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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dear Team #POstables and Fans of Signed, Sealed, Delivered,

Since that last episode aired of the Season One finale, with Oliver and Shane standing in the rain, we've all waited for any news on our beloved show Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Finding out it would be a Christmas Movie, this Christmas Season, was such fantastic news!

And now, we are still waiting to hear if a Season 2 will follow...

According to Eric Mabius, who portrays Oliver O'Toole,
a decision is to be made by September 21st, 2014!
Eric's Tweet:
"The wait is over for Season2 pickup--we'll know Sept 21st ! Pls get the word out to all the fans!!"
And, I found this message via Pam Slay, on Twitter. She is the SVP, Network Program Publicity & Social Content of the Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movie Channel.
Pam's Tweet:
"We love @SSD_TV & have big plans. Pls be patient!"
Oh, we're trying to be patient, Pam! But, that sounds good that they have big plans!
I hope many of you will join me in sharing your love for Signed, Sealed, Delivered in the comments below, on the Hallmark Channel's facebook page, and on Twitter, with the hash-tag #POstables. 
Please tell the Hallmark Channel what Signed, Sealed, Delivered means to you and how much you hope this inspirational show will return for a Second Season!
My thoughts...
My family and I have enjoyed every single twist and turn in the remarkable heartwarming series of Signed, Sealed, Delivered. The main cast is truly wonderful, and the guest stars have each been a fantastic addition, especially Carol Burnett!
With such a smart script to go by, thanks to the talented T.V. screen-writer Martha Williamson, these actors flow with lines that make the average conversation never bland.
Watching Signed, Sealed, Delivered every Sunday night was something truly special. No other show on TV could compare. It was decent and true, built of characters you either wanted to be or emulate.
I feel enlightened, inspired, and uplifted after watching each episode. Thank you, Hallmark! Please return Signed, Sealed, Delivered for a second season!


  1. I hope they bring it back too. Such a sweet show! :)

    1. I absolutely agree, Jennifer! Hallmark is the best of T.V. and Signed, Sealed, Delivered was at the top!

  2. It was more than just entertainment. It was enlightening! Please Hallmark Channel bring SSD back for Season 2!

    1. Yes, I love it! SSD was/is truly the most enlightening show on TV!

  3. Watching Signed, Sealed, Delivered made me wish I could work in that Post Office with them. It would be nice to have such great co-workers. I wish Oliver was my boss.

    1. Oh, me too! I think Oliver would be a great boss to have. He's a little strict in his ways, but always gentle and kind. Wish everyone could have a boss as wonderful as him.

  4. Please give us a second season of SSD Hallmark Channel. In my opinion, it is the best new show on TV. I never missd an episode and I couldn't wait to see the next. Right now, SSD fans are counting down the days until the Christmas movie. SSD has a great following and I feel it is only getting bigger. Thanks Net for the update. I look forward to your next post on SSD. Hope it's good news again, like it was for WCTH!
    Thanks, Rachel

    1. I sure hope it's good news, too! I can't imagine them not continuing their story. There are so many lost letters to still deliver and unresolved issues, too... between Oliver and Shane... and Norman and Rita, too!

      Thank you for your comment, Rachel. I am counting down the days 'til the SSD Christmas Movie, too, and I'll do my best to keep you posted on news of Season 2!

  5. New Schedule!!! The 2014 ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween was released.

    The 2014 schedules are usually released early October.... ABC Family's Countdown to 25 days of Christmas and Hallmark Channel Countdown to Christmas.

    Catch ya later.

  6. Awesome! Can't wait for the Christmas movie! I loved this series. I'm excited about Hallmark starting a mystery series too!

  7. I couldn't have said it better myself, Net! I loved every minute of the movie and each episode and counted down the minutes until Sunday night. Bring us MORE please Hallmark!

    1. Thank you so much, MBMP. I feel exactly the same way... in counting down the days til we see more SSD! It was and IS something Truly Special!

  8. Hubby and I both enjoy this show. I love that it's a mystery like any of the police dramas but without the gore. I enjoy seeing how they put the pieces together.

    1. So glad you both love it! I agree with you, Cathie... I love a good mystery, without gore and SSD gives that and lots more!

