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~ James 1:17

Monday, August 22, 2016

PixL Movies Airing on Lifetime Movie Network!!!

This year, as a request of one my loyal followers, I began sharing the premiere dates for the PixL movies. I don't personally have this channel, but knowing they are all family friendly movies (some have aired on Hallmark!), I felt comfortable in sharing them - hoping one day we might all be able to see them, too!

Well, now.. here is our chance! If you have LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) - then be sure to tune in this Tuesday night, August 23, 2016 at 8pm/7c. for 'The Reluctant Nanny' starring Jessy Schram ('Harvest Moon'). This movie first premiered on PixL-TV in 2015, so it's not actually a brand new premiere, but it will be for those of us who have never seen it!

Pix-L list these actors in the cast of 'The Reluctant Nanny': Jessy Schram, Aaron Hill, Tamara Taylor, Elisabeth Rohm, and Alley Mills.

'The Reluctant Nanny' Storyline via PixL: After the failure of her start-up company, Libby Prescott (Jessy Schram) has packed up her life and moved to Los Angeles to start her new job. However, her first day of work abruptly turns into her last. Later that day, Libby finds herself chasing a man who stole her purse, but is quickly stopped by police officer, Dan Connor (Aaron Hill). Dan, who is currently looking after two foster kids, suggests that Libby work as his live-in nanny until either the kids find a permanent home or she finds a new job. Unwilling to turn down a job offer in her time of need, Libby accepts the position. But playing house isn’t as easy as it sounds. Libby must learn to keep house and care for children for the first time in her life. Furthermore, the children’s constant fear of abandonment forces Libby to really consider the responsibility she’s taken on. As Libby and Dan grow closer to the kids, a familial bond begins to form, making it difficult to think about life without each other. Just when Dan decides to officially adopt the children, Libby is offered the job of her dreams. The only problem being that the opportunity would take Libby far away from her new family, the dream she never knew she had.

See 'The Reluctant Nanny'
Tuesday August 23, 2016
at 8 pm/7c. on Lifetime Movie Network
*Repeats at 12am/11c.

The Following Tuesday...
on August 30, 2016,
tune into LMN for another PixL Movie:

'It had to be You'
starring Torrey DeVitto (The Best Christmas Party Ever)
at 8 pm/7c. on Lifetime Movie Network
*Repeats at 12am/11c

Cast also includes: Michael Rady, Corbin Bernsen, and Jennifer Lewis

'It had to be You' Storyline via PixL: Darby Powell (Torrey DeVitto) tries to break ties with her overbearing father, Nolan (Corbin Bernsen), and his conventional advertising company Nolan Powell by starting her own advertising agency Hypester. Though Hypester is innovative and trendy, it is struggling financially. After Darby loses a big account to her father’s agency she finds herself in a tight spot. No longer able to financially support her company, Darby is forced to merge Hypester with Nolan Powell. Nolan’s first order of business is to partner Darby with his Creative Director, Derrick (Michael Rady), on a multi-million dollar pitch for their biggest client. Out-of-the-box thinker Darby and conservative Derrick are less than thrilled to be working together. Instead of collaborating, things get competitive. Fed up with Darby and Derrick’s unprofessional behavior Nolan warns them to get their act together. As they do, they discover that their clashing personalities actually complement one another, making a good team after all.

So... does this mean we can expect more PixL movies every Tuesday? Don't know, yet. It's a Mystery and I haven't been able to find any sort of official announcement regarding PixL and LMN joining forces.

We will have to keep a look out on LMN's schedule to see if there will be more PixL movies - after August 30th!

Hopefully, LMN will premiere more PixL films!

*Images via: PixL and justjessyschram.com

*Credit: Paul M. on the Hallmark Facebook Fan Page. Thank you Sherry for sharing with me!


  1. I thought the movies on Lifetime Movie Network where all non-family friendly. So happy to find there are good movies there, too. I don't get PIXL either, and it should be great seeing these movies.

    1. I agree, swish1014! I'm thrilled to finally be able to see some of the PixL movies! I have heard others talk about them, and it's nice to finally see one!

