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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Issue with E-mail Updates for "It's a Wonderful Movie"

Thank you to Everyone who has e-mailed or left comments in regards to my Blog E-mail Updates not coming through to all of You!

The program I use is...
FeedBurner and I know, at times, in the past it has had issues, but generally it had been a reliable, free e-mail newsletter service, so I was fairly happy with it. (I mean, who can complain with free, right?) I was fine with it's few little kinks, until my e-mail updates completely stopped delivering.

I have followed the advice of others on-line, who have given suggested fixes to this problem; therefore, I have been in the process of trying to test them, but none of them have worked. So, it looks like it's time, for me personally, to abandon the 'FeedBurner' ship!

It was my hope, in the beginning, when e-mails stopped coming, that it would just be a short-term problem that they would fix, but it looks to be an on-going issue.

Here's what happened...
On April 7, 2014 Yahoo Mail and other Free E-mail services, such as: Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, etc... switched to a DMARC policy.

See this article at PCWorld for more of the technical aspects:

In a nutshell, they are trying to reduce spamming and phishing by eliminating newsletters being sent from a free e-mail service.

However, it also seems that people who have switched to a paid e-mail are still having problems with e-mails going through.

My next step is...
to decide which e-mail service I will use. Some of the ones I have heard others suggest are: Feedblitz, Mail Chimp, Mad Mimi, Constant Contact, and Aweber.

If any of you, who have blogs, use any of these services, I would love to hear from you... which one you chose, how you like it, etc? Please share in the comment section below.

Thank you all for your patience as I do my best to decide what to do next. It means so much to me that so many of you missed receiving my e-mail updates and took the time to contact me and let me know. I appreciate all of our support!

Thank you ALL so much!
God Bless, Net


  1. As long as the site is still here, I'm ok! :)


  2. So glad you posted this. I was missing your e-mails and thought I did something wrong. Thanks for the update!

    1. You're welcome! I'll update again when I get something new!

  3. I was missing the e-mails too, but thankfully I had put your site It's a Wonderful Movie in my favorites long ago and I just check it everyday! It's so bright and cheerful it always brightens my day even if there isn't a new post for the day.

    1. Oh, wow! That means so much to me. Truly!

      I'm so glad to be included amongst your list of Favorites... Thank You so Much!!!

  4. I last worked at a place that used MailChimp. It never had an issue, due to it's double opt-in. And was free up until a particular number of subscribers, where it turned to a paid model. And the templates were cool to choose from and you can do what you want with them to organise them as you see fit. :)

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Patrick.

      The three I am considering mainly are MailChimp, Mad Mimi, and Aweber. It will depend heavily upon reliability and of course, cost.

      I appreciate you sharing your history with MailChimp. I've heard lots of good things about it!

  5. i really have missed these updates on great movies

    1. Oh, dear!

      Until I get the new E-mail List set-up, please put the main page:
      in your Favorites and check back regularly for updates!

      Hope that helps a little! : )

  6. I have several websites that are in many different industries and I will only use Aweber. I am not a techie so something very simple is what I must have. Their support is good and so far I have not had any complaints regarding issues with emails being delivered. I have tried a few others but have always came back to Aweber.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. Aweber is at the top of my list of consideration. I so appreciate your thoughts on it.

  7. So happy to see you again. I was sincerely worried I had lost you. As always THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU for all you do for us. I have gone by your say regarding good family movies and have not been disappointed one bit. Peace and Love

    1. Oh, thank you so much! I am still here - in spite of the e-mail updates not going through.

      And, I do my best to promote good family movies, but it is truly thanks to Hallmark and UP for continuing to give us wholesome family friendly viewing choices.

      God Bless You, too! Thank you! : )

  8. So grateful for the e-mail, Net; so miss not receiving the daily ones. I too thought it was something I did. Thank God I saved my last one from April 4th that keeps renewing itself each time you post. I'm not a "Techie" either but if it comes down to a financial subscription I'll be first in line!!.......God bless you for blessing all of us!!

    1. Thank you, Linda, for your sweet response.

      I am so glad you have kept that last e-mail, too! You can always add my site to your favorites, as well. If you save the home page, then you will always see the latest updated news or you can always click Home above to take you to the most current update.

      Here's a link to the Home Page:

      Hope this is helpful to you! I always appreciate your support and thoughtful comments! God Bless You! : )

  9. I have a lot of blogger friends who use Go Daddy to support their Wordpress based blogs. They are happy with the service. Love your blog. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you, Maureen, for your suggestion and your kind words about the blog! I'm so glad you enjoy this site. I appreciate it so much! : )

  10. I'm glad you posted this. I wondered what happened. I missed seeing the updates. Good luck

    1. You're Welcome. So sorry you missed the updates. I hope to have them back soon. thank you!

  11. I have so missed your emails, hopefully they will be back soon, but as long as the website is here I am happy :-)

    1. Oh, thank you! The web-site is definitely still here! I hope to get the e-mails working again real soon!

  12. For awhile all emails from the blogs I've been subscribed to stopped. I get so much email everyday I failed to notice I hadn't heard from them. By the time I missed them they started back up as mysteriously as they stopped. Thank you for explaining the issue.

    1. Glad I could help you solve this mystery! Thank you for your response!

  13. Dear Net, So sorry to hear about the problems you have been having. I too receive other blogs via Mail Chimp. I use Google for my email and have not had ANY problems in the past receiving your blog posts or with Mail Chimp. Thank you for all of your efforts! Wish you the best in resolving this issue. Love & Prayers, Laura

    1. Thank you so much, Laura, for your comment. I know some people are still continuing to receive the e-mail updates, while others are not. Glad to hear - you still are!

      I appreciate your support and thoughtful suggestion. All the BEST to You... Thank You so much for your Love & Prayers!
      God Bless You!!!!

  14. Mailchimp is wonderful! I just canceled constant contact because mailchimp just had so many more features . If you have never heard of Michael Hyatt, he is the gold standard in my book when it comes to helping people improve their blog and he recently did a webinar where he talked about increasing your blog traffic, email lists etc and swore by mailchimp! SO i switched!

    1. Wow! Sounds like lots of people like MailChimp. It looks like a great company and I have heard everyone loves their 'easy to use' templates, too.

      Thank you, Jennifer, for your suggestion. I am definitely looking into it and considering it as I highly recommended option. I am quite ready for a reliable e-mail / newsletter service!

      Thank you so much, Net

  15. No one else has mentioned liking my pick. Mad Mimi. It is nice and simple to use and like Mail Chimp, if you are under a certain amount of subscribers, it's free. Great customer service too. Best wishes to you in your choosing.

    1. Thank you for your response. As I mentioned above to Patrick... the three I am mainly considering are MailChimp, Mad Mimi, and Aweber. I am glad to receive your feedback and know that you like Mad Mimi! I appreciate it so much!

  16. I was also missing your emails; so I just added you to my favorites bar at the top of my screen. A couple of times a week I just check your sight that way.

  17. Net, a load has been lifted! I feel like a long, lost family member has come home. Since April 4th I have now received four e-mails in a row from "It's a Wonderful Movie"!! Rah, Rah, Rah!!.....Thank you, thank you, thank you for resolving the issue!!


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