Plus, don't forget - after that, there is Indian Summer, too! ... And as far as my white shoes go - well, I don't think the Fashion Police will get me if I should decide to wear my Lilly Pulitzer white sandals just one more time!
Hopefully, many of you will have some time off and be able to spend the weekend and Labor Day (Monday), with Family and Friends! Isn't that red gingham picnic basket (above), just darling? If you want details about it - just click on the picture.
If you should have a rainy day, there are lots of nice Family Drama Marathons on TV this weekend.... including: The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, Heartland, and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Actually, for big fans of The Waltons, like myself, there will be two days of Marathons - Sunday on the Hallmark Channel and Monday on INSP.
Check the Family TV Schedule for more...
Have a great Labor Day Weekend... God bless!
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