  2. You can see these movies on Youtube, but you have to pay a small fee for it. However, this is great news.


    1. Exactly everyone has access to this channel via YouTube and they even offer a free trial

    2. Sherry In CaliforniaMonday, August 22, 2016

      Not everyone wants to watch things on YouTube, though. That's why I told Net about this info. ;) Some people actually like watching things on TV.

      Also, not everyone is going to want to sign up for the limited time free trial OR pay the monthly or yearly fee (small though it is) to have the channel.

      The fact that 2 of these movies (and maybe more) are airing on the Lifetime Movie Network, which more people may have access to, is a good thing. If anything, it brings more exposure to PixL in the long run. It's never a bad thing to have an extra way to view movies that are less accessible than others. More options is better than fewer options.

    3. Not everyone wants to pay however it's not that they don't have access. If you have Internet access you have access to PixL. And the YouTube option is a great option that should be included in this post

    4. Sherry In CaliforniaTuesday, August 23, 2016

      As I said in my first sentence, not everyone wants to watch things on YouTube. Some people actually prefer TV.

      There is no issue here, and no down side. The news I brought to Net was about 2 of the PixL movies coming to Lifetime Movie Network -- where some people may prefer to watch them. YouTube has been mentioned elsewhere on this site.

      Why not just be happy that the PixL movies are being exposed to a wider audience now and leave it at that? This is not a bad thing.

    5. Yes, the PixL YouTube channel is definitely an option for those who enjoy watching shows on your computer or other various devices. There is a monthly fee to do so.

      I have given the link before, and I will gladly share it again, for those who are interested:

      Watching online may not work for all, and I know I personally prefer to view shows on my TV. This is partly due to my internet connection speed, which doesn't always work great with videos.

      I think we all need to remind our cable providers, that we would love to see them pick up the PixL station. DISH has it, and they should, too!

    6. If you have an auxiliary cord or use roku or wii you can watch YouTube onot your TV screen

    7. That would require Wi-Fi connection. Not everybody has that.

    8. A word of Note:These streaming sources require cable modem speeds to view without buffering or screen freeze depending on how many viewers are on the same network.

  3. Oooooh...is lifetime trying to do a 180?..wouldn't that be something?? The only time I've switched over was during the Christmas holidays when they had a good movie on, so, I'll be watching the next few Tuesday's. Thanks for the info, Net!!

    1. No Lifetime always shows a variety of movies for women. Some are light hearted and some have more heavy material. Family doesn't just mean little kids.

    2. Sherry In CaliforniaMonday, August 22, 2016

      I'm with you, Linda -- I tune in for the Christmas movies (they do have quite a few good ones, both lighter and more meaningful), but now will watch for the PixL movies.

      I used to watch Lifetime but eventually got tired of the tone of the movies. Lifetime and LMN movies usually have a very specific dark component -- stalkers... addicts... teens in trouble... killers... crazy neighbors with a vengeance... unstable employees... kidnappers... online dangers... adulterers... lurid biopics or behind-the-scenes tell-alls...

      They have carved out a very successful niche for themselves at Lifetime, just as Syfy has carved out a successful niche, and Hallmark has carved out a successful niche. The viewers know what they are getting when they tune in to any of those channels, and I think that people like that kind of familiarity and predictability. My tastes just changed over the years, I guess.

    3. Unfortunately, the light-hearted ones have been few and far between outside of the Christmas season, so it's nice to see them adding more. This site has always been a more positive one, so please try to avoid the snark of your last sentence as it's just not necessary. Peace!

    4. Yes, I agree with you Linda, Sherry, and Skyojedi... the lighthearted type films have been scarce on Lifetime Movie Network throughout the year.

      Also, I'm not sure which particular sentence you are referring to?

    5. Some of them have a heavier tone however you can still watch them with your family just the older members. They do have some biopics which are very informative. Many of the movies on Hallmark have a light tone however they don't really appeal to the younger set (kids,teens and young adults) they skew older. Which is why PixL is nice because they have the light hearted romance with younger actors who are on popular young adult shows.

    6. Sherry In CaliforniaTuesday, August 23, 2016

      Net -- I wasn't sure which sentence was being referred to either!

      In any case, I think that most of us here agree -- we don't particularly gravitate to the darker fare on Lifetime or on LMN.

    7. Sorry my reference wasn't clear. Since we have to wait for approval from Net, there was a post by Sherry in between mine and the one from Anonymous that wasn't there when I posted. I was referring to the last sentence by Anonymous - "Family doesn't just mean little kids." It is so very hard to accurately read tone through text, but that just came across to me as a bit snarky and dismissive of families with kids. Apologies if I misread that.

    8. Sherry In CaliforniaThursday, August 25, 2016

      I know what you mean, Skyojedi! I had a feeling that was what happened when you commented (in that my comment ended up appearing after the fact and it looked like you were responding to me).

      I also agree that it's so hard to read or assess the tone of certain posts. If we were to hear voices actually speaking the comments, the tones might be entirely different than how we interpret them online.

      That said, I do think that the general tone of this site has changed a wee bit since last year. A lot more people are following this blog and/or commenting on it than there were when I first started following it a few years ago. So, with the increase in people participating, I guess there will be more differences of opinion, and negative opinions of a lot of the movies.

      I really enjoy the mostly positive vibe of this website, and of all of Net's blogs! She does a great job managing everything.

  4. Such great news! Lifetime Network was once enjoyable but went down a very dark road... PIXL would be an excellent way to get back to more family movies!

    1. I so agree, Laura! I hope they will give us many more!!! LMN isn't exclusively Christmas at Christmastime, so it would be possible for them to continue, especially since the PixL premieres are on a Tuesday!

  5. It Had To Be You was one of my favorites of 2015.

    1. Well, that is fun to hear! Now, I can't wait to watch or record it next week!!! :)

  6. Not everything on Lifetime is stalkers and killers.I've seen romantic comedy on there, biographical movies on entertainers, Sci first movies. Honestly it just depends on what they decide to air that day

    1. Yeah, like most stations, they do an occasional mix, but they are well known for their drama movies.

  7. Hey, Net, I just noticed the "Recent Comments" section is "BACK"...in all it's glory!! Yay!!!! You did it!!

    1. YES!!!! Finally! I tried several failed widgets before discovering this one that magically worked!!! I was so delighted, Linda, because I want all of you to be able to see each other's most recent comments/ reviews/ movie tips, etc!!! I hope you all will enjoy this newly revised feature!! I'm so glad to have it back, too!!!

      You're so sweet to notice & comment, too! Thanks so much, Linda!!!

  8. Do you think there’s a chance that “The Reluctant Nanny” and “It had to be You” could receive a nomination for next year’s “It’s a Wonderful Movie” awards? I’m aware that both movies were released last year, but they did make their television debut this year. The movie “25 Hill” was originally released in 2011, but it was eligible for nomination for the 3rd annual “It’s a Wonderful Movie” awards because it premiered on television in 2012. Also, PixL movies typically don’t receive a nomination due to having a smaller audience.

    1. I was already considering that, and I think it would be great to finally include the PixL movies for the awards!

      Hopefully, the more they are known, the better chance we will have to see more of them!

    2. Technically they made their TV debut last year. I saw them on PixL last year on their TV network on Dish. I would like to see this year's movies up for consideration though. Late Bloomer was a good one

    3. I agree Late Bloomer was a good one, in the beginning i wasn't sure but as it went on I absolutely loved it.

    4. Thank you Net for mentioning the PixL channel sometime back, thanks to that i've been able to watch some great movies which i wouldn't have know about if it wasn't for this blog and all the work you put in to it! So think again!

    5. That was supposed to say SO THANKS AGAIN! :)))

  9. According to the commercials which aired during The Reluctant Nanny, there will be a romance movie every Tuesday night at 8 pm ET. Next week and the following week are both PixL movies.

    I really liked The Reluctant Nanny. I thought the actors had good chemistry and the plot was a little different from thE standard Hallmark movies. I'll keep my DVR set for Tuesday's at 8 pm on LMN.

    1. Did they say which movie is on September 6th?

    2. They're showing Casa Vita(one of my favorites) on the 6th

  10. I loved Reluctant Nanny! I liked the fresh storyline and characters. Aaron Hill and Jessy Schram had wonderful chemistry-I would definitely love to see them together in a Hallmark movie :)

    1. I hope they repeat it. I missed it.


    2. They are repeating it after It Had to Be You

    3. Great. Thanks for the update.


    4. I agree, Anonymous! My family watched "The Reluctant Nanny" recently (it was a recording from our DVR) and we really liked it! I think that this movie could easily be just as good or better than a Hallmark movie. If any PixL movies do get considered for a nomination for next year's "It's a Wonderful Movie" awards, I feel "The Reluctant Nanny" deserves it.

  11. I called Comcast to request they start having PIX but no reply. The shows you reviewed from Pix looks wonderful.

  12. PixL has a new movie airing sept 10 called Diagnosis Delicious. Looking forward to that! Good with some new movies coming in september when Hallmark has a slower month with no new movies.

    1. Thank you, Palis, for taking the time to share that news & the link. I am aware of this new movie coming soon to PixL, but I just didn't get a chance to add it, yet! I will have a post on it next week- I promise! It's on my to-do list!!!

      Thanks, again!!!

  13. Hello Net,
    First I have to say: "I love your blog" I always read what you have to say what you have got to say and the comments below, for the first time I have something to say: "Diagnosis Delicious" will premiere on Pixl Saturday, September 10, I really hope you find this information useful, with your permission I have decided to call myself: "A Wonderful Fan" See you later!

  14. Hello Net,
    First I have to say: "I love your blog" I always read what you have got to say and the comments below, for the first time I have something to say: "Diagnosis Delicious" will premiere on Pixl Saturday, September 10, I really hope you find this information useful, with your permision I have decided to call myself: "A Wonderful Fan" See you later!
    Here is the link: http://pixltv.com/diagnosis-delicious-premieres-saturday-september-10/

    1. First of all, love the name! I'm so honored! It's wonderful that you will be joining in with all of us - chatting about movies!

      Also, Thank you for commenting about Diagnosis Delicious! Many others have contracted me about this movie, too, this week. I just didn't have the opportunity to add it, but I promise to add it next week! I left an update here: http://itsawonderfulmovie.blogspot.com/2016/09/chesapeake-shores-more-for-your-labor.html

      Thanks so much!!!
      Blessings to you, Net

  15. I've been subscribing to Pixl on Youtube for a very long time, even when their films were regularly on Hallmark, because I like being able to watch them before being on TV (and I don't have Pixl on my TV), but I'm really glad to hear they are going to get aired on a bigger cable network again - they have some lovely gems there and actually keep improving, so they deserve the exposure!

    Out of the ones that were already on LMN I really like The Reluctant Nanny, although I think my list of favorites on Pixl from the last year or so are Bound and Babysitting, The Right Girl, Secret Summer and Late Bloomer - which I finally watched a few days ago and absolutely adored - so I hope they get aired soon.

    And they seem to have ton of movies in production as well, so I'm really excited about that.

  16. Hi Net,

    Do you know if Lifetime is going to re-air these movies? I've been wanting to see them.

    By the way, I love your blog! This is my first time commenting, but I've been viewing your blog for quite a few years! Thank you for keeping me up to date on so many movie premieres!

    1. Hello Debbie! I'm so glad to hear from you - for the first time! That is a wonderful question about the PixL movies. I haven't heard any news, yet, on this happening, but that would be so nice to have them return. I will do my best to look out for them and post any news, if I hear anything.

      Thank you so much, Debbie, for following my blog and your sweet comment! I appreciate it so much!

  17. Thanks Net! I've checked their Lifetime Movie Club for those movies, but haven't seen them there either unless I accidentally missed them while scrolling through movies they show. I'm almost certain Turkey Hollow didn't air this year on Lifetime, but they have it in their Club, which you have to pay extra for. I hope they air these movies on their regular channel.

    1. Turkey Hollow did air this past Christmas on Lifetime.

  18. It would be nice if Comcast offered some kind of separate payment option for Pixl - kind of like what they offer for Up TV, Lifetime and Disney Family Movies. I have the Disney one. I did request it once. I think I may see if there is a way to request Pixl to look into it, but I'm sure they've contacted Comcast and competitors already or maybe what they are doing with YouTube doesn't allow it

  19. Watched The Reluctant Nanny on UP TV (it was called 'Instant Nanny' there) last night, it was very good! -Maria


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