  9. As much as I love all the new series Hallmark introduced this year, Signed, Sealed, Delivered is my absolute favorite. Whoever put this cast together truly knew what they were doing and my heart says this show will return!!

    1. My heart says it will return, too! I sure hope it does. It was my absolute favorite series this year, too, Linda!

  10. I hope Hallmark brings back this smart, witty show. It's a show that we all need, these days, a feel good show. Hopefully, if the second season is a go, I would love to see Valerie Harper, Della Reese and Carol Burnett return for more guest spots.

    1. You are so right, Jill. The world needs many more shows like this today! I would love to see the guest stars you mentioned, return, as well.

  11. I hope they just don't mess up a good thing with political and perverted messages. I can't tell you how many times I like a series that you can sit down with your kids and not worry...and now have to worry.
    Guess we'll find out soon enough

    1. I know what you mean, but I do have great hope that we will continue to enjoy this lovely series!

  12. In a world that is somewhat in a hazy grey area most of the time, we all need to escape to our happy place at the end of the day, especially on weekends. Hallmark is one of those places. For years, and I mean years, they have produced some of the most memorable and moving heartfelt movies, shows, and specials. We rely and look forward to that peaceful existence, in what should be, 'the real world.' Shows such as "Signed Sealed and Delivered" is one of those shows, with a stellar cast whose superb acting brings it home, and well written scripts that allows those actors who seem so easily to bring those characters to life. Add to that, they interact with the fans so freely and kindly, it brings a complete package to the whole experience. Something I am truly thankful for.
    We don't need shows like that canceled. We need shows like SSD to make us happy, when we are happy, we in return pay it forward. BJ. #POstables

    1. Beautifully said, BJ. You have so eloquently shared your love for SSD. You are so right... Hallmark is a Happy Place, and I know millions of viewers, like us, love them for their family friendly movies and series. We truly do need more SSD and I hope Hallmark agrees with us! It would make their fans very Happy! :)

  13. I too fell head over heels in LOVE with SSD! I visited Hallmark's Facebook page and requested MORE SSD! Thank you for suggesting the program. Without your wonderful reviews I may have never checked it out! I love it and look forward to more.

    1. I LOVE your comment... "fell head over heels"... that is perfect! Thank you for visiting Hallmark's Facebook page and requesting more! I'm thrilled my reviews encouraged you to watch SSD! And, I'm so glad you love it now - as much as I do!

  14. Hello, I left a comment last night. We followed each other on twitter, however when I checked somehow Twitter unfollowed each of us. Confused!?!? Why dose Twitter do that? Best wishes, BJ

    1. Hello BJ, I loved your comment above about SSD. It was beautiful! Please let me know your Twitter handle and I'll be sure to follow you.

      My Twitter handle is:

  15. Love Sign Sealed and Delivered Love The Cast AndThe Wonderfully Talented Guest Stars They Had On There :)

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you for sharing your love for SIgned Sealed Delivered! Still waiting for news!

  17. I had an idea today about the future of SSD... I'm wondering if it isn't going to switch channels and become part of the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries instead of just Hallmark. Theory: 1. They made a Christmas movie, but Hallmark doesn't it have it listed with their Christmas movies and if you go to HMandM and look at their list of shows the SSD Christmas movie is listed there along with a brief summary, 2. Why would you make a Christmas movie and then not even air it 3. They say they have big plans for SSD, and 4. Each episode does have some sort of mystery involved with the letters. Of course I could be totally wrong, but it was a thought that came to me today, so I thought I would share it with you. Either way I really hope that they do not get rid of the SSD, it is definitely worth watching and one of my all time favorites.

    1. Great scoop Stephanie!!!

      We have been doing some speculating under the post of the 12 new Hallmark Christmas that SSD might move to Hallmark Movies and Mysteries....


      .... However you are the first to discover SSD on the actual Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Website!!! Great find! Oliver, Shane, Rita, and Norman would be so Proud... Especially Shane since you really used your tech savvy on this one!

      I am also wondering (since Pam said above in her tweet that Christmas fans would love this news)... If they are planning to do a second season around Christmastime next year. Just a thought!

      I guess we will find out this week! Thanks again, Stephanie, for delivering us this news!!! :)


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