" (2005 TV Movie) The thing is ... I can't wait for this, please, Christmas don't be late!

    1. Dean's role in 'Supergirl' sounds incredible! I wish I had seen it. Love how the writers gave that hint toward Superman. He will certainly always be Superman to many of us who loved that series (myself included!)!!!

      I definitely can see the potential similarities in this and 'His and Her Christmas' with David Sutcliffe (Hallmark's 'The Convenient Groom'). Their media was newspaper in 'His and Her Christmas' and in this, 'Broadcasting Christmas,' it is the newsroom, but I'm sure there will be similar character banter and conflicts!!!

      I so enjoyed your comment, It's a Wonderful Fan! Thank you for sharing!!! :)

    2. Thank YOU!!! for everything :)

    3. Hey, Net! I found the clip, here is the scene when Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain) tells Kara Danvers (Supergirl) "The world already has a Superman." If you have 2min. you can watch it, is the best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55gFWe-1j3I

    4. Wow! Thank you so much for locating and sharing that video clip, A Wonderful Fan! How cool! I loved it! Is Dean Cain on the show regularly or was this a special appearance? Thank you so so much for sharing!!! :)

    5. You welcome, don't mention it, after everything you do for us ... About Supergirl: During the first season we hear a lot about Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain) he is Kara Danvers father and she is Supergirl, it is her story, but we only get to see him in flashbacks like this, they don't happen as much as I would like them to, the reason for this is because his character is supposed to be dead, but at the end of the season we find out that he might still be alive, he was actually taking captive by some group of scientists/military top secret thing ... my idea is that after all this time in that place they might have turned him into some horrible villian or a wonderful hero, I don't know, I don't look for spoilers, all I know is that this week the second season had its first episode on Monday, Supeman himself told Kara and her sister Alex that he had heard about Jeremiah Danvers and they could count on him to help them find him, we'll see.

  9. Thanks for putting up the interview.